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Everything posted by calicakes

  1. British Bermuda menu was fish cakes, calamari, a seafood pizza, bread, and butter pudding, I didn’t see any typical British food
  2. We are on the way back to New York, we left Hamilton at 6 AM. They are expecting some rough weather, maybe that’s why we’re going so slow. I observed barf bags by all the elevators. Personally, I wish we could get back today and have an extra day in New York City. Tonight’s buffet dinner is the same as yesterday.. British Bermuda theme. Everything is exactly the same. They told me it is so all passengers can experience it. thankfully, the weather is nice, and we are laying out by the pool.
  3. Thankfully, food is not the number one reason that we cruise. And I did mention it on the survey that Hass to be filled out before you leave, in order to be eligible for the drawing.
  4. @takemewithyou I ordered the lobster gratined? It was split open with breadcrumbs, herbs and garlic. It could also be ordered steamed. The server came over and removed the shell after it was presented. He had a very difficult time getting it out of the shell. LOL. He was trying for about 5 minutes. I almost said " Just let me do it", but I did not. The crab cake is supposed to be lump crab. It was not. It was tiny little shreds of crab.
  5. Dinner in Polo. I sure wish this ship had red ginger. This meal was a lot of missus. The soup was bland, had no discernible clam flavor. Lobster was bland. Overcooked. Onion rings were swimming in grease. My wife's filet was like shoe leather. We passed on dessert.
  6. Yesterday, I wanted to get a pair of shoes that I saw in town on our way to the bus station. I thought I'd go on the way back, however, the driver let us out at the ship, so we didn't walk down hill past the store. I thought the price was a "deal", since there was no tax. I found the shoes on Zappo's for a few bucks less ( tax included). I see one restaurant that is open, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of stores open today.
  7. Today has been a low key day. We both took in a bit too much sun yesterday so we decided to stay onboard. Julie was also concerned about the bus schedule on Sunday. She didn't want us to be sitting at a bus stop in the hot sun for an hour if we had missed the previous bus. I walked the track for 30 min after breakfast( oatmeal). We sat by the pool in the shade, then had lunch at the buffet. The turkey burger was on the menu, it was a "Bombay spiced" burger. We shared that and it was quite good. Not dry at all, unlike the horrible turkey burgers at the Mast Grill on X. Julie is going to get a massage( we had 600 OBC to burn), a portion of that went to the gratuities, another portion to upgraded internet. I've been waiting to see some SPA specials, but they haven't offered any. A 50 minute Swedish is 200.00. Plus a 20 percent gratuity. Extremely overpriced, but there is nothing else we can really spend $$ on. We'll have about 30 bucks left so maybe will pick up some sunscreen( some of them are marked down) at the gift shop when it opens. We also have 125 in refundable OBC. Tonight we'll go to the cocktail party and then we have reservations in Pollo Grill. The buffet is having a British Bermuda special menu.
  8. Dinner at Terrace buffet. Soba noodles with peanut sauce. Polenta Timble with mushroom sauce. Both very tasty. Julie had the sirloin flap roast. I noticed that the main dining room and the buffet have very similar menus.
  9. Oy, I feel like I can't say anything negative about food here. I'm a very good cook and baker so I'm a bit more picky than most. I also eat organic 90 percent of the time( at home). We decided to try Oceania from Celebrity because we both felt the quality of food on X went downhill. The food on O is much better. I do wish they had a turkey burger at Waves Grill. I don't eat beef. The fruit has been excellent. The melons are very sweet. They also have strawberries and blueberries at the buffet. Celebrity never does. The bread is good, the pastries are excellent.
  10. We're docked in Hamilton at the main terminal. Across the street from Front Street. We'll probably go to Tobacco Bay tomorrow.
  11. We took the bus to horseshoe Bay Beach. Norwegian Joy is here with us. They are heading back to New York this afternoon.
  12. Julie had lasagna. I had dover sole and a small portion of lobster risotto. I wasn't a fan of either. Risotto was too dry. I do not care for the thick sauce that was served with the fish tasted like cornstarch. We skipped dessert.
  13. The minestrone was a fail. Very bland. Calamari was chewy. I asked for small portions.
  14. I'm using my ATT international plan. It's 10.00 a day.
  15. We're in the cabin, J is resting. I'm doing some research for tomorrow. I ordered a cheese plate( minus the blue cheese) for a snack.
  16. I'm using my cell data now. Wifi is spotty and slow. Pics from dinner last night.
  17. Do the buses have A/C? I've heard we're now here until the 25th, not going to St. George's at all. We did get off the ship, walked down to the grocery store and I bought some refrigerated organic half and half. (4.79 for a pint). Julie wanted to pick up milk, but she refused to pay 8:50 for half a gallon. We also bought 2 small bags of potato chips. 1.50 each. We have reservations tonight in Toscana. Tomorrow we had planned to go to Horseshoe bay. Maybe Saturday St. George's? I heard someone getting into a taxi, asking to be taken to Elbow Bay. I'm going to look that up on Trip Advisor.
  18. Well,it’s too windy to dock in St. George. We’re heading straight to Hamilton.
  19. They do have a non hosted meeting. The souffle was tasty. Btw, I used to live in Exeter, Ontario,
  20. @ORV I did have half a choc. malt at Waves today, it was very thin( not like a cold thick choc, malt) I wont try another one. I hope the coffee cream doesn't have that strange taste. I relish my iced coffee in the mornings. We had dinner at the Grand Dining room. We showed up at 6:30 and were able to grab a table for 2. By the time we left, the line was out the door. I had shrimp cocktail and cheese soufflé. I also had the lobster entree. Most of it was great, a few pieces of the lobster were overcooked. The risotto and sauce were tasty. My wife had a green salad and the sirloin steak. She asked for it med. well, it came well done. She didn't send it back. For dessert, I had the pistachio soufflé and Julie had the apple pie a la mode. Our server recognized us from our first O cruise. I guess female same sex couples are memorable. I haven't seen any others except us. I will add photos later. I can't sign on to the internet on my phone.
  21. Today was spent at the pool. I'm happy to report no chair hogs. We had lunch at the buffet, it was Mexican day. My wife loves chips/salsa, however she wasn't a fan of theirs. They use flour tortillas for the chips. Last night I asked for a glass of milk to have with my black and white that I had purchased in NYC. They brought me a glass of HOT milk. I asked for it cold and then he brought a glass of cold. Unfortunately, it has to be a boxed milk because the taste was horrible to both Julie and I. The sun( or the seasickness patch) made me extremely sleepy so I took a 2hr nap and then we worked out at the fitness center. Now we're getting ready for dinner, trying to decide if we want MDR or buffet again. I'm leaning towards MDR.
  22. @Woofa. Everything you said is spot on. The ironic thing is that we are early to bed early to rise at home. I'm fifty seven and my wife is sixty one. Julie is perfectly happy to read by the pool all day. We do enjoy trivia and will partake in those activities. When we travel, I like to stay up a little bit later. We have no dogs to wake us up early. I do enjoy oceana more than celebrity, considering that i'm very much a foodie. l think i will stick to the larger oceania ships next time.
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