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What a non drinker thinks of the new 2.0 changes


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ooh aaah everyone is so excited applauding change and mediocrity- so this is from someone who doesn't drink, let me reveal something-three months ago Carnival unvieled their new-not so over the top MDR menu, and you all hooped and hollered as your daily shrimp coctail went away, and they gave you meatloaf, and oyster rockefeller(2 per plate) and you raised you hands and screamed.....and now, like the magicians PR people are, they waved the magic wand, and you get FOUR NEW BARS!


And where we recovering alchoholics would have been meeting has been turned into a BAR-so Carnival says it's OK to be a drunk,because this is where they make their money(turn your plastic into their gold, hence the Alchemy bar) where the heck are we going to put the sober people? I guess if we want a Friends of Bill W meeting, we can meet in a life boat off the back???

A new burger bar??? Are you kidding? You just upgraded the dinner menu in the MDR with a "build a burger", you have burgers on the Lido buffet, (by the way they were getting worse each time we cruised) and now you announce, drum roll please-ANOTHER BURGER PLACE!


And a sports bar? please, it's a game bar. Where is my Formula 1? That's a sport. Where is skiing? That's a sport.

You get the idea, everyone is different, and every one has different ideas of what an improvement would be to a cruise. I like Carnival, but if they were trying to get away from the "party crowd'-none of these changes would do it, seems they just invited a larger party. It was "lets meet the needs of those who drink," (cause we can make money off them) didn't hear any family friendly news, new ports, or different bars with music appealing to different age groups, just drinks.... So, lets get real excited about once again accepting the mediocre, since Carnival took away the prime things, be happy with what you get now, oh and by the way, once they do this, they will charge you more. To enjoy what you didn't ask for anyway.


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Lots of things people will like/dislike. Unfortunately everyone can't always be pleased with changes.


I do have a question though, isn't the new burger bar replacing the current grill, or is it in fact an additional place to get burgers? I was under the impression it was going to replace the current grill.

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Hey get the popcorn and soda, guys!!


This ones got their soap box out!



Its simple my friend, either stick with Carnival or go to another cruise line.

Its like when restaurants change their menu, either go and try the new one and like it or dont go back. Its that simple!


As far as the AA meetings go, that were in the Library. Im sure they will move them somewhere else. I dont think they are gonna keep you in there with all the wine dispensers. But then again when you are on the ship dont people walk around you with Booze? So are you gonna blame the cruise line for that too??


Its like this I am overweight, but im not gonna go complain they give out to much food. Its MY choice weather i want to eat everything in sight. You have to do the same. Its called control and yes i know its hard. But its not the cruise lines fault.


The cruise line is updating things, just like most establishments do. Some people like it some people dont. YOU just happen to be one of the people that dont. So you can rant and rave how fair it is or isnt. Guess what they are spending the 500 million to change and i dont think your or anybody else is gonna change that.

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o I like Carnival, but if they were trying to get away from the "party crowd'-none of these changes would do it, seems they just invited a larger party.



Carnival has spent considerable time and money getting away from that party crowd image-- and with all that is happening-- its gonna get that party image again.


I do agree with you. What does a non drinker do?


I woulda liked to see a somewhat of aafter bar menu for midnight-- like wings and fries-- anything but a burger place. they have those like you mentioned.


but what is there to eat at midnight besides pizza?

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Its like this I am overweight, but im not gonna go complain they give out to much food. Its MY choice weather i want to eat everything in sight. You have to do the same. Its called control and yes i know its hard. But its not the cruise lines fault.



As one overweight woman to another, Alcoholism is NOTHING like being overweight.

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Hey get the popcorn and soda, guys!!


This ones got their soap box out!



Its simple my friend, either stick with Carnival or go to another cruise line.

Its like when restaurants change their menu, either go and try the new one and like it or dont go back. Its that simple!


As far as the AA meetings go, that were in the Library. Im sure they will move them somewhere else. I dont think they are gonna keep you in there with all the wine dispensers. But then again when you are on the ship dont people walk around you with Booze? So are you gonna blame the cruise line for that too??


Its like this I am overweight, but im not gonna go complain they give out to much food. Its MY choice weather i want to eat everything in sight. You have to do the same. Its called control and yes i know its hard. But its not the cruise lines fault.


