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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. I don’t know how all y’all keep up here with all the pre holiday activity! First off, Happy Hanukkah to all here who celebrate. @Sea Dog Greg there’s nothing more I can add that the others haven’t already said regarding the “postponement” (not going to call it a cancellation) of your Beyond cruise. I’m sure it was a tough decision but you and Linda will enjoy it so much more in good health. Hope the knee is coming along. I was sorry to read the news that Singinalot/Crystal is no longer here in the CC universe. Her reviews were wonderful and she will definitely be missed. Andy and I recently started watching How To Get Away With Murder on Netflix. We’re not big fans of regular network TV shows, but this one….wow. I’m shocked it was even on a major network. We’re a little more than halfway through the 6 seasons and are totally binge watching it. I highly recommend it if you like cliffhangers.
  2. I’ve been a bit under the weather the past day or so after getting my souped-up (senior version) of the flu shot. Much better today and doing some Christmas decorating. @dani negreanu always happy to see you posting and your meal looks fantastic. I love stuffed peppers but am the only one in my entire family who does, so they’re never on the menu here. I should make some just for me and freeze them individually. @Sea Dog Greg, I saw this on IG this morning and immediately thought of you! Two of your favorite things, if you’re ever in the Tampa area.
  3. I have my own gmail address, but our primary one that we use for everything else is with Cox.net. It seems we should replace that with something like a gmail or outlook in the event we eventually cut ties with Cox altogether. We’d do it well in advance so there’s some overlap to make sure all the important stuff is going to the new email address.
  4. @Ocean Boy FYI - Andy’s initial comparison of YouTube TV vs Cox shows we will save about $ 80-90 per month. We currently have the internet-cable-house phone pkg including HBO/Max. The cost is going up to $240 per month. We don’t even have a house phone but Cox insists it is ‘saving us money’ due to bundle discounts 😏. If we switch to internet only with Cox, a two year plan will be $70 per month plus taxes, so closer to $80-85. Then in 2 years the internet cost increases to $135 - at that point we’ll look for a new internet provider. The only PITA with changing internet providers is that we have a cox.net email so we’d have to change that over. I think we’re going to start with a free one week trial of it as mentioned by Harryfat.
  5. We’ve spent the past two days and overnight last night up in New Hampshire doing some tax free Christmas shopping. We found a great new outdoor shopping area called Tuscan Village in Salem NH, which includes a brand new Marriott Bonvoy hotel. It’s also next to nice, large mall and about 20-30 minutes from an outlet center. I’m happy to say we’re about 75% done with our gift buying. The tax savings was definitely offset by the hotel stay and dinner last night, but it was a nice little getaway. I’ve been following the cable tv/YouTube tv discussion closely. Andy’s going to sit down and do a price comparison because we’re fed up with our provider, Cox Communications. Rates increase every year and although Andy’s usually able to negotiate them down a little, it’s getting old year after year. My question for the tech experts (actually it’s Andy’s question) is, we would probably need to update/upgrade our router. Does this mean every single device - phones, computers, automatic thermostats, outdoor cameras, etc will need to be reset?
  6. That’s a great holiday miracle story Larry! Happy for you, Andi and Maxx. He looks like he’s just as happy to be home as you are to have him there.
  7. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! Bella 3.0 itineraries were posted in the other place that not everyone follows. 1/24/26 Oasis 8 night Southern Caribbean from FLL. 2/1/26 Oasis 6 night Western Caribbean from FLL. Two options to join the fun or you could book as a B2B. The prices seem good especially considering they’re refundable deposits. We’ll probably book the 8 nighter. I hope everyone has a great day and safe travels to those not staying home.
  8. You’re not the only one Maryann. We put up one tree, an artificial one, usually the first week of December. I feel like a real slacker compared to some here! Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your day.
  9. Like many of you, I have a busy day in the kitchen today. We’re going to DD Jessica’s house In Massachusetts tomorrow but I’m bringing quite a few dishes to help out. She has just reached the 12 week point in her pregnancy and no longer feels sick but still very tired. I’m bringing traditional herb bread stuffing, sausage stuffing, a carrot casserole, pumpkin pie and a charcuterie board. I spent more for the charcuterie ingredients than everything else combined! I offered to host Thanksgiving this year but they want to show off their new kitchen. My SIL will make a roast turkey, a smaller deep fried turkey and a smoked turkey breast. With 11 adults and three kids under 5 there should be plenty! It’s a rainy, windy day here making it a good one to stay home and cook. I’ll also be staying home Friday, You couldn’t pay me to go out to a store on Black Friday. Now online shopping is another story 🙂. Re: weight and weight loss, I was always very thin. Almost 5’7” and I never weighed over 125 lbs except during my pregnancies. I also went quickly back to that weight after each of the girls were born. Then along came menopause and she brought 15 lbs with her. They are the most stubborn 15 lbs that just will not go away, even with eating healthy and walking regularly, so I guess they’re here to stay.
  10. @brillohead I agree wholeheartedly that gift giving can get out of hand. We only give gifts to our daughters, SIL’s, the grandkids and my MIL who is the only one of our parents still with us. The girls & SIL’s always get a little cash because who can’t use that, but I like to have “something under the tree” for them to open as well. That’s where I drive myself crazy because it can’t be a sweater or shirt, etc. One year it was cocktail smokers for the SIL’s, another year it was leather sunglass straps engraved with their initials. The girls usually get a couple of books or cookbooks or a unique piece of jewelry. For the grandkids, we follow the rule of “something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read”. The kids don’t buy us gifts per we - they give us framed photos of the grandkids which is perfect. So we’re really not overdoing it with gifting, it’s more that I put pressure on myself by wanting their gift to be different/something they’d probably not buy for themselves. Maybe I should consider that they would just like a new sweater 🤣🤪!!
  11. I don’t know if you follow the Bella thread or not but poster barbeyg was having the same issue recently. As OB said, it’s not a setting but rather something Apple needs to find a fix for. I haven’t read over there recently to see if she’s still having the problem.
  12. @Ocean Boy there’s an article in the online version of Channel 10 News today about that cruise themed to your old neighbor. You booking it 😉😇😂?!
  13. @George C I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet JoeBob 💔. @Arzeena I hope you and RJ have a great cruise and look forward to seeing some pictures. We have a pretty nice stretch of weather coming up here in RI, especially for mid-November. Leaves are still falling which is keeping Andy busy. I’m trying to work on Christmas shopping but just can’t seem to get into it this year. It’s so hard to figure out what to get everyone, especially when they don’t really need anything! And I make myself crazy trying to come up with thoughtful, creative gifts. I’m my own worst enemy I guess!
  14. @taznremmy Pat, so sorry about your knee! Hope you’re able to enjoy the rest of your cruise and you can take care of the issue without too much trouble once you’re home.
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