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Coka-mania or Pearl-mania? Semi-solo, Stressed, Suite and in STYLE 10/17/09 Sailing!


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Fantastic idea... Hope NCL is reading this, and decides that is the way to go. The Godmother could be the wife or mother of one of our heroic servicemen.



Or it could be one of our heroic servicewomen. Or one of our everyday heroes. Some special teachers come to mind:)

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Coka, loving your review, as always! Sorry you had to deal with a tragedy pre-cruise and hope you are at peace with it...:(


We had an AC on the Dawn a few years back (a lucky upsell fairy call for us three days before the cruise!:D) and it was HEAVEN!!! We could have fit 50 people EASILY on that balcony! Of course the two days down and back from NYC the balcony was pretty much off limits, but the rest of the time? Ahhhh... The stern is still my favorite, but if we can't snag a stern suite/BA, I'll take one of those forward AC suites! One night we had a late day and lunch (in Jamaica) and decided to skp dinner -- we called our butler (Denny, he was awesome) and had him bring whatever appetizer/snack foods he could find. He set out quite a spread for us on the dining room table and left us -- we and another couple sat out on that balcony most of the evening, enjoying the moonless sky and the STARS!! My LORD! Enjoyed all the lovely snacks that Denny brought for us, as well as some libations from our bar setup! It was great! Of course we hit up the Blue Lagoon around 11-12 -- starving...:p


Keep it coming!

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I love your review, as usual!! I have always wanted to stay in one of the forward suites for (as welove2cruise232 mentioned) the STARS STARS STARS! And as you mentioned to have the un-light-polluted view of the sea and sky at night, just like up on the bridge.


Looking forward to the rest of the review. Thanks for sharing with us, coka.

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(the stars are coming soon!)


Day 3: Samana (A tender port)!


You might read reports from other cruisers that nothing is in Samana or that it is a terrible cruise ship stop. Hey, just because Christopher Columbus did not stay there after his attack from Ciguayo natives at the Gulf of Arrows, does not mean it is such a bad place. The United States almost bought this lush peninsula for 2 million dollars after the Civil War until we got the idea to annex the whole Dominican Republic. The U.S. Senate killed that idea by 10 votes in 1871.


The perfect Pearl slowly sailed by lush tropical mountainous forests while most passengers were still asleep. Through my binoculars, I saw what Columbus and the bridge guys saw. In my Captain’s chair, I spotted and island with a beautiful beach. I could not find any migratory humpback whales as they had not arrived yet. From afar, I could see tiny boats with a few natives paddling and it looked like they were coming our way. Get ready to sound the alarm! I scanned for flying arrows. Although seeing none, I remained steady and armed with my ham and cheese omelet and croissants from which to make a peace offering. If that did not work, I was prepared to get them all buzzed up with the Lavazza coffee or Mott’s champagne should they board and attempt a piracy. The mighty Pearl anchor was enough to scare them away and everyone’s day safely began.


I finally met my suite neighbors. A friendly group ready and waiting for their adventurous ATV tour, their discover Samana tour, their cave explorations, and their sun/snorkel/scuba tours, and visits to Playa Rincon and Cayo Levanto, I told them JillieNY and I were going to protect the ship while they went ashore. Upon their return, they found us with sunburned shoulders, tears rolling down our faces, champagne coming out our noses, singing yo ho ho and a bottle of rum as we dined on melting chocolate treats delivered by Gian by sail-away. We hardly ever saw them again out on their balconies. In case they missed us, or in case any of the other Pearl passengers missed us, we made it a point to stand in the far right corner railing and wave to everyone. Our biggest discovery in Samana was that a little forward right corner balcony section of suite 9500 can be viewed on channel 24 in every stateroom and to anyone in the world logging on to view the Pearl bridge cam. I called and left a message for my neighbors to the right that the world could see them even more.


Before dinner I stopped by and watched some of the JAR show titled “Sea Legs: A Showgirl Revue” in the Stardust Theater. Third time on the Pearl, I made it a point to see events previously missed. This show ‘combines traditional showgirl glamour with modern day finesse.’ I did not stay once the Beyonce’ song was sung and danced to even though all the Pearl entertainers are fantastic! Many say and I agree, they are the best on the seas. I met up with JillieNY in the Star Bar to enjoy the music of Michelle Page. Below is a list of featured entertainers onboard the Pearl:


JAR shows: South Beach Rave, Sea Legs: A Showgirl Revue, Garden of the Geisha

Comedy: Second City, David Naster, Sharkbait

Pool Band/Night themes Band: Roots Link, Calypso Band True Life

Piano/Vocals/Guitar: Michelle Page, Amaury Figueredo, Jimmy Lovullo, Ronald

Brown, David Ricci,

Instrumentals: The Pearl ShowBand, The Strolling Manila Trio (they walked

around Indigo and Summer Palace restaurants playing…very cool!)

