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Detailed Carnival Victory review:Photos,Menus,Fun Times July 4th-11, 2010

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Carnival Victory review July 4th-10th, 2010


Pre-cruise Stay In San Juan; Saturday July 3rd, 2010


Our flights were uneventful from Indianapolis thru Houston to San Juan. We always try to fly in day ahead especially as far as San Juan, and less flights that are also overbooked. We were offerred a bump to Sunday for $400 a person but declined. Our arrival was at 3:47pm and by 4:10pm we were standing at luggage carousel. Here you will find eager luggage porters. We were traveling with four in our party this cruise. Us being in our late 40’s and my parents in late 60’s. This would be our third cruise out of San Juan, but one was a long time ago, one on RCI and now the Victory itinerary visiting two new ports out of the seven. Traveling with four people we took the porter up on his service offer. He waited patiently for luggage to come out, and pulled it from carousel and “jenga” stacked all four 26” bags, plus 4 carryons. He then led us out to taxi area selecting a nice large extended mini van style (tipped him for his service). Taxi fare is designated by zone and price fixed from airport. We were told our fare would be $20 to the Courtyard San Juan Miramar. One usually has the image of “crazy taxi” and usual speed is above limit and get there fast. We had the driver that needed a new driving test—good old Ralph moved at 20 miles an hour putting blinker on and waiting to get on freeway. He was getting beeped and these were not the friendly Caribbean I know you horn toots. I was ready to take the wheel being a front seat passenger. I think a first time San Juan driver I would have done better. I was pleased to finally arrive and get out of his van.


This was our second time at the Courtyard San Juan Miramar. My spouse travels often and Marriott is the usual choice. This hotel does not disappoint. Both times they have had our rooms ready, and acknowledged request for nearby rooms, king beds and given a high up floor (7th floor) for view. Both times we have traveled with either our son or my parents. We have been treated generously being a Marriott Gold given a suite upgrade both trips. Bell hop service is readily available. There seems to be only one elevator though. Upon entering upgraded suite room, it has a pull out sleeper couch, television, small kitchenette, refrigerator, then a separate king bedroom with television and bathroom. The bathroom admittedly is not the largest but clean and no issues. They also have a hair dryer and iron board set for use. Bedding is same as other Marriott properties, comfortable but not pillow top. We even received a phone call inquiring if everything met our standards or needed anything. My parents prefer to relax after traveling and many small local eateries within a block. Just across street is a Subway or take out pizza. We walked down the block and brought my parents Subway sandwiches back, and spilt a half to get us by as we chose to eat in Old San Juan.


It was 5:30 and we decided we were going to explore Old San Juan out a bit. Taxi was easy to hail from side street of hotel, told taxi Old San Juan- and he suggested San Cristobol and said Fort Morro was to far of a walk. The taxi fare was $12. We had a short walk up hill from drop off point and noted it would have been $3 entry but were closing as we arrived. I was able to take two photos before closing just a glimpse of the inside.


San Juan castilo San Cristobal






(apologize for lge photo size, but cannot for world get them smaller in photo bucket, although prefer webshots--anyone instructions on webshots resizing and finding correct link to http: to insert photos?


Preview link below to my Carnival Victory Menus & Fun Times photo album

w/some menus,some food photos & Carnival Fun Times

(sorry missed Barbados main entree page -it was blurry-

recall pasta,chicken,jerk pork loin -not one of my favorite menu selection nights) Which works out well i fyou can manage to stay up for 11:30pm Mexican Buffet.


Carnival Victory menus : http://travel.webshots.com/album/578173980nyyJpy?vhost=travel&start=60


Carnival Fun Times: http://travel.webshots.com/album/578173980nyyJpy?vhost=travel&start=0







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From there we walked down to side facing the Caribbean sea. It offered great photos for the start of the trip. Just wish I had not looked so “travel worn” not bothering to put make up on at 4am for our flight that morning.

Photo of Castilo San Cristobal terrace near the entrance, we then walked down to area where “bride” had been taking photos, then to grassy area.








