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RCCL "Ultra-Clean" procedures when Norovirus on ship


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My wife and I just returned from the January 6th Western Caribbean sailing on Legend of the Seas. This was our fifth cruise. When we embarked, everything was "normal" in that there were optional hand sanitizers when we boarded the ship. There were also optional hand sanitizers in all eating areas and we could serve ourselves in The Windjammer.


Everything remained "normal" on Saturday and Sunday. By Monday, things were different. Apparently, some people on the ship were suffering from Norovirus, so the ship went into what I'd refer to as "Ultra-Clean" mode:


1) Everyone entering an area serving food was required to sanitize their hands. A crew member was stationed at the hand sanitizer and verified that everyone sanitized their hands. If you didn't sanitize your hands, you weren't allowed in.


2) Everyone boarding the ship was required to sanitize their hands. Again, a crew member watched and verified everyone was sanitizing their hands.


3) All food in the Windjammer was served by crew-members. If you wanted something, you needed to ask a crew member to put it on your plate. No more "self-serve" in the buffet.


4) Crew members were constantly cleaning. One crew member was even watching a handrail and any time someone touched it, they would clean it.


5) The captain's daily announcement included statements about hand-washing and keeping clean.


6) All bedding in the cabins was changed on Monday.


Once the ship went into Ultra-Clean mode, it remained that way for the rest of the week.


One of our table-mates came down with symptoms on Monday night and was told that there were 15 people on the ship that had it at that time. He was confined to his stateroom for 48-hours until he was no longer showing symptoms.


I don't know how many people ultimately came down with symptoms of Norovirus during our 7-day cruise, but I didn't hear many people talking about it, so I'm not sure how many more than 15 had it. One thing I am certain of is that think the total number was greatly minimized due to RCCL's immediate actions and cleaning procedures. I'm sure the extra cleaning procedures put a huge additional burden on the crew, but they all kept doing their jobs with smiles on their faces and no obvious complaints that I could hear.


I would like to thank RCCL and the crew of Legend of the Seas for their diligence in keeping the ship clean and preventing a possible epidemic. This allowed a *lot* more people to continue enjoying their cruise vacation with minimal interruption aside from the extra few seconds to sanitize hands (which everyone should have been doing anyway, even when it was optional).



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I don't think the word sick describes what we went through. I was on this cruise with my husband and we both were horribly ill. I still am. We missed the last three ports, didn't eat anything since Monday night except chicken broth, and were stuck in our room (and bathroom) for the last 4 days. I am writing a review right now....but I can say that more than 15 people were sick....I went to the doctor.....and cleanliness was not what you say.


The second and third day in the buffet lunch they were out of ice...and I kid you not...they put out a bucket of ice and people were using the handle to dump some in their glass and then putting the handle back into the ice bucket! I am a medical student, but I am sure the average person knows how easily this can spread disease! BTW - the crew only served the food in the cafe from day 4 on - the day people (including my husband) had already gotten sick.

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and watch the virus to away. That to me is the biggest problem on the ship are people who take a bite out of a food item & put it back, or dump their plate of salad back in & no crew member say a thing. Or sneeze in their hand then use the tong to take food. So crew serves the people!


So we don't do the buffet......

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I just read your review again for legend of the seas and how well they handled things. I just feel that by your post you didn't think it was a serious problem and didn't affect many people. Quite possible it was 15 on Monday, but trust me, way more were sick a few days later.


I feel like I must mention that my husband and I could barely let the suite attendant clean our room for 30 minutes for fear of being away from a toilet that long, my insides still are cramping (Sunday - back in Kansas), I spent the last two days of the cruise crying in my room because of the pain, the wasted money, my only vacation for many years (due to school and residency) ruined, and the embarassment of the horrible, horrible diarrhea.


We have not even been offered a refund (partial or not) or a credit and we missed everything but Grand Cayman. Until you have experienced this horrible, horrible sickness you have no idea how serious it is. I thought I was going to have to be flown to a hospital. My mom told me to go to the doctor here in Kansas Monday if I am still not better and I got sick on Wed morning.


BTW - My mom told me that two tables next to ours in the dining room, second seating, were missing people by Tuesday night. One was missing a family of four and the other was missing a couple.

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This is one reason I'm not a fan of buffets! I'd much rather have table service in the dining room. I've watched too many people who are not germ-conscious in the buffet lines--it's pretty gross.

Unfortunately, I'm betting that the mainstream cruise lines go to having only buffets included in your fare--and all the "sit-down" restaurants will be at additional charge sometime in the future. Too bad!

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First, let me say I'm sorry about how sick you were and that your cruise was ruined.


