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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. My guess is they’ll change the website when they get around to it. Oceania said, in the very beginning, they weren’t going to immediately respond to every change in policy worldwide regarding Covid issues. Some here have nothing better to do than daily check conditions and policies in country X. Great. Maybe it takes awhile for all of that to flow into their system. Patience!
  2. Ask for actual number of passengers aboard. The OCA usually discloses that at the Repeater Party. We know what ship capacity is.
  3. That cruise has always been a hard sell. Same as the Auckland to Papeete cruises. So no surprises there.
  4. IF ( and a big if) the ships are returning to full or near full capacities, THEN, the opportunities to not share and eat alone will significantly diminish. There are only so many two tops. For those insisting upon eating alone, the primary option will be to eat later, after the early wave, or eat in the Terrace that has a quicker turnaround. I used to find it amazing to see a line forming at the GDR shortly after 6:00 and reaching almost to the elevators by opening at 6:30. I once commented on not understanding why those people were so hungry so to line up so early. I was quickly corrected and told they were most trying to get two tops and not share a table.
  5. We are signed up for a couple of the classes on our Feb Marina cruise. We had no problems signing up online.
  6. Great conversations! I anxiously await our 10/18 Embarkment for a fully waitlisted cruise to see how many will be aboard. Are in fact 10, 20% or more of the cabins blocked to provide quarantine spaces? Only a couple more weeks to discover the answer.
  7. We board a fully waitlisted Sirena on 10/18 and have the same question. Will let you know then. The cruise has been fully waitlisted for over a year.
  8. Rarely believe what you read on the internet. I question why people blantantly lie on this subject .Call out those that lie on those posts. They do it purposely. OBC/ SBC can be used to pay for any and all expenditures made aboard ship. This includes Gratuity and has been posted repeatedly on this board.
  9. Previously it was in Martinis at 8:00ish. Typically ran by the Assistant CD. Always over in time to make the Evening show. For a bit of clarification. There are two officer positions on board that are the same rank for pay and benefits that are typically, but not always, held by members of the entertainment staff. Those positions are Assistant CD and Social Director. They come with additional responsibilities, job tasks, and pay from the normal entertainment crew. Historically, quite a few of the past and present CDs came up through the ranks in that method. Entertainment Team to ACD to CD.
  10. We were there last summer for several days . Obviously had scheduled several wine tours. The City of Bordeaux is quite nice and I recommend taking a walking tour of the City. A guided one is probably preferred so not to miss certain highlights. The City has numerous excellent restaurants so you might want to make a reservation somewhere that interests you and eat in town. The tram system along the dock area is quite convenient and makes it easy to get from the ship to downtown. A great must do. Sign up for an Evening Sidecar ride. One of you will be in the motorcycle sidecar, while the other rides behind the driver. We switched positions half way through. Bordeaux is a bustling city with lots of nightlife. The tour is fun and invigorating. Get off the sleepy ship, you’ll love it!
  11. An Oceania VP lied straight up to Jancruz on this topic not long ago. I unfortunately booked my airfare based on that lie. Guessing that both Jancruz and her VP friend are higher in the pecking order than you, I have little faith in what any OCA said on the subject. If they’ll blatantly lie to Jancruz, then???Time will tell on the ship’s status.
  12. Your first night may be someone’s 7th, 10th, 12th, etc night aboard ship and can be very well booked in the Specialties. We’ve seen multiple b2b2betc purposely book turn around nights in Specialties to escape the newbies. Been on cruises where the newly embarked represent a small percentage of the total passengers. As a practice I rarely book a Specialty on our first night because we don’t like being locked into a specific schedule. A lot of activities can occur where we don’t want a fixed schedule.
  13. Mostly it’s just people trolling. They know it’s controversial and enjoy watching people get stirred up. Stop feeding the trolls by responding to these threads!
  14. I agree with Lth28. Oceania’s model is simple. Some people go to a restaurant and order the steak special for $35. It includes a salad, steak, potatoes, and drink. All inclusive. The salad isn’t free, the potato isn’t free, the drinks aren’t free, it’s all $35. Others don’t want all that. They just want the steak and potatoes and go to another restaurant to order Ala Carte. Here’s the catch, if someone at the 2nd place orders Al’s carte all the included items at #1, they’ll probably be paying more than the $35 for it. A lot of Oceania’s customers come because they want Ala carte. Those Teatotallers want nothing to do with contributing to my wine consumption, etc, etc.😢 Oceania gives people the option of a stripped down cruise , then charges steeply for any of their conveniences one may want to add on. It’s a typical tried and true method of operation.
  15. I believe Oceania is offering a cruise for that on the Vista next July. A lot of people constantly changing up cabins! 😂😂
  16. Probably an American thing. People here in the U.S. constantly talk about free public education, free healthcare, free this or that. The bill is getting paid, and just like OLife, nothing is free especially on a cruise ship. If one is naive enough to believe otherwise, perhaps the false advertising isn’t the major issue.
  17. Whew! No desire to quote the Encyclopedia! Oceania offers you options.I like options! If you don’t want to explore private tours, that’s fine. Oceania offers tours at a price. Some people don’t mind paying the price for the convenience. Nothing wrong with that. My primary comment is let’s not ignore the cost of convenience. If the Encyclopedia Man has a preference for paying 2X-25%, then have at it. If one prefers having their hand held if they leave the ship, Oceania has a solution. Airfares, ship tours, etc are conveniences Oceania offers. They all come with a cost. Are you happy with the costs? No right or wrong, strictly personal. Flatbush has previously stated he was happy paying $411 for a tour that privately costs $180. Whatever floats the boat.
  18. You don’t understand wifi on Oceania. One can easily go two to three days without any wifi, period. If you must do a Zoom meeting, schedule it when at port during the day. During high volume usage times, it is highly unlikely you’ll be able to maintain a connection.
  19. It’s all merely a game for some. If O allowed sweat suits, some would show up in running shorts and wife beaters. If those were allowed, the same folks would show up in jock straps. Merely a game to see how low they can go. It’s all a game. So Oceania sets low standards and the trolls come out in these dress code threads to profess they aren’t low enough. Boring! Don’t feed the trolls!
  20. OLife shore excursions are never a good deal. They are offered to the guests for the pure sake of convenience and represents a significant profit center for Oceania. Even with the possibility of a 25% discount from volume purchases, one is still typically paying 2X+ the cost of a comparable private tour. Multiply that by two people and it’s often silly.
  21. Your TA calling Oceania directly is a better plan than asking here.
  22. Be aware that the wines on the menu differ from ship to ship and can change regularly. I distinctly remember we drank through one of the selections mid cruise and another wine was substituted in for it. On another occasion, no substitute was available on board and we waited for a new shipment of different wines to be delivered to the ship.
  23. Been going on for a number of years. A portion of those sophisticated well traveled fellow passengers some always talk about. 🥺
  24. Late last month, we flew up to Portland, ME for an eating vacation. Fresh lobsters, raw oysters, steamed clams, mussels, etc all fresh just out of the ocean. Our 1 stop, 5 hour combined return took 28 hours. Wasn’t even a weekend or holiday. Thank goodness it happened on the return trip, not the going leg! We’re flying to Madrid, via LHR, next month for our upcoming cruise and we’re scared things will go array.
  25. Actually, on our cruise, within the limitations of the dress codes, people went to dinner, including the Specialties, in Halloween customers. Or, perhaps those witches dresses and pointy hats weren’t costumes at all! 😳. The guy in the jester outfit was a hit! 😂🥂
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