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We had a great time, and then made our way down hill towards shopping. It was more of instinct trying to figure out exactly where we were and stumbled upon the corner by a pharmacy and the Walgreens we usually purchase bottled water and soda at. I knew there was a brand new CVS on the waterfront by cruise terminal. It can be seen from the ship as just left of big frog over doorway of Senior Frogs (they moved into what used to be a restaurant and gift shop adjacent to the yellow colored Sheraton.) It seemed unusually quiet for it being July 3rd, I was expecting more central park festivities. They did have some souvenir vendors and lovely smelling food carts. Our final stop was the CVS for a 12-pack of coke for $5.99 I recall it was $1 cheaper than Walgreens, and much more convenient to hail a taxi from there and not carry soda.


Walgreens on corner:



Pharmacy on opposite corner of Walgreens:



Side street interesting photo op



McDonalds down hill a bit from there, mural inside:

2054341130103372150S425x425Q85.jpgWe went back to hotel and the fare was now $15. Perhaps the castle was closer, but what is one to do? We got back and packed some the soda into carryon and items like a swimsuit, sandals, medicines and electronics as they no longer allow locking of baggage. We then easily fell asleep.


Never heard any noise until a knock on our door. My parents in the morning ate breakfast on site at Basseterre 801 attached to lobby of hotel. They said for $7.95 a person a basket of pastries, bagels, coffee and fresh OJ, and all beverages refilled. The coffee was deemed great but strong. They had a to go container of pastries and jam brought to me at our door. I did not mention that rooms are pitch black, I had not awaken fully yet and in process of getting the door tripping on suitcase left near entryway in suite. One rug burn and table bump later on my knee. Note it is easier to get an elevator in morning from a higher floor as by time reach a lower often filled with people and luggage. Use Express checkout--save the morning line, we has used my husband’s Marriott points for the hotel stay and avoided a bill that would have taxes added and hotel “resort fee” they tack on. So when assessing to use frequent stay points or comparing hotels, be sure to take into account taxes and hidden fees. I read they had these on sometimes to Priceline rooms. We were quickly hailed a taxi at 10:25 and off to start our cruise. The cruise terminal in Old San Juan is 15 minutes drive. Please note--we prefer the lobby side of hotel for quietness. First trip parents had room facing street and had music until late. Did not have that issue this trip. Would easily book this location again, avoid the hassle of the mad check in of pre-cruisers or those checking in post cruise, just take a taxi to Old San Juan if you wish to see it. The only thing lacking is a superior pool area and not on beach. Pre or post cruise a great pick though.

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Very nice start. Your review is so interesting, I was all ready to go to page two. Nice photos too. I love the Victory; such a beautiful ship, so I am looking forward to reading the rest of your review.

I appreciate everyone's thanks, yes it takes time, and I finally managed the process of getting photos sized I think correctly when posting. I almost have day 1 narrative finished and did day 6 ahead of time(but not posting out of order--it's the St.Kitt train trip)

So more photos and narrative tomorrow being the weekend.


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Thanks for sharing the Fun Times! I have not seen any for Victory. I leave in 2 days!


My review link is in my signature at the bottom of my post...

buffet fan... thanks for the review it is nice to relive that great city and cruise. Keep it coming.:D

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Cruise Terminal arrival: 10:40am- taxi unloads bags and pulls them to terminal sidewalk entrance area near street. A line had already started at 10:40am, with a steady stream of passengers still coming off. We were about 10th in line, but wished to wait in shade so waited against barrier to the right side of front of line. Were told disembarking was a bit later today being it was 8:30am before they were cleared for disembarkation. So we were told they would start boarding at 11:30am, and then 5 min later told 11am open the outside metal gate. At 10:50am they said form two lines and allowed to enter. Had to have your Fun Pass and ID ready to show. This cruise we were VIP booked in a suite for our 25th Anniversary and parents nearing their 50th in a suite next to ours. So given clearance and walked through metal gate and within 10 feet stopped at a table on right side and asked to open our carryon—no searches just an obligatory glance—maybe liquor bottles? Proceeded down center sidewalk, inside, up escalator and here were told to go toward center and left if we wanted our photo taken (the one with the background) we declined so went to


VIP lounge on right side actually slightly behind us for check in.

