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Athens pickpockets

Tulsa Cats

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We just returned from the Royal Princess Holy Land Cruise. Loved it.

Just a word about Athens..... WEAR YOUR MONEY BELT.... I talked to two people who had been pickpocketed while in Athens. Both thought they were being careful but the man had a wallet in his front pocket and the woman had a lot of cash and credit cards in a small travel style zippered bag. Be careful and have a great trip.

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Good advice.


There particularly has been a sharp increase in the past year of pickpocketing incidents on the green line metro from Piraeus to central Athens. But it certainly could happen anywhere.


Athens is an extremely safe city to walk around in the central tourist areas at all hours; it is just pickpocketing that should concern the tourist visitor.


Moneybelts, neckbags, and bra stashes work wonderfully. I do not understand why more people do not use them for a worry-free visit to the great cities of Europe.

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We just returned from the Royal Princess Holy Land Cruise. Loved it.

Just a word about Athens..... WEAR YOUR MONEY BELT.... I talked to two people who had been pickpocketed while in Athens. Both thought they were being careful but the man had a wallet in his front pocket and the woman had a lot of cash and credit cards in a small travel style zippered bag. Be careful and have a great trip.


This is a good caution that too many will not heed. I can't count how many times I've read on these boards that putting your wallet in your front pocket is safe enough (it isn't) and carrying a zipped bag across your body is safe enough (it isn't -- from personal experience).


The only way to be completely safe against pickpockets is to use a money belt, neck pouch, bra or sock stash or similar. Even then, leave money or credit cards you don't need safely onboard ship or in your hotel safe.


Just because one person did not have any problems, doesn't mean that you won't. Why anyone would take a chance is beyond me. Too many people feel invincible, I guess....

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All good advice. We just returned from a 3 week visit. I did alot of research and it all paid off. I felt safe the whole time and we did not encounter any problems. I carried a Pacsafe sling series 200 purse that has wires inside and can't be cut. There are several zippers and latches for protection. There is a hook that can be secured to chairs. I didn't even feel the bag when I was carrying it. Best bag I ever travelled with, wish I would have known about it years ago. My husband had a neck pounch from Pacsafe that can't be cut. He ended up not wearing it much as we felt very secure with my bag for one day outings. We also had camera straps from Pacsafe that can't be cut. All worth the costs.


We met a couple who had all their items stolen in Rome. Passports, credit cards, confirmations etc. It put a real damper on their trip. For less than the $100 I spent on the above mentioned items and common sense, we had a worry free trip. Don't cut costs here.

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We went on our own to the Acropolis during a cruise a few weeks ago. I always put my wallet in my front pocket and then seal it shut with a safety pin from the inside. The entire area including the stairs , ticket booth area and bathroom area were loaded with police in flak jackets. I was told later they wanted to show a police presence in the area.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We just returned from the Celebrity Solstice cruise and in the Athens port we were 1 hour late in departing because of police reports having to be filed for those who were pickpocketed in Athens. I have a Pacsafe 200 and loved it! Always carried it across the front of my body with zippers close to my body. On the bus, I quickly found a seat rather than stand and be jostled around. I had no problems.

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Just returned from the area on RCL with more pickpocket stories than one can handle. Barcelona to start with where one guy lost $1300 (why carry that much with you anyway??). Athens was also hit hard. At our table alone that night for dinner, 3 of the 4 couples lost stuff on the train to Athens. Trains are packed tight and no matter how careful and watchful you may think you are, you will be targeted. All were experienced travelers but had a lapse moment and were hit.


Also stories of cameras stolen with ALL of the pictures from the trip still on the card. The ship was selling out of cameras by the end of the trip. If you can, download all pictures from the day at the end of the day so you at least have those if something happens.

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Just returned from the area on RCL with more pickpocket stories than one can handle. Barcelona to start with where one guy lost $1300 (why carry that much with you anyway??). Athens was also hit hard. At our table alone that night for dinner, 3 of the 4 couples lost stuff on the train to Athens. Trains are packed tight and no matter how careful and watchful you may think you are, you will be targeted. All were experienced travelers but had a lapse moment and were hit.


Also stories of cameras stolen with ALL of the pictures from the trip still on the card. The ship was selling out of cameras by the end of the trip. If you can, download all pictures from the day at the end of the day so you at least have those if something happens.


