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Posts posted by runner2013

  1. Thanks for all the info everybody.

    I just did some more research, and I found something on the RC page under the FAQ's that says you cannot transfer a booking made on board to a TA if the final payment has been made, or it's within the time frame where the final payment is due.

    So, the way I see it, if I wanted to do an open booking for a 7 day cruise in October, i'd need to transfer it before final payment would be due, which is 75 days out.

    Does that sound right?

  2. Both the DW and I have worked hard and saved a lot of money over a lot of years to be able to afford the number and quality of the vacations we now take. The next trip will be about 30k and the one after that closer to 50k. Some good investments along the way have certainly helped as well. When we go our children will inherit a lot but they ain't getting it all! As a wise man once said "Fly first class or your children will" We took that statement to heart.

    Ive always been a saver, for what's around the corner, whats down the road, what if something bad happens. etc. My guy has helped me to see you can still plan for the what-ifs in life, but enjoy yourself along the way.

    So I say, you've earned your happiness, don't feel badly at all.

  3. I've been on both. Carnival when I was in my 20s, several times and now on RC since I am in my 40s.. I much prefer Royal Caribbean. I also feel it is a step up from Carnival. I feel Carnival is more for the younger hard-party crowds where as Royal Caribbean, which also has it's own share of hard party crowds, may have more in the way of activities or other things to keep you entertained if you want to give your liver a break:)

    I guess it really depends on what you're looking for and only you two can decide that.

    Congrats on your marriage and enjoy which ever cruise you take!

  4. Breakfast and lunch in the MDR - better food and calmer than the Windjammer. Sauna, steamroom, showers, and tons of towels in the fitness center locker rooms.


    Pretty much everything is out there somewhere on a deck plan or buried in the Compass Activities, but it takes time to sort it out - music venues and times, Quest, Ice skating shows, etc.

    Can you take the towels from the fitness center and use them by the pool??

  5. Hi all,

    Looking for your thoughts about booking 2 more future cruises when we sail out on Liberty on the 29th.

    I've read it's not really worth it to book ahead anymore because the monetary perks among other extras aren't there. Especially if you do an 'open booking' as opposed to a 'definate booking'.

    But i've also read you should do it if you're afraid of missing out on certain rooms in certain places on a ship.

    If it makes a difference these sailings will only be the 3rd and 4th time sailing with RC so our C&A status is low.

    Those who have done it, was it worth it? Those who haven't do you wish you did?

    Thanks for your input

  6. Does anyone that cruises multiple times a year ever feel guilty about it? My wife and I have been on seven cruises since August 2011 and have three more booked before the end of this year. My wife no longer wants to tell anyone about our cruises because people get do jealous and judge us. Thought?



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    Who cares what others think. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it. Why shouldn't you reap the rewards from that?.

    You've been blessed to be able to do something you love, why not take advantage of it?

    I do get that others may be a little jealous, it's only natural-we're all human, but honestly, that's not your problem, it's theirs. (i'm a little jealous rignt now and i''m leaving for a cruise next week:)

    If it makes you feel guilty telling others you're going away so often, then keep a low profile about it in front of those who can't just be happy for you.

    They will have their day in the sun too.

    Enjoy your trips!!!

  7. While everyone's opinions and concerns do matter, and they are definately valid, there is one thing we all need to remember.

    If we don't like what RC is doing,(and they aren't the only cruiseline making cutbacks and changes)we can always just go somewhere else.


    The grass may not be greener on the other side though, so be careful what you wish for. :rolleyes:

  8. I'm starting to worry about my hair now . . . I'd been planning to stick with my normal routine on my upcoming cruise, plus extra showers to rinse out the chlorine from the pool, and a good hair lotion to tame the frizz. I guess embracing it is my only real option -- and hoping there's no real damage.


    I wouldn't worry about your hair at all. It took me many years to accept the fact I'm a true curly girl. Now that I have I love it.

    Just remember, no matter what you put in your hair, ultimately it's going to do what it wants.

    Definately embrace it;)

  9. I love long dresses and have so since I started buying party clothes back in high school more than 40 years ago. All my cruise evening dresses are floorlength. Now, while on our cruise this week, my fiancé tells me he would love to see me in short dresses because he loves my legs. This is the first time he's ever mentioned it. Time to go shopping again. Sigh.....


    But I'm still keeping some of my long dresses, especially for formal nights. Now to find some short, sexy casual dresses.


    Have him go shopping with you. Not only will he appreciate your legs, he will also appreciate what we go through to find that perfect dress ..

    Happy shopping:D

  10. If you're serious about the workout clothes (the fact you state you might not use them) take one outfit, leave the other 2 at home.


    Six tops is a lot for a 5 day trip, especially when you will be wearing a swimsuit/coverup a couple of those days. You could leave half of those home.


    Add a couple pair of shorts to go with those tops.


    You really only need one pair of flip flops.