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We were greeted promptly and quick taking of Fun Pass papers (really did not need those-just helped with reservation number), passport and credit card to be used for sign n’ sail card. We were then offered either one of three couches to sit on or two tables of four available. Then were given the H1N1 forms and handed them back in. We were told boarding would be at 12:30pm. I noted another set of people sitting on couches without any belongings—I could see stickers that said Carnival intransit. Hmmm..later I would put the pieces of info together and figure out they started their cruise in Barbados the previous Wednesday, and must have to disembark to officially clear the ship, and must not have chosen to take a tour in San Juan. We chose a table to sit at and were informed lemonade, water and cookies available. Coffee was being made—obvious that man was not a coffee drinker. My dad a lifer on coffee drinking observed him putting in two cups—yes cups from a Styrofoam cup into machine for one normal size pot. I think the stirring stick could have stood up straight in cup. Sugar was available but no cream or milk to be found. The rookie coffee maker went on a search for it and returned with a box –nope this was sugar now having soaked up moisture coming out like sea salt clumps. Next try—powder packets—nope these were artificial sweetener packets. Not giving up, he returned with a small pitcher all doubting what or if it was cream—yes we had milk.

Myself Suzy, my dad Leo & mom Sherri.


View from lounge window Old San Juan, pilot boat in lower Right.


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It was now nearing time to board and all anxiously gathered our belongings and followed like a scout troop behind our leader holding a VIP express tag as we bypassed many waiting faces.

This is view as we exited VIP lounge. We had turned left and would then make a U-turn around center area, which is escalators coming up.(bathrooms were in back left corner)



A look back behind us of central check-in lanes


We were led to scanner (there is only one) - and I use a rolling backpack with two side pockets. The girl asked to check the two side pockets that were holding Dasani water bottles to check if their seals were intact. I had to throw away open bottle I was holding. They never opened backpack, nor questioned other 6 water bottles in my roll along, nor my spouses. This cruise we wanted to make sure spouse had Rum for pre-dinner, so I placed an order for Rum a day after they “reinstated Bon Voyage liquor ordering” (it was $40 if I recall for a 1.1liter of Bacardi White Rum.) So we did not have a need or pressure of getting rum runners through. One is not supposed to take photos when in terminal, but I figured lounge was ok, and if I took one from gangway I was not in terminal (smile.) I noted that time

I took a photo of my dad getting his luggage scanned before entering gangway was 12:16pm. Note reflection of ship in doors.


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Forgot to mention, in terminal they were handing out flyers- if you purchased $25 or more in the duty free store you got a free draw in a barrell. Well, I encouraged my mom to go get a bottle of wine as I know she sometimes ordered it at dinner. My dad agreed to go with her. They came back smiling since they bought two bottle of reisling total of $26 they qualified for a drawing and my dad pulled out a winner of a free tow along small suitcase. My dad always tends to win raffles and just smiled. Great as they had just brought a duffle and made it much easier to stow everything in a roll along. The "wine cellar" is on same level as check in. Carnival will allow 1 bottle per person of wine or champagne. They never questioned them having 2 in one carryon.


We exited the gangway at level 3 of ship portside, if one is on ship facing the pursers’ desk or what they now refer to as guest relations the entry was just to right of this. Just as you enter you will have your official sign n’ sail mug shot taken. I figure I was not going to worry about my hair at this point and did the usual ponytail as that is how they’d recognize my coming back from shore excursions anyhow. We were on this cruise to relax. We were told lido buffet was open as well as Deli, grill and Chinese station. Getting on early is no problem finding a table. We chose a table window side making it easier to stow carryons out of the way. We left one person at table to watch bags and then seemed everyone was getting up at one time or another for items that someone was there to watch the stuff. We noted that either the “recipes” have changed or the Victory Deli, the Grill and pizza area are much better at cooking than previous Carnival cruise. At the deli; The Panini hot style sandwiches (the famous Rueben) came out hot in center, crispy on outside. Previous cruise it was cool and limp. The pizza I had all but given up on thinking it was a recipe change when they eliminated transfats, but I have new faith in pizza. I can only comment as we had just out of oven hot pizza- its crust resembled more of the hand tossed style about ¼” thick, puffy yet crunchy. For those that don’t know, one can order Caesar salads, Calzones and YES whole pizzas! The first “special” theme for buffet as we boarded was Italian today. Disappointed in Italian buffet not seeing anything resembling lasagna.


