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Everything posted by mrsgoggins

  1. I'm due on Iona in two weeks and I'm still trying to work things out. I've made the bookings I think I want, but hesitated about Sindhu. The reason being we tried it on Ventura last year and were not that impressed. Does the £10 pp booking fee come off the total spend or is it just that, a booking fee? Good to hear of so many positive accounts because previously I had read the lengthy cruise reports on here and they are generally less than flattering.
  2. Unless there is another one we did not see, the small ferry we saw very close to the ship was taking people on a short tour, but I don't remember the price. We were looking for exactly what you describe but didn't see any sign of one.
  3. Mmmmm ...... not sure about the swings and roundabouts analogy. We've docked at Pointe Seraphine twice previously (and didn't realise there was another place to dock!) but this year, on Celebrity's Equinox, we were at the dock in town whilst the much bigger Anthem of the Seas was at Pointe Seraphine. The port exit was scruffy and the nearby market itself had seen better days and had few visitors. I felt sorry for the stallholders and so made a purchase, which I rarely do. Also, this area is not easy for people with walkers or mobility issues, unlike Pointe Seraphine. A young Canadian couple we became friendly with, did do the walk to Pointe Seraphine and I think said it took them 20 minutes to do, at a good pace. We did enjoy watching the crowds of folk returning to Anthem from our balcony because the only time we had been on her, was during a covid-safe bargain week around the UK in 2021, when the ship had fewer than a third of its passenger load. That year will be forever thought of as a golden year of cruising in my mind.
  4. My (retired) pharmacist cruiser friend recommended Stugeron to me years ago, before she became a really good friend and she definitely didn’t ask what medication I took. I think your caution is probably misplaced in this instance, although I would always read the details on/in the packet as I assume others would do the same. I’ve been grateful to Stugeron a few times and only wish I’d known about it on a Viking cruise (small ship plus North Sea) when I ‘disgraced’ myself in the theatre. Since then, I only book midship, low deck and stay away from the theatre!
  5. I used the trains daily to Liverpool and Manchester from 1966 - 1975 for education and work, and although far from perfect, my experience is nothing like yours, I'm glad to say.
  6. You probably remember that we also have solar panels on a feed in tariff. From DH: You are right to be very cautious. Our issue was the very weak mobile phone signal that is essential to communicate data to the provider and for the domestic device in the house. When they came to do the install we insisted that they prove the signal before commencing. Of course they found it wouldn’t work and we sent them away. Despite that they are badgering us every few weeks to secure an installation date.
  7. Good morning Graham and welcome home. We did 19 nights on Celebrity Equinox out of Port Everglades last month. We always arrange our own itinerary around cruises, but wonder if you have RC do yours, and if so, have you found them competitive on price? We had great weather, but our friends who sailed the Caribbean a week earlier weren’t so lucky. I’m sure you’re both looking forward to your next cruise already - we are, and consider ourselves very fortunate indeed. Loved the photos by the way. I’ve been to Labadee, another of RC’s private islands in the past (but with Celebrity) but not Coco Bay. Thanks for sharing as always 👍
  8. Anyone got any advice on what to do with old pre-decimal coins? I'm having a clear out and it's time my old mum's (died almost 40 years ago!) handbag full of old coins left the house. I know they are not worth anything and are a mix of half-crowns, two shillings, shillings and lots of copper coins. They weigh a ton and I read somewhere that charity shops accept them, but I don't want to lug them around if it's no longer true. If so, I might just as well pass them on to DH to take to the tip; I'm assuming there's a facility for disposal of scrap metal. Anyone know if charity shops do take them please? Thanks
  9. Oh yes, given to me as a child if I were unwell. Fond memories of 'milk pobs' and 'tea pobs' (less frequently offered). White bread, with sugar, soaked in hot milk. I'm pretty sure my 42 year old son wouldn't have a clue what they were, so I obviously didn't carry this on 😉 And I was brought up in the north west, so maybe it is regional?
  10. Oh yes Harry, do give it a chance. Often not an easy watch, as has been said, but worth it. And worth starting at the beginning for the back stories.
  11. We are embarking on Coronation day, which DH sees as a great opportunity to totally ignore the event! I'm sure I'll see the highlights at sometime though.
