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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. I thinks it's nice that their pee patch looks like green grass. I guess that's more to please the owners, what with dogs being colour blind and all.
  2. The Magnificent Seven! (Where's the bald one?)
  3. For Cooler Glasto may I put in a word for The Carpenters. Not only did Richard pen some catchy tunes but Karen had, surely, the pre-eminent voice of her generation. A few get close - Annie Lennox maybe, Eve Cassidy perhaps - but nobody can match that soaring, smokey purity. I'm not alone. Paul McCartney thinks so too!
  4. tnm6217, Good for you for taking a stand. Companies that overpromise and under-deliver are, sadly, more the norm than the exception. You are fortunate to have the skills to pursue this. If only all companies were held to account then we might all get better service. And on a point of principle it matters not what the value of the dispute is in monetary terms. Just while we are on the subject, how do fast food outlets get away with photographs of the perfect burger when what they deliver often bears only a passing similarity to the advertised item?
  5. When S and G did their "Old Friends" tour (2003ish, I think) we saw them at the Koelnarena in Germany. They really were outstanding. That might well be the only concert at which I knew every word to every song. When people talk of the great singer/songwriters they talk (rightly) of Dylan, McCartney, Elton and so forth. Somewhere on the top 5 there must be a spot for Paul Simon. He can go from the gentlest tenderness to coruscating inventive all wrapped in the sweetest of melodies and pitch perfect arrangements. You don't have to be a flashy performer to be a genius! I'd also like to vote for Carol King.
  6. During an REM concert? That's me in the corner...
  7. 108? If only she'd looked after herself....
  8. To be honest, if it were a choice between fellow passengers bringing their dogs or their children I'd go for the dogs. Dogs don't: 1. Carry norovirus, covid, measles, TB etc 2. Run around unsupervised. 3. Burst into tears and have a paddy if they don't get their ice cream RIGHT NOW. 4. Bomb into the pool (or pee in it for that matter) 5. Hog the ping pong table/pool I could go on. In fact, I will: 6. Eat chips/chocolate/sweets all day 7. Leave smears from 6 above on furnishings 8. Whinge plaintively and loudly that they are too hot, too cold, hungry, thirsty, feel sick. 9. Make you wonder where their parents are 10. Make you wonder how 10 million years of evolution has passed some people by.
  9. No TV. Had a wireless, though, and my Grandfather would have one of us read the Belfast Telegraph to him. It didn't strike me until I was well into my teens that I'd never know him write anything nor read a book/newspaper. That's an Irish education for you!
  10. Oooh. Until the mid-60s we had the family zinc bathtub which was filled on Friday evening and the oldest went first. By the time it was my turn the water was, at best, cold. And suspiciously grey. My grandfather only had indoor plumbing installed in the late 60s. However he refused to have an indoor toilet as he considered having such a thing in the house disgusting. Nothing like sitting in the outhouse on a February night while listening to the riots on the Falls Road.
  11. I can take that. I've eaten at Terrazza!
  12. Dogs I can take. Humans? Not so much.
  13. When using a public toilet it's always best to leave a small deposit.
  14. But that would spoil the excitement!
  15. A few years ago in Miami we took an uber from the hotel to Fort Lauderdale but the Wind was at a different berth from normal (the Fleet was in) and took us some while to find. It was still only about 12.15 but we assumed boarding had started. As we entered the hangar-like terminal a woman with a clip board came along and shouted (nicely), "Silver Wind passengers this way, please." We followed her and were taken directly to the check-in area. Unbeknownst to us there were maybe 20 people seated in the terminal waiting to board. So through no fault of our own but with perfect serendipity we were first aboard. There was, to be fair, a good deal of muttering as the others joined the check-on line. Ah well.
  16. Good to hear that the earth still moves for you. 😏
  17. I think there are times when experience just means many years of doing something badly.
  18. At least we have a reference point for where tipping becomes bribery.
  19. It's the adults that often need behaviour lessons.
  20. It certainly means a fierce determination never to return to that life.
  21. That beats the entire run of "Dynasty"!
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