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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. Boooooo. She has the double whammy of Covid and Lyme disease. I hope she has a mild case and recovers quickly.
  2. Glad to hear the surgery went so well and I hope her recovery goes the same. Take good care of her, but don’t overdo it yourself!
  3. I’m with Micheline on this one. We’ve had a rabbit in our yard who really did a number on plantings this year 😡. For all he’s eaten, he should be too big to move. Then this past weekend we spotted this guy in the woods behind us. Haven’t seen the rabbit in days. I do feel a little bad for bunny.
  4. Wishing Linda the best of luck and a quick recovery from her surgery. As long as she can lift a glass by October….! I also hope you can get those extra injections to tide you over until then. If not and you’re still having problems you know you can count on us for whatever you need!
  5. Well our daughter and her family are back home. It really was great having so much time with the grandkids, but if I’m perfectly honest there was a good amount of stress the past few weeks and we were all feeling it towards the end. Andy & I were tired of the mess - we like things neat and orderly and they…don’t, lol. Jess & Sam were stressed out from all the snafus that come with a home remodel, plus just not being in their own home (and since I’m being honest, I’m sure my constant picking up after them was annoying). It’s a rainy day here, so Andy & I are spending it cleaning the house and doing laundry. The worst part? Everything is covered in black dog hair!
  6. I’m so sorry for the loss of Eric’s dear friend. It’s so sad he passed up the chance for the new kidney, yet such a selfless act to give someone else a chance. He must’ve been quite a guy. I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve never actually heard that saying before - it’s a great one. May your wise uncle rest in peace.
  7. Andy and I need to make some decisions on hotel and flights for this cruise. The Riverside is on the list because of its proximity to the very walkable Las Olas area. Also thinking of the Hilton Marina which is a little closer to the port and another Hilton (Maren I think) that’s on the beach. Naturally I’m already thinking about where to eat the night before the cruise lol. We usually go to Coconuts, but a lot of people recommend The Boathouse too.
  8. We’re finally experiencing some summer weather here. Our daughters home reno is moving along really well and it looks like they’ll be moving back home Sunday or Monday! They’ll have no countertops in the kitchen for another week or so, but the cabinets are in, new appliances installed and new floors are done. There’s still a ton of finish work to be completed but our SIL & Andy can pick away at that. They’re anxious to get home and we’re looking forward to getting our house back lol! I will surely miss seeing these two every day though.
  9. Love the picture April, the long sparklers are a great idea. I remember seeing many of these during the years we lived on military bases. Such an impressive way to exit the church!
  10. I wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July🇺🇸! It’s going to be a wet celebration here today. We have about 14 people coming for what should’ve been a pool party/cookout but now looks like a cook-in. Naturally yesterday was beautiful and tomorrow will be as well 😡. And while I’m complaining, I’m ready for that house reno to be done !!!!!!
  11. You’re right Bob, the new-to-us cruise line brings a special excitement to the trip. But this is our first trip to Europe (other than me with my parents as a very young child) so that’s influencing our excitement level as well. We fly into Venice for 2 days & nights; train to Rome for 3 days & nights, then the 7 night cruise ending in Barcelona where we’ll spend 3 days & nights before flying home. I’m not planning to do a “live” because they take a lot of time and attention away from the actual vacation, but I’m sure I’ll post a few pictures and updates here. I may also do a post cruise comparison type trip report (if I remember to take notes).
  12. We were planning on the Beyond March 11, 2024 with a few others from Bella 1.0 but ended up canceling when we decided to do our kitchen remodel instead. Do you have a Beyond cruise booked? We have our first Celebrity cruise in September on the Edge, Rome to Barcelona. I’m really looking forward to trying Celebrity.
  13. Now that’s a layover I could live with LOL. But seriously, that flight is one of the better options for October. Even though it’s not direct/non-stop, the times are good. There are others I could choose but I won’t fly in one of those little puddle jumper planes yet. I’m getting better about flying but not quite there yet.
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