Thanks for your post. The camera thefts especially concern me. (Pictures mean a lot to me and I'm neurotic about them - I back them up to 2 different mediums each day and I bring multiple cameras.) Do you know HOW most of the cameras were stolen? I've heard people will come up and grab them when you're trying to take a picture. I'm more worried about that than if they are swiping them out of pockets or bags. I plan to keep whichever camera I've got with me each day in a zippered inside jacket pocket when I'm not using it. And I'm not even bringing my DSLR and lenses on this trip because I don't want to be a target.


I hope the money belt will keep my cash and ATM card safe, but I think it will be weird sticking my hands down the front of my pants to get at them!

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I was the one that lost the camera. It was an older point and shoot. They didn't get much since the battery cover door was broken and I had a rubberband around it holding the door shut. I can imagine the look on the thief's face. Our main loss were the pics we had taken for the day. We also download all pics at the end of each day.


I had on a backpack and was getting on the packed train going back to the ship. I was standing next to the door and I knew I had to get my backpack off for the door to close. So I put the camera which I always carry in my hand in my front pocket and took the pack off. It wasn't more that 15 seconds and the camera was gone from my pocket.


You are wise to leave your SLR digital and lenses home unless you utilize a camera strap that resist cutting (specially made for thefts of cut and run).

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Forgot to add about the money pouch. I wear a shirt with pockets that close with velcro and you really need to peel it up to open it so I keep a small amount of cash in one pocket and sea pass in the other. If I need more cash from the pouch, I go to the restroom stall and get more out - keeps prying eyes away and less of a target.


One guest at our table had her billfold lifted from her purse with a magnetic latch. Unfortunately, she had all her CC, drivers license, and SS card in there. By the time she called the card company, they had already tried to buy $800 worth of stuff but was declined since she had on the back of her card - check fo ID. That only works if the clerk actually does that. Don't know why she was carrying her SS card but you should NEVER carry your SS number. She may have more serious issues than just CC use.

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Pacsafe makes a camera strap that goes around your neck and can't be cut for under $10. I looked like a real tourist the whole trip but returned home with my camera! I took a few memory cards and we changed regularly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll add my 2 cents:


I do feel sorry for those that do get robbed, but also don't forget thousands, no millions and millions of tourists travel and come home safely with all their valuables. I think the secret is be sensible and aware and don't take what you dont' need. I serously doubt these millions were all wearing body belts or left everything at home. Not saying bring your expensive jewelry....


I'm not sure why people would not take their better camera etc. or the basic things that make the whole trip fun and special. I had no problems with my DSLR, actually two, backpack and other misc handbags many in my party carried in many travels across the globe including Athens, Barcelona, Rome and other famous pickpocketing capitals. I think sometimes having those cut proof strap, double secret velcro body purses can be a bad thing. It somehow makes the traveler feel safe and he then lets his/her common sense go to the wind. I'll take common sense / awareness over anything gizmo sold out there, but again that's me :o

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I just return from NCL Jade. A lot of people on the ship got pick pocketed in Athens subway.

My advice: 1) do not carry ID with you except ship board card. Carry a photo copy of your ID if you have to.

2) carry small amount of Euro with you.

3) do not put all of your money in one place or pocket.

4) if you think someone is suspicious, move away and stare at the at person. Let them know that you are aware they are up to no good.


These thieves may dress very nice as business man.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know, even though millions of tourists travel without becoming victims, I don't want to be one of the small percentage that do. Even if we never meet a pickpocket, I would feel better and enjoy the trip more if I knew I had taken simple precautions. I do plan to get a pacsafe purse or bag and we are going to wear money belts. If we take a nice camera, we will get a strap that is cut proof.


Funny thing, I typically wear a small purse on a very long strap when I go shopping or whatever. Twice now I have found the zipper of my purse down after a trip to the store. Fortunately, I never have much cash and my cards are stashed in a separate pocket. I don't know if someone unzipped the purse or if the zipper just came down or if I left them unzipped. But simply having an extra latch to keep my zipper closed would prevent the zipper from coming down accidentally and losing things as they fall into the street.


Of course, losing money, cards, ids or a camera is not fun at anytime but if you are thousands of miles from home on a vacation, it can be really devastating.

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Not to rehash, debate or try to argue, but I really do think there is wisdom for those that think they have been especially unluky in getting preyed upon for theft. The best prevention for anything is really how one behaves and acts. There is no better deterrent!


