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Surprising Kids


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We decided when we first booked our cruise that we would like to surprise the kids with the cruise. We are now just a couple weeks away.


I still want to surprise them, but when should we tell them?


My thought was that it would be fun to see if we could get them all the way on the ship before they figured it out. They are 9.5 and 11, and supposedly still believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy. (Maybe I do too?).


Any way, here's my plan to get them on the ship. I wrote a letter, with made up NCL letterhead, stating that based on our responses to their online survey we have won free lunch onboard. We should show up for lunch, but bringing government issued identification to get onboard. We already have a hotel booked for the night before where we can park there, I was going to go out and bring the luggage to the porters that morning. I would do that regardless of any surprise.


Then close to lunch time we would go on and have lunch (in the MDR, not a big buffet fan). We'll explore the ship for a while, and unfortunately get stuck on the ship during sailaway.


I've tried to think of everything, but since we haven't sailed before please help me with any missing pieces of information or faulty logic. It's not a huge deal - except my wife said it couldn't be done.


Thanks in advance for any help. I also posted this in the Family Cruising board, sorry for cross posting if you are reading this twice. I don't see a way for it to show up in both places at once.


We'll be sailing the Norwegian Star out of LA in a couple weeks.

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I think your plan is brilliant. Upon exploring the ship you could open your cabin door and say "this is home for a few days!..we're going on a cruise" My kids would be extatic!


Have a blast and let us know what you do! :)

Since you'll be getting off right as we get on maybe you can be part of the act. Just kidding of course, but my plan is that the kids wouldn't know until the ship sails away.


I will let you know how it works out.

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That'a awesome! They will remember that forever!!


We surprised our kids with the Carnival Destiny back in'94. They often talk about that trip. We went in January so we wrapped brochures up as Christmas presents and gave them to them for Christmas. It was funny watching the question marks float above their heads as they are opening brochures. It took a few minutes for one of them to figure it out and then they were all so excited!

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They'll probably figure it out during check-in, about the time they get their picture taken (after all they would probably ask why you have to go through all of that rigamorale for a lunch and in less the check in person was in on it, etc.). One thought I had was to get in touch with the steward and have him/her prop the door open and you just happen to walk by the cabin and just happen to mention hey, let's check this room out and then you get 'locked' in the cabin until the ship sails (this would be really neat if you had a balcony cabin and you all got "locked out" on the balcony). Of course there is the muster drill that you would have to do first, unless you somehow worked that into the equation (let's put on these life jackets and see what a muster drill is like, but then they'd look at you funny when you answered the roll call). You might get them on-board thinking that it's just lunch and if you can pull that off then you're doing well and should probably clue them in then.

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At their ages, I would think they would also get some real excitement over knowing this in advance. Not sure on what their "experiences" are, but it is very likely they aren't going to believe they aren't sailing the ship. I would think just at the check in, they should figure it out with the cruise rep, telling them to have a great "cruise", having their photos taken, and just being in the lines with everyone else.


There can be a lot said about missing out on the anticipation and the ability to share this in advance with their friends, and have the ability to prepare for this first trip.


My opinion only.

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At their ages, I would think they would also get some real excitement over knowing this in advance. Not sure on what their "experiences" are, but it is very likely they aren't going to believe they aren't sailing the ship. I would think just at the check in, they should figure it out with the cruise rep, telling them to have a great "cruise", having their photos taken, and just being in the lines with everyone else.


There can be a lot said about missing out on the anticipation and the ability to share this in advance with their friends, and have the ability to prepare for this first trip.


My opinion only.


I agree with these thoughts. Your plan depends on so many things working out right....let them enjoy the anticipation, planning and sharing with their friends now.

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Ruffs, it sounds like you have put a lot of thought and preparation into your plan and it sounds like a lot of fun!!


I will offer up some insights and alternatives for you to consider since you asked for our advice:). For many, the greatest thrill and excitement is pulling up to the ship for the first time and seeing it there, huge and shining and knowing (or finding out) it is YOUR ship:D. I think this would be the biggest moment to announce to the kids that you are going on a cruise.


