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Live Reporting from Viking Rinda Amsterdam to Basel


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I thought I'd try to give a live report as we travel with the Viking Rinda from Amsterdam to Basel! We arrived from JFK early this morning at 11am and found our transfer very easily. The transfer to the ship was quick and efficient.


Arriving onboard they held our bags and showed us the buffet to have lunch. Lunch was ok, nothing extravagant but sufficient. We are extremely tired from flying all night and haven't slept. We are still waiting for our cabin when everyone else seems to already have theirs. I am hoping to shower and then walk the city. A few observations: We are so used to Princess Cruises and their top notch service, that we are so far disappointed with Viking's service even though they pride themsleves at being first class. There are plates and cups from the take away coffee area sitting here for over an hour....interesting, but anyway.


oh my room is ready...talk more later!

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I noticed on departure day of our first Viking cruise that the waitstaff, in-between breakfast and the light lunch buffet, was called into service to assist with baggage handling for both oncoming and departing passengers. I noticed this b/c we were trying to find our preferred waiter to give him an additional gratuity, and he was dashing around to secure baggage. Perhaps that is why cups & plates were left sitting for a time.

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Embracedbylife ~ I agree with the other comments about the crew - everyone, even the captain, was helping with the luggage of the departing guests so you lucky guys could get onto the ship! I know since we were almost like ship's passing in the night - we disembarked at 10am!!! And the first guests were arriving at 6:15am - I was just getting coffee as 2 were at the desk checking in!


I'm sitting at home - almost 2am - woke up after 5 hours sleep and know I have to get more - worst part of European travel is jet lag!!! And in SO jealous of you!!! I hope your trip is half as good as ours!!!


Please say hello to Sylvia & Seta - they work the lounge, bar, dining room - they're everywhere! Please tell Seta the woman who says she works "24-7" says hello! And Alejandro from the Philippines - tell him the man with the red nose and woman who game him the toe & hand warmers will never forget him - and ask him for a "pole dance"!!!


I'm sorry you had a negative first impression - I thought this crew was fabulous and all really worked - especially the captain who was always around! And, on the last evening, if they announce a special performance after dinner - don't miss it!!!


Oh we'll, let me see if I can get back to sleep!


Here - I hope - is Alejandro ~


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Embracedbylife ~ one more thought - it'll be very interesting to compare your ports (time arriving/departing, etc) to ours since its the opposite direction. Someone did a great blog going your direction, but during the summer and my main interest had been learning about the Christmas Markets. So we might be able to give some info about N-S and S-N.


Can't wait to relive our trip through you reports - I just never seemed to have enough time - plus was frustrated by difficulties of posting photos!


FYI - we found the CM at Cologne just fabulous - the best of all for different gifts as we'll as decorations! Enjoy!!

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Sorry - jet lag setting in!! By decorations I meant how the markets looked - not tree decorations - although they were there also!


We has a tour - I think our guide was Franco and great, my DH's favorite. We saw the Cathedral and quickly walked pass the CM to a few other spots. He ended the tour showing us exactly how to return to the ship (a quick walk, maybe 4 blocks, not the way we had come) and we were by a second CM. We asked recommendations for lunch and he suggested Pete's Bauhaus (sp?) a local place. We ate the - nice hot potato soup - and it was wonderful! Then we roamed the CMS before returning to the ship just after 4pm.


About an hour later, my g'friend also on the cruise, and I returned to power-buy a few items. By then it was dark and really magical!!! Both markets were all ablaze with lights - I am SO glad we made that second trip!!!

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Hello Fotopeg,


glad to hear you got home savely and that the trip was fabulous.


The place you went to in Cologne must have been Peters Brauhaus. It has got its own website and looks like a splendid traditional well-kept brewery pub.




Another mild morning in the Rhine valley, water level relatively low for winter now, which leaves plenty of room for possible floods at the beginning of next year.

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Hi Everyone! So glad to hear you made it home safely PhotoPeg!! And glad your trip was wonderful!!


It's day 2, Sunday and we are in Kinderdijk! Just to give you more info on yesterday:


We were soooo happy to get to our room for a well needed rest. I think we were the last room to settle in, which explains our long wait. Anyway, as many of you mentioned we realized how much the staff were multitasking and how hard they were working on Day 1, after watching them more, which makes sense why things were a little unorganized and not as smooth as we'd expect, so I'm just reporting what I see, as I see it, and as the days go on my expectations and opinions are sure to change!