I view this the same as arguing about how one prevents getting into a car accident. One can go out an purchase the biggest and safest car, wear seatbelt, have all the airbags in the world, but if they have bad habits or make bad choices S**T will happen. There is a reason that people with bad driving records are bad risks and those with out an accident seem to go on with a far lower probability of having one.


Not saying don't use a money belt or let your money hang out of your rear... :D

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Don't look like an attractive target. Dress simply (you'll most likely be more comfortable too). Don't wear a lot of bling (even costume). IOW Don't look like someone who is carrying things of any value.


Also - make eye contact with the people around you. This lets people know that you are aware of your surroundings and makes them think that maybe you'll be able to pick them out of a police line-up (or something) later on :)

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Don't look like an attractive target. Dress simply (you'll most likely be more comfortable too). Don't wear a lot of bling (even costume). IOW Don't look like someone who is carrying things of any value.

Also - make eye contact with the people around you. This lets people know that you are aware of your surroundings and makes them think that maybe you'll be able to pick them out of a police line-up (or something) later on :)


Excellent comments and suggestions by your and the others. Good work! Wise thoughts!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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While on a med cruise this year at least 25 people of the NCL Jade were pickpocketed while on the metro to the acropolis. Sounded like they were working in pairs. One was shouting and carrying on on the train while another nicely dressed man pickpocketed people or maybe more than one. We had booked a tour with a group off Cruise critic for about 50 dollars a day with Paul with Athen's taxi. His associate picked us up right at the dock and delivered us back around 5 and we had a wonderful day with no hassles on the train. Booking before hand worked really well without the notorious taxi hassles in Athens. Also everyday before we left my husband and I carefully considered what to carry and who would carry it. Leaving many this behind and only taking the cash we wanted for that day. We also had neck pouches with wire and waist belts. Be extra careful, plan and think ahead and things can go well. Mousaka is wonderful in Greece by the way

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While on a med cruise this year at least 25 people of the NCL Jade were pickpocketed while on the metro to the acropolis. Sounded like they were working in pairs. One was shouting and carrying on on the train while another nicely dressed man pickpocketed people or maybe more than one. We had booked a tour with a group off Cruise critic for about 50 dollars a day with Paul with Athen's taxi. His associate picked us up right at the dock and delivered us back around 5 and we had a wonderful day with no hassles on the train. Booking before hand worked really well without the notorious taxi hassles in Athens. Also everyday before we left my husband and I carefully considered what to carry and who would carry it. Leaving many this behind and only taking the cash we wanted for that day. We also had neck pouches with wire and waist belts. Be extra careful, plan and think ahead and things can go well. Mousaka is wonderful in Greece by the way



If you have a money belt or pouch, you really have no need to worry about pickpockets. They are mainly opportunists who work via distraction and/or stealth. If your money is inaccessible, you will be fine taking public transport, be it in Athens, Rome, Barcelona, or elsewhere.....

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Do beware on the Metro in Athens. My husband got on behind me and was surrounded by a group of young men. One asked him for the time, and my husband started to remove his hand from his wallet pocket to check his watch. He realized his mistake quickly enough to swipe away the hand that was about to go into his pocket.


I chastized my husband for having the wallet there when he knows better. We both generally keep valuables in hidden money pockets inside our clothes, or in hidden pockets in Tilley pants.


Athens is a lovely city. We really enjoyed walking around. Like anywhere if your money, passport and cards are well hidden, you will have no problems.

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Do beware on the Metro in Athens. My husband got on behind me and was surrounded by a group of young men. One asked him for the time, and my husband started to remove his hand from his wallet pocket to check his watch. He realized his mistake quickly enough to swipe away the hand that was about to go into his pocket.


I chastized my husband for having the wallet there when he knows better. We both generally keep valuables in hidden money pockets inside our clothes, or in hidden pockets in Tilley pants.


Athens is a lovely city. We really enjoyed walking around. Like anywhere if your money, passport and cards are well hidden, you will have no problems.


We were in the Med a few weeks ago. I laughed at your post because my DH wanted to bring a wallet. I told him he couldn't because of everything I'd read on these boards. (We had talked about it many times.) The day before we left I gave him a hidden pocket (it slides on your belt and you wear it inside your pants) and I said the wallet is staying at home. We both wore the hidden pockets and found them very effective.

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25 people or more were pickpocketed off the train in athens. Someone started a distraction and some others the pickpocketing. I was very glad I had prebooked a ride from the pier, even though I paid more, after hearing about all of this. This was in Novemeber of the NCL Jade. Be cautious as we need to be everywhere.

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