Karaoke: Available various times throughout the ship…sometimes early or later

DJ: Patrick


We dined in Indigo restaurant as we walked on in without a reservation and sat at a booth. I had the yummy cold soup and the “always available” steak and mashed potatoes. After reading a review from a critic regarding their sliver width cut, I am happy to report mine came out at least a ¾ inch cut if not more. For fun (and I admit a little ritual of mine), I even cut it with the butter knife dahling! I went wild for dessert and ordered vanilla ice cream with butterscotch sauce. The sauce was on the bottom of the parfait dish and I could not reach it with my spoon due to the thinner dish bottom. Had I been home, I would have drank it out. Instead, I tilted the glass, warmed it with my hand, and poured the melted vanilla and butterscotch into the spoon never spilling a drop.


Some people have a lot of expectations when they cruise. My only one was for an awesome white hot party. Passengers wear white freestyle dress (or not!) and everyone gathers in Spinnaker’s to see the ice sculptures, to wear glo sticks, to dance until whenever, and to see the white hot dancers along with beautiful CD Julie in her white angel wings assisted by her cruise staff. Bring your cameras! I arrived a little late because I could not decide my outfit. I showed up in my favorite white cotton sailor pants with buttons in the front and a tie-up in the back, my favorite white cotton sleeveless v-neck top with frills all around and a tie up in the back, and my white dress sandals I never wear at home. Although some thought I looked like a beautiful Canadian snow goose, I felt like a 6’2” maxi-pad.


The party was not disappointing at all although I may have disappointed a few hopeful gentleman I declined a dance to. The persistent one won although he will never know it was I who ended up benefiting. Standing nearby when Beyonce’s “All the Single Ladies” song came on, I had another decision. Stand at the bar and cry or go out and do all the moves as seen in her video and in her concert tour. “Do you dare to dance with me to this song?” I asked him. Bravery was his middle name. He was a hero for we went out and did the moves. Hips turning out left left left and right right right, two slow steps forward, three fast while arms punch out, throw your head back, pause and do it again. Snap your head left and right and move your shoulders as you display an awaiting hand pointing to your ring finger with the other…he will never know someone else was on the dance floor with us in spirit. Only two weeks prior I had shared the same moment on a high school homecoming gym dance floor with the best dancer in the school along with her brother and best friend as we wowed the other teenagers to the same song. Getting out there this evening, I uh-uh-ooohed in her honor silently praying she was now flying with the migratory geese or currently dancing on a white hot cloud.



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Your continuing saga about your loss is bringing tears to my eyes. I hope she knows she has an angel on earth. You are stronger than I am for praying for her assailant.


I love reading your trip reports. I am truly sorry to hear that I might have had the opportunity to meet you had you been on the Thanksgiving cruise. Glad to hear you found the ship still up to your expectations. I am looking forward to meeting her!



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Or it could be one of our heroic servicewomen. Or one of our everyday heroes. Some special teachers come to mind:)


Very true, I shouldn't have been so limiting.


And Coka, your grief is infectious, and I don't know any more than you have posted. May she fly like an eagle.



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Thank you so much for sharing this. You've made me laugh aloud while drinking coffee (6'2" maxi-pad! OMG hilarious) and then tear up discussing something tragic, yet unknown. I must admit it feels a little awkward as you are so very open, I feel like a voyeur. Appreciating you.

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As always your reviews bring to the surface the emotions and joys of cruising. This one brings tears to my eyes. We will cruise together again




This is so sad.

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- A Vermont woman accused of fatally stabbing her 16-year-old niece has been denied bail.

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Hi Coka,

So sorry to hear the pain in what you've written. I hope being on the cruise and experiencing all the wonderful things you did gives you renewed strength.


I was surprised to find your review given the time of year. Even more surprised to hear that you and "Virginia" have ended your very long "affair." Congrats on that!:):)


Can't wait to

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Coka.. YOU ARE KILLING ME.. lol.. do you realize we leave Saturday morning for NYC for our two week cruise and I am waiting with baited breath for each of your installments. If I have to log on while onboard the ship I am going to bill you for the internet time.. LOL

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Hi coka,


I have been waiting patiently for your review and hear it is!