So after a much needed nap we got refreshed and headed out to see some of Amsterdam. We've been to Amsterdam and Kinderdijk before, so we walked down along the river from the ship to the Train station and realized it was under construction. We started to walk through the station to get to the other side to the streets in front of the station and it appeared that you needed a ticket to walk through (turnstiles at rear entrance) so we walked around the station (a far walk) and then around to the streets. On the way back we saw others walking through the station without tickets so we did this on the way back to save us some time and walking.


In Amsterdam we went to the main street and they had a little Christmas Market set up which was cute and headed to our favorite french fry shop for our fix of fries and mayo (yum!!). Then we just walked some more and back to the ship via the train station this time making it a faster walk back.


After returning we saw they had an intro ship talk going on upstairs and we just watched it from our room tv. Then we went to dinner and were a little disappointed that there are no tables for 2, so we headed back upstairs and had a light dinner in the upstairs lounge. It was so nice to have the room all to oursevels!! Not sure we are really suited for this whole community dinning, so we are figuring it out as we go.


More about our room: I really like the room, although smaller than Princess ship rooms it's modern and the lighting is awesome! The closet is ok, and the bathroom is very nice and although small, it's very nice and easy to use, so no room complaints at all! We are on the 3rd floor and love our balcony! Slept well! You CAN hear poeple walking and running above us on the upper deck but that stopped by about 10pm in time to sleep and started again around 9am after we woke up so that's ok, no issue!


Today we slept in and got coffee and pastry at the coffe station as breakfast was over by 9:30. The tours left at 9:30. We have already been to Kinderdijk before, but we went for a walk and realized that the place in Kinderdijk that we had been to before was different from where we were today so we saw something new. Although I have to tell you the village that we saw on our own a few years ago when we took at train to Kinderdijk was much prettier, so I feel bad that the people on this ship never got to see what we saw on our own before. We had seen an amazing village with various types of windmills and it was incredible. I'll research it for you so you know where it is for anyone who travels to Kinderdijk on their own. But what we saw today was nice, and noone would know the difference if it's their first time here they'd love what they saw!!


Just got back and getting ready for lunch! We came back to a nice arrangment of chocolates and german cookies and a ornange in our room, nice touch!! Oh and we met Robert last night in the lounge as our server and he was very nice and he will get tips from us no question as well as many other staff that are very friendly. Overall not sure Viking is for us (somewhat forced socialization in the dining area) but we'll see how it goes! keeping an open mind!

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Just finished lunch and it was lovely! We ate an hour after it began so we had our own table in a quiet atmosphere. Very good food also! Staff continue to be very pleasant but still don't pick up plates as you finish eating. I see lots of empty plates and glasses all over including in the lounge area. I think they are just very busy. Found sparkling water at the coffee station which is really nice! So far a good trip!


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Tipping is done at the end of the cruise. You can tip each member individually in cash, or have the gratuities added onto your acct when you settle up at the end of the cruise. As with ocean cruises, you can ask the concierge desk for envelopes to hand deliver additional gratuities to those crew members you would like to recognize for going over and above.

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Embracedbylife ~ happy that things are going well on the cruise!! We are also not into the "forced socialization" - have experienced some miserable dinners at a resort we often visited. One reason I've always enjoyed CC since on the ocean cruisers I usually meet enough people and form a table before we cruise!


I guess on both our cruises we were very lucky! Last year we met two couple we still keep in contact with - one visited NYC in May and we spent time together - in April we're meeting them in Vegas. This year we met a group from Australia in our Basel hotel - all of us going on the Viking cruise - and everything just "clicked"!!! We ate dinner together every evening and think we've found real friends even if its long distance!!!


But I can also understand the need for "time alone" - so happy you enjoyed a nice dinner! We always had lunch in the lounge - not really sure why but we enjoyed the chance to eat with a view in the daylight.


As for Kinderdijk - we arrived there about 1:20pm, we were due in at 2pm. We had an on board talk about windmills and then took a walk to see the windmills. I'd say the talk and explanations were too much - but the windmills were interesting and I completely enjoyed taking photos!! If I lived in the Netherlands I'd be there every month to take photos!!! A local village would have been fun to see - but just not enough time for everything!

