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about Brininging your own Booze and ralking to customs

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I'm a pretty long standing CCL family customer. 15 Carnival Cruises, 12 Princess, 5 Cunard and 126 days aboard various Holland America Cruise ships. My next two cruises are on the Costa Fortuna on a back to back eastern western this summer ( which will be my fourth and fifth Costa cruise as well). Not to mention brands they don't own anymore or brands they have in other countries)


Sadly because of ..well after 127 days HAL didn't care enough about a massive F*up to even bother verbally apologizing after a really serious breech of standards. Though they did send my wife form letter :) I won't be booking anything past that i already have paid, or with any line in the Carnival family they have lost my loyalty.


Anyway I one of the three I already had booked when the HAL debacle happened was the Liberty which I just got off of next week ( Category 11.. not a bad cabin , could have done more with the extra space) ad as I mentioned the two back to back Costa Fortuna cruises the last week of Feb, first week of March.


I have noticed some comminalities on the booze thing and I have to go with the majority here. I've been on the Maasdam 5 times. Here's how is has worked out. A- I'm not a big drinker. a few daiquiri's and I'm three sheets to the wind.I am a big pop drinker though.


However I have traveled with some people who seriously drank wine, I married a Canadian woman 5 years ago an by American standards everyone I've ever met in Canada is a clinical alcoholic.


Catnival you can bring aboard one bottle of wine and they charge you few bucks to uncork it, honestly I've known people who went out and bought a few boxes of wine to stick in their lugagge and just to keep around the cabin, but thats braking the rules, so just because you CAN get away with it, doesn't make it right.



Thinking It wouldn't be such a big deal I once took a mickey of scotch ( a mickey is a pint) in my carry on ( That was a problem on Carnival...guy actually said your taking money out of our pockets. It was a pint who cares , I tossed it) Other times though I've brought another bad and filled it wit a couple of cases of coke and other soda so when I'm in my cabin and i cannot use my Soda card, i don;t have to budge or dressed and buy a can of coke. As long as your forward about this and indicate your understanding thats it' for consumption in you cabin. No problem there. If you bring along a cooler however. They will take it away from you, They don't want you to obviously be cheating ( So wrap them well and put them in checked luggage and hope like hell) ) but walking on with cooler makes everyone el thing to do the same and crews them out of the money hey get for Pop, so if you honest and discreet, no issue) so as soda goes you can tell them and be fine biut not be obviou Otherwie everone gets of at the next island and buys a case of pope.


Holland america allows you to bring as much wine in your luggae as you want as longas it's drunk in your cabin..I have never lied to anyone doing security on cruise check pitn..t's just not worth it. Howeve again if your obviously walking on with wine that they dopn;t like. You can discreetly let them know you have a few of those big 4 liter wine boxes in your luggage which you will drink in your cabin or your balcony and NOT outside and they seem to always pas you.


Carnival the mother ship has 0 tolerance for anything past one bottle of bon voyage wine and or champagne with a corkage fee's. lets face it with the price of cruises dropping , our economy dropping, it's like bringing in your own casiono. You pay so little to get on ships these days ( if you can make a commitment on the spot...I know several agents and PVP's at cruise lines who keep a short list of people who will actually , as opposed to saying they can , but actually give out a credit card on the spot for a goo enough deal. I'v had agenct cal me at work and say I can get you a six category upgrade and a two for one on this ship and sailing date but I can't hold a cabin and full pay is due now. If you keep a little bit of money for just such a n occasion, you realy can cruise five or six times a year even with single supplement's without killing yourself..you just have to actually follow through and show them you will book if they come to you with a good enough deal) I'v had people call me ( and 90% I travel as a single , since the one cruise I got my wife on the HAL one turned into such a bad exeriance she won't be going again) and offer me a cruise six months in advance to two weeks out with deals so good it's obvious that a great deal of he time as far as cabins go, They lose money on that hoping to make it up on the shipboard spending.. Any major cruise line worth it's salt will not cancel a cruise because only half the cabins are booked, what they will do is start discounting the hell out of things and then hope to hell they get at least a good percentage of people who drink big, spend big and gamble big. Personally I just make sure no matter if I'm traveling alone and regardless of if I prepay my tips I tip a second time on the first day ( the take care me tip and i'll do i again as I leave tip) and then a third time on the last day which is the thanks for taking care of me tip. Oh, and I tip the room service guy a buck for bringing me food. Doesn't sound like alott but I get my room service usually in 15 minutes even when they say it's a 45 minute wait. They know who tips. Leave $20 in single dollar bills on th side o your bedside table drawer an give them out whichever room service person brings you anything, you"ll be shocked t how fast your food gets to you.


