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Everything posted by pete14

  1. Welcome back Sharon but make sure you take it easy for the next few weeks and months. I am sure we will make life as easy as we can for you by behaving ourselves: No politics No Covid No mentioning agents No straying from P&O chat No impoliteness to others No other behaviour deemed to be naughty, etc. No problem 😊
  2. Both Arcadia and Aurora are adult only ships.
  3. Nobody seems to have mentioned that the port authority, relying on expert advice, especially from the highly trained pilot who boards the ship to provide expert guidance on the current situation, both at the time and the projected conditions during the stay, including the departure, was prepared to allow Britannia to dock and be berthed safely. Bunkering for fuel would not have been attempted if there was any projected risk. Were they to blame? Probably not, but if they were happy that it was safe, no blame should be attached to anyone apart from in the unlikely event that the ropes were in some way damaged. Several years ago, we were almost at the entrance to Olden harbour in Norway. The pilot had doubts about whether it would be safe to leave in the afternoon because of high winds and expressed his thoughts to the captain who dropped him off, turned round and sailed away.
  4. We are also on this cruise. Even though it seems as though we are the only cruise ship in Tromso at that time, I think Sogne is likely to be correct. I have been to Tromso three or four times on similar sized (or smaller) ships and never docked in the centre of the city unfortunately. There is a shuttle laid on though. Alta will almost certainly be out of town as well which is not great.
  5. There probably is a list deep within the P&O website but probably better to go through cruises you fancy and check for yourself.
  6. I just hope those who are coming home are not stuck in the airport enduring delays caused by the computer system failure at the flight control centre that is causing chaos according to media reports.
  7. Does anybody know whether the golf simulator is still on the top deck of Aurora alongside the nets?
  8. We’re on her in November, first cruise for nearly 5 years so those of you on her between now and then, please leave her in the good shape that you find her in.
  9. After some brilliant displays at yesterday’s Rhyl air show, including the amazing Red Arrows, today is cold wet and windy which doesn’t bode well for day 2. At least there may be fewer empties to take to recycle if it doesn’t brighten up a bit.
  10. The problem is that even though I have similar memories from the 60s and early 70s, such phrases have gone through my head and possibly out of my mouth a generation later.
  11. The cost of our Aurora cruise in November is still showing much more than we paid for an early booking. No refunds for us I guess. ☹️
  12. So glad you had a nice day. Happy anniversary to you both.
  13. Well done but make sure you don’t aggravate your ‘bowlers shoulder’, especially if it is on the side you hold your wine glass.
  14. Not wishing to be controversial here but I do think there is a lot of viewing through rose tinted spectacles going on. I enjoy watching football and will be going to a game this afternoon. It is quite true that there are aspects of the men’s game that do the players little credit but they also appear to exist in the women’s game as well. Some players seem to fall over easily as in the men’s game and time wasting exists in both men’s and women’s football. Have we forgotten the England player deliberately treading on an opponent while she was on the ground? I have no problem at all with women playing football but comparisons with the men’s game are not helpful.
  15. You can count us in (depending on the date). Perhaps we could share a taxi.
  16. Actually not too bad because my vision has hardly changed so I have kept my current glasses. As for Mrs Pete, no such luck 😱
  17. That is an option we have used before but there always seems to be a cunning offer that means you have to pay more.
  18. We use Vision Express for convenience. I have asked them about whether they have a collection point for unused glasses but they no longer do it. I think Specsavers are the same but if anyone knows different, I am sure they will let us know. There must be millions of pairs of unused glasses throughout the country that could help those who may need them. The buy one, get one free or heavily reduced offers that opticians promote doesn’t help in this respect.
  19. I think if your self seeded sycamore has managed to grow in your jungle, it deserves to stay at home. Our collection is complete. Enjoy your lazy day tomorrow, we are having our eyes tested which will almost certainly mean new glasses. Just a pity they don’t take old ones in part exchange.
  20. Sounds like great service. Booking an appointment by the app allows you to choose the most appropriate person for your needs rather than receptionist choosing for you. Not sure which is best.
  21. Perhaps you live in an healthy part of the city. Our surgery is pretty good though and highly rated. You can book appointments online via the NHS app which is quite useful.
  22. Not the dreaded ‘bowler’s shoulder’? Like tennis elbow but somewhere else.
  23. There is a slight resemblance to the picture in the papers. Hold the front page!
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