I am glad to know that you always find a way to "be"! So far I have laughed, cried, and continue to be with you on this adventure. Thank you for continuing to share yourself and your travels.


Please know that Liz and I are sending our best to you. I pray for all who are impacted by the sadness and pain of this event and loss.


We look forward to another cruise adventure with you in the near future.

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(Thanks for the comments and well wishes! Sparks, yes it is.)

* * * * * * *



…I danced until the party ended. The remaining after midnight crowd went to Bliss to continue dancing. Jillie and I went to the Blue Lagoon and I had the chips with spinach artichoke dip and the hot soup. The Blue Lagoon is fantastic for comfort food any time of day as they are open 24 hours. Another favorite item from the menu is the chicken wings, mild or hot. I did not want to order them in my white hot outfit. No need to oxy-clean them after this cruise as necessary from previous ones! A brief swing through the casino to watch the players, gamblers, and high rollers, I scored a dish of finger foods to take back to my balcony. Late night casino snacks are always available. Look to the right of the casino bar for a small buffet set-up. They usually have finger sandwiches, veggies and dip, cookies, brownies, and something on a hot plate.


Samana and St. Thomas are very near each other and the perfect Pearl retained her slow steady pace through calm seas. Horizontal in my Captain’s lounger counting rays pouring from constellations planning my next day’s watch quest, I concluded that life is very much fantastic without one. I understood my retired hubby’s lifestyle more. He tells me he does not cruise because he cannot keep up with me. Looking forward from my balcony I realized I was finally catching up to him. I first found peace with that feeling knowing he would be happy with my revelation. Jolting myself out the mythology, it was probably just all the salt air corroding more and further wrinkling the frontal lobe of my cerebral cortex. Having inhaled a considerable portion of salt air the last few days, I repeated again yes, it was just the salt air. I fell asleep under the stars smiling and fearless of any rogue waves that could possibly flow my way.





Tuesday: St. Thomas! (dock at the pier )


St. Thomas is currently one of the Eastern Caribbean’s favorite cruise ship stops. Many visit the port seeking treasures like the pirates did. Charlotte Amalie, the port of call, named after Danish King Christian V’s wife, is a favorite for duty free shopping. As I dined solo on delicious banana French toast in Cagney’s, I answered questions if I was alone. No, I am with 2600 other people! No, my hubby hates cruising. Throughout the week I had more fun with answers. No, my boyfriend is out of town on business. No, my lover had to make a bank deposit in Switzerland. I was even asked how much I paid for my cabin as they got theirs for free. I thought to myself not really Mr. high roller but gave all sorts of answers depending on the time of year, itinerary, and ships sailing full or not.


I for real was going to meet up with my sister-in-law’s friend from high school and he was going to take me fishing as he now lived in St. Thomas. I became a bit doubting and changed the plan. Do you remember my old Majesty Knight from St. Thomas, the 76 year old who rescued me from solo dining two summers ago on a Bermuda run? Remember his stories of intrigue, world adventures, and travels? I think he was actually a rook and not a real knight as he claimed. Never heard from him after I wrote the one word reply “hahahahahaha!” to an email request to borrow some money. He must have been a descendent of the earlier men and women convicts sent to work the work the island by the Danish West India Company in 1671. I decided not to take a chance on a transient from the states who was a nice guy in high school.


Taking the pool deck route back to my suite, I talked to people along the way to find out how their vacation was going. A grandmother and grandson were having an excellent time onboard. She was amazed at all of the activities offered. The six ladies minus their husbands were enjoying the sun, dancing in Bliss nightclub, and were looking forward to a future pub crawl tour. The cruise critics were enjoying newfound friends, their up sells to an AB, AF’s, and balconies. Even an elderly guy with an ailing wife in the cabin since boarding seemed to be enjoying himself… Maybe a little too much. After slurring I was the most beautiful woman on the ship and I oh so looked like Lady Di, I told him the difference between a pig and a fox is about 8 drinks and how many did he have thus far this morning? I stopped my inquiries when a passenger returned a question asking where I was from and they added, “Oh! I just watched a report on CNN the other night about (the news in my blackberry).