Given that when we sat down and added it up I've cumulatively spent over two years of my life on one cruise ship or another and that I've never paid a full price for any sailing it's reasonable to expect them to want you to buy the on board services from them. Their not even obligated in you look closely enough they leave enough room in the passage contract hat they could change their policy even mid cruise and not hold liquor you buy in ports for you until the final night. If they wanted to they could dump it overboard..


On the other had I have never ever had a cruise line get pissed at me for walking a few cases of non alcoholic pop on board ..and I tell them always. That bag there, it has two cases of coke and two cases of Root Beer. If thats going to be a problem let me know and i'll toss it now. Hell I even ask the maid to clear out the mini bar so I can use the fridge. as long as you keep to your word an don't bring he damn stuff outside No problem. lie and your always going to have a problem.


HAL and CCL all have a soda card you can but for $40 that gives you unlimited pop. If you need to drink to the ;point of drunkenness, then you either do the HAL thing and get squiffed in your cabin or if your on another line tat has different rules pay the money an get squiffed at the bar. The thing to me has always been if getting drunk is such an intrinsically vital part of you vacation. Pay for the luxury of not having to drive home and being allowed to act like an ass in public, or stay home or do to an all inclusive that includes booze. They have enough of those too.


It's like people who travel thousand of miles to pay thousands of dollars to go to some of the mot beautiful the Caribbean and then sit in front of the freaking Jumbotron TV and watch MTV all day while on deck.



I know I'm l older guy but ..I cannot see how that makes sense. Or worse people who sit on deck every sea day and do nothing but drink and then get off at a port and not even leave the pier area an sit at like Ruby Tuesdays drinking there not 100 feet from the ship and say " I've been to Mexico, don't understand what the big deal is,, drinks are cheap there though" I herd a a week and a half ago in Cozumel talking bout what crap it was. Because the drinks were no cheaper and the bar was filled of Americans, None of which pay any attention to him. if he had walked 25 more feet he could have drank $1.00 coronas or 2 or 1 Margarete's until he had to be wheeled back to the ship..I still doubt many people would have had much to do with him though.


Lastly customs. I cannot for the life of me understand why so many people try and lie to customs. It's a godddam federal offense and your going to lose your passport for ten years so as to not pay duty on a few cartons of Marlboro's. yet every time I go through customs off a ship, here , or in The states, especially Miami or lauderdale. I see at least 20 people detained over something like two cartons of smokes. And it's not the two cartons they care about, hell I never get off without ten cartons of smokes which is 9 past my allowable duty either here or In Canada an I have never ever been hassled, yes I've had to pay some duty , I've never had to pay the full duty though. On an average if i b ring in10 cartons that I paid $20 or . I'll usually get charged for 5 and at another $100. But If you lie about even being over on one. They have every right to deny you a passport and god forbid you ever deiced you want to live or work in another country let me assure you it follows you. when I immigrated to Canada I had to pay my won FBI, My own country to investigate me . Much less the ten thousand other incidences i had to waive my privacy to prove that I had no criminal record and by that they especially include lying to customs officials. One incidence, no matter how minor goes on your file and could deny you a passport, a passport renewal adnd if they push it to the max which they can because lying to a federal officer is a felony no matter what, There are countries you will never ever be able to enter again without a pardon. pardons are hard to come by I might add.


