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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Can confirm it's yes and yes to that. I agree is a great trip, only "dud" bit on the P&O trip is the lunch which is pretty poor. I think Vamps is considering this one via P&O and it sells out quite quickly so suggest reserving early if she can. Also as Presto2 said the Antigua catamaran sailaway sells out. There are two companies used by P&O, Mystic and Wadali Cats both seat about 40 people if I recall. Not much to choose between them but Wadali Cats crew love a party!
  2. Sounds a good plan. St Maarten is extremely civilised being Dutch/French and has as a result good safety protocols. Much as I love all the islands some do leave a lot to be desired in that area!
  3. ICF the OP has two young children so perhaps high speed adventures might not be on her radar this time around. I recall you saying you took your kids previously, anything you can recall on that front might be of help. Personally I'm at a bit of a loss on stuff for children not having the pleasure but I'm aware a lot of trips say no under 8's so I'm sure she would appreciate hearing from someone with experience.
  4. Josy, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news and hope that you and your family can take comfort in each other. Thinking of you all and I hope the dark clouds roll away and there will be some sunshine in your lives again very soon.
  5. Exactly what I've done on two occasions. This cruise was booked onboard Arvia when I was travelling alone but had requested assistance following an accident. On booking I stated no one needed assistance however an email turned up with the form 72 hours after booking. I ignored it. July the email mentioned by others arrived and I again ignored it. September another email and form. I thought another error and this time I emailed to state so, ie no longer needed assistance for myself and my husband has never been registered with P&O. Nothing but a we will be in touch email. Monday I receive the "standard" email again so again emailed as follows: " Good morning. I have received yet another email regarding disability which I believe may have been sent due to a previous requirement for the cruise I was on at the time of booking the upcoming one, I believe in error For the sake of clarity I confirm the following: Mrs X has no mobility issues. At the time of her last cruise on Arvia where assistance was requested this related to recovering from a recent injury which made standing in line for long periods difficult. This request was for access to a seat at Southampton port while waiting to check in and nothing more. She is now fully recovered from the fall which necessitated that assistance. Mr X suffers from fibromyalgia but has no mobility issues which prevent him from undertaking normal daily activities. Occasionally if he has a flare up he may use a walking stick but this is rare. He does not need any form of help or support for this. I hope this clarifies and completes the information you have requested. I would be grateful for your email confirmation that this issue is now concluded." Today an email asking for further information ... hence my what more do they want question. I agree with you completely this is a waste of time and energy but they simply won't give up.
  6. I'm so sorry to read this news. Words aren't of much use really but sending love and prayers that you will all find peace and comfort at such a sad time.
  7. Thank you for the information. I'm delighted you managed to get it sorted. It seems the others who were affected have a little hope. Certainly as a UK resident it's made me think as most UK insurance policies are very low value for luggage with very few offering upgrades. Naively I'd always believed if my luggage encountered a disaster the cruise line would be my main point of contact. Clearly not.
  8. Yes in September. I believe it was while you were on Aurora. A very big storm hit and two ful cages of luggage went off the quay. It was the day NYC flooded and some did indeed end up floating up the Hudson. In an effort to recover the luggage divers were sent down to try to find it, with very limited success. There has been a great deal of angst for the people who lost their luggage, being Cunard some of the cases contained high end clothing and in some cases even jewellery. One very pro active lady has pursued them constantly and has succeeded in finally getting a resolution. Other unfortunates still have no news. Cunard state they are liable for only $500 compensation which has caused huge debate about how to sue the dockworkers, port and just about anyone else. This is the thread from the Cunard boards, it's very long, some irrelevance but a real eye opener on making sure your luggage has full cover! I recall the P&O incident but am not aware of the outcome. Hopefully handled better than this has been!
  9. I'm glad you have it sorted. Compared with the saga of the lost QM2 luggage that ended up in the Hudson this sounds like a breeze! Thank you for the tips if ever we are unfortunate.
  10. I've just booked to see Bruce Springsteen at Wembley next year so I'm hoping for a mix of the old stuff amidst the new. I last saw him before I was married so pre 1980!
  11. He is, I had a mental block - it was Tom Petty I saw in 2016 and Jackson Browne in 2019.
  12. I thought that but apparently not. I've replied twice and they have asked for further details. Short of sending them a video of him playing rugby at Twickenham last month I can't think what else to offer. I've provided the details our GP had on file and which I used for our insurance but it seems they will "be in contact again shortlu".
