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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. My "special" friend, you know that big white rabbit that follows me around. He's a big Take That fan - he loved young Gary on his bike at Wembley...
  2. Thank you. That is indeed the one. Much appreciated. Al I had was from afternoon.
  3. I booked Aurora 19 night cruise for April as the itinerary has Dubrovnik. I'm informed departure is "afternoon" which for that particular port is very disappointing. I haven't been able to get a confirmation time anywhere.
  4. All of my test resuits have been electronic so I'm sure it should be fine. Just have them handy, perhaps on your desktop.
  5. I am going to be onboard - quite by accident. Is it one raffle ticket per guest or do they sell multiple tickets to raise funds for the charity?
  6. Overall there has been a happy solution so nothing for passengers to get vexed about. For P&O there is clearly an aircraft shortage to be looked at. They have released in good faith schedules that in the past have worked but looking at the number of fly cruises through February and March they are having to sell as cruise only through no fault of their own they have availability on their ships but no airline able to fly the passengers to join the ships. Within Europe this is probably salvageable but the Caribbean sales will presumably be curtailed as passengers will not be able to get flights at a reasonable cost. Assumedly most would therefore decide to look at alternatives which either don’t need flights or do have them included (eg Marella with TUI owning the aircraft). It must be worrying for the flight department that already there has been a problem leading into the next season. With a very large ship to fill and also using Antigua as well as Barbados lots of extra seats are going to be required from what is a finite number of aircraft. Any breakdowns of planes could have a very nasty knock on if there aren't enough actually in service. Someone is assumedly crossing everything they have that TUI will actually come through with the goods.
  7. Did you get a final response letter from P&O and your insurance company? It might be worth trying your card company if so as neither have honoured the contract. P&O are quite big news at the moment following the Arvia fiasco. If all else fails try the media outlets?
  8. Yes but it was cancelled entirely as there were no flights. Now on sale as a new cruise 2 weeks later with the flights. Money refunded as necessary plus £50 compensation. Replacement now on sale.
  9. They are advertised as cruise only. Some of them have nothing beside them either way so booking on line you need to check. My comment refers to how P&O are unable to offer flights so assumedly are losing trade that they would have had less problem selling if they'd been able to source flights. The website makes it totally clear they are cruise only although I did a mock booking (discussed elsewhere) where it appeared to let me add a flight. I called P&O for confirmation about this and it was they who confirmed that these were cruise only due to non availability of a flight via themselves. No mis-selling just buyer beware and double check what's on offer.
  10. I actually meant flights were a problem for P&O. These are sold as flight inclusive packages as a rule. Assumedly some travel agents will invent packages of their own but as you say late booking a Caribbean flight is very expensive. You mentioned to Bazrat an alternative way back. Two things: he works so time is restricted as he said further up and more importantly P&O have cancelled the entire cruise due to no charter being available.
  11. You may recall I suggested some time ago the food stuff was merged with the dining on big P&O ships to leave this to other points. The other posts were merged there so I assume it was felt unnecessary to move them from here.
  12. I prefer the electric car which I won't be able to pay to charge because my salary is too low.
  13. And there I was thinking it was to protect the VIP guests!
  14. Be very careful with your insurer. Check they will accept P&OS definition of a test - yes I know its valid but God forbid your asymptomatic and your insurer wants a confirmation test which is observed.
  15. You'll see from my post above why we need early dining. As I say everybody as different requirements. I hope it works out for your cruise, it can be very difficult if not.
  16. Crickey. That's a curved ball. Where are you flying into Antigua or Barbados? I'd check your insurance. If you're positive you will be able to claim. I'd suggest an observed test might be needed for that but give them a call. Is it the 22 night one? Tests seem hard to come by observed.
  17. Each to his own I suppose. If I'm travelling alone I eat later but due to medication requirements eating for my OH needs to cease by 7.30 or thereabouts at the absolute latest. We also go to bed early, usually by 10.00 if he's travelling with me. You get used to it but do need understanding from the ship or hotel. Early to bed early to rise, he swims every morning at 6.00am too although has to adjust to 7.00am on board.
  18. Were their any deck parties? In the Caribbean there are usually quite a few with incumbent noise and chair moving into the night. Cannot speak for Arvia but there are some cabins on Britannia where the band might as well be in your room.
  19. It appears that given a forced fixed time the majority choose 6.30 to allow them to enjoy the events around the ship without having very late nights. It's not much fun to go to bed at midnight to leave on a tour at 8.00am where you meet at 7.30! As a regular Cunard traveller I'm very pleased they're introducing another option.
  20. I'm not sure what tye answer is on the two bigger ships. When we've booked a saver fare on Britannia or Azura 9 times out of 10 we've been given freedom. As a result our setting in My P&O are set by them as our preference is that- we actually don't mind it. Our difficulties arise if we are given 8.30pm club dining as it won't work for medical reasons. We have had major trouble changing from that on both Azura and Britannia as they were pretty strict on the no change for saver fares, to the point where a few years ago we did not eat one meal in MDR on Azura as they refused point blank to let us change. An awful lot of the bookings at Christmas and on Arvia/Iona are savers due to the ludicrous select -v- saver difference so I'm assuming a more flexible approach will be in place.
  21. Deck 15 under the Dome on Arvia is apparently the most exciting place if you're not requiring sleep ...
  22. I believe the lager was Fosters. I did see a guy remonstrating he couldn't have Peroni but have no idea why that was. Actually a large number of draft beers ran out so in the last 4 days it was take what you could get!
  23. The bookings were apparently allowed for early dining, I think 6.30 was the last one allowed. The app doesn't work on our phones - something to do with the security settings we were told. For medical reasons we have to eat earlier than most so have always availed ourselves of booking on arrival if we aren't on club dining - in this case we were automatically put on freedom as the ship was full and two restaurants were handed over to freedom. There were queues at breakfast time when we were leaving but never any between 7.00 and 7.30. Again as we eat early we never saw any queues for dinner or heard anyone complaining about them. Britannia was full, if there had been problems I'm sure we would have heard. However there are three dining rooms for 3,200 guests so the volume would presumably be far less pressurised than on Iona or Arvia. There are of course very few alternatives on her as well.
  24. Which date are you sailing please? Is it within the 3 week window TigerB mentioned. On Britannia at Christmas we were able to block book dinner in Oriental or Peninsular freedom dining restaurants apart from Christmas day. It wasn't via the app but done at the restaurant desk on the first night - same table 6.30 every night and breakfast 7.30 every morning. Those seated around us had done very much the same. Interestingly one morning a couple were directed to the window seat next to ours having reserved on the app but the waiter came and moved them after they were seated stating it was already reserved.
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