Perhaps your idea would be perfect for your family, but if it were me, or my kids, the initial enjoyment of the lunch, tour, etc. would be dampened (at least a tiny bit, although I wouldn't acknowledge it at the time) by the "fact" that I had to get off the ship while everyone else got to sail. I see this as an anticipated part of your plan, but you might want to consider letting them own their ship from the moment they step off the gangway and onto the deck of the Star. Maybe I am more sentimental than many people, but it sounds like you and your kids might be similar (I love Santa too, and the thrill of anticipation of Christmas morning!)


Here are some alternatives for you to consider.

1) Make them cover their eyes for an appropriate time as you approach the port area (maybe doling out way-off, misleading "clues" to the surprise so that they can't guess it). Build the anticipation until you get to a good vantage point, then throw off the paper bags and make the announcement.


2) The Star is routinely docked right next to a maritime museum. There is also a touristy shopping area, some fountains, etc. and a nice walking area. You could bill the vacation day as tour of the San Pedro waterfront and the sights of Southern California. "Won't you just LOVE the maritime museum, kids?". Perhaps some locals can advise of the best approach to the area to block out most of the view of the ship so you can come around a corner to see her in all her glory. The anticipated reaction would be, Kids: "WOW, Mom, Dad, look at that (fill in the current adjective for awesome...sick?) ship." Mom & Dad: "Oh, wow, yeah, would you like to go on that instead?" Confusion ensues, followed by lots of jumping up and down, perhaps sprinkled with some screetching or whooping, depending on the kids. The only downside I can see is if they aren't excited by the sight and thought of the ship...impossible as it is for me to imagine!


Some quick tips:

Have at least one of your party line up early for tender tickets at Cabo if you are interested in getting off the ship within the first hour or so of arriving. Sometimes it can be a let down and impatience can ensue if you have to wait a couple of hours while the port is right there and you just want to GO. This was the only frustration I saw in folks throught the week.


If you think you might be so inclined, check out the shore excursion on the Pirate Ship Marigalante in Puerto Vallarta. It was a great day for me and my 8 year old daughter. I am of a mind that pirates should not be glorified, but in the era of pirates who don't hurt anybody and just sail the seas aarrgging and swinging swords, I was able to get into it pretty easily. :)


Whatever you do with your surprise and your time on and off the ship, I am sure you will have a wonderful surprise and a wonderful cruise.

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Your kids are going to be so surprised! There is nothing like making your kids happy!


We cruise 3 to 4 times a year. Last February we got an upsell to the CV. We never told our kids. They KNOW what the Courtyard is from me showing pictures. I really thought they would catch on during VIP checkin ( but because we are Platinum Lat they didnt get it). I thought the Butler taking us up the elevator would do it...NOPE. When they stepped into the hallway to our cabin my oldest was so happy it was as if he won the lottery. I will never forget the joy!


Have a great cruise!

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I have to agree with Budget Queen on this one. I just took my kids on our very first cruise -- to Alaska -- and the "planning" for both of them was immense. Exactly what to bring, who to tell, etc.

Personally, I think I'd rather find a different way to surprise them - at home - so they could pack the things they wanted to bring, etc. Maybe like a scavenger hunt for clues, each that leads to another clue or something fun like that.

Then as someone said about coming up on the ship and knowing it's "yours", that alone is a wonderful experience. I'm not sure what I'd think if I saw the ship, but in the back of my mind I knew I'd have to be leaving soon. I'd rather be excited about going once I saw the ship. (Which we very much were!!)

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Here are some alternatives for you to consider.

1) Make them cover their eyes for an appropriate time as you approach the port area (maybe doling out way-off, misleading "clues" to the surprise so that they can't guess it). Build the anticipation until you get to a good vantage point, then throw off the paper bags and make the announcement.