  12. I saw Mrs Harris goes to Paris on a long haul flight last month and I thought it was a charming film. Thank you for posting today Michelle (and Sarah of course) because I took a quick look earlier and saw nothing, and then I think I should post something but can think of nothing of interest ...... , but I would hate this thread to die off! I loved, loved, loved Happy Valley last night even though a few of the story ends could possibly have done with a bit more time. Hope next week's replacement is even half as good. Meanwhile, tonight we are going to watch Death in Paradise, where my DH will struggle to stay awake, despite liking the scenery 😁
  13. Thank you @Megabear2 - I'm on this cruise too and so your questions are very useful, even though I was on a Canaries cruise last year and have visited all of the ports before. However, I'm really keen to see Play Blanca on Lanzarote (before possibly committing to a land holiday there) and am so pleased that this cruise has an 'on your own' option to visit. Last year's Canaries cruise (Princess) only offered Play del Carmen on your own, which we did but won't be back - not for us. I agree that Teror in Gran Canaria is a pretty inland town and worth a stop - unless it's a Sunday when it is market day and can be crowded. We were last there on a Celebrity cruise in late 2021 but we were only allowed off the ship on 'bubble' tours for Covid safety reasons. The joke was the tour guide set off before everyone got off the bus, at a pace, and fortunately we had been before and knew which way to head and lead the other 'stragglers' to the centre, which was packed as it was a Sunday. So much for the Covid-safety measures! It was so full, we couldn't find the rest of the group and so stopped another tour guide to ask for advice and he phoned the office, who told our guide he had to come and find us! A note for those with limited mobility, although it is a pleasant and easy walk from the ship into the central, attractive parts of Lisbon, as is almost often the case, it's quite a walk just to get out of the port and so I find the ship's shuttle a useful way of doing the walk just one way. There is plenty of seating options on the way back to the ship. That is my memory of Cadiz also - very close to the centre but with mobility issues, a bit further 😉; lovely town however. I'll be making notes of other recommendations 👍
  14. Hello Jane, long time lurker-more-than-poster here, but I wanted to welcome you back and to tell you that I’m pretty sure that Avril (aided by Graham, and possibly others) were mentioning your absence and worrying about you by name, months ago. It is a lovely community. I’m currently in Fort Lauderdale in preparation for joining a Celebrity cruise ship tomorrow. We flew into Miami yesterday with the easiest flight ever - Heathrow easy and friendly, Virgin plane only about half full in each section, Miami; straight through immigration with no wait and a friendly official; no queue for the hire car. After probably 60 or more entries into the USA in 30+ years I’ve never known anything like it. I felt like we had entered a VIP world! This will be a reflective trip rather than a joyous one in the main, because my best friend of more than 60 years died recently and so we are cutting the trip short to return for the funeral, where I will attempt to deliver the eulogy I was asked to do. I do have back up if I falter. She and I, both only children with one child each, have remained close since we were children and I am beyond saddened at her loss. Lincslady am pleased to read your positive posts and hope you may be able to persuade your friend to renew her passport. Graham, your New Year’s Eve dinner table looked lovely and put me to shame. I’m afraid I only go to that much trouble if we have guests but I so admire the style of you and Pauline. Avril good luck with your intentions to be a little bolder with your plans. I’m in no position, or shape, to comment on anyone’s weight aims 😉. Off out now to get some daylight as DH assures me it’s what I must do to reset my body clock to US time. He’s been giving me the same advice for years but I still find jet lag difficult so feel my transatlantic flying days are numbered. Good wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to you all 🎉 and long may this forum, with its wide range of topics, humour and support provided by interesting contributors, continue!
  15. I loved Kunzle cakes! In the mid sixties my friends and I went to Saturday morning art class in St Helens town centre. A nearby coffee shop used to sell them so sometimes at break, we treated ourselves to one with a frothy coffee in a glass cup and saucer. It felt very sophisticated! Or a Coca Cola in its fancy bottle for 10d. I recall being horrified, when on a school trip to Switzerland the following year, finding that the cost of a coke was a Swiss Franc, and at that time that translated to 2/6d 😱. For youngsters here, that translates to three times the price 😁 I also remember 5 Boys chocolate bars. My own favourite chocolate bar was a 6d Cadbury’s bar with 6 different fillings in the squares, the best one being Turkish Delight. On the other hand I disliked Fry’s chocolate cream bars and still dislike a Cadbury’s creme egg even now. That was a nice memory Lane trip, so thanks Harry.
  16. Morning all. -6C in my bit of Lancashire and I am channelling my inner 'bag lady'. DH laughed when he saw me. After having breakfast in my long cosy dressing gown before heading to my desktop computer, I added a thick cardigan on top, and some brown socks. All I need is a shopping trolley to complete the look. On a serious note, I hope that everyone who is a rough sleeper is finding indoor accommodation in temperatures like this.
  17. 7 am here in the UK and only 2 TAs showing for April 2024 so far. A dummy booking shows a refundable deposit - which while it is very welcome is not what happens in the UK, so it makes me wonder if it's an error! Hope not. A level playing field would be most welcome, even though I intend to convert a placeholder booking made on board for precisely that reason; the ability to move if necessary.
  18. I’m delighted that Silhouette is doing the TA to Amsterdam. Love the ship; wanted the Elite breakfast in Tuscan aft which Connie didn’t offer (2nd choice). We sailed on Apex in January this year and didn’t care much for the IVs or Eden, so really wanted an S class eastbound to Europe. Easy flights to multiple U.K. airports from Amsterdam too. Loving it!!
  19. The invitation to Friday's Webinar about the European season 2024 mentions Wednesday as the day they are open for bookings. Anyone got any guesses about the 'exclusive booking offer only available to attendees'?
  20. Graham, not paid much attention to this forum over the weekend, but adding my good wishes for your return to great mobility. I've just sent a card to a friend who has had skin cancer all the years I have known him (50 years) and he goes to Christie's in Manchester for check-ups regularly. Hasn't affected his life very much at all. Time to get on with planning your next cruise(s) 👍
  21. Would you consider moving in with us Josy? We’re a match when it comes to being untidy, leaving things (just don’t notice or care I suppose). My saving grace is that we have a fortnightly cleaner and we always clear away before she comes so everything gets put back in its place again 😇
  22. I love this one Graham, but it was far more appropriate for me years ago! When Sunday meant getting ready for school the next day - the marking and the preparation angst, not the kids I should add. One of the joys of retirement is luxuriating on the Sunday feeling of not feeling burdened by how much there is to do for the next week. I don't know if that's common to many other jobs, but it definitely marked my career. The classroom part (I taught 14-18 year olds) I enjoyed btw.
  23. Word for word, this! Seems like we are in the minority here though kalos 😉
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