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Embracedbylife ~ Tipping guidelines are in the itinerary book from Viking. There's a suggested tip for the Program Director and and for the crew - they state that it'll be shared by everyone equally. I think it was on the night of the 6th day during the disembarking talk that Heneritta mentioned gratudities and that night 2 envelopes were in our room after dinner. You could pay in euros or use a credit card. And, of course, you could also give individual tips to those who really served you directly. So, no tipping every day just at the end of the cruise.

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Thanks so much for all the info regarding tipping. We are planning to give something extra to a few who have so far gone above and beyond including Robert in the Terrace. He is so accommodating infact we ate there again last night to avoid the seating in the main dining room and he was so pleasant and we had the whole terrace to ourselves! What a quiet romantic meal!! I had called down to the front desk to ask what time dinner in the dining room was until (hoping to go down late and get a table that others left from) and they said that there is just one seating, everyone eats together and if you come late you will miss 1st and 2nd course...which makes sense. So we chose to eat in the terrace and are glad we did!


We had breakfast this morning in the dinning room close to when it was over (open till 9:30 and we went down at 9:10) and we were fortunate enough to eat alone but that's just plain luck today. We'll try the continental breakfast in the Terrace tomorrow. I really like how they have breakfast and lunch in both the dinning room and terrace so people are more spread out. So we are figuring out how to make the best of this whole dining experience.


As you mentioned PhotoPeg we would do much better by traveling with 2 other couples to make up a table of 6 and it would be incredibly enjoyable then. If we ever return to Viking we will definetly come with another couple or 2. This is the best way to handle it. So far so good! Looking forward to Cologne!! :) Oh, we are doing it all on our own! :) Can't wait to explore the city just me and hubby!! YIPPEEE!!!!

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I'm glad you are having a pleasant dining experience in the Aquavit Terrace. However, on river cruises, table configurations in the dining rooms being limited to seatings of 6 or 8 is not limited to Viking. And, as Peg has said, dining with others may give you the opportunity to meet others who you "click" with. We met a couple on our first Viking cruse with whom we clicked and we are now fast friends and have 2 more Viking cruises planned with them.



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I'm glad you are having a pleasant dining experience in the Aquavit Terrace. However, on river cruises, table configurations in the dining rooms being limited to seatings of 6 or 8 is not limited to Viking. And, as Peg has said, dining with others may give you the opportunity to meet others who you "click" with. We met a couple on our first Viking cruse with whom we clicked and we are now fast friends and have 2 more Viking cruises planned with them.




River Cruising is like how Ocean Cruising was maybe 15 years ago. You have pleasant dinner conversation with. . .perfect strangers. . . . imagine that. It won't kill you. But unlike ocean cruising where you are assigned the table for the duration, on river cruises you get to "rotate". How are you going to know if you have anything in common with people if you don't have a conversation? By purposely avoiding to be with other people you are missing out on the river cruise experience. jmo.

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Hi Everyone! It's Tuesday and we had the most faboulous day yesterday in Cologne!! It was so much fun! We skipped the ship's tour and went around on our own. After a lovely breakfast we made our way through the city with our map in hand (obtained from the front desk) and just explored at our leisure. We first walked to the bridge and saw all the love locks attached to the bridge! So pretty with the sun shinning on them!!


Then we walked to the cathederal and went inside and had a lovely visit. Next to the cathederal was our first Christmas market!! It was relatively qiet at the market since it was daytime so we took our time and saw all the market vendors and bought a couple items! We then walked down the main street shopping area and window shopped on our way back toward the ship to the next Christmas Market. The Market close to the ship is more of a traditional market with traditional German decorations and vendors. We LOVED it!!! We shared a bratworst and both got spiced warm wine (YUM!). The wine was 10 euros for 2 cups and then you get back 5 euro if you return the cups. We wanted to keep them as souveniers so the lady took them back and gave us fresh unused cups and wrapped them nicely for us to take home!! So for 10 euro we had delicious wine and souviners to take home!! Then we made our way back to the ship by about 1:30pm for lunch.


After enjoying a few episodes of Downton Abby on the tv (they have all 3 episodes to watch) and some backgammon we headed back outside around 5:30pm. We took tons of photos of both markets at night (spectacular!) and the cathederal. We did some more walking through the shopping areas and found a third Christmas Market but we didn't head in, we instead went back to the traditional market by the ship for more sausage and wine!! It was so yummy that was our dinner! :) Back to the ship finally around 9:00pm and another episode of Downton Abby before calling it a night!