Please don't make them wear bags over their heads... as a former 911 operator I took several calls from people that were following cars with "kidnap" victims that were blind folded or "forced to wear a bag over their head" only to later have a deputy find out that it was for a surprise.

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....That IS the question


We surprised our three daughters on a trip to Orlando when they were 4, 10 and 12. We told them we were going to Seattle (our layover) and in the airport, my husband suggested that we sneak on a flight to Florida. They were such good girls, the idea horrified them- it was hilarious. My 10 year started whining because she was already tired of flying :)


The NEXT trip we decided to have fun planning together and I am glad we did. I have to agree with the poster who mentioned how fun it is to anticipate something like this. We are currently preparing for our cruise in December, and often at the dinner table we chat about what we will do onboard for the holidays.


All that said- you made it this far. I would like to know how you are going to get through the check in process without arousing suspicion. I might just surprise them the morning of by putting something in a cereal or crackerjacks box.


Have fun!

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I go with the "surprise we're at the ship" or the "tell them before you go".

Once on board someone is going to have to go to the cabin to find out where your muster station is and the muster drill is before sail-away. Plus wouldn't they wonder why everyhas luggage if it's just for lunch.

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I agree that half the fun is planning. Both my children are into clothes and having Mom pack all their bags would be a bummer for them. Also, how would you explain your luggage?


I'm thinking keeping it a secret this long has been great! A scavenger hunt as suggested above is an excellent idea. Surprise and the ability to pack and anticipate.


Either way, everyone will enjoy the trip!

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Please don't make them wear bags over their heads... as a former 911 operator I took several calls from people that were following cars with "kidnap" victims that were blind folded or "forced to wear a bag over their head" only to later have a deputy find out that it was for a surprise.


The bag reference was meant to be figurative, like, "let the cat out of the bag", but your comment is interesting! What an embarrasing situation that would be. And not the most pleasant way to start a vacation.

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Please don't make them wear bags over their heads... as a former 911 operator I took several calls from people that were following cars with "kidnap" victims that were blind folded or "forced to wear a bag over their head" only to later have a deputy find out that it was for a surprise.


Now I have an image in my head I won't be able to get rid of for a while...and it's funny


The bag reference was meant to be figurative, like, "let the cat out of the bag", but your comment is interesting!


And that's why it's funny to me


thanx julie

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Our daughter is 11. We've cruised 6 times now and, the second time was a huge surprise that she still talks about.


We'd gone to Toronto for Christmas with family then, from there flew to LA. We kept her busy at the airport so she wasn't paying attention to boarding calls etc so, she thought we were flying home to Vancouver. We landed in LA and rushed her into a taxi. Highways are highways so she really didn't twig that we were headed to Disneyland until we pulled up at our hotel there (she did say something about palm trees but, we said palm trees were quite common in BC - she was 7, she believed pretty much everything we told her THEN!). So, surprise #1.


3 days later we grabbed another taxi to take us to the "airport". 45 minutes later we pulled up at the Port and there she was, The Star! Is there ANYTHING more beautiful than a ship at port? DD looked up at this wonderous site and said, what's up? We told her surprise #2 was the cruise.


Honestly, this was 4 years ago and she still talks about it. She'll remember that trip forever. She wrote about it for school. She loved the whole thing. It didn't require much subterfuge or planning, just keeping our lips zipped and fingers crossed that we wouldn't get chatty taxi drivers.


Having said that, ever since, we've decided to put her into the picture whenever we plan a trip. Yes, the anticipation is wonderful. But, just once, a surprise is a forever memory. My vote - go for the surprise but, don't make it too elaborate. Just pulling up at the ship and saying - "Guess what, we're getting on this boat and going to have a wonderful cruise!" - will be surprise enough. They will remember it, guaranteed. Have a GREAT family cruise!

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Have fun with your surprise, however you decide to do it.


