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Transport from Sydney Airport to Hotel


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I am contemplating a taxi from the airport to the Sydney Harbour Marriott.

Can anyone give me an idea as to how much this will cost?

We can take the Princess transport for $51 each = $102 - which is from the airport to hotel, then hotel to ship (I think - but perhaps not as this hotel is not on Princess' list) then from Auckland (ship) to airport or to hotel (same "I think" here).

We have found that on past cruises, it has been a much better idea to arrange our own transport - no waiting for a bus load of passengers with their luggage all arriving at the same time at the airport. Is this approach a good idea for a cruise Australia to Auckland?

Thanks for your input.

Another thought, I know that one does not tip taxi drivers in Australia - is it also the same "no tipping" at the hotel? Room attendant/luggage delivery, etc.?

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I don't recall the prices of taxi's in Sydney, but NO WAY will it cost you anywhere's near $100 for both rides.

Take your own, not the ship's transfer from airport to hotel and then hotel to pier.

Tipping is not a big thing in Australia. You don't need to tip the taxi driver, however, hotel personnel have come to expect it a bit. Tip the porter who brings your luggage to your room a few dollars. But it's not like some countries where you practically tip people for telling you the time!

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I am contemplating a taxi from the airport to the Sydney Harbour Marriott.

Can anyone give me an idea as to how much this will cost?

I don't often get taxis from Sydney airport to the area where your hotel is, but I would be surprised if it was more than USD20 or so. Sydney airport is relatively close to the city centre for a major city airport (highly controversial, but we won't go into that ...), which keeps transport costs down for passengers.


Is your ship docking at the International Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay? If so, and you have wheelie luggage, you could walk from the hotel to the ship. You will probably be able to see the ship from the hotel. It's a 10 to 15 minute walk at an easy pace, and one of the loveliest cityscapes in the whole world to walk through.


As for tipping, I don't think it's really expected anywhere in Australia (including restaurants). I don't have much experience with hotel staff in Australia (I'm always staying with friends) but if other service industries are anything to go by, real eye contact and a sincere thank you is all that's really needed.


And New Zealand is even stronger about tipping; the first time I went, I was warned that there are some restaurants in which an attempt to tip the staff would be regarded as an insult.


It won't surprise anyone to know that I am very fond of both countries. I hate the entire tipping system.

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Globaliser is correct. It will cost you about $20Aud to go from the airport to your hotel. It is only about 8kms from the city. Luggage is an extra and they usually add a small charge to the fare. We do not tip taxi drivers here in Australia though if the taxi charge say is $19.50 we usually say keep the change (.50cents). It is not expected though I do think a lot of the taxi drivers play up to our U.S. friends as they know that tipping is customary in the States.


The same goes for hotel staff. Though saying that, when we get our luggage delivered to our room my husband usually gives the porter $2Aud. The other day we were staying in the city and our luggage was already in the room when we arrived, so of course no-one was tipped. When we left, we took our own luggage down to the front and even though our car was waiting, we did not tip the person who brought the car up from Valet Parking. It is just not expected here as everyone get a decent wage.


As far as restaurants go. We do not tip in coffee shops, sandwich bars etc. but if we have a good meal out at nice restaurant and we are happy with the service we will tip 10% of the bill charge. If we have not been happy with the waiter, he doesn't get a penny.


If you have any more queries, ask away. We are not a tipping country and people do not expect to receive it.



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I agree with everyone who has posted already... except I would say hope for A$20 but may be closer to A$30 for taxi from the airport depending on traffic, you could also take a train direct from the International station at the airport to Circular Quay station, hotel is a 5 minute walk from there. The hotel is very close to the pier, for embarkation, and can be walked quite easily but a taxi will be cheap from that distance if it's necessary.


Just a thought... have you contacted/emailed the hotel to ask if they have a courtesy car/van? Many of the larger hotels in the city do have them but whichever way you go it will certainly be cheaper than the Princess transfers!



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Thankyou for the quick responses - Jane110, Globalizer, AussieGal and


First, I just have to say that - everyone I have met or been in contact with brings me to the conclusion that - in general (can very vouch for all) Australians and New Zealanders have class in abundance. It also says to me that employers pay their employess a decent, living wage.

Kimba99 - No, haven't contacted the hotel as yet. Will do that next as it will be a good thing to know in advance because if they do have transport, they will need to know our arrival time, etc.