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We were told cabins were not available until 2:30pm. The had a lot of staff in central areas hovering making sure most stayed out of cabin areas. The fire doors were also closed. I read in “Fun Times” the dining Maître would be available for table inquiries in Atlantic Dining Room 1:30-3:30pm. The Atlantic is the center dining room near point one embarks at. Being that we were celebrating our 25th Anniversary with my parents we had requested a small table, booth preferred that had benches (I was told they don’t due requests, but went to Carnival website and the Funville forums and posted to webhost.) I also heard the Maire’d arranges tables a few days before cruise and uses booking dates as priority. Another one of those unconfirmed questions and procedures. Being that the Maitre’d was not in the dining room we were assigned, we decided to go to the Pacific Dining room which is in the back (stern) of ship and deck 3. We finally reached the Pacific Dining room to find it open, yet no one around. I did find a server polishing silverware removing any water spots and asked if she knew where table 425 Pacific was. It was main floor center and a normal booth with bench seating. Perfect. I noted she pulled a laminated card the size of a menu from the left side of maitre d’ station-so there is an answer too. I wanted to photograph it for posting, but thought I was already pushing my luck taking her away from her job duty helping us locate our table. My other strategy sometimes is to see if they have placed the numbered placards on tables to locate it. - no cards were set up at that time. If anyone has every sailed this class of ships, they now know decks 3 & 4 do not transverse the ship. One must get to one end to other using alternate decks. Deck 5 is easiest theoretically, not if you encounter the paparazzi photographers that clog the promenade once sailing. On the way to dinner, one does not know if people are moving slow, or waiting to be photographed. From experience we have learned one can get photos without the lines. Simply go during early seating if you are late dining, or vice versa, or as we found if one can maintain their appearance (not slob on yourself) getting photos after late dining is no line and all background choices virtually waiting for you.

Important update: The Behind The Fun Tour has been moved to Friday-same time as docking in St. Kitts, also note that it is a shorter tour version than I recall being almost 4 hours. The Shore excursion desk opened at 3pm and is across atrium lobby level 3 from where we entered ship. I read it is very limited, and many do not know about tour until they her about it during welcome aboard show. So would say book it right away if you want to do it. It was not listed on television shore excursions ordering page.




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We were finally given the clearance for rooms at 2:30pm, bags had not yet arrived, however the room had been nicely decorated with Anniversary decorations for our 25th Anniversary ordered thru Bon Voyage Gift department. There were 4 long streamers, a center hanging, an end table display and banner over bed. Our Bon Voyage Rum Bottle was also on the counter along with two engraved Carnival Bon Voyage key chains-nice touch. This sailing we were in Suite 7312 beside my parents in 7314. Upon entering our head of the bed was on the right, and their cabin which was more towards back of ship had head of bed on left. We then went out onto balcony, the ship in San Juan is “backed in” and thus perpendicular to shore. The port side view (even number cabins) faces the terminal side. Great for watching them load luggage and watch gangway. We always wish to have balcony divider opened, and learned from cabin steward, we had to initiate the request from guest services (I just phoned from cabin) and then room steward gets request to open it. By 4:30 we had luggage and an open balcony partition. The balcony divider on this ship swings from front to back and then hooks. So it went from parents 7312 to our 7314, covering the extra small window by the couch in their suite. There is plenty of storage, two full size closets with plenty of hangers, a 4 drawer dresser (with outlet above it), a sit down makeup vanity area with 4 small drawers, and shallow center drawer. There is also an outlet on this counter. The central area with television has the refrigerator in a cabinet, another with safe & shelf. Two night stands with a small area for storage and small drawer that really is nice.