I've had it before but it wasn't from a cruise ship, hadn't been on one in 6 months. I think I contracted it in an airport. Boy, was I sick.....I never throw up when I'm sick but boy, this time ....whew! I was stuck in a hotel room on a trip that we had planned for over 7 months. I think the stewardess on the plane was ready to call the disease center about me....Pepto didn't touch it. This was the worst stomach deal I've ever had. Same thing happened to the wife before.


I thought about trying to get a refund from the airport, airline and the hotel but my attorney thought it was a lost cause. :rolleyes: C'mon now.


On our last cruise on Rhapsody, there were sanitizers everywhere. Some folks choose to use them, some don't :confused: . Just like some folks wash their hands after using the bathroom and some don't :mad: . That sure makes me want to follow them in line at a buffet or somewhere else.:eek: As hard as cruise lines try or the precautions they will take there is always someone that thinks rules or suggestions don't to apply to them. Therefore, they help start or spread this thing. How about putting a little blame on them? Cruise lines don't want the virus, it hurts their business. They want folks to have a great time and then return for another. Can they do a better job, probably....but until ALL passengers try to do THEIR part, we'll always see outbreaks.:(

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Seems like many folks on these boards cite 'buffet food' as a likely transmission point for norovirus. Just wondering if it might be best to simply avoid these places on the ship. I guess I'm looking for advice - I'm on the Legend on 2/3/07. If avoiding buffet food would lower the risk, I think I'm inclined to do so. Thoughts?

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On our last cruise on Rhapsody, there were sanitizers everywhere. Some folks choose to use them, some don't :confused:


Just because someone chooses not to use the hand sanitizers doesn't mean they haven't washed their hands. Personally, I hate Purell as I find it very drying.

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I am truly sorry that you fell ill on your cruise. I can't imagine how horrible it must have been. The couple we dined with who fell ill said that the cruise line promised them some sort of future cruise credit because they were quarrantined (but they didn't know how much it would be). I hope you are able work with the cruise line to get some sort of remuneration from the cruise line for your troubles.



I'm sure if you take all 1900 passengers that were on the ship and ask them about their experiences, you'll get 1900 different stories.


My story is this:

I was on this cruise with my wife and another crouple. None of us got sick.


After enough people began falling ill on Monday, RCCL stepped up their cleaning/sanitizing procedures.


I didn't witness the un-clean ice issue that you described, so I'll take your word for it that it happened. Obviously, they have room for improvement.....


While there may have been a lot more than 15+ people who were sick, I didn't hear any of the other passengers I interacted with talking about it. If this were epidemic-proportions, it would have been the only topic of conversation. So, I can only assume that they were able to keep the issue localized to only a handfull of the 1900+ passengers who were on the ship. It's a shame that you were part of that handfull of people.


I feel that because RCCL stepped up their cleaning/sanitization procedures and requirements, it helped to mitigate the number of people who got sick. If they hadn't upped their cleaning/sanitization procedures, a lot more people would have been sick. If one of my group of four people had been affected, I'm 100% certain that my story would be drastically different! However, none of my group were affected and I can only imagine that one reason is because RCCL stepped up their cleaning/sanitization procedures.


That's the reason I still believe they deserve a thumbs-up.



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Any public place that many people are using the same facilities could easily trasmit a virus, be it the norovirus or a common cold. People commonly single out the buffet lines, but I think it could just as easily, possibly more, be transmitted from an area such as the casino. We just came back from a cruise and the windjammer had 4 of the hand sanitizers set up and from watching people enter the WJ, I would estimate over 90% used them.

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I feel that the employees should always be serving the buffet food. :mad: There were six in our party (luckily my 75 year old grandfather did not get sick) and my husband and I were the only two of us to get it. Even with the sanitizers I don't think on a cruise ship passengers should be touching the handles and putting them back into the food.


All it takes is one person who didn't wash after the bathroom and everyone scooping afterwards got it on their hands. :eek: I read that the GI virus only takes 7 or 8 viral particles to spread (which is why is it so freakin' contagious). They know this information on the cruises, they just don't employee the people to always serve the food until people are already deathly ill (well....it at least felt (and still feels for me) deathly).:(

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The Noro is a major problem on every cruise line. Each ship MUST be PROACTIVE and not wait for a major breakout to do something. If one incident is a confirmed Noro, then they must take immediate action. They also have to learn to be prepared for the unexpected.

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Just because someone chooses not to use the hand sanitizers doesn't mean they haven't washed their hands. Personally, I hate Purell as I find it very drying.


I agree with you that hand sanitizing gel is very drying but it is a successful means of preventing the spread of viruses and bacteria. I am planning to bring some disposable cloths (wet and in a baggie) in my purse and use that discreetly after I use the required hand sanitizer. That way I can enjoy my meal and still practice good infection control while on my cruise.

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Here is my review for Legend of the Seas sail date Jan. 06. The first three days were fun.....last 4(5) were hell.