Am not sure where the ship docks - it is the Sapphire Princess - I don't know how many areas there are where ships would dock so unless someone out there knows, it will have to wait until closer to the time of arrival. Am not too worried about that because wherever it is, we shall get there one way or another.

Again, thankyou all.

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Am not sure where the ship docks - it is the Sapphire Princess - I don't know how many areas there are where ships would dock so unless someone out there knows, it will have to wait until closer to the time of arrival.
I'm as certain as I can be that this will be at the International Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay. The Sapphire is too big to get under the Harbour Bridge to go to the other cruise ship dock in Darling Harbour.
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I again agree with Globaliser and feel that the Sapphire will dock at Circular Quay. It is so easy to get there from your hotel, though I wouldn't want to be moving luggage through Sydney's streets. If you have a couple of cases each, get a taxi as they are cheap and well worth the trouble.


The concierge at your hotel will organize it for you anyhow. He may even suggest one of his porters will take your luggage down to the Quay.


Have a great time anyhow. Sydney is a wonderful city and there is a lot to see.



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Hotel Buses

Phone +61 2 9666 9988

Fax +61 2 9666 7099

Email airporter@kst.com.au

The Kingsford Smith Transport / Sydney Airporter service operates to all places of accommodation, such as hotels, bed & breakfasts and backpackers, in the Kings Cross, City and Darling Harbour areas.


One way $8 for adults and $13 return (includes GST).

$4 for children (between the ages of 4 and 12)

Frequency: Every twenty - thirty minutes.


info for airport buses. Whatever hotel you want they will pick up or drop off , so book. Have a great time.

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The one time I tried this, the bus started by dropping off all over the Darling Harbour area before heading towards the Circular Quay hotels. It was taking forever, so I eventually abandoned it still in the Darling Harbour area and got a taxi to my destination instead. Given how much they charge, my personal view would be that it would be a false economy for 2 people.

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Hotel Buses

Phone +61 2 9666 9988

Fax +61 2 9666 7099

Email airporter@kst.com.au

The Kingsford Smith Transport / Sydney Airporter service operates to all places of accommodation, such as hotels, bed & breakfasts and backpackers, in the Kings Cross, City and Darling Harbour areas.


One way $8 for adults and $13 return (includes GST).

$4 for children (between the ages of 4 and 12)

Frequency: Every twenty - thirty minutes.


info for airport buses. Whatever hotel you want they will pick up or drop off , so book. Have a great time.


You do not need to book......

Once out of the terminal,just walk to the right,you will see an office,buy your ticket , at above price ,and you will be transported to the wharf.......plus get a great tour of Sydney,as they drop of folk at all the Hotels.

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I agree with Globaliser. Why pay $16.00 for a ride in an uncomfortable mini bus after a long flight when you can pick up a taxi for $20 and get to your hotel within 10-15 minutes. I know which one I would choose.


I know the fare to Sydney city is not more than $20 because my daughter lived in Mosman - over the bridge, opposite the zoo for those who do not know Sydney - and I regularly caught a taxi to her home and it only cost me $35.


Anyhow Rockgarden, you have the three alternatives. The first is the train, the second the mini bus which takes you all around Sydney and the third is a taxi.


Have fun choosing.



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I know the fare to Sydney city is not more than $20 because my daughter lived in Mosman - over the bridge, opposite the zoo for those who do not know Sydney - and I regularly caught a taxi to her home and it only cost me $35.
I can add to this because I regularly get a cab from the airport to the suburb of Castlecrag, which is just a little further north than Mosman, and I expect to pay AUD40-45 for that.
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OK - thanks to all. Am now prepared to take a taxi. That settled, hotel settled, won't do the tour business until closer to the time - have input on that. Obtain some AUD, Australian visa, and then start on the New Zealand end - do we, or do we not stay over at all, or 2 or 3 days. I don't think we need a visa for NZ - but there is an exit tax or is that Australia also. If you have any info that, would be pleased to hear.

In the meantime, all have a great day.

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I think that Qantas can organize your Australian visa, (I am sure I have read this on the boards) or if not your T.A. I don't think it is one that is pasted into your passport, more of a verbal one.


Regarding departure tax. Both Austalia and New Zealand have this. I know that ours is added to our airline tickets as taxes and we pay for that and all the other countries we visit when we pay for our tickets.


I did read on the Board where someone had to have N.Z. dollars at the end of their trip to pay the departure tax there. I think they may have been on F.F. and therefore the tax was not added to their tickets. This is another question for your T.A.


Ask any other questions, we are happy to help if we can.



