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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. Iโ€™ll be happy too! Also on this sailing are @jmh2006 @Sea Dog @Husky1987 and @mo&fran so you should be able to get multiple points of view. I believe Greg plans on doing an โ€˜as ifโ€™ Live review.
  2. Less than that. We leave Sept 24th for our Med cruise, return on Oct 9th and weโ€™re home for a whole 10 days before heading to Ft Lauderdale and Adventure.
  3. We are finally home. Sorry for any birthdays, anniversaries, illnesses, etc I may have missed. It was my intention to keep up with at least reading the thread each night before bed, but I ended up just crashing every night. We flew home from Orlando yesterday and were pleasantly surprised to find a cloudy, 70 degree day. What a welcome relief after 14 straight days of mid-90โ€™s and sunny with very little rain. I know mid-90โ€™s is nothing compared to what others are experiencing around the country, but it was tough walking around amusement parks all day in that heat. My activity data shows we averaged about 8 miles per day walking. It was a great family vacation though and after eating out every single meal, plus wine or cocktails every night, I really need to detox! Iโ€™m looking forward to some healthy, home cooked dinners. And keeping up with the thread ๐Ÿ™‚!
  4. Weโ€™re currently in Walt Disney World with the family, sheltering indoors at the moment from a severe t-storm. We live in Coventry but very close to the Hope Village/Scituate line. Our neighbor checked and no damage for us. Thanks for asking. It never ceases to amaze me how we check-in in each other here ๐Ÿ™‚.
  5. Maybe you can convince her to try a 3 or 4 nighter to give it another go, and combine it with a land vacation. (Sorry, Marietta, I didnโ€™t mean to quote you but couldnโ€™t remove it!)
  6. Explorer in March is one of the possibilities for our free Prime cruise in March. We havenโ€™t sailed her since 2014 so Iโ€™m sure sheโ€™s been refurbished since then. Waiting until we get home to research further, but if you end up on Explorer perhaps weโ€™ll see you!
  7. We are back from our Indy cruise with the two grandsons. I have to say it was an excellent cruise although verrry different than the relaxing ones weโ€™re used to. It was go, go, go with them and these three nights coming up at the Polynesian are well deserved by us! We had a car service (GearFusion) pick us up at the port this morning. The driver made two drop stops, one at Coronado Springs Resort to drop the boys with their Mom, then on to Polynesian to drop us off. If anyone wants info on this car service, just ask, I highly recommend them. As I said in an earlier post Indy was great. A couple of sourpuss pool bartenders and our room steward was just ok. But so many friendly, smiling faces among the crew. Food in both the MDR and Windjammer was very, very good. We also had a fantastic waiter, the same one all three nights, who just doted on the boys. They loved CocoCay, the ice show, unlimited snacks at Cafe Promenade, Sorrentoโ€™s and Fish & Ships. Splashaway Bay was a big hit but their favorite was unlimited rides on the Flowrider. Iโ€™ll also say Nassau has come quite a way since our last visit. We just walked Bay Street, then over to the area with the new Margaritaville and we used the beach in front of the resort for a quick swim for the two boys. We had two side by side balcony cabins on deck 8. Not connecting but we opened the divider between the two and could easily go back & forth. Andrew & I shared one cabin with Will & Andy in the other. I was quite fanatical about not letting them stay in the balcony without one of us there too. Theyโ€™re 12 & 10 and good kids, butโ€ฆ.boys will be boys. A few pictures below. Time for some R & R, before the rest of the family arrives and we move over to OKW.
  8. @dani negreanu Iโ€™m so glad to read your โ€˜kidsโ€™ have found more permanent housing. Even if itโ€™s not ideal, it must be a relief. @ReneeFLL and @FromSea2ShiningSea hard to keep it straight between this thread and Bellaโ€™s but it looks like youโ€™re cruising together. Hope you all have a great trip and share lots of pictures with us!
  9. Iโ€™m too far behind to catch up, but I see that itโ€™s @Luckynanaโ€™s birthday. Happy Birthday Maryann! We are having a fantastic time on Indy, the food and service have been excellent. The boys are having an absolute blast. More to come later.
  10. We are on our way from MCO to Port Canaveral, boarding Independence of the Seas tomorrow morning to PDCC & Nassau, returning Monday. Tonight we stay at the Hampton Inn Cape Canaveral Cruise Port and weโ€™ll likely head over to Fish Lips for dinner. These boys are going to want to run from one activity to another on the ship, so if Iโ€™m not too exhausted at night, Iโ€™ll try to post some updates. Me with Andrew and Will (Andy is in the front seat with the driver)
  11. Thank you so much! How would we go about the upload/download process? Itโ€™s interesting to see the different versions.
  12. Okay Photoshop peeps, I have a favor to ask. These photos of my granddaughters were taken late yesterday and Iโ€™d love to give them to my daughter with all the cars removed from the background if possible.
  13. @bobmacliberty and @Sea Dog thank you for the recipes. Since I have none of the ingredients, I think @Ocean Boy has the right idea lol!
  14. Would you mind sharing the full recipe for your Mai Tai? I seem to remember you talking about trying to recreate the ones you had in Hawaii (maybe from your review?).
  15. @dani negreanu Dani I canโ€™t believe how quickly that big move to Amsterdam came up. I hope they find more permanent housing very soon. Aside from that, how do they like it so far?
  16. I personally will not be going on Tron but Iโ€™m sure all the others who are tall enough will. I donโ€™t love the thrill rides so Iโ€™m happily the one who stays with the little kids ๐Ÿ™‚.
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