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Everything posted by DaKahuna

  1. We are enjoying Peter Ritz. He did an Elton john tribute last night that was very well done. He changed glasses and jackets to match the songs. The venue was standing room only and several people around us commented that it should have been held in a larger venue. I have not been to the Pub or Boleros. There is entertainment shown in the app for both venue’s. I am also looking forward to tonight’s dinner - so many delicious things I like that are only served tonight so not sure what I will be having. Decisions, decisions.
  2. Thank you. Unfortunately his team lost today. They did better today though than they did in any game we saw them play last year.
  3. Verified, there are no video poker machines in the casino on Quantum. There was an announcement while I was in yhe casino last night about there being over $100,000 in payouts for jackpots in the casino this cruise.
  4. We are on he starboard side of Quantum and the starboard side has been the side facing the dock area in Ketchikan and Juneau. In Sitka the port side faced the city. Will not know until tomorrow which side will face the dock in Victoria. We have not seen any wildlife but have not really been looking.
  5. For those of you sailing I apologize for not providing more coverage on the various onboard activities but we are a very laid back couple and the only thing we have really done is enjoyed Peter Ritz in the Schooner Bar. We did watch “Starwater” in Two70 and found it entertaining but not enough watch twice. Tomorrow is a sea day and the only thing on our schedule is to watch our middle grandson’s football game on YouTube. He’s a sophomore at Keystone College and plays linebacker. We’ll be cheering for him.
  6. Not exactly accurate. Certain employee teams were posted at various muster stations but hardly “all”
  7. We ate at Jamie’s tonight. Our first Speciality restaurant experience this ctuise. We made to rookie mistake of trying too many dishes! Here are our main courses. My wife really liked the lasagna and the beef short rib was wonderful. As other’s have said - go there hungry!
  8. We walked off the ship today and strolled around Juneau for a bit. Not a lot going on but have made plans for what we’ll do when we are there again next week. IMG_7119.MOV
  9. It does not matter. You get the OBC regardless of the way you book the cruise, it's not a price reduction.
  10. The fire last night was not a major event like the one that took an entire engine out of commission. The entire event lasted about an hour and that included the time it took for the hot watches to be established and verifly that there were no potential hot spots that could flare up and start a fire. The captain came on about and hour ago and commended the crew for their rapid response in handling the situation. While fire aboard a ship is a serious matter, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill in the case of last night's events. However, people have to do what makes them feel comfortable up to and including cancelling a scheduled cruise on Quantum.
  11. Sorry, I have not noticed any video poker machines in the casino. I'll make it a point to check tonight.
  12. You need to have a minimum of 100 shares and you receive: $50 OBC for sailing of 5 nights or less $100 OBC for sailings of 6 - 13 nights $250 OBC for sailing of 14 night or more. https://www.rclinvestor.com/contact-us/faqs/shareholder-benefit/
  13. We are on the Quantum of the Sea now and both our sea days are in the open ocean. Going north, you will see land on the horizon on the starboard side but it's predominantly off in the distance. Returning to Seattle, the land (mostly islands) will be on the port side of the ship. Unfortunately we are not sailing the Inside Passage on this cruise. My favorite things to do on sea days are to people watch, take a nap, or sit on the balcony and watch the world go by. Sea days are my favorite.
  14. We are aboard Quantum now. Last night's fire was in the engine room and was quickly and professionally contained and extinguished by the crew. As a precautionary measure, decks 0 - 6 after were closed off from the rest of the ship. I was in the Casino on Deck 3 when the first announcement was made. Nothing changed. When "Kilo" was announced, they started closing down the casio but there as no panic that I witnessed. The croupier simply colored up my chips and I went to the cashier's cage and cashed out. When they closed off the aft end of the ship, I walked up the stairs to the Schooner Bar and took a seat. The bar was obviously crowded, as well as the surrounding area, but the bar remained opened. In his post above, @chengkp75 pretty much laid out exactly what happened. My wife was in our cabin on deck 12 and simply remained there the whole time.
  15. Quite correct as there are rules that commercial aircraft must follow. There are also rules/maritime laws that govern cruise ship operations and I am certain that if it were unsafe the ship would not be sailing. If you are uncomfortable with the current situation, then I would suggest not cruising, otherwise I would put it out of my mind and trust the Captain & crew to do their jobs and provide a safe and enjoyable cruise.
  16. We have no concerns with continuing our B2B at all. Having spent 24 years in the US Navy and having had engine failures, including a total loss of power, the fact that two of four engines are out of operation at this time is not a concern. While there is an active maintenance crew working on the engines, I have not been able to find out when they expect repairs to be completed. Hopefully, by the time the ship sails for Hawaii or Australia, but rather that it’s done correctly versus just a patch job.
  17. Well, the aft end of the ship has been closed for the last half hour. There was a fire in the engine room and the moved everyone from deck six aft and lower to the forward part of the ship. My wife had decided to stay in our room while I went to the casino to play roulette. They closed the casino and moved everyone forward silo I have been camped out at the Schooner bar waiting for them to re-open the aft portion of the ship. The fire was quickly contained and under control but it is taking them a while to secure all the gear and perform the necessary safety checks. Anyway, I think the crew responded well and performed very professionally.
  18. That sounds good but I have already been chastised for all the red meat I have consumed this cruise. Maybe since I had chicken for lunch and fish for dinner tonight I will be able to get away with steak tomorrow night!
  19. We are very interested to read your thoughts on Jamie’s. We are scheduled to have dinner there tomorrow evening. Will be our first time we’ve eaten there.
  20. Some beautiful views from the Suite Lounge as we sail for Juneau. Our Suite Concierge says this cruise was the first since summer to see snow on the mountains.
  21. Apparently, the maintenance crew is onboard and working on the engine repair. The one engine was down for scheduled maintenance when the other engine suffered a major catastrophe. They are hopeful repairs will be completed prior to the TP to Hawaii / Australia.
  22. The only thing I have heard is that the part had to be ordered and it's not something that can just simply be put into place. It may require special maintenance period. But now that you mention it I will see what I can find out and get back to you. Leaving Sitka -- beautiful scenery is one of our favorite things about cruising in Alaska.
  23. The only thing I have heard is that the part had to be ordered and it's not something that can just simply be put into place. It may require special maintenance period. But now that you mention it I will see what I can find out and get back to you.
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