Forget about fishing or finding a watch in St. Thomas. Somebody find me a flight home. Having excellent cell service, I called my assistant Lu to give to get the lowdown back home. Going through six people to get to her, I asked her to transfer the phone into my office so she could talk to me in private. After 40 minutes she had given it all to me straight out. Basically, I am not that important. My god, I love that woman as she was an instant hero. Calling hubby next, I told him I could not sleep but I sure was enjoying the balcony every moment awake. He welcomed me to the world of getting older and said to get used to it.


Bushwacked by Lu and hubby, and one canceled date later, I decided to go with JillieNY and get bushwacked at the Paradise Point Tramway summit that offers breathtaking views of Charlotte Amalie harbor and the perfect Pearl. A short walk from the ship, a 21 dollar fee (only 20 if buy ticket on board), a hot ride up, and two bushwacker cocktails later, we were having a good time sitting and talking with the tourists. If you are elderly and have a difficult time walking, know that at the summit there are steep stairs to the souvenir shops, bathrooms, and bar/restaurant. We assisted two ladies down the stairs and I admit we required some assistance ourselves going back up. Two steps laugh…two more steps laugh some more. We met some of the cruise staff on break as we rode the tram back down to harbor and laughed even more. One did not know it yet and neither did I, but one would become my heroic former step-son now heroic husband later on in the week.


JillieNY and I finished our bushwacker tasting by perusing the shops. I did not see a watch I liked for it did not matter. According to the commercials, one does not really need one when sailing NCL. We did stop at the drugstore nearby. Jillie bought water and I bought sun lotion and ferrous sulfate tablets. Once onboard Jillie went to the pool and I went to the promenade deck to power-walk off the cream of coconut, kahlua, Bacardi black rum, dark crème de cacao and milk concoctions.


A large ship, the Pearl offers many options in which to get a good workout. A fantastic gym with freestyle weights and nautilus machines/treadmills, an outdoor jogging track, a rock climbing wall, a full basketball court with atrium seating, shuffleboards, golf swing area, two bowling lanes, Wii on the big screen, and the absolute BEST woman’s steam/sauna area at sea…complete with windows to view the horizon from. The promenade deck is for walking or for relaxing. Two and 2/3 laps around the promenade equals one mile so I power-walked by the sleeping passengers in their loungers about 17 times without stirring any of them.


Fresh, showered, ready to go to the next port, I felt great for the first time since boarding! Meeting up with Jillie and her new friends at the Sky High bar, I continued my workout by walking up and down the pool deck stairwells to get three repeat servings of my favorite buffet chicken. Complimented with cream of broccoli soup, lentils, buttered carrots, and fresh sliced pineapple and melons, I was 100% content. Jillie wanted to nap as we left port, so I returned to 9500 to help the bridge guys get the Pearl safely out to sea. They pressed the buttons to maneuver us out and I watched for obstacles in the water from my Captain’s lounger.


Another gorgeous Caribbean evening had very few out on decks until later. Many passengers found the specialty restaurants as they were filling up, the gamblers and players were enjoying the casino, and others were laughing out loud to Second City’s Comedy Troupe in Spinnaker’s. My chantix medicine mysteriously fell off the bow and I found myself gazing at pearly white boxes with a mint green tea color and silver/gold lining in the Galleria shops. An Ed Hardy Nulite by Christian Audigier that glowed in really funky hues of blue/green/red when pressed was also nearby. One 10% latitudes discount later and I had a big smile on my face. My Pearl can remain perfect yet I was okay with me being not.


The Caribbean deck party was a hit. CD Julie, her staff, and the pool band did a fantastic job with the event as Jillie and I took note from above. Those not in attendance could be found dancing to the Pearl’s Show Band in Spinnaker’s Lounge, watching a movie in the Crystal atrium, or doing whatever! An excellent combination of venues offered for varied tastes, I agreed with the grandmother who earlier told me there was so much to do onboard. While watching the passengers, the officers, staff, and crew entertain; while chatting briefly with all those who stopped along their way, I was deliciously dichotomously centered between a blissful state of pulsating fun filled action packed revelry below and a serene display of shining stars and croissant moon from space above.


The decision between ending the night in Bliss dancing or beginning the nightly gaze from the balcony was an easy one. The Caribbean sky was perfect for contemplation. JillieNY, who crossed the mighty Atlantic from South Africa to St. Thomas in a 30 foot sailboat assisted me in my quest for knowledge. Like astronomers, we discussed the laws of nature. Like astrologers, we discussed the mysteries of life and death and divine intervention. Like navigators, we plotted the Pearl’s route as she headed for Tortola. Like sailors, we finished the remaining compilations of leftover champagne and cabin cocktails. Then