As for the comments regarding the meals and seating, please remember not to judge others. Just because some people enjoy socializing with strangers on vacation doesn't mean everyone does, and I am in no way chriticizing those who are socializing. I spend my workday socializing and meeting people all day, every day, so i'm not antisocial at all. In fact we are certinaly making friends with some of the staff and a few others. At breakfast we noticed that the crew set up only a few tables forcing everyone to sit in groups.


This morning a couple of ladies came in to the Dining room (it was nearly empty as everyone was on the tour) and asked to be set up by themselves across the way instead of sitting with 2 others beside them. Sometimes people wake up tired, and just want to eat and not talk and not be forced to sit with others. I dont judge them, I get it! Others watned some company and came in and sat with others. that's OK too!!

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Your descriptions of the Christmas markets in Cologne make me want to be there! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. What are the temps there?


I was not criticizing your wish to dine alone; rather I was suggesting what there is to be gained from the company and conversation of your shipmates. My husband is much more outgoing than I am, and I would have preferred a table for two on all our cruises, but have always been happy that he talked me into joining others. I'm sorry if this offended you.



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Embracedbylife ~ SO happy you enjoyed Cologne - and your description of the CMs is perfect - right-on!!!! Glad you're taking photos - I also took a ton!! The one you said was more "traditional" did it have a skating rink? That was my favorite of the whole trip since it seemed SO real - filled with more locals or visitors from out-areas than us tourists!


Glad you're having a good time - but, just in my opinion, you saw the best first - although I did also enjoy Strasbourg - medieval look took me completely by surprise and the CM also good! But not as close to the ship - although there was a free shuttle running back and forth - not sure what time it began since we did take the tour first and then set out on our own to see the CMs and have lunch - street alongside the Cathedral had lots of restaurants. Le Gruber had been recommended and it didn't disappoint.


Heidelberg was lovely - also a ride from the ship and, while we were there the ship moved location. We took the tour of the castle first - guide Toby "made" it fabulous - and then the bus took us into the old section of town for a short walking tour and free time at the CMs - great especially since they were in the shadow of the castle which is up so high! Heidelberg - city of love - bought the gluhwein cup since the handle was a heart!


I'll be interested in hearing about the time you spend in Rudesheim - also an easy walk from the ship. I wish we had had more time there!! Since you're going the other way your schedule will be interesting!


I see you're from NYC - we woke up to snow this morning! Think it'll give me a chance to finish my baking!!!


Hope you continue to enjoy! Looking forward to more "reports" - I'm enjoying reliving our adventure!!!

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Hello embracedbylife,


we greatly enjoyed being at our table of six on the Danube cruise, but then we had lovely laid back yet relatively reserved people to talk to.


About Rüdesheim: just an idea, but as you like being on your own in ports, you can actually do as the locals do and cross the river on the ferry roughly where the Christmas market is. Very short journey. There isn't that much to see on the other side - the town is called Bingen - but you get a different perspective and perhaps some nice photo shots. Car ferry runs frequently but check service in the evening. There are no bridges in the area, by the way.


Enjoy your trip.




Very mild and sunny today, has not rained in days here.

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Becki, thanks for clarifying :) FotoPeg it's so fun to share stories! notamermaid thanks so much for your advice!! FotoPeg, yes it was the CM with the skating rink! So pretty and like a ferrytale!!


we had a fabulous day yesterday. Skipped the tour of the castle and stayed on the ship. I was up on the upper deck and the captain let me hang out with him! He is so friendly and as they say, good teamship starts at the top! he's an incredibly nice and kind person stearing this grand ship!


I took some pictures of the castle others went to and some churches! Then we arrived in Rudesheim and walked to the Christmas Market (only a 10 minute walk). We loved it! A totally different city and a lot of fun! We also had dinner at a restaurant and enjoyed it a lot!


Up early this morning and we'll take part in the castle tour today! Will write more soon!!

