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Everything posted by pete14

  1. I just hope Charlie doesn’t expect us to refer to him as King Charlie and be deferential to him.
  2. Having just been for a walk with Charlie, you shouldn’t get cold as it is warmer than it has been recently. Maybe a little damp though. Enjoy. 😊
  3. There is some fairly half hearted bunting around reception, but little else and I can’t see any individual vans decorated for the coronation. Mind you, there aren’t many people here at the moment, maybe tomorrow will be different.
  4. I think what many people do will be determined by what others do. We can’t have a street party because we live on a Close 🥴. Never mind, we will be at our static caravan in North Wales where no doubt everybody will be celebrating the elevation of their Prince to the monarchy (apart from Ardennais who I presume is from another part of Wales).
  5. Couldn’t your short player play marbles instead? Similar sort of game but with smaller balls.😇
  6. So one letter signed by 93 people (including spouses, partners etc)? I am not surprised there were outbreaks of Norovirus on such a long cruise but of course it needs to be handled properly despite some people no doubt resisting preventative measures. If it wasn’t, it is right to complain but only if the complainers took all the precautions they were asked to take. Covid sadly is of course still with us and needs to be managed to prevent an outbreak, even if measures taken are not universally popular.
  7. 93 formal complaints from over 2000 passengers on a 100ish day cruise is 93 more than you would like but considering how many people we have all experienced on cruises moaning at the slightest thing and the burgeoning compensation culture, I am not really surprised. Out of interest, how did you find out about the 93 and apart from cleanliness, what were the other complaints about?
  8. I noticed it straightaway of course but thought it best not to say anything. 🥴
  9. If it did, it would probably have a positive effect 🥴
  10. I was quite impressed for a change. As I am currently in Wales (with my phone), the message was in Welsh followed by the English version. I assume the message was the same on each.
  11. Well done (unless it was against a team local to me).
  12. I may disagree with the word independent to describe BBC, especially when those at the top of the organisation are usually govt appointees, but no matter. Where I think they have problems with bias / non bias is that they sometimes seem to give too much emphasis to minority views in the interest of providing balance, especially in areas where political parties are in general agreement. Talking heads with an agenda to promote their minority point of view (usually from pressure groups) are not necessarily fact checked, especially if broadcast live. Of course, issues of morality or ethics often cannot rely on fact as they are only opinion, usually supported by some evidence which some may wish to debate.
  13. Sorry if you need to stand on your head to appreciate the picture.
  14. Not even on the cold, wet, windy,Tuesday nights we seem to specialise in. No doubt you will want our player on loan from Southampton back as well.
  15. As A Stoke City fan, many of us would probably hope you both lose. Mind you, the Premier League holds less interest for us at the moment. Maybe the best team on the day should win.
  16. Sounds as though things are not going well. I hope that the rest of the cruise experience is much better. I think the best thing is to cruise outside school holidays if you are able or pay more and go child-free. Clearly some parents need to take greater responsibility of their offspring to ensure they behave in a decent manner and not run wild spoiling things for others.
  17. Sounds like good value to me. Paid twice that much yesterday for a cone with one scoop. I have to say it was nice though, as I expect the ones in the picture are.
  18. I am sure the baked bean cans she contributed towards have now all been used and not recycled back into a boat. 😇
  19. Looks lovely and the church bells set the scene. Have a lovely day. Very sunny here overlooking the sea as well.
  20. I can only report on the one I know and that is a Ninja. Probably one of the more expensive ones but excellent. Grills, roasts, bakes, fries, heats up and dehydrates, depending on the model.
  21. I ate it in France 30+ years ago and quite enjoyed it. Then I found out what it was 😉
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