As far as the cabin TV, the suites have been upgraded to flat screens. The flat screens have jacks below them for video inputs and S video plug. No headphone jack though. One may not also be aware the green menu button on remote it can access lots of guest services –shore excursion booking, check sign n’ sail balance—it is kind of tricky- the main account holder will show all the charges, and sometimes it appears as something is missing. Just try options of newest first, or alphabetical order it seemed to work. If not, avoid the last day rush and get statement from guest services after during last day. My dad told me the slots now use a pin system and your balance is attached to your sign n’ sail card. One must “cash out” balance to your card each time you move to another machine, as to not leave credits on the machine for others to use. Also do not forget to close out any points/balance on slot card before the last morning. Dining room don’t be shy about ordering more than one item from each category or if you prefer two servings.

Suite 7312 Victory

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First night dinner is 5:30-8:30pm and open seating. This means when you arrive they group you and fill the tables as you arrive. We have done this before, and my parents were new to this concept. We ended up with the best group of people and had we not gotten a great booth on main floor would have gathered the group for the whole cruise. As far as food tonight—for appetizers the tropical fruits are always a good pick, chicken tenders are deemed great by teen crowd, black tiger shrimp (cocktail) are now offered nightly-note they are 4 small ones-may need order two if you love shrimp. Main meal the sweet & sour shrimp are quite good, but the ribs were calling to me. Had I known this week there would be three types of rib offerings I would have opted for the shrimp. The ribs were okay but as week went on they got better (last night was THE BEST in my opinion.) The desserts offered were a tough choice—go with the chocolate melting cake you have been thinking about since booking the cruise, or go adventurous of something more Food Network like—opting for crème brulee I was not disappointed, loved the crunchy sweet top. Had I not eaten a full lido lunch, and great meal I would have ordered another brulee just to eat the top of it!





Main Courses:







Junior Menu:


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looking forward to more of your review. I really liked the sweet and sour shrimp, the ribs, as well as the diet orange cake, and my Mom loved the creme brulee. Thanks for taking the time to post your review and photos.:)

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Great review so far and thanks for posting all the menus and Fun Times. I must say you and your DH do not look old enough to be celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary. You must have been about 12 when you got married. :D

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Great review so far and thanks for posting all the menus and Fun Times. I must say you and your DH do not look old enough to be celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary. You must have been about 12 when you got married. :D

Gee thanks, truly appreciate that. We were highschool sweethearts, and even waited till out of college to get married.

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Just to back things up a bit--

forgot to post our exploring of nearby Grand Suite cabin before it was occupied, and invited in by one couple as they saw us peeking in doorway trying to see an aft wrap balcony cabin.

First is a peek at Grand Suite or Category 12 suite. Noted almost same as our Junior category 11 suite with the exception the couch had an extra turn on the end, two chairs, another cabinet on entrance wall, and in dressing vanity area the counter had a mini bar sink in it. Balcony was the size of two of our suites put together-two loungers, 2 upright chairs.

A Grand Suite or category 12:





This is the aft cabin that we were invited in.




This is photo of walkway as you leave terminal, we went out around 3:30pm to get 12-pack of soda and some water at CVS. When we came back we found a huge line waiting to go through security. A big thanks to the VIP lounge staff as they helped us graciously taking us to front (A VIP perk) as we had already embarked onto ship and could just go thru scanner, and skip getting ID photo taken.


This was taken from our balcony of 7312 with a 3X zoom, this is the frog I was saying was visible from ship, the CVS is just left of Senior Frogs.