Pay the $2.00 or at least be honest with they custom guys. If they charge you more money then your comfortable with paying the touch luck. throw the stuff away.They deserve it and appreciate it.


Lastly if Carnival or any cruise line know that your cigarette duty is one carton. why do they even sell those buy four and get one free cartons . The last cruise on the liberty was the only time I read a small sign paced out of my eye view and I'm 6 feet tall saying the port of Miami has a new rule now in effect saying they won't even in most cases let you go over your limit with the intention of paying the duty, but rather more frequently they just toss whatever you have thats over the limit which


A- I think is bull-crap. why turn down free taxes.


And B- if that really is true and or your custom limit is one or two cartons. either don't sell them in packages of five cartons and or put a note or sticker on it saying clearly that by buying this, they are eligible to pay a max of X amount of duty per carton or bottle which they must report or make people sign a paper saying they are aware of the fact that they are over their duty limit and are responsible for reporting it to whichever custom officials are at their final country of destination.


even in Airports in Duty free, I've had people lie to my face and say no, you can buy as much as you want. Wow, In Canada a carton of smokes costs about $75.00. Buying them on ship in quantity is usually $20 per carton. that means if after duty I pay anything less then $75 per carton. I'm still making out ( as long as I take currency exchange into account) I always have custom guys ask me why are you doing this? I tell them, Lets say I pay $20 a carton for the smokes and you charge me a 100% duty ( they can charge you to 125% in some places like Canada..but I've never ever seen anyone pay more then double . Now that means each carton is now at a cost of $50 to me, which means I'm still saving $25 per and some change on each carton..thats why it makes sense.


And when I usually am honest and explain my rationality including my total willingness to tell them I'm over and to pay whatever they want me to without complaint. I have never to this day paid more then half duty on half my items. which means a $10 surcharge on 5 cartons as opposed to a $20 on 10 cartons.


Ok, I'm done. Just ask questions to the cruise line, understand they aren't here to give you a free vacation, don't lie to federal agents and Oh god don't pull that civil right's bull-crap on Customs people. For the record you have no right to remain silent or not consent to search in any TSA area . Ship or Airport.


Your civil rights begin again when you pass out of the secured area an while your in i,t you have none. If they wanted to demand you do the funky chicken wearing G- string . You have no legal authority to stop them unless you file a federal lawsuit after the event. I hate getting tied up waiting to go through customs because some putz decides that arguing with a customs agent is the smart thing to do, Yes sir ( ma'am), I understand sir ( ma'am), what would y0u like me to do sir( ma'am)


That's it. If they ask you to pay them money, pay it. Or ask if you can leave the booze or smokes there to be destroyed. But for everyone who is trying to make a flight's sake. don't argue. You're just going to get an anal probe at the end of the day anyway.




Each cruise line will be very clear about ahat you can and cannot do and un like some things the realities of what res tells youversus the reality of wht occurs on the piere seem to in this case coincide. Basically what they want is for you not to publically be seen ( in HAL's case) walking with enough booze to kill a hores in your hnd luggeage. In your luggae delivered to your cabin. No problem. if your bring cooler it's oine. No one wants you to bring ny sreious booze like scotch on board. doesn't matter if it's hidden or dicretee. You're takin money from them.


Costa seems to have an almost unlimited booze pkage , but i don't drink nough to warrent it> would rtehe py for my trwo drinks day an then tick with coke. I gues th thing i if having booze long an having to pay alott for it is gpoing to ctually ruine your vcation then you should think about hat you shoul be doing. ..if you don;t require three cgllons of rum to njoy yur day pay the $2.00 plus tipe or whatever and drink away. If your on certain lines bring your wine on board and get squiffed in your cabin. but don't expect any cruise line to say ok, were going to feed you, entertain you, take you to ports and oh by the way if you want to save money and bring you're on booze, that's ok too.