    If you're serious about traveling at least once per year, invest in a travel sized dryer. It may take a couple more minutes to dry your hair, but it's half the size and weight of a regular dryer. Mine is years old and I've used it plenty. There are models that come with a diffuser, or better yet, a diffuser sleeve. There are several on Amazon:



    I wouldn't be surprised if you follow your packing list that you bring half of it home (or more) unworn. Not that that's a bad thing, just that (for me) I don't like carrying home clean clothes, I want everything worn and dirty, no extras.


    I haven't decided what to take on my next cruise, but my list will pretty much follow this (7 night cruise, one night pre and 2 nights post):


    One pair black slacks, one pair white slacks for evening.

    Two dressy tops, three casual tops for evening. One pair evening shoes. Two of the three tops will be worn twice, the pants laundered a couple times each.


    Three pair shorts, one pair capris, five tops to mix and match all. One pair sandals. Two sundresses.


    One bathing suit, one cover up, one pair flip flops.


    Underwear, bras.


    Toiletries, small first aid kit, travel blow dryer (I have never used one in a hotel or on any cruise ship that I found acceptable), camera, iPod. Cell phone, turned off, only used for emergencies. There are a few odds and ends in my carry on, stuff that is always packed and ready to go. I pretty much have everything I use on a daily basis (toiletries, makeup tools, alarm clock, etc..) in travel sizes. It beats having to gather all that stuff every time we travel.


    Tote bag for travel on top of a small carry on for the plane. 24" suitcase, checked onto plane. One day use purse (cross body, doubles as wallet), one evening purse, one folded fabric beach bag.


    I pack one outfit into my carry on, I cross pack at least one outfit into my husbands checked bag and vice versa. If a case goes on a different vacation, we'd have at least 3 outfits that way.


    Forgot…my pajamas and lightweight robe, I will not wear the heavy waffle weave or terry cloth ones provided. I'd be a sweaty mess. I also do laundry at mid point, or send a few things out for laundry. Or, I even will hand wash a couple things, no biggie.

    Since posting this I've already dumped a pair of flipflops, and a few other small things. I have to bring my hairdryer, it has a diffuser for my curly hair and after trying to get by many times with a portable one it's just not the same.

    After thinking about what we want to do for excursions, etc I will probably wear most everything I'm bringing. One shirt is for embarking and another for debarking so that leaves me with 4.

    I usually exercise 6 days a week so only bringing 4 workout outfits is a step down for me. (last year I went 5 out of 7 days :)Too bad I can't wear those more than once...

    I agree with you when it comes to cross packing. We always swap an outfit just in case something happens.

    I still have another week so who knows what can happen between now and then.

    Enjoy your next cruise..wherever it may take you..

  11. The way I figure it, people want newer, bigger and better than what they originally had. RC like every other line is providing that with bigger ships, more activities on board, more dining optiions etc, but its coming at the expense of the little perks we were used to. You want a mammoth ship with ziplining onboard, sure thing, but you won't be getting a worthwhile on board credit anymore. You want chocolates on your pillow, not anymore. You demanded 16 decks with 8 pools and 20 bars.

    Sometimes I feel if we all learned how to make due with just a little less we would all be a little happier. :(

  12. :(. Ive down scaled a lot from my other cruises and vacations but still seems like I have too much weight


    Ive tried to eleminate what I think I dont need but Im a pack everything but the kitchen sink kinda girl. I have no dicilpine. I seem to think meds ( prescript or over the counter)makeup stuff, nail stuff, face stuff, hair stuff, body stuff, organizing stuff, febreeze, wrinkle release, sunscrean, bug spray, travel stuff, electronic stuff, you name it stuff is all vital


    How do you know what you dont need???? Does anyone have a " Take it" list that you stick to that keeps you from being like me???? How bout a "you dont really need it" list???


    We are gone 17 days (10 cruise days 5ish between rome, florence and venice) were in hotels, taking trains, and I cant make my packing simple. :,(


    What I have done is condence my clothing a bit with the thought I can wash in the sink or something.....


    Thank you for any help! I love this thread and all that Ive learned over the last few years! :D

    My first suggestion is to dump the wrinkle release, febreeze,take only 1 body lotion, 1 perfume, leave the shampoo and use what's in the room, only the make up you use on a daily basis.

    Maybe scale down the electronics. Are any of them multifunctional? eg cell phone takes videos, you can leave the camcorder at home.

    Bringing more than one computer/laptop, only take one and share.

    You will have access to stores while traveling if you need certain items so don't fret about not taking some things with you.

  13. Hi all, I'll address this to the ladies simply because we tend to be more concerned about our hair than our male counterparts:p


    I have long, very curly hair which we all know needs special attention to look its best on a normal day.

    Being on a cruise ship in the humidity can be especially challenging for us.

    I found products my hair responds really well to, but even the best ones are no match for a cruise.

    My question for all the curly haired sisters out there. Aside from headbands and ponytails, what tips or tricks do you use to keep your hair looking its best on the high seas?

  14. Hi Ladies and Gentlemen (are there any out there?)!


    I am going on my first cruise in August from NYC to Bermuda. I live in Westchester county so I don't have to deal with a plane. Under normal circumstances I would have the normal issues with planning what to take with me, but....