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Post dinner San Juan:

We were summoned for what they now call the “safety briefing” at 9:30pm. No longer are life vests taken to the drill. Gosh I’ll miss the idiot blowing that germy whistle or people stepping on the straps on the stairs. Honestly it did make for a good photo op though seeing a “sea of orange.” I admit I did find life vests in corner cabinet and did look at them to see what station to report to, only to learn that muster station is printed on your precious sign n’ sail card – a light bulb moment there. All children 11 and under must put a neon colored wrist band on and this is done while at the safety briefing. I am not sure if they allow it or not, but nine years ago we requested that the band be placed on sons ankle for comfort, and didn’t show in photos that way. We admittedly dawdled to get to briefing, but not to the point of being shooed to station. We thankfully arrived to be placed in front of line closest to the life boats where one can breathe. I was disappointed when late comers (late, late) they created another row in front. My quick thinking husband placed me in front of him as he is quite tall and I would be buried being only 5’3”. Yes it was hot, but quick and painless. They now dismiss safety briefing by letter to avoid the mass exodus. Advice people…can’t you for once just use the stairs if you are one level away?? It is irritating when you get in a full elevator for those unable to do stairs well, and it stops on the next floor up. After this we heard there might have been fireworks in San Juan, but apparently missed them. Only my husband saw some across the water towards Bacardi plant location, as he skipped first night dessert, he said nothing that great, surely we thought Old San Juan would have had their own on July 4th. At 10:15 they had a sail away party on lido. We went up to see us sail past the fort, and they were singing Queen’s nah,nah,nah,nah goodbye…wave to Puerto Rico!!

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We were finally given the clearance for rooms at 2:30pm, bags had not yet arrived, however the room had been nicely decorated with Anniversary decorations for our 25th Anniversary ordered thru Bon Voyage Gift department. There were 4 long streamers, a center hanging, an end table display and banner over bed. Our Bon Voyage Rum Bottle was also on the counter along with two engraved Carnival Bon Voyage key chains-nice touch. This sailing we were in Suite 7312 beside my parents in 7314. Upon entering our head of the bed was on the right, and their cabin which was more towards back of ship had head of bed on left. We then went out onto balcony, the ship in San Juan is “backed in” and thus perpendicular to shore. The port side view (even number cabins) faces the terminal side. Great for watching them load luggage and watch gangway. We always wish to have balcony divider opened, and learned from cabin steward, we had to initiate the request from guest services (I just phoned from cabin) and then room steward gets request to open it. By 4:30 we had luggage and an open balcony partition. The balcony divider on this ship swings from front to back and then hooks. So it went from parents 7312 to our 7314, covering the extra small window by the couch in their suite. There is plenty of storage, two full size closets with plenty of hangers, a 4 drawer dresser (with outlet above it), a sit down makeup vanity area with 4 small drawers, and shallow center drawer. There is also an outlet on this counter. The central area with television has the refrigerator in a cabinet, another with safe & shelf. Two night stands with a small area for storage and small drawer that really is nice.


As far as the cabin TV, the suites have been upgraded to flat screens. The flat screens have jacks below them for video inputs and S video plug. No headphone jack though. One may not also be aware the green menu button on remote it can access lots of guest services –shore excursion booking, check sign n’ sail balance—it is kind of tricky- the main account holder will show all the charges, and sometimes it appears as something is missing. Just try options of newest first, or alphabetical order it seemed to work. If not, avoid the last day rush and get statement from guest services after during last day. My dad told me the slots now use a pin system and your balance is attached to your sign n’ sail card. One must “cash out” balance to your card each time you move to another machine, as to not leave credits on the machine for others to use. Also do not forget to close out any points/balance on slot card before the last morning. Dining room don’t be shy about ordering more than one item from each category or if you prefer two servings.

Suite 7312 Victory

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Awesome! I wanted to have our room decorated for our Anniversary too. Do they put anything on the door? Is the rum part of the decor package? It looks great

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Thank you for your wonderful review. I'm sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for more. Looking forward to our cruise on Victory in Dec. :) Doxie

Thanks for encouragement to continue review. Got really busy returning to "reality." tomorrow hope to add to review- any questions in mean time just ask. I was hoping review was not too detailed, over general type commentary review. I will continue tomorrow more photos,menu & comments.

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