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Posts posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. Good Morning!  We got home about 11:30 pm on Sunday night - Spent yesterday going through bags and trying to reorganize.


    We did have a good two weeks, but difficult at times.  This cruise was with our TA who we met on a cruise 17 years ago - she and I have been wonderful friends and we try to get together every so often to cruise.  They almost missed the first cruise as she wasn't feeling the best, but flew in the day of the cruise.  We got to spend some time with them, but on October 19th she got sick and was taken off the ship in Cozumel by ambulance ... On the 20th she passed away.  I am devastated, she was one of my closest friends.  Karen was only 63. 


    Belle,, hope you are having a good time on your cruise.  Izena - hope that you are feeling better!   Jan 

  2. Thanks for starting the thread Belle!  I finally remembered that today was Thursday and I actually weighed myself this morning.  Unfortunately, I stayed the same .... I was hoping for a loss.  I will probably weigh myself tomorrow too!  We leave on Saturday at 5:30 in the morning!  Hate early mornings, but so looking forward to this cruise!


    Hope everyone had a good week.  Jan


    PS - I have been doing portion control, not eating chocolate and doing some exercising!

  3. I finally weighed myself this morning ... I was down 0.6# (which is what I was up last week).  I am noticing that some clothes are fitting a little better.


    It's a dreary day here today - we are going to get some of the hurricane (unsettled) weather over the weekend with rain and some higher than normal winds.  Its been a crazy summer - been raining for weeks and then really hot muggy weather for weeks ... It isn't normal Maine weather here.  It is about peak for foliage.


    We leave a week from tomorrow for Miami and a b2b cruise - Western and Eastern.  I am so looking forward to getting away and relaxing again.  This has been a year of more cruises than normal.  (I'm not complaining!). 


    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Belle, glad you had a loss!  Jan

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  4. Belle - I was at my goal weight many months ago and then seemed to gain much of it back again.  I am currently 41# less than my starting weight and 27# more than my weight when I met my goal.  I would be happy to lose 17# and to maintain.  It is so difficult to maintain ... I think that is where many of us have problems.  I find that I reach the point I want to be and I stop watching my food intake and then way too soon I am higher than I want to be.  


    I've decided that having a few (10# or so) more than a wanted goal weight is good for where I am at in life (age wise) ... I really think that having a few "extra" pounds is good as it is a buffer for what ever hits life wise ... I'm not sure it that makes sense.  Jan

  5. Izena - I went back through my last year's calendar and realized that since I met you I am actually down 11#  ... sometimes it is good to check!  (I'm surprised!)


    We leave in 15 days for our next cruise - was really hoping to be down by then ... but, now I'm hoping that the scale will be down 1#.  I've been pretty good with eating ... only problem is that when DH gets home we seem to talk and have snacks ... have to stop eating honey roasted peanuts and kettle corn.  It is so difficult to not just eat a few and then a few more and on and on!.  I have been limiting wine to about 1/4 cup in the evening while relaxing and drinking more water ... some days no wine at all.  


    Hope everyone is having a good week.  Jan



  6. Izena - I'm sorry you are having bp problems - when is your visit to the neurologist - hope you don't have a long wait.


    I stayed the same as last week - disappointed, but haven't done much exercising.  Was hoping to lose at least 10# before our cruise the middle of October, but scales aren't moving (guess I need to move more!).


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  7. 18 minutes ago, Izena said:

    TX. I did same cruise with carnival last year.   My favorite must do excursion is sloth monkey sanctuary.  Can hold the sloth.  Not a ship excursion but there are several companies that will pick you up at the peer.    They changed the itinerary from stopping at Costa Maya to a Belize stop.  

    Izena - where did you go that had the sloths?  We are doing a cruise in October and another on in March that goes to Roatan and we are doing a tour with Bodden Tours that does sloths.  Jan

  8. wow - Izena - You should be so proud of yourself (which I'm sure you are .... that is amazing!!!)


    I've been gaining and losing the same pounds for about two months now - I am down 0.8# this week (which was what I was up last week).  I need to start doing more exercising.  DH has agreed to go to the gym a few times per week ... but we only seem to have gone once.  


    Cooler here today -nice and sunny and high is only expected to be 72.  Did anyone see the moon last night - it was beautiful!  Hope everyone had/has a good week.  Jan



  9. 36 minutes ago, JustUs275 said:

    Izena - we've been under the "heat dome" this week too. My car said it was 100* at around 11:30a.m.! And terrible humidity too. Definitely not outdoor walking weather. I believe our advisory ends tomorrow night at 10:00. I hope weather and other things get better for you soon!


    Jan - I agree with pricing - everything is so much more expensive now. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out.


    I lost 1 lb - making a total of 40# lost since February. 

    Have a great weekend, everyone!


    Terri - Congratulations on your #1 loss and even more so for your total loss - that is amazing - I hope you are very proud of yourself!!!  Jan

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  10. Izena - hope things start getting easier for you.  I understand the struggling to get back on track.  Yesterday I sat with a container of ice cream (orange cream) and a spoon.   Ate too many spoonfuls.  I seem to be doing ok, but then something comes along that I just must eat!!!  


    I stayed the same this week - not what I wanted.  I will keep trying.


    Pricing is crazy here too - electric is insane, food is very expensive, housing is totally unbelievable, I'm not sure how anyone can afford a new home.


    Hope that all have a good week.  Jan

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