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Obtain some AUD, Australian visa, and then start on the New Zealand end - do we, or do we not stay over at all, or 2 or 3 days. I don't think we need a visa for NZ - but there is an exit tax or is that Australia also.
To take the queries in order:-
  1. I wouldn't worry about getting AUD before setting off. There are ATMs at the airport. As long as you've got a card and a backup card each with a 4 digit PIN, you are unlikely to come unstuck in Aus or NZ. I never take any money to either destination other thatn what was left over from last time, and just hit an ATM as and when I need one.
  2. The easiest form of Australian visa is the Electronic Travel Authority. The airline can arrange this for you, or you can get it through your travel agent if they are clued up enough to do it, or you can do it online yourself through the Immigration Department's website. (I can't remember what "right on" name that department currently goes by, but if you were to Google for "Australia Electronic Travel Authority" I'm sure that is bound to throw up the official Australian government site for it.
  3. You don't need a visa for NZ for a stay of up to three months. You can confirm that from this page on the Delta Air Lines website if you want.
  4. There is an airport tax payable in cash on departure from at least some if not all NZ international airports. Why they insist on collecting it in cash I do not know. Many other places that used to have the same system have gone over to collecting it though the ticket - including Australia about 10 or so years ago.

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Hi Ready2travel,


Immigrating to Australia can be a very tricky thing - persistance and patience is required - but It CAN be done.


For information - contact your nearest Australian Embassy for the list of point scores. If you have enough points you are in - it is based on what we need and if you meet the qualifications.


Next - $$ if you have enough and can place the dollars in an account - you will get in,


Or - marry an Aussie - but you will have to become a permanent resident first - 2 years if I remember correctly and then you can apply for citizenship if you wish. Its not as easy as that, but you can get around it.


Qantas also have a relocation fare - if you go ahead, its worthwhile looking into, extra baggage, chaper flights etc.


It can be a daunting task, but I have done it both ways, here and the US and if you can bear the paperwork, endless trails of appointments, medical exams, police reports, and such you will make it.


There is heaps of information on Australia on the net, just seek and you will find.


We moved from SFO to Brisbane - originally from Sydney - holler if you need anything. All the Aussies on these boards are very helpful and full of great info - but this immigration thing - I have done to death.




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  • 1 month later...

The departure tax from NZ is NZ$25 per person. You usually do have to pay it at the airport. You can get it either before or after checking in your luggage. It is sold at the BNZ bank counter at ChCh & Auckland Airports (Know that from from experience). They say they need ID - so have passport & tickets handy.

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  • 4 years later...

I am deciding where to stay in Sydney(post cruise). I am looking into Russell House(at the Rocks) or Hilton(by monorail. Which would be the easiest to get to from the cruise ship? Which is the best location for touring? Can one walk to the Russell House. Can one take the monnorail to the Hilton. How would we get a taxi? Will we need to book ahead?

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I am deciding where to stay in Sydney(post cruise). I am looking into Russell House(at the Rocks) or Hilton(by monorail. Which would be the easiest to get to from the cruise ship? Which is the best location for touring? Can one walk to the Russell House. Can one take the monnorail to the Hilton. How would we get a taxi? Will we need to book ahead?


Whether you need to book ahead, depends on when you plan to be in Sydney.


I would recommend the Rocks Area, as that area is unique to Sydney, on the Harbour and close to the cruise ship.


There is lots of accommodation in this area.



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I am contemplating a taxi from the airport to the Sydney Harbour Marriott.

Can anyone give me an idea as to how much this will cost?

We can take the Princess transport for $51 each = $102 - which is from the airport to hotel, then hotel to ship (I think - but perhaps not as this hotel is not on Princess' list) then from Auckland (ship) to airport or to hotel (same "I think" here).

We have found that on past cruises, it has been a much better idea to arrange our own transport - no waiting for a bus load of passengers with their luggage all arriving at the same time at the airport. Is this approach a good idea for a cruise Australia to Auckland?

Thanks for your input.

Another thought, I know that one does not tip taxi drivers in Australia - is it also the same "no tipping" at the hotel? Room attendant/luggage delivery, etc.?



Try this thread for recent past cruisers Sydney experiences.



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I have booked through Kingsford Smith Transport / Sydney Airporter for Jan 2009. I filled in their quote form online, they sent me a price by email.

For two passengers from Sydney Domestic terminal to York St in the city was $23.40 AUD in total one way.

Now that is cheaper than anything else quoted.


They also do bookings for Melbourne airport.




Hope that helps,


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