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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Love the bouncy gangways etc and DH absolutely hates anything like that. Scenic crews are a bit like that grab the luggage it’s usually a case of all dive in, no time to even raise an eyebrow on weight etc., All the crew, hotel, maritime or restaurant want is to get everyone safely stowed in their respective cabins or waiting in the lounge drink in hand getting to know there fellow traveler's. Arrivals and departures are a hiccup in their weekly/biweekly routine, if they are picking up on the minutiae of small print there is a fussy manager somewhere on board so beware.
  2. I won’t even mention ‘impending doom’ to DH but he did appreciate the link, thank you. You will I am sure be pleased to know that both suitcases have arrived at our courier’s base the further away they get the more in sinc they are. Our grandson seems to think it’s a cool bit of kit mainly because they are so small.
  3. Well done for being so tenacious even though the outcome was not this time in your favour. 🧐
  4. Actually I worded that incorrectly, I was trying to say that there are loads more Americans (I must admit I don’t know if Canadians have to pay a year out for a Viking cabin) so as Viking has loads more boats the Americans can get whatever cabin they want but have to fork out a year before for the privilege. I’m most probably completely incorrect and I’m not being snidey about Viking as I’ve never traveled with them but many of my friends have or Americans as I wouldn’t return again and again to your wonderful country for holidays.
  5. I think I’ve got it - I really could not understand the American acceptance of 12 month payment in full now I think I do. Viking are the only river cruise company with the ability for you to get your cabin of choice basically at any one time and it’s because they have so many vessels. It’s the ‘price you pay’ and someone at Viking has realised this. They’ve beaten you at your own game ‘marketing’ I’m not knocking you, I’ve been married to a man who’s been in that business for many many years. One of my great joys sitting with a group of them ‘chewing the cud’ Brits and Americans yeah believe it or not wonderful times. Viking have hit the nail on the head - more is ……………. and in this instance works.
  6. Now you do know that myth about why the 2CV Deaux chauavx was built, so that a French farmer could take his wife to church in comfort and wearing a hat and to deliver eggs over a plowed field without breaking them, not necessarily at the same time, wrong. It was built to enable the French farmer to take his lady friend across the aforesaid ploughed field whilst opening a bottle of wine and pouring a glass full without spilling a drop. Told to me by a rather dishy Frenchman when he discovered I’d driven one for many years - a deaux chauavx I mean. I’ve only driven a Beetle once strange car.
  7. Suitcases collected but dear daughters had a bright idea for Fathers Day - Air tags for DH now I’m being kept informed regularly where our suitcases are, well at least one of us is really kept interested I just get the information, regularly. We’ve had some rain not an excessive amount so we’ve got left we’ll send over to Europe.
  8. Our Bordeaux cruise was a year of the Euros and some were being played in Bordeaux our cruise director tried every which way to get tickets for the football fanatics on board, he failed for our cruise but evidently managed for at least one later cruise. Even the crew got caught up in the football fever, football discussions in the strangest places all over the ship. Mind you how does a crew member decide that you’re absolutely not interested ours seemed to know instinctively. I don’t mind a bit of footi I’ve run the line in my youth for my little brothers team a few times, actually quite boring.
  9. Ohh was red the prevailing colour? I must admit the Baroque splendour of Uniworld would be a tad too much for me. Mind you I do wonder about the way the brains of the instigators of the designs worked, to some extent it is beautiful but soooooooo very very fussy. Jazz your so right about the subtext!
  10. I take my DH wonderful deterrent. Some years ago my daughter and friends in Venice (they were interailing) realised they were being followed across St Marks Square, now these are four then end of school just off to uni age feisty girls so they looked for a likely policeman, when found of course being Italian called for assistance from other likely policemen, quite a crowd gathered. It turned that the followers wanted to purchase the girls T’shirts they were from the Isle of Wight music festival so unavailable in Europe but shows you have to have your wits about you. Bit like an American lady walking out of a Cape Town restaurant whilst replacing her wallet into her handbag, she got mugged and kept on and on about it whilst on Safari, luckily for only one day with us.
  11. May I request that on the ‘heart’ thingy there is the capability of inserting an - I don’t like - emoji. As with the last few inclusions I was rapidly forgetting that I was a lady with my pearls, twin set and perfect make up and close to becoming a right termagant.