Also, my husband thought it would be very helpful to have that alcohol sanitizer available by the main elevators on each floor. Even in each cabin's bathroom would be great to prevent contamination and spread of infection.

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Just because someone chooses not to use the hand sanitizers doesn't mean they haven't washed their hands. Personally, I hate Purell as I find it very drying.


Very true, but it doesn't mean they have washed their hands either. When people wash their hands then they will probably touch a door handle, a railing, etc? I have observed many people use the restroom and leave without washing their hands. I don't see many people coming out of the restroom after washing and holding their hands up like a doctor before they pick up their plate.


I'm not a germaphobe, I just think a little common sense needs to be used.

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I agree with you that hand sanitizing gel is very drying but it is a successful means of preventing the spread of viruses and bacteria. I am planning to bring some disposable cloths (wet and in a baggie) in my purse and use that discreetly after I use the required hand sanitizer. That way I can enjoy my meal and still practice good infection control while on my cruise.


Very bad idea!!! I´m sorry but that´s not good infection controll but could be even worse than not using the hand sanitizer.


A wet cloth in your bag is the ideal climate for any germs. :eek:

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Seems like many folks on these boards cite 'buffet food' as a likely transmission point for norovirus. Just wondering if it might be best to simply avoid these places on the ship. I guess I'm looking for advice - I'm on the Legend on 2/3/07. If avoiding buffet food would lower the risk, I think I'm inclined to do so. Thoughts?


I have eaten buffet on every cruise and have yet to get sick, except for the cold I had on Voyager but I think I got that on the plane.


I like it better because of the variety of options and because I can get the size of serving the way I want or fixed the way I want without having to explain why I want a hotdog with no bun. Im a picky eater and love dinner in the dining room at night but for breakfast and lunch, the buffet is better for me.

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I have eaten buffet on every cruise and have yet to get sick, except for the cold I had on Voyager but I think I got that on the plane.


I like it better because of the variety of options and because I can get the size of serving the way I want or fixed the way I want without having to explain why I want a hotdog with no bun. Im a picky eater and love dinner in the dining room at night but for breakfast and lunch, the buffet is better for me.


I agree with you 1000%


On X they serve you at the buffet and it´s just not my idea of a buffet. I like the self serve and didn´t get sick from one yet either.

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on the last night at dinner and arter that there was a noticalble lack of regulatory hand sanitizing before going into any dinning room. i guess they figure eveybody is getting off the next day so who cares if they get sick!:rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very bad idea!!! I´m sorry but that´s not good infection controll but could be even worse than not using the hand sanitizer.


A wet cloth in your bag is the ideal climate for any germs. :eek:


I have to clarify this in self defense. You are absolutley right that a wet cloth in a baggie is the ultimate breeding ground for bacteria. When I stated that I would rinse the sanitizing gel off my hands with a wet cloth I should have made it clear the it would be a clean disposable cloth and baggie each time , wet in the cabin immediately prior to going to the dining room. The alcohol from the handgel kills the virus but the drying effects after can be damaging especially when you wash your hands often. The gel does need to be rubbed in well and left on for a few minutes for maximum effect.

Have a safe and healthy sailing!

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I just keep thinking of how many times I go to a public restroom and see people just walk out without washing theit hands. For me personally, I can not get myself not too do it, nor would I. It is like getting out of the shower and not cleaning out my ears. it feels like the job is not complete. We have 17 people in our party leaving Feb. 3rd. We will all keep a close eye on each other and govern ourselves.


The problem is people are just dirty. PigPen is not a character for nothing. I believe there was an underlying message Mr. Shultz was trying to make everyone aware of.

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From what I've heard, the alcohol based hand sanitizers are not effective against viruses.


You heard correctly. Hand sanitizers kill bacteria NOT the Norovirus. However, we still carried a small bottle of Purell on our last cruise and used the hand sanitizers on the ship. Couldn't hurt.

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You heard correctly. Hand sanitizers kill bacteria NOT the Norovirus. However, we still carried a small bottle of Purell on our last cruise and used the hand sanitizers on the ship. Couldn't hurt.

You are quite correct. There is a difference between bacteria and viruses, ie bacteria are susceptible to antibiotics, viruses are not. For a serious viral infection antivirals have to be used. Mostly viral infections are only treated symptomatically because the are self-limiting. Having worked in surgery for over 30 years, I can tell you that there have been many studies on proper hand sanitation. The hand sanitizers are anti-BACTERIALS, they have very little effect on viruses. To protect against viral infections - the best thing is to wash you hands under running water. Also, hand sanitizers are more effective - against bacteria - with a higher percentage of alcohol. With more alcohol they tend to dry the skin leading to cracking - and non-intact skin leaves a greater possibility of infection.

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