The cruise line is updating things, just like most establishments do. Some people like it some people dont. YOU just happen to be one of the people that dont. So you can rant and rave how fair it is or isnt. Guess what they are spending the 500 million to change and i dont think your or anybody else is gonna change that.

This one has a name, it has posted over 2000 times, and has sailed other cruise lines, so please do not talk down to me or try to belittle me because you can't. I am stating that instead of continuously accepting mediocre, that perhaps we should ask for better, not more booze. The fact that Carnival owns most of the other cruise lines, unless I sail completely European or Mid Eastern, it's all pretty much Carnival. Why not make the burgers better, than to give us a third place to go get one. Why not make the Mexican food better, than to create a place that may start out well, but end up like all their food is ending up....not so great. Ask your self what your passions are, if you have nothing to stand up for, you won't have good roots. So, no I am not on a new soap box, I'm on the one I have always stood on, make it better, not more, just better.

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Its a business. Just like any other. It's all about your sail and sign bill. They can't ask you how much you drink or will spend on paintings or in the casino....otherwise they would.


They need to accomodates those that open the wallets on the ships.....and booze is the best place for them to do this.

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Carnival has spent considerable time and money getting away from that party crowd image-- and with all that is happening-- its gonna get that party image again.


I do agree with you. What does a non drinker do?


I woulda liked to see a somewhat of aafter bar menu for midnight-- like wings and fries-- anything but a burger place. they have those like you mentioned.


but what is there to eat at midnight besides pizza?

Lets all order about 20 BLT's from room service after midnight...LOL. I hear they are still good....

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Its a business. Just like any other. It's all about your sail and sign bill. They can't ask you how much you drink or will spend on paintings or in the casino....otherwise they would.


They need to accomodates those that open the wallets on the ships.....and booze is the best place for them to do this.

I would willingly pay an additional 100-200 per person a week for better food. I like Carnival's ships, just not the message.

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Its a business. Just like any other. It's all about your sail and sign bill. They can't ask you how much you drink or will spend on paintings or in the casino....otherwise they would.


They need to accomodates those that open the wallets on the ships.....and booze is the best place for them to do this.



True. Other than getting a couple of additional celebrity spokesmen, the main change I see is getting a number of different types of venues to accommodate drinkers. By varying the booze somewhat from one of these new bars to another, they hope to get people to "sample" the various venues at different points in the cruise.


At least they aren't doing what RCCI is doing, adding a bunch of "specialty" restaurants all of which cost extra money.

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The fact that Carnival owns most of the other cruise lines, unless I sail completely European or Mid Eastern, it's all pretty much Carnival. .


I don't care how many posts you have, this quote shows the extent of your cruise knowledge.

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As one overweight woman to another, Alcoholism is NOTHING like being overweight.


Well thats your opinion hun, its a disease just like any other addiction. But you still have a sense of control. I have been around Alcoholics and drug addicts a lot in my life. And i have seen what they have to go through first hand. And being able to control yourself as they have to do to recover is a lot in the same. But like i said thats your opinion



Well im glad you have a name and im glad you have over 2,000 post. But that just make you someone with a name and over 2,000 post. Just because i have cruised once, doesnt make me ignorant to the situation. I just see you complaining over things, that you have no control over. I really truly feel that, they are not going to throw you in a room where the is Alcohol. I would HOPE they have more respect for you than that. And if this truly concerns you, then you can always call ask somebody what are they gonna do.


Lets hope that carnival does step it up with some things. But look how much carnival has to take care off! Cant get it right every time.


And by the way there are other cruise ships you can go on, that arent by Carnival.


I hope once they changes happen and you experience them. They arent has bad as you think they are gonna be. And i hope you will get to enjoy them.


Yes, i have lots of passions and cruising is starting to be one of them. But im not gonna let every little thing, stand of my way from enjoying myself.

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ooh aaah everyone is so excited applauding change and mediocrity- so this is from someone who doesn't drink, let me reveal something-three months ago Carnival unvieled their new-not so over the top MDR menu, and you all hooped and hollered as your daily shrimp coctail went away, and they gave you meatloaf, and oyster rockefeller(2 per plate) and you raised you hands and screamed.....and now, like the magicians PR people are, they waved the magic wand, and you get FOUR NEW BARS!


And where we recovering alchoholics would have been meeting has been turned into a BAR-so Carnival says it's OK to be a drunk,because this is where they make their money(turn your plastic into their gold, hence the Alchemy bar) where the heck are we going to put the sober people? I guess if we want a Friends of Bill W meeting, we can meet in a life boat off the back???

