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Posts posted by VK3DQ

  1. Hi Folks


    Well I was just talking to the VIP'er and we agree its going to be a long time before we will be able to cruise again , our thoughts are that when we are allowed we will slowly drive up the hume  Gold and Sunshine coasts then a quick call in on the grandkids at Hervey bay and then toddle north till we get sick of it.


    I have a nice car Kia Sportage GT Line with all that opens and shuts , and less than 20k on the clock in three years so its time it did some work 

    So for the first time in years our thoughts are not on cruising ... and I recon countless ozzies will have similar thoughts




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  2. 15 minutes ago, LittleFish1976 said:


    Full english is definitely a thing in Australia. Can't think why it wouldn't be. And give me black pudding any day. I definitely prefer 'proper' food of english heritage than the American type food that's around so much on most cruise ships.

    A Pair of well grilled kippers with brown bread and butter!!!





  3. Hi Folks


    Out of all the hundreds of ships around the Australian coast the now empty cruise liners offer very little threat ... they will find safe haven at a number of commercial ports away from the bright lights


    give a moments thoughts to their crews ..a long way from home and not a chance in hell of getting home


    So stop being silly Australia , without ships this country will wither away .....show some compassion allow them to swing at anchor out in the bay





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  4. I have about $2,500 in fares for Virgin flights that are not going to happen any time soon

    Frankly I dont expect to see any refunds perhaps at some time in the future I am get a credit

    I even took their extra insurance when booking (covermore) which seems totally worthless


    I suspect Virgin as we know them might not be back after this is all over




  5. Hi Folks


    Still alive here but confined to barracks , had my first "Telehealth" consultation , doctor rang me sent scripts to chemist who lost them then found the next day so not too much of an issue ... Elsie the MIL (95y/o) is as fit as a fiddle and working on huge jigsaw puzzle in the lounge VIP'er the wife is champing at the bit to get outside , she will I feel suffer the most in our household as she is used to being out and about , As for me , well I can enjoy my own company so I'll be ok as long as my pain pills work and I get enough to eat (grin)


    My doctors says I am not to leave the house ......Oh dear..


    Should I run away to sea ....




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  6. 3 minutes ago, DiamondFour said:



    I think airlines may have to rethink seating arrangements and increase space and cruise lines may

    have to rethink passenger space ratios or dispense with small cabins for 4 people.


    Hi Folks


    Yes agree here no more being squashed in like sardines , and a return to some SINGLE cabins on ships ... But I still stick to my original thoughts of a two year pause for cruising and for things to be very different after that




  7. Hi Folks


    Our 21 November 2020 Cruise on Serenade of the Seas just goes around the north Island of New Zealand .. I suspect the cruise will not take place however I suppose that being cast away with the Kiwis would not be so bad  confined in a batch and fed on Fush & Chups and Steinlarger one could get used to the idea now we need to arrange for the ship to have a small mechanical issue , perhaps the anchor could get stuck on the bottom .... Akaroa sound like the spot ,,,,


    Deckchair and Cab Sav.....




  8. 11 hours ago, GUT2407 said:

    Up to last week it has always been “even painkillers don’t work anymore” I am hoping that this new doctor may be onto something. But not holding my breath.


    Yes! and when you tell them the pain killers dont work they dont listen to you .... frankly at my age 74 I dont care too much any more I just want the pain to stop for an hour ....

    Had my first telemedicne appointment , my GP rang me and sent my scrips to the pharmacy across the road.... 


    Confined to barracks .... 






  9. Hi Hattie


    Whist we are very disapointed that our cruise on the QE is not going to happen , we are at least safe and sound here in Melbourne Australia , the power is on the internet works and there is good stock of most things in the supermarkets .

    We have a comfortable home and its not going to be such a horrid thing to bunker down here for a while.


    Most people seem to not be panicking over silly issues like toilet paper, but I do have the last laugh on that issue having installed a washlet bidet toilet so we dont need paper at all...(grin)


    Next cruise booked is onboard  Serenade of the Seas in late November , thats a fair way down the track but my thoughts are that its going to be a very long time before cruising recovers in this part of the world


    Kindest Regards


    • Like 3
  10. Hi  Folks


    At the moment here in outer eastern Melbourne there appears no reason to panic , the food supply chain is working and the power is on  most folks I think would be fine shopping once a week . In general people seem to be well behaved and there are no "Gangs" roaming the streets.

    I dont know about after dark , it might be a good idea to impose a dusk to dawn curfew , our biggest threat is the breakdown of law and order, looting and the suchlike , once we allow this to happen we are in severe strife ...




  11. Hi Folks


    Thanks for all that suggested pain medication (Endone) , Yes I am aware of Endone  but together with my GP I have decided to keep the use of opiates down as much as possible so I am using a cocktail of drugs for pain control I am also enrolled at the pain control clinic at my local hospital  and am due to see a specialist pain control doctor next month


    I also have used the ambulance a few times when things get out of control , they turn up and pump me full of morphine and I end up in casualty for eight hours  and get sent home with small amount of endone


    Drugs I am using include Palexia, Lyrica . Panadine Forte , and Bushcopam  thats in addition to approx 17 pills via webster packs for blood pressure , thyroid and other issues , Oh not forgetting Fuselemide (PEE PilL)


    So you can all see that my case is totally hopeless  the only thing that helps is  at least TEN DAYS at sea preferably in a nice suite

    The cure to be repeated as needed






    pps Its a good idea that we all stay away from hospitals ..leave the beds to those fighting for their lives  I wont be going unless its a dire emergency 

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