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Posts posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. 16 minutes ago, Duanerice1 said:

    What did you do the prior 5 trips?  Trying to decide what to do. 


    That is a good question - first year we did a tour with Lawrence of Antigua - that was a wonderful tour.  Second time we did a boat tour which was a lot of fun - but cannot remember the name of the company.  3-4-5 we did Beach Beachlimerz - which we really loved for the first 2 times we were there.  Unfortunately our December,2022 was not quite the same, and even though it was still very nice, we decided that we wanted to try something different.  Still not sure what we will do in October.  Jan


    Edit to add:  The boat tour was Adventure Antigua - Eli's Original Eco Tour (I don't know if they still have tours and if their tours are still the same).

  2. Izena - Glad you are feeling well!  Nice that you didn't gain.  I unfortunately am up 0.8# ... I've tried so hard, but I just don't seem to be able to stay on track.  I did not snack ... I did have a glass or two of wine a few days ... but, I'm still not eating much.  Food still tastes like salt!


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  3. I am finally testing negative for covid - wow it took forever - hopefully I won't ever go through it again!


    I have been counting my calories and I never ate more than 1,200 per day and haven't had a glass of wine (or other drinks) in 20 days.  I gained 0.6#  I just don't understand what is going on.  I need to keep trying, but it can be difficult when the scales don't change for the better.


    Hope everyone has a great week.


    Glad you didn't gain Izena - heat has been horrible for so many people - sorry you are going through that!


    SoloAlaska - congratulations on the loss over last week.  Don't mean to be nosey, but what are you exhibiting?  How anyone can say no to poutine is beyond me - its so good!    Jan

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  4. Belle - before I turned 70 driver's license were good for 6 years, now they are good for 4 and I have to go in for eye testing.  So glad I don't have to answer questions!!!!


    I'm still waiting for covid to go away.  We are to leave on Saturday for my SIL's funeral in Michigan.  We will not go unless testing comes back negative.


    Its been a decent week - Jan

  5. Good Morning all  - I am being very unactive as I am so very tired.  I only have 2 1/2 days left of Paxlovid and being in the house.  DH is also sick.  Kids have been very helpful with getting groceries, etc.  Just wish I could hug them.


    I weighed myself this morning for the first time since we were on our cruise and I am down 3.8#.  Guess that is one thing about covid - it really takes your appetite away.


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan 

  6. Belle - I think that on the ship there were under 5 people that I saw wearing masks.  The last I heard from a group I belong to was probably 12-20 people who have it (don't know exact numbers) and there are not a lot of people on that site.  I am trying to get the medicine .... apparently there is a "snafu" with the paxlovid and reactions when kidneys don't function properly ... so figure, always something!!!


    Alaska for 40 days sounds lovely!   Jan

  7. We got back to Maine today from our cruise.  I loved Alaska, it is beautiful!  We had a great time with my DB & DSIL.  We got off the ship on Friday and that night/or Saturday morning I wasn't feeling well.  Took a covid test today and it is positive - first time - I'm so cold.  I'm going to call the Doctors to see if I can get medicine.  People are now posting on our cruise that they got it.  My brother has it.  My husband does not.


    I doubt if I lost any weight while we were gone.  Good luck to all this week.  Jan

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Belle said:

    It's Tuesday. Are you doing good in your eating? Ready to weigh on Thursday?


    Have any tips for us in here that helps you stay on track and eat less?

    I have done well with my eating, we leave in the morning, so have been hoping that I could post tomorrow with a loss, but unfortunately, I haven't lost anything since last Thursday.  I will see where I am tomorrow.  Not going to worry too much while on the cruise, I'll just try to get some walking in!!  Jan

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  9. We deadheaded a rosebush today (it runs along our front fence and it blooms 3 times in the summer - they are a beautiful pink and I get wonderful compliments on them).  They are a hybrid and people have taken clippings of them, but they can't be reproduced.  I also did some weeding - somehow there is a new invasive "flower" that is taking over everywhere ... I can't seem to get rid of it.


    I think I got my exercise in today!!!  Jan

  10. Belle this year is just flying by!!!  I've been eating ok - Did have a few drinks last night (Friday's is date night).  Exercised yesterday ... not today, but I need to go out and spend sometime in the flower garden, so will count that as exercise.  Jan

  11. Izena - I am all packed.  We leave next Wednesday (fly out of Portland Thursday) get on the ship oon Friday.  I am so ready!!!


    I'm glad to say that I am down 1.4# this week.  I would love to lose another # before our cruise.  Then I will only have 10-40# to go.  


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

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  12. Izena - sorry that you are struggling!  The weather is crazy everywhere - I believe it has rained here every day for the past 45 days (except for 2 days when it was in the high 80's).  Hope it starts getting more manageable in Texas.  


    I weighed myself this morning and I am down 0.8# - I would like to lose 2# before our Alaska cruise (probably won't) and then hopefully I can get some motivation to really lose!!!


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  13. Good Morning - as usual I forgot to weigh yesterday ... perhaps I will later.  Don't think I gained much, but don't think I am down either.  Hard to be motivated right now!


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Izena sorry about your power loss and your headache!!!  Hope things start getting better.


    Susan - Nice that you were down ... enjoy the grands!!!  Jan

  14. MTNest93 - How exciting that you hit your cruise weight goal!!!  That is truly amazing.  


    Our 1st cruise (and we thought it was a once in a lifetime adventure) was for our 30th anniversary!!!  First time I ever bought a long sparkly dress ... I hope your cruise is magical and that you decide to enjoy many more! 


    We have cruises booked for the future, up to cruise 32 and will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in August.  Jan



  15. Belle I'm glad that you are having a good time cruising with your daughter.  It is on my bucket list to do a Europe cruise.  In 2025 we do have a transatlantic cruise (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy).  Hope the rest of your voyage is as lovely .... congrats on being one of the "most traveled".  Enjoy!!!  Jan

  16. As usual, I forgot it was Thursday until after I had breakfast - I will try to remember to weigh tomorrow.


    Izena - Nice that you are back on track .... sometimes old photos can be a great motivator.


    MTNest93 -  Staying the same isn't bad ... 


    I'll write more tomorrow - Jan

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  17. Belle, hope you feel better - enjoy the time with your daughter.  I know what it is like to not have any energy and to be tired all the time - 


    Alabaster Cruiser - 1# is wonderful!!!! I would love to be down at least 2# by the time our cruise starts!


    I am down 0.6# this week - I'm very happy with it.  We leave for our cruise to Alaska on 7/13 - looking forward to it.  I have all my "stuff" packed, but DH is another story.


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

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  18. Welcome to the group Sebsgran - 


    Congratulations Susan for having a loss.  We will be having our youngest grandson next year while his parents go on a "kid free" cruise.  Looking forward to it (he will be 2 1/2 but know it will be a challenge!


    I finally weighed myself today and I am the same as last week - at least no gain!  Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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