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And my formatting got messed up. One more try


I'm a pretty long standing CCL family customer. 15 Carnival Cruises, 12 Princess, 5 Cunard and 126 days aboard various Holland America Cruise ships. My next two cruises are on the Costa Fortuna on a back to back eastern western this summer ( which will be my fourth and fifth Costa cruise as well). Not to mention brands they don't own anymore or brands they have in other countries)


Sadly because of ..well after 127 days HAL didn't care enough about a massive F*up to even bother verbally apologizing after a really serious breech of standards. Though they did send my wife form letter :) I won't be booking anything past that i already have paid, or with any line in the Carnival family they have lost my loyalty.


Anyway I one of the three I already had booked when the HAL debacle happened was the Liberty which I just got off of last week ( Category 11.. not a bad cabin , could have done more with the extra space) ad as I mentioned the two back to back Costa Fortuna cruises the last week of Feb, first week of March.


I have noticed a few debates going on on other threads and there are some commonalitiese booze thing and I have to go with the majority opinion here, but some stuff i saw last week made me want to just say few things. I've been on the Maasdam 5 times. Here's how it has worked out. A- I'm not a big drinker. a few daiquiri's and I'm three sheets to the wind.I am a big pop drinker though.


However I have traveled with some people who seriously drank wine, I married a Canadian woman 5 years ago and by American standards everyone I've ever met in Canada is a clinical alcoholic.


Carnival you can bring aboard one bottle of wine and they charge you a few bucks to uncork it, honestly I've known people who went out and bought a few boxes of wine to stick in their luggage and just to keep around the cabin, but thats breaking the rules, so just because you CAN get away with it, doesn't make it right.



Thinking It wouldn't be such a big deal I once took a mickey of scotch or CCL cruise ( the victor or Valor..who knows), ( a mickey is a pint) in my carry on ( Even though I told the guy way before we even got to the X-ray and even though he let me keep it until the X-ray That was a problem on Carnival...guy actually said your taking money out of our pockets. It was a pint who cares , I tossed it)


Other times though I've brought another bag and filled it wit a couple of cases of coke and other soda so when I'm in my cabin and i cannot use my Soda card, i don;t have to budge or get dressed and buy a can of coke. As long as your forward about this and indicate your understanding thats it' for consumption in you cabin only. No problem there. If you bring along a cooler however. They will take it away from you, They don't want you to obviously be cheating ( So wrap them well and put them in checked luggage and hope like hell) ) but walking on with a cooler makes everyone else o do the same thing and screws them out of the money they get for Pop, so if your honest, and discreet, no issue) so as soda goes you can tell them and be fine but not be obvious. Otherwise everyone gets of at the next island and buys a case of pop.


I saw two things. well a few more then two on the Liberty last week but a few that stick in my mind. How and to what extent some people were going to cheat the cruise line by hiding booze bottles on their physical body to avoid having to wait until the last day to get it. 2- Blatant lying o customs officials that could have caused them felony criminal records an finally though I liked th liberty because there was room on the ship o find quiet space and or action packed space no matter what. I saw some people actin to crew members with such aggression and hostility and lack of basic respect. I was stunned. On the buffet line, one guy ate the last of the crab cakes and a woman reached over the sneeze guard and snapped her fingers in some poor guys face and said go, get more crabs cakes right now..run..go run. He said in perfect English. Ma'am I'm sorry but the crab cakes need 5 more minutes for me to put them out for you. The other line is almost empty