    On Feb 1st, we had a fire in the building that my family lives in. NO ONE is HURT! We had a total loss of smoke and water damage...no fire. So I refuse to let this get me down :) nor is my husband, daughter (23) or son (19) going to let this derail them! We had the cruised booked before the fire...we are going with another family and we are still on!


    Let's just say we have NOTHING for the cruise (we have nothing in general ;) but for this post, I'm concentrating on the cruise!


    And as a side note...anyone that does not have homeowners insurance, please go out and get it! I cant imagine what we would do without it...I'll get off my preachy box now!


    So I need help! I have no idea where to start! The fun is that we can get everything new, and while that is fun it is also overwhelming. I'd rather concentrate on the fun part! Any ideas...recommendations....places to start....fun places to shop...luggage recommendations...pocketbooks....you name it we need to address it.


    Thanks to everyone!

    I'm so sorry for what you've been through. How absolutely devastating it must be for you and your loved ones.

    In the mist of all this sadness you now have a 2nd chance to start over.

    I'd say take some time, sit down where it's quiet and think about the things you didn't care for that you always wanted to change. Now is that opportunity.

    Start small and simple, think versatile, mix and match, things that you will get many different uses out of in many ways.

    I definitely agree with what others have posted as far as Tj Maxx, Marshalls, etc. Are there ladies you know who always seem to have cute outfits or are bargain shoppers? Now's the time to seek their help. I'm sure they would love nothing better than to spend several hours hunting down bargains with you :)

    Most importantly, don't rush into anything. The last thing you need right now is to make hasty decisions.

    I wish you best of luck and much health and happiness in the future

  15. Hi all,

    I know a large majority of us ladies tend to overpack, so I've whittled my wardrobe down to what I think is just the essentials for my upcoming 5 day trip on Liberty.

    I started by putting back my big suitcase and pulling out the medium size instead. What a great motivator that was to keep it simple.

    so here goes::

    3 dresses, 2 light sweaters which match all 3

    2 pairs of sandals + the ones i'll be wearing on the plane ride down. Mix and match for the dresses and my shorts.

    1 pair of capri's for on and off the ship.

    6 shirts & tank tops total. Again they mix and match everything.

    2 bathing suits, a coverup, 2 flip flops. Possibly downgrading to 1 in the future.

    3 exercise outfits & sneakers(I can pretend and say i'll exercise every day but why kid myself :)

    Jewelry which will mix and match up or down depending on the outfit.

    1 cross body bag for flights and excursion, and 2 clutches that match everything.

    Only things left are the undergarments, a book,toiletries and my huge hairdryer which is going in my carry on this time. Last year I packed it and my suitcase ended up in the 'naughty' room at the bottom of the ship. I think because of it's shape they had a concern when it was exrayed. I have long curly hair and there was a diffuser on the end of it. :eek:

    Other than that, if I don't have it I don't need it, I can buy it or i'll do without it.

    Here's hoping I survive :}



    ive been to the tanning bed a couple of times so far (three times) but i keep getting burned because the girls there tell me to go 10 minutes.. i keep having to wait a week and start tanning again. its not working at all. I have some questions:


    1. How long will it take me to get a good tan (I wanna be this color

    http://data2.whicdn.com/images/105176891/large.jpg) If i go 3 times a week for a month?


    2. How many minutes should i go each week to get this color? (Ex. week 1: 6 minutes each session, week 2, seven minutes, like that)


    3. What is the best accelerator only lotion? Does it matter what i use?


    4. Should i tan my face? I want it to match my body, but i dont want the freckles or skin damage on my face. Im really pale so if i put a towel over my face while tanning will my face be really white and my body be dark? What should i do about that?


    5. Will a tanning bed make me orange?


    I need to have that color in the picture by May. I keep getting burned so im not sure if its going to work.. Help :( I dont want to have to get a spray tan or anything like that! It comes right off in the water!


    Also.. is it true that tanning beds hide cellulite and stretch marks? and make you look more toned?


    If im not the color i want, can i get a spray tan over my real tan? would it affect my real tan? or would it look weird?


    I usually run shrieking from the sun during the hot months but I realize if I don't prepare i'll fry like bacon.

    I have light irish/Italian skin and tan before I go too. Usually about 6-8 times. I went the first day 7 minutes and was a bit pink so I waited several days and dropped down to 5 minutes for the next 2 visits. I'll do the next few at 6 then the final two at 7-8 minutes. That seems to give me enough of a base to be ok. I also make sure to use a tanner that is made for tannings beds and cover my eyes with protection.

    Once I'm on the trip i'll switch to normal suntan lotion and apply it regularly to make sure I don't burn.

    Don't go by what the girls at the tanning place tell you. You know your skin better than anyone. Start off slow and see how your skin reacts the next day, and like another person posted, do not go every day.

    Is there a reason you want to be a certain shade before you go? eg: a wedding or something where pictures will be taken? if not then honestly I wouldn't worry too much about your skin color or cellulite. Believe me no one will be looking at it anyway(I mean that is the best possible way-I know it sounds kind of mean:)

    Good luck!

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