  13. I received an email from P&O regarding disability access for our January cruise on Britannia. I had previously had assistance for myself following an accident which made standing difficult at that time but as I am now fully recovered did no complete any request for the upcoming cruise. Subsequently I received another email stating (my bold): "It's vital to inform us if, for example, in the unlikely event of an emergency, you would need: a) An evacuation chair – this is a mandatory requirement for anyone who is unable to use the stairs due to mobility or other circumstances, or for anyone bringing a wheelchair or mobility scooter. or b) One-to-one assistance – this is a mandatory requirement for anyone who requires someone to guide and steady them on the stairs, due to mobility or other circumstances. For anyone who uses a mobility aid, such as a walking stick or walker, this is the recommended level of assistance." As my husband suffers from fibromyalgia and very occasionally uses a walking stick - he normally doesn't even take it on holiday - I have replied to that effect, now I'm being asked for more details but I've none to offer. Any other people who use walking sticks had this and if so what did you tell P&O? Thank you.
  14. Would you be able to explain what this automatic propulsion safety system is that Saga have mentioned please? Do P&O ships have these or are they only on certain ships as requested at build? Reading of the difficulties the Saga ship has been in (including being at a full stop for many hours) as a result of the operation of hers I'd like to know what process the activation goes through to cause such abrupt activation, do the crew actually have anything to do with this or does some sort of AI just take over without warning? A Google search indicates I'm not alone in wondering what they are talking about with many mystified. Of course I suppose it could just be a PR spin but would be a rather strange thing to do!
  15. Ding Dong is a George Harrison song from 1974. It was written as New Year singalong and is from the Dark Horse album. He used the Wall of Sound technique as per Phil Spector. A minor hit in the UK/USA but huge in Europe, particularly Germany. Chuck Berry, hmm My Dingaling what a travesty this superb musician is remembered here in the UK for that offering.
  16. Lovely man, met him in Lincoln's Inn Fields when he was filming his video for Life Thru a Lend. He came to our office to apologise for the disruption and told everyone to get a free bacon roll from the food truck. So far not seen him live. I am seeing Take That again next year though, perhaps he'll guest again as he did on their last tour.
  17. I shall go out of my way to request a song by a Beatle then! How about Ding Dong Ding Dong by Georte Harrison to celebrate the New Year? Mind you I could offer you The Frog's Chorus by Mr McCartney ...
  18. You miss my point. I was too young to understand the music but well able to know that they were "special" because of the impact they were having on life and the general excitement of the period. I had to "grow up" musically to realise the quality of the music offering through the sixties into the 70's. My favourite 60's band is and remains The Kinks but the number of bands of that era are so huge and varied it is really difficult to criticise any of them. I don't have a musical background of any type, I just listen and like what I like. Trouble is I'm a bit stuck with new stuff as it doesn't appeal. I have seen George Ezra and Ed Sheeran in the last year but most of my concert attendance is still for older groups.
  19. You're more likely to jump overboard from too much Bob Marley! Joking apart I attend a very large amount of music concerts both at home and where necessary abroad, particularly in the US and Europe, it's a bit of an obsession of mine. Slowly ticking off one by one the ones I missed when I was too young or mum wouldn't let me go to.
  20. As I say everyone has a choice. I saw Paul McCartney very many years ago with Wings and then several times since. I'd not choose to see him now as sadly he cannot really sing anymore. I last saw Ringo and the All Stars Band in 2016, only my second Ringo outting and the band as well as the man himself were a highlight of my trip - I actually travelled that time to see Boz Skaggs as my number one as he is an all time favourite of mine. Luck on my side Ithe six weeks i was there i saw him twice plus Bob Dylan Hall & Oates, Jimmy Buffet, Diana Krall and the late great Jackson Browne. Just getting back to organising more music trips at last so hopefully stateside next year for the first time since 2020, a lot of catching up to do!
  21. You were born after their first hit and didn't live through it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I dislike Elvis Presley's music but respect others choices and appreciate their views. If you dislike some forms of music or voices that is your choice I'd not be so rude as to try to change your mind or argue who is right or wrong. Musical background really has nothing to do with it. Incidentally i liked the Monster Mash too, a great mickey take of the rather weird dances of the early sixties like the mashed potato.
  22. You're too young then! It was a short period but one that changed music worldwide. I was only 7 in 1962 when Love Me Do debuted but even then I knew it was very special. Never saw them together but I've seen three separately including a very very rare George Harrison at the Albert Hall in a somewhat misguided political concert. I travel the world specifically to see musical acts and without any doubt these are three of the greatest I've ever been privileged to see.
  23. Various online travel agents make up their own stay and cruise packages too. Why would you expect credit for using your own flights, the P&O cruises are cheaper than most other lines and the flight is effectively a "freebie". People like the charter as its bonded so no passport control and luggage not needing to be collected or carried. Interestingly Cunard have just announced that QE will be based to do Caribbean cruises from 2026. Assumedly that won't be charters and pay your own or add on air fares. Certainly I personally will be looking closely at those as an alternative.
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