if your're in a rush you can go there or I'll be back out with fresh crab cakes in now 3 minuets. She said go over there and get me a plate to which I replied , why don"t you let the man do his job and walk the fifty feet and get them yourself at which point she in front of my 13 year old stepdaughter took her face so close to mine and screamed F*CK YOU and the proceeded to make some racial remarks about me and was yelling so loudly that flecks of spit were hitting me like a rain storm. Poor guy on the ship had no way to defend himself, i she had wanted to make a stink I truly believe she could have had his job, where was security. And the n every port or every time there was a disturbance it was this same group of people. I know they actually kicked a few people of this ship at different times. what shocked me is how this group got to stay on. But on the subject of cheating on the booze. I do have the platinum thingy so I don't spend time on line ,

but I did kind of watch the X-ray machine thing for a few seconds before I wen through VIP and I saw at least 5 people in like 6 minutes try and cheat the cruise line and then fight with them about it. Shockingly two of them was the same group i referred to before.


Holland america allows you to bring as much wine in your luggae as you want as longas it's drunk in your cabin..I have never lied to anyone doing security on cruise check pitn..t's just not worth it. Howeve again if your obviously walking on with wine that they dopn;t like. You can discreetly let them know you have a few of those big 4 liter wine boxes in your luggage which you will drink in your cabin or your balcony and NOT outside and they seem to always pass you.


Carnival the mother ship line has a 0 tolerance for anything past one bottle of bon voyage wine and or champagne with a corkage fee's. lets face it with the price of cruises dropping , our economy dropping, it's like bringing in your own casiono. You pay so little to get on ships these days ( if you can make a commitment on the spot...I know several agents and PVP's at cruise lines who keep a short list of people who will actually , as opposed to saying they can , but actually give out a credit card on the spot for a goo enough deal. I'v had agenct cal me at work and say I can get you a six category upgrade and a two for one on this ship and sailing date but I can't hold a cabin and full pay is due now. If you keep a little bit of money for just such a n occasion, you realy can cruise five or six times a year even with single supplement's without killing yourself..you just have to actually follow through and show them you will book if they come to

you with a good enough deal) I'v had people call me ( and 90% I travel as a single , since the one cruise I got my wife on the HAL one turned into such a bad exeriance she won't be going again) and offer me a cruise six months in advance to two weeks out with deals so good it's obvious that a great deal of he time as far as cabins go, They lose money on that hoping to make it up on the shipboard spending.. Any major cruise line worth it's salt will not cancel a cruise because only half the cabins are booked, what they will do is start discounting the hell out of things and then hope to hell they get at least a good percentage of people who drink big, spend big and gamble big. Personally I just make sure no matter if I'm traveling alone and regardless of if I prepay my tips I tip a second time on the first day ( the take care me tip and i'll do i again as I leave tip) and then a third time on the last day which is the thanks for taking care of me

tip. Oh, and I tip the room service guy a buck for bringing me food. Doesn't sound like alott but I get my room service usually in 15 minutes even when they say it's a 45 minute wait. They know who tips. Leave $20 in single dollar bills on th side o your bedside table drawer an give them out whichever room service person brings you anything, you"ll be shocked t how fast your food gets to you.


Given that when we sat down and added it up I've cumulatively spent over two years of my life on one cruise ship or another and that I've never paid a full price for any sailing it's reasonable to expect them to want you to buy the on board services from them. Their not even obligated in you look closely enough they leave enough room in the passage contract hat they could change their policy even mid cruise and not hold liquor you buy in ports for you until the final night. If they wanted to they could dump it overboard..


On the other had I have never ever had a cruise line get pissed at me for walking a few cases of non alcoholic pop on board ..and I tell them always. That bag there, it has two cases of coke and two cases of Root Beer. If thats going to be a problem let me know and i'll toss it now. Hell I even ask the maid to clear out the mini bar so I can use the fridge. as long as you keep to your word an don't bring he damn stuff outside No problem. lie and your always going to have a problem.