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The captain is just fabulous! He's all around helping the crew or right there directing them! And, yes, he is SO nice and friendly - greeted us all many tomes as we returned from outings. I think it was in Heidelberg that the ship had moved and, as the bus pulled up to the new location, I noticed the gangplank was at a steep incline, thought it might be difficult to enter the ship. But as we approached it, there was the Captain with members of the crew helping people walk down into the ship. And the day we sailed along the scenic part of the Rhine dawned foggy - I was up top early and he asked me if I was having a good morning - I replied yes, but better weather would help. He nicely took the time explain he came from Koblenz and this was typical early morning weather and would pass and we'd have good views very soon - and he was correct - never had sun but did have good views!! And you're correct about team work - he sets a fabulous example!!


Glad you enjoyed Rudesheim - what time dis you dock there? Wish we had more time to visit the CM but then we had SO much fun at dinner I wouldn't have wanted to miss that!!


can't wait to hear about Heidelberg!! Enjoy!

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Well it's been over a day since I posted last but the internet has been extremly spotty while docked and we were docked all day yetesrday but we had a fabulous time!


PhotoPeg we were in Rudesheim until at least 9pm (can't remember when we disembarked) but we stayed until the Christmas Market closed down at 8pm and finished a nice glass of spiced warm wine after our dinner in town then walked back to the ship. Just a tip for anyone going to Rudesheim - remember to walk around up the streets and kinda get "lost" and you'll see the markets go on for awhile and get more romantic the more you wander! Don't just walk along the water only, walk up the side streets that's where it is really pretty!


We had planned on seeing the castle in Heidelberg but instead decided to sleep in, stay on the ship and then get off in Speyer when the ship landed there (it travelled to Speyer after everyone disembarked for the tour at 10am that morning). We arrived in Speyer at 1:30pm and thanks to the fabulous maps we got at the front desk for Speyer and Heidelberg we actually took the 565 bus in Speyer (caught it right after the CM on the main street) and went to the Speyer train station and caught a 40 min. train to Heidelberg to see it for ourselves! When we arrived in Heidelberg we took a bus to the old town and took photos of the castle nestled up in the mountain (beautiful night shot) and then went to the CM near the university square. Heidelberg wasn't as pretty as we expected but it was nice to have seen it! Then we took the train back to Speyer and took in more of the CM in Speyer at night! Speyer was a much prettier town at night! Nothing compared to Cologne and Rudesheim but pretty.


The market closed in Speyer at 7pm and our ship left promptly at 8pm so we were actually back on the ship by 7:15pm. The ship is about a 15 minute walk from the market. We had taken the 5:45 train back from Heidleberg, arrived in Speyer at 6:30 and the 545 bus was right outside the train station at 6:36 it left for the town (a 8-10 minute ride max) and we were back at the CM in Speyer by 6:45 or so to walk around and get some food! I ate in the Terrace that night and just had a salad as I had a very big lunch onboard earlier in the day before going to Speyer.


Yesterday we skipped the tour and got off the ship on our own to Stratsburg (spelling?). They had shuttle buses running from 2pm to 4pm and coming back until 5:30pm. We took the first shuttle at 2pm and the last shuttle back at 5:30pm (it left exactly at 5:30 so be on the bus by 5:10 as we were). This is the most romantic city :) We had the best time ever despite some rain. The CM's are pretty and the city is just so incredible. We found some neat walking paths along the river and wandered around to the most interesting places. Get off the beaten path if you are adventurous and you will love it!!! We also went into the cathederal and it was quite beautiful! I am so happy we took the first shuttle so we had a lot of time to explore. This is a city we'll be coming back to no question!


Last night we had dinnre in the Lounge and I tried their burgers and they are very good. The food is very good! It's our last day today, and we are skipping the black forest tour as we've done that before on our own. We plan to go into town later today and explore. I hear it's a pretty city! Will upate you more later :)

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Embracedbylife ~ N to S has a little different itinerary - we never went to Speyer. After Strasbourg (which I also loved!) we sailed to Heidelburg in the morning and disembarked for the tour. The ship then moved (not sure why) and when we boarded it sailed onto Rudesheim arriving there about 5pm and leaving early the next morning so we sailed the scenic Rhein beginning about 9am. Interesting to note the difference in itineraries!


I SO enjoyed Strasbourg, especially the medieval homes around the canal! And loved the way the CMs were in the shadow of the Cathedral!But Cologne was still my favorite - still vivid in my mind!!! And, yes, the evenings/nights at the markets are just magical!!!!!


I'm finally finished with Christmas Cards & baking and and a little time to look at photos I've taken!!!




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