My two kids are of similiar ages to yours. One of them loves to plan. She watched the Disney Magic video about 20 times when we went on our 1st cruise. She knew where everything was before she got on. (she was 7 at the time). That is just the type of kid she is. (she also loved the NY subway system and knowing how to get around) My son however, is a different matter. He is in his own world half of the time. I would love to surprise him like you are doing!!! He would never question anything. (his head is too often in a DS game to notice). I really think it depends on the child.


Good Luck and I can't wait to hear about the surprise later!

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My daughter HATES the anticipation. Whenever I tell her something that's going to happen, first she gets happy and then she says how much she hates knowing so far in advance because now she has to wait. :rolleyes: Next summer, we're going to drive down to Florida so she can attend the day camp at Busch Gardens. All we've told her is that we're considering a 'car trip' next summer. I don't intend to tell her about the camp until we arrive in Tampa - we're not even going to tell her that Florida is our destination. We're also going to drive up to Orlando and visit the new Harry Potter village at Universal - something she's been talking about nonstop since we received an email about it. She thinks her first chance to visit will be December 2010 after our Epic cruise.


So... as far as I'm concerned, the surprise is definitely the way to go!! If you check out the family board, you'll find that you're not the only parent who has done this, and you may be able to get some good tips. Cruisinmama06 surprised her kids very recently and I think she even posted a clip of the kids as they were finding out!


As far as anticipation and planning go, it's going to depend on your kids, but while not all kids enjoy planning (and none of them do their own packing, do they?), I don't know any that wouldn't be absolutely thrilled to find out that the 'lunch' they've been looking forward to is actually a week long cruise! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea and especially the dupe letter!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!! Also, their friends might think it's cool to find out they're going on a cruise, but can you imagine their reactions when the kids come back and tell them about the surprise? I'll bet there will be a lot of, 'Wow, I wish MY parents would do that!!' :)


As people have mentioned, you're going to have to do muster drill before you sail, so you'll have to go to your cabin before you're 'caught on board'. You're also going to have to have everyone pose for a picture to go on their cabin card. You may just be able to pass this off as a security measure so they can tell the 'lunch guests' from the passengers... but I think the perfect time to tell them will be over lunch. Ask them if they're enjoying it, how they like the ship, and if they think it would be a cool vacation. When they say yes, yes and yes, tell them it's a good thing, because that's exactly what you're doing. :)

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Now I have an image in my head I won't be able to get rid of for a while...and it's funny




And that's why it's funny to me


thanx julie


hey Monte,

I got the mental picture of seeing a mom & pop on the freeway, 2 preteen kids in the back with bags over their heads. I don't think kidnapping would have occurred to me...maybe a parent's creative solution to:


(in whiny voices) Kid #1: "Daaad, she's looking at me." Kid #2: "No I'm not, he's looking at meeeeee". #1 "Daad, she's making faaaaces at me". "Daaad, Moooommmm". FWUMP, FWUMP enter paper bags, no more problem.


Or maybe it's just my sisters and I that fought like that in the car:o.


I feel niave that I wouldn't have thought of kidnapping. We've all heard those stories about how dumb some crooks can be.

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The letter arrived today in the mail. It will be fun to try, they are totally into it now.


They already have the anticipation and excitement of a trip we have planned to Florida around Thanksgiving, so they don't really need anything more to anticipate so I think we'll stick to the surprise. They also already have to pack for a week in LA anyway (they think I have to work the weekend in LA where my company is based and they get to miss school to go with me), it should be about the same as whatever they would need for the cruise.


Per someone's advice about the backpacks (one kid doesn't drink soda at all) we'll be putting together a little backpack for them, I already bought some binoculars for each kid, some paper, a drawing pad, pencils, etc.


Thanks for all your advice and tips, I especially like the plan to tell them at lunch, I think it will be the perfect time. They may already know by then, but who knows. I know I won't tell them until I get the video camera out.

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We actually couldn't take it any longer, broke down and told the kids. We were all dressed up to go out to a nice restaurant and while waiting for the table we had to tell them.


They were super excited to hear about it, and loved hearing about our plan to surprise them.


I guess I just have no willpower.

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