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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Mum still causes me some angst but she’s ok thanks. Glad things have improved your end.
  2. Hi Sarah, nice to hear from you, hope all is well.
  3. I think you had much better than us in June/July. Unusually we’ve had a much better August than June and July!
  4. Hope your experience gets better MB, looking forward to the rest of your reports!
  5. Morning all, we had a nice Bank holiday yesterday as we took a trip to Ramsgate. Tuesdays are my day off so I’m sorting out various admin for my mum!
  6. I’ve said before, I visited Guernsey in 2022, going by SeaCat. Everyday we saw ships coming in. On the Friday Ventura was due and I was going to take a photo and send to my friend because I went with her on a cruise on Ventura and we didn’t make it to Guernsey. Guess what, she didn’t make it that day either so I can see why people get frustrated because it seemed quite warm and sunny most of the day! My own record on cruises is tried to get in 3 times, never made it!
  7. Morning all, not much going on here, John at work. Got a full line of washing out, perfect conditions, sun and wind! Mum has quite a bump on her forehead but seems ok, she’s tougher than she looks!
  8. Much better weather than here Graham, although the sun is out now. This afternoon the rain was quite heavy.
  9. She does it at least three times a week! Normally they just say she’s gone down gently on her bottom or her knee.I get a call every time though which is draining! We visited this afternoon, she’s got a right bump on her forehead! She was annoyed they ‘bothered’ me by phoning so I told her to behave! But she won’t, she can’t seem to help herself.
  10. It’s her Parkinson’s making her unsteady on her feet. She doesn’t help herself either -ie wheeling her walker to a couple of feet away and then reaching over. When she stayed with us I was constantly holding onto her waist. She’s very stubborn. There must be something in her Parkinson’s brain because if I did something and I hurt myself I make sure I don’t do that same thing again! To be honest if she just sat in a wheelchair and never moved she’d be ok but she’s not like that. Here is a screen shot of my phone today - HeatherDale is the name of her Home!
  11. We were on Britannia in June when we had a port changed. The captain announced it as we were sailing out of Southampton, again no reason given. They changed Santander to Vigo so I was rather miffed - we did end up having a good day in Vigo but it was disappointing as I’d booked an excursion in Santander to visit an early Gaudi building that looked interesting. The only one outside of Barcelona I think.
  12. Always a good idea! Wine and tapas - lovely! It’s just started raining here and Mum has had a little fall this morning! Not a great start to the day! John is working today and tomorrow but is off Monday when the weather is supposed to be dry so I’m hoping we can do something then. Off to have my lunch now (salad wraps) then when John gets home we’re off to visit Mum.
  13. Sorry I missed your anniversary too Graham and Pauline. Happy belated wishes to you both xx 🥂🥂 🌹 🌹🥂🥂
  14. Belated Happy Birthday Michelle, can’t believe I haven’t here since Tuesday, hope you had a lovely day xx
  15. Morning all, dull start but sun coming through now.
  16. Nice to hear from you Avril, sorry you haven’t been feeling yourself but pleased Frank and yourself are physically ok. Hope you’re back more regularly soon. 😘
  17. Evening all, I had been wondering where Avril was too, hope her and Frank are ok. Yesterday there was a Summer Party at my Mum’s home. We all went- John and I, my sister and her husband and our son, partner and grandchild. It was good fun, they’d decorated the place and they had a singer and awards! My mum got the “Mrs Tumble” award 😆 There was a huge buffet, I only had a couple of sausage rolls and some crisps but the men (and our 5 year old grandson) had burgers and/or hot dogs! They said they were very good. They have a bar there and a glass of wine or beer was £2.50! We also sat in the very warm garden too.
  18. I haven’t seen it yet but my friend’s daughter is currently touring in ‘A Chorus Line’ I’m seeing it next month when it’s at Canterbury.
  19. Looks lovely Graham. Yes I love butter first in an ideal world but that wasn’t offered this time ☺️
  20. Hello all. Took mum to her appointments on Tuesday, she was called over an hour late. I went to enquire if they’d missed her because they’re normally pretty prompt there. Turns out she was seeing the actual consultant and not one of the underlings . She was lovely but I can see why she was overrunning , she chatted for ages about non related stuff! Then we zoomed over to our usual local hospital to get the X-ray done on her bent finger. Queue not too big so we hoped we’d have her back to the Home for a late lunch by 2pm. After the X-ray they said they wanted us to go to A&E! Nooo! We all said couldn’t we come back the next day because we were all hot and hungry and as she did it two weeks ago we didn’t think another day would matter. No, they’d rather we didn’t, gave us the impression we’d be sort of rushed through - no! We joined a queue just to book in that didn’t move for ages! 😞 Anyway they decided it wasn’t broken or dislocated so we took her back to the Home. Not the best day off for John and I - we picked her up at 9.30 and got her back at 4.30!! Mum was shattered too. Her speech was really poor by the end not surprisingly and they kept asking me how the fall happened - I wasn’t there so didn’t see it! As a result I had a banging migraine yesterday so didn’t go to work. Back at work today but when John got home from work we went to a local place for a coffee and cake - I had a scone .
  21. Very well done to them. You have every right to be proud.
  22. Hot hot here, too hot, suppose to be about 32! I felt a bit wobbly at work so had to go in search of biscuits! I got a taxi home as I finish at 1pm so it was a bit much walking in that. I’m now sitting calmly in shorts with the fan going!
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