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Everything posted by calicakes

  1. We are doing some wash. Picked this up on temu for 12 bucks. It works well and collapsed down. 20231029_071554.mp4
  2. There were a lot of beds in one space men and women both. It was a great massage.
  3. I finally got my fish tacos. My wife had cheese enchiladas, but they were not good. My fish tacos were good comma I was just turned off because of the million flies. While we were eating, I was using a paper fan to keep the flies off my food.
  4. I heard some people have a toilet issue on the current cruise, They got an upgrade to their room.
  5. First time having a communal massage. It was really good. We walked there and ubered back. 100.pesos for the uber.
  6. I am currently on Eclipse. I observed a guy use a small hand truck to carry on Three 12 packs of soda and a case of water.
  7. wow, that is a lot of soda. Does he ever get kidney stones? One summer, I drank a coke zero every single day and had a kidney stone attack at the end of the summer. I thought it might have happened because of the soda.
  8. Wow, that was a very rocky ride back to the ship. There was another tender boarding so we sat for what felt like 10 long minutes, rocking back and forth until the other boat left. Our tender boat( lifeboat) ran into the dock, it definitely sounded like something cracked.
  9. We're on Eclipse now, we have a tiny pad of paper and no pencil or pen. Not a problem for me, I travel with a lot of pens.
  10. Well, we took an uber. 6 usd to sand bar. There was an issue with the massage changed our appointment for tomorrow morning. We had a very overpriced mixed fajita at The Office. Shrimp on the side not pictured. 36usd. We walked bock to the dock. Tomorrow I'll find a Baja fish taco. We had a filled churro from.a stand. 50 pesos. Julie gave a donation to hold this owl.
  11. Our tender ticket is 18. They said it would take about an hour for that number to be called. We're still waiting.
  12. They made numerous announcements this morning, asking for blood donors with a blood donor card O positive and then O negative. My wife is O positive. They would not let her donate, they only want MALE blood. The only explanation I can think of is if the patient is Muslim.
  13. Ocean View The sliced deli turkey looked horrible, it looks just like the ham and other cold cuts that @CulverCityCruisers posted. Inedible. My wife said the cheesecake was good. Did they ever serve French dressing? I haven't seen it since we boarded. We arrived in Cabo, waiting to tender.
  14. Internet is spotty. I upgraded too. We hung out at the pool today. Julie played pickleball for almost 2hrs. She ate mast grill for lunch ( Turkey burger). She said it was "fine" I realized I forgot to bring some seasoning with me. Nothing on the MDR menu appealed to us so we ate at OV. Tonight was a "French" theme. They were even making crepe suzette. The quiche was very spongy. Julie tried a Paris Brest for dessert. She said it was ok. They do seem to have a lot of new items on the buffet. At least it appears that way from our last X cruise on Reflection in Sept 2022. Lunch at OV was Greek. Lots of Greek items, I had some tuna salad from the spa cafe. I was happy to see they are using albacore at the spa cafe, but its still chunk light on the buffet. I made a salad from the buffet. The sun was strong, although it was a bit windy. I took an afternoon nap. Tomorrow we have massages in Cabo at 4pm( 36 USD for 1hr) and we'll have dinner there. I really want a good fish taco!!
  15. @CulverCityCruisers when I saw that ham at the buffet, a literally gasped. I thought it looked more like dog food than human food. Thankfully I don’t eat ham so it’s not some thing I wanted..
  16. Our server recommends the risotto, I am not a fan of mussels. The strawberry jubilee was good except I felt the strawberries were frozen. I was expecting fresh.
  17. I slept like a ROCK!! Up at 6am, we had breakfast in OV. I love grits and was looking forward to them, but alas they were very undercooked. I mentioned it to one of the employees( wearing a suit), he asked me for my room number. My omelet was cooked just as I asked. No strawberry jam, only orange marmalade. Since we drove to the port, I brought my own organic half and half and a quart of real( not UHT) non-fat milk. I drink iced coffee daily. I made it at home, bottled it up in empty coke bottles and those are sitting in the fridge. Its the little things for me. Weather is looking iffy for sitting by the pool. We'll probably go to Trivia at 10.. Julie wants to play open pickleball at noon. I hope she can find folks to play with.
  18. Nope. There were 2 for pay entrees. Lobster and Filet ( maybe Surf and Turf also). There was a sirloin steak entree as well.
  19. Since this is our first time ever eating in the MDR, I have nothing to compare it to. There was a note in the room suggesting that if we had anytime dining, we should arrive at 5:15-5:45 as they would be very busy. We arrived at 5:15. We waited until 5:30 and we seated at a 2 top next to the window. There were a lot of already very intoxicated people waiting for tables( and they were very loud). Julie and I don't drink by choice. We're not recovery alcoholics. Both of us have parents that were alcoholics/addicts and we both do not even like the taste of alcohol. When we're around super intoxicated people we notice it more than the average person. Service was efficient and friendly. Everyone has been super friendly so far. The head maître d' came over to introduce himself. I really can't say I've ever had bad service on a X cruise. A few things I've noticed. In Blu, the bread basket is filled with an assortment of a many different types of rolls, focaccia and breadsticks.( at least it was the last time we sailed AQ), this bread basket had two tiny soft rolls, some sliced bread and a few breadsticks. The French onion soup was under seasoned. I'd rather add a bit of salt than have it be too salty. The tables are really close together, when I got up from the table, I felt like I was almost in the next tables lap. LOL. We asked the host to please put us in a 5:30 dinner reservation nightly. We're early to bed, early to rise and we don't like to eat late. Oh, I forgot to mention my lunch. I had some Dal and curried veggies for lunch from OV. I asked for some Raita( yogurt sauce) to go with it. They usually serve that with Indian food. They didn't have any and apologized for it. The head chef passed our table, I mentioned it to him and he said they always have it in the back and I can always ask for it. Nice. Our room attendant also brought me an extension cord so I can use my laptop from bed. Also very nice. So far, a successful first day. The toilet works fine too.*see 6 day cruise vlog ) Since I woke up at 3:30am, I'll be going to sleep early. See you tomorrow.
  20. Dinner in MDR was better than I expected. Julie had pork schnitzel Substituting mashed potatoes and vegetable for the cabbage and german potato salad. I have the lemon herb roasted chicken with rigatoni. I only eat white meat so do not eat the thigh leg portion. This was tasty and the chicken was not dry. I also had the tiny shrimp cocktail.
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