A new burger bar??? Are you kidding? You just upgraded the dinner menu in the MDR with a "build a burger", you have burgers on the Lido buffet, (by the way they were getting worse each time we cruised) and now you announce, drum roll please-ANOTHER BURGER PLACE!


And a sports bar? please, it's a game bar. Where is my Formula 1? That's a sport. Where is skiing? That's a sport.

You get the idea, everyone is different, and every one has different ideas of what an improvement would be to a cruise. I like Carnival, but if they were trying to get away from the "party crowd'-none of these changes would do it, seems they just invited a larger party. It was "lets meet the needs of those who drink," (cause we can make money off them) didn't hear any family friendly news, new ports, or different bars with music appealing to different age groups, just drinks.... So, lets get real excited about once again accepting the mediocre, since Carnival took away the prime things, be happy with what you get now, oh and by the way, once they do this, they will charge you more. To enjoy what you didn't ask for anyway.



Look at this link before you say you got nothing



I counted 6 out of 11 that have nothing to do with a new bar.


Replace the Grill with a new burger station

New mexican food location

New shows being designed

New DJ training for better performance and dancing

New Hasbro interactive shows being designed

New Comedy Club oversight and recruiting


The Library Bar will be on the Breeze when it is completed in 2012. It hasn't been listed for other ships on the above link.


Look past the Bars and see the big picture. It's easy to get tunnel vision and not see that something benefits most people.

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This one has a name, it has posted over 2000 times, and has sailed other cruise lines, so please do not talk down to me or try to belittle me because you can't. I am stating that instead of continuously accepting mediocre, that perhaps we should ask for better, not more booze. The fact that Carnival owns most of the other cruise lines, unless I sail completely European or Mid Eastern, it's all pretty much Carnival. Why not make the burgers better, than to give us a third place to go get one. Why not make the Mexican food better, than to create a place that may start out well, but end up like all their food is ending up....not so great. Ask your self what your passions are, if you have nothing to stand up for, you won't have good roots. So, no I am not on a new soap box, I'm on the one I have always stood on, make it better, not more, just better.


When did the poster do this? I am so sick of OPs complaining about something and then get all flustered when people do not agree, it is called an OPINION.


Carnival owns RC & NCL:eek: Don't think so there are tonssssssssss of cruise lines. Some maybe smaller but they'll probably cater to your needs which sounds like what you want.


I understand you are in recovery but I am not sure how adding a couple of bars is doing anymore damage then the regular bars they have now.


Yea they are having wine in the library where they do your meetings guess what A LOT of places you go day to day have alcohol doesn't mean you have to drink it. And you know what, they might even move your meetings unless you have some special attachment to the library WHO CARES:confused:

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Lets all order about 20 BLT's from room service after midnight...LOL. I hear they are still good....



ordering room service after midnight --takes too long. (there is nothing else available except pizza- anyone ever see those midnight bites they serve on the promanade deck? where is the real food??

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OP, people whooped and hollared about the new comedians, oh wow, now we can go to see a comedian .. and got rid of all the extra shows that cost a lot more money, like the big magic show I used to like.


Now its two regular shows, plus welcome show and the rest are pretty much pax shows and game shows.


We all know this is about the bottom line, not to give more to the pax and not take away with the other hand.


I hope they leave mongolian BBQ when they rip out the lido deck.

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Carnival owns RC & NCL:eek: Don't think so there are tonssssssssss of cruise lines. Some maybe smaller but they'll probably cater to your needs which sounds like what you want. ,,,,WHO CARES:confused:


:eek: .. ahhh. Carnival owns neither NCL or RCL. RCL owns RCL, Celebrity and Azamara, and NCL owns itself.


:D .. sorry couldnt resist.

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Marsh good for you. I thought the same thing when I read about the changes. I'm glad you voiced your opinion. If I had someone would have cried and I would have gotten another note from the board. I am not a fan of Nascar. So I guess I am only allowed to say "here, here"

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:eek: .. ahhh. Carnival owns neither NCL or RCL. RCL owns RCL, Celebrity and Azamara, and NCL owns itself.


:D .. sorry couldnt resist.



Im glad you cleared that up there could be all kinds of confusion from that!!


What is this magic preview you have in your signature? Sounds awesome!!

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