HAL and CCL all have a soda card you can but for $40 that gives you unlimited pop. If you need to drink to the ;point of drunkenness, then you either do the HAL thing and get squiffed in your cabin or if your on another line tat has different rules pay the money an get squiffed at the bar. The thing to me has always been if getting drunk is such an intrinsically vital part of you vacation. Pay for the luxury of not having to drive home and being allowed to act like an ass in public, or stay home or do to an all inclusive that includes booze. They have enough of those too.


It's like people who travel thousand of miles to pay thousands of dollars to go to some of the mot beautiful the Caribbean and then sit in front of the freaking Jumbotron TV and watch MTV all day while on deck.



I know I'm l older guy but ..I cannot see how that makes sense. Or worse people who sit on deck every sea day and do nothing but drink and then get off at a port and not even leave the pier area an sit at like Ruby Tuesdays drinking there not 100 feet from the ship and say " I've been to Mexico, don't understand what the big deal is,, drinks are cheap there though" I herd a a week and a half ago in Cozumel talking bout what crap it was. Because the drinks were no cheaper and the bar was filled of Americans, None of which pay any attention to him. if he had walked 25 more feet he could have drank $1.00 coronas or 2 or 1 Margarete's until he had to be wheeled back to the ship..I still doubt many people would have had much to do with him though.


Lastly customs. I cannot for the life of me understand why so many people try and lie to customs. It's a godddam federal offense and your going to lose your passport for ten years so as to not pay duty on a few cartons of Marlboro's. yet every time I go through customs off a ship, here , or in The states, especially Miami or lauderdale. I see at least 20 people detained over something like two cartons of smokes. And it's not the two cartons they care about, hell I never get off without ten cartons of smokes which is 9 past my allowable duty either here or In Canada an I have never ever been hassled, yes I've had to pay some duty , I've never had to pay the full duty though. On an average if i b ring in10 cartons that I paid $20 or . I'll usually get charged for 5 and at another $100. But If you lie about even being over on one. They have every right to deny you a passport and god forbid you ever deiced you want to live or work in another country let me

assure you it follows you. when I immigrated to Canada I had to pay my won FBI, My own country to investigate me . Much less the ten thousand other incidences i had to waive my privacy to prove that I had no criminal record and by that they especially include lying to customs officials. One incidence, no matter how minor goes on your file and could deny you a passport, a passport renewal adnd if they push it to the max which they can because lying to a federal officer is a felony no matter what, There are countries you will never ever be able to enter again without a pardon. pardons are hard to come by I might add.


Pay the $2.00 or at least be honest with they custom guys. If they charge you more money then your comfortable with paying the touch luck. throw the stuff away.They deserve it and appreciate it.


Lastly if Carnival or any cruise line know that your cigarette duty is one carton. why do they even sell those buy four and get one free cartons . The last cruise on the liberty was the only time I read a small sign paced out of my eye view and I'm 6 feet tall saying the port of Miami has a new rule now in effect saying they won't even in most cases let you go over your limit with the intention of paying the duty, but rather more frequently they just toss whatever you have thats over the limit which


A- I think is bull-crap. why turn down free taxes.


And B- if that really is true and or your custom limit is one or two cartons. either don't sell them in packages of five cartons and or put a note or sticker on it saying clearly that by buying this, they are eligible to pay a max of X amount of duty per carton or bottle which they must report or make people sign a paper saying they are aware of the fact that they are over their duty limit and are responsible for reporting it to whichever custom officials are at their final country of destination.


even in Airports in Duty free, I've had people lie to my face and say no, you can buy as much as you want. Wow, In Canada a carton of smokes costs about $75.00. Buying them on ship in quantity is usually $20 per carton. that means if after duty I pay anything less then $75 per carton. I'm still making out ( as long as I take currency exchange into account) I always have custom guys ask me why are you doing this? I tell them, Lets say I pay $20 a carton for the smokes and you charge me a 100% duty ( they can charge you to 125% in some places like Canada..but I've never ever seen anyone pay more then double . Now that means each carton is now at a cost of $50 to me, which means I'm still saving $25 per and some change on each carton..thats why it makes sense.


