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Posts posted by runner2013

  1. Tell him to leave the hat on. He does not want to deal with skin cancer of the scalp in later years. That is what my husband is currently dealing with. So far every sore that has been biopsied is basal cell cancer and needs further treatment. Not fun.

    Your guy needs to wear a hat in the sun. Maybe a brimmed one that has a strap for windy days?


    NMLady, my prayers and best wishes go out to you and your husband. After reading your post along with many of the others on here I will definitely rethink how I approach this situation..

    I do like the idea of a brimmed hat with a strap in place of a regular baseball cap. We'll have to do some shopping before we go.

    Thanks again everyone :D

  2. Hello all! I am taking my family on a 5night cruise in June. We are planning a cruise planning party and I would like help with ideas of what to put in the goodie bags.... This is what I have so far:

    Personalized lanyards

    Highliters (for cruise daily newsletter)

    Sticky notes



    Suntan lotion


    What else do you recommend that they can use on the cruise?


    Thank you so much!!!!!


    How about safety pins, band aids, bobby pins, nail files, those small sticks to stop bleeding for men when they shave.

    And my favorite, lots of aspirin :}

  3. I meant no disrespect to the drugstore brands.. I tend to gravitate towards those first and was thought maybe I was overlooking something that was a bit more difficult to find is all. :)

    Never thought about the effects on the brain for a person without hair. He does tend to give up on the sun much faster than I do, maybe his brain is too hot?:confused:

    Thanks for the info i'll definately keep it in mind.

  4. Then why are you discouraging him from wearing his hat? Its a much better way of preventing sunburn than just using sun screen.

    I'm not discouraging him from wearing it, he is more concerned about it blowing off and hitting someone else or falling overboard. If he can move about the ship without it then it's just one less thing he needs to pay attention to.

  5. Allow the poor guy to dress himself. If he wants to wear a hat or ball cap then let him. There is a reason why dermatologists all recommend wearing a hat when outside. For everyone, not just bald guys. Its called skin cancer prevention. A hat with an all around brim that also shades the ears would be even better.


    I don't need to 'allow my guy to dress himself" he is a grown man!!! he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. I was just trying to be a nice person...I care about him getting a burn and then having to suffer through it for the rest of the trip.....and I am well aware of what skin cancer and prevention is...

    Thank you anyways

  6. Not for me. When it comes to the food, I enjoy watching others stuff themselves and how frantic they become when its feeding time.

    I enjoy being unplugged from everything. No phones, computers,work, or daily life troubles. It's a chance to surround yourself with beautiful scenery, and learn about customs and people from all over the world.

  7. Hi all,

    I have a bit of a strange question(or at least I think others might think it is). My boyfriend and I are cruising the end of March to the Caribbean from Florida, he is bald and always worries about burning his head. He does wear baseball caps with suncreen for protection but I'd like to see him occasionally leave the cap behind (or at least under the chair)if we are by the pool relaxing. Aside from the mass market sunscreens you can get at any CVS or drugstore has anyone found something made specifically for shaved heads he can use(obviously applying several times throughout the day) and not have that feeling every minute he is exposed he is burning up?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

  8. We did a pre cruise fly stay and play package with one of the hotels. They picked you up at the airport, took you to the hotel for the night then to the port the next morning. After the trip they picked you up at the port and took us back to the airport. Im sorry I don't remember the name of the hotel but if you Google hotels in Orlando or hotels with shuttles you should be able to find it..

    Good luck..

  9. The site has price drops listed on the main page. You type in your cruising info and it brings up any changes in price .

    I was on RC last year in a balcony in the back and it was fabulous. You can sit and watch the wake and still get all the views too.

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