  12. Must admit missed the end as yes Father’s Day took over.
  13. On one cruise a couple got held up because of the ash from an Icelandic volcano so their plane was late, Scenic took them to dinner on another of their boats then drove them from Budapest to where the Captain could pull in and pick them up. They were Australian and were greeted by a rousing chorus of Waltzing Matilda because it put the Aussie count on board above the Canadians almost 50/50 apart from just a few of us Brits. Wonderful it was one of our first cruises. Canadian Grand Prix on at the moment with superb shots of Montreal.
  14. Have just checked - whata mistaka to maka - we’re off on a cruise with an Australian company where no doubt quite a few of our fellow cruisers will be Aussies and it’s Ashes time, interesting. I will explain if required.
  15. Congratulations Jazz I watch DH with our grandson ( he will be the only grandchild and is now 10) they FaceTime every week, decide on what experiments to try next time they meet and I still don’t know how DH has done it but is part of their discussion group so about eight 10 year olds and a 78 year old. If it’s a girl ohh heaven help the family GD and GD has the capability of being formidable. Enjoy!
  16. Talking to various Marine crews (a river cruise ships crew is divided into different sections, if you want the real story talk to the marine crew) they will tell you apart from niggaly little things everyone is in the capable or not hands of the Captain. Watch as each vessel passes each other in some cases a telling experience. We were told to look out for ‘blue tarpaulin’ by one marine crew in particular they wouldn’t say who they ment but it soon became clear. If you have a chance join the Captain in his wheelhouse, find out why they can steer from either side. Yes technicals I could navigate an English narrowboat along the rivers of Europe, (you would not want me to) my DH would be much better at it but we wouldn’t. The best (and I say this advisedly) companies employ the ‘best captains’. ohh and the only reason a barge is given priority is because of the load he is carrying.
  17. The only, thank goodness, time so far with our river cruising that we nearly got stuck with low water we were helped out by two working barges. The captain had asked the passengers if he got the chance to go for it would we mind maybe a few low water scrapes, the reply was unanimous go. It actually happened overnight non of us heard or felt anything. Evidently it was a procession - huge great barge, little us and huge great barge okay we were the shallowest drafted and had shed most of our on board water but as a joint effort it worked. This was on Scenic. Apart from anything else one of the first clues that the water is shallow is the speed they are travelling at, it’s a case of slow down.
  18. Watching trooping the colour at horse guards thank you Canada the King is riding a horse from the Canadian mounted police.
  19. We’ve had just a little rain overnight maybe enough so that the trooping the colour goes well and not too many guardsmen fainting. If any of you are travelling through London on your way to your a European river cruise look our for it a superb spectacle.
  20. Is it possible to indicate a preference to Avalon so they can contact you if one becomes available?
  21. Ljandgb well that was scary and informative. In a previous life prior to my DH’s retirement I flew around the world catching him up, ie he’d been on business when he finished I flew out to meet him and off we went. Carryons were the bain of my life no room in the overhead lockers wardrobes full especially on American airlines until I realised and decided business or even dare I mention it 1st was the way to go. These days the queue discussions usually turn out to be the size of carryons. Okay if you’ve been stung I understand but a really good insurance should cover that eventually. I prefer to save the hassle and use wash and wear and look at least passable.
  22. 🤞Rebel54 - interesting that it’s a year away but good luck enjoy.
  23. We’re off on the 1st July returning to the Seine 9 years after Scenics first Seine Cruise it will be Interesting to compare. We could do some of same the excursions or all completely different but best of all we should moor up actually in Honfluer as France was very slow signing the paperwork to approve it initially and we moored in Le Havre. Jazz is right our very first cruise was eight days and finished at Nuremberg but we wondered why the Australians stayed on board to Amsterdam 14 day cruise. My DH considered 8 days far to short so we’ve since only been on 11 to 14 day cruises. This may be our last ever as I’ve been diagnosed with heart, I will call it a challenge. I’ve been given the all clear for this year thank goodness.
  24. No just asking, it could I suppose have been like an art installation, I’ll put out feelers at Gilwell Park if I discover anything will let you know. There’s various phone boxes, post office, police and Automobile Association dotted around the country masquerading as library’s, museums and information points, painted in a variety of colours. The entrance of the railway station in Porto has absolutely superb tiles.
  25. I do enjoy a good wine, when I can find one but really enjoy an excellent scotch regardless of where it comes from but have yet to find a really good Japanese one.
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