And when I usually am honest and explain my rationality including my total willingness to tell them I'm over and to pay whatever they want me to without complaint. I have never to this day paid more then half duty on half my items. which means a $10 surcharge on 5 cartons as opposed to a $20 on 10 cartons.


Ok, I'm done. Just ask questions to the cruise line, understand they aren't here to give you a free vacation, don't lie to federal agents and Oh god don't pull that civil right's bull-crap on Customs people. For the record you have no right to remain silent or not consent to search in any TSA area . Ship or Airport.


Your civil rights begin again when you pass out of the secured area an while your in i,t you have none. If they wanted to demand you do the funky chicken wearing G- string . You have no legal authority to stop them unless you file a federal lawsuit after the event. I hate getting tied up waiting to go through customs because some putz decides that arguing with a customs agent is the smart thing to do, Yes sir ( ma'am), I understand sir ( ma'am), what would y0u like me to do sir( ma'am)


That's it. If they ask you to pay them money, pay it. Or ask if you can leave the booze or smokes there to be destroyed. But for everyone who is trying to make a flight's sake. don't argue. You're just going to get an anal probe at the end of the day anyway.




Each cruise line will be very clear about ahat you can and cannot do and un like some things the realities of what res tells youversus the reality of wht occurs on the piere seem to in this case coincide. Basically what they want is for you not to publically be seen ( in HAL's case) walking with enough booze to kill a hores in your hnd luggeage. In your luggae delivered to your cabin. No problem. if your bring cooler it's oine. No one wants you to bring ny sreious booze like scotch on board. doesn't matter if it's hidden or dicretee. You're takin money from them.


Costa seems to have an almost unlimited booze pkage , but i don't drink enough to warrent it would It's no big deal for me pay for my two drinks day an then stick with coke. I gues the thing is that if having booze long an having to pay alott for it is gpoing to ctually ruin your vacation then you should think about hat you shoul be doing. ..if you don;t require three cgllons of rum to njoy yur day pay the $2.00 plus tipe or whatever and drink away. If your on certain lines bring your wine on board and get squiffed in your cabin. but don't expect any cruise line to say ok, were going to feed you, entertain you, take you to ports and oh by the way if you want to save money and bring you're on booze, that's ok too.

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Every Canadian is an clinical alcoholic?? !!

I disagree totally! wait till every Canadian in CC reads this!


Hopefully they'll read that as it was intended...Perhaps quoting fully may help?


I married a Canadian woman 5 years ago an by American standards everyone I've ever met in Canada is a clinical alcoholic


That is NOT the poster saying that every canadian is a alcoholic!

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I think it was a rambling post to write their ideas about smuggling...or not. Paying duty...or not. Sprinkled with his dislike of other people onboard the cruise ship he was on at some point in time.


And... is he telling the porters at the luggage drop off he has soft drinks :confused: I can only guess they just look at him and think "good for you", why would they care, they are not cruise line employees?


I didn't think formatting was the problem :) Kind of funny, though, so thanks to the OP for a bit of a giggle.

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Post way to long. I quit reading about half way through...

Me too!! I know I'm not supposed to be negative about spelling and grammer, but I could hardly understand what the OP was trying to say and it was soooooo long, I lost interest. In the end, I truly have no idea what he/she was trying to say. I think he was ranking on CCL and HAL.:confused:

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Your civil rights begin again when you pass out of the secured area an while your in i,t you have none. If they wanted to demand you do the funky chicken wearing G- string . You have no legal authority to stop them unless you file a federal lawsuit after the event.[/color=Red]


Funny stuff!! Good info too. Thank you a lot for taking all the time it took to get this down.

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However I have traveled with some people who seriously drank wine, I married a Canadian woman 5 years ago an by American standards everyone I've ever met in Canada is a clinical alcoholic.








Hope I don't meet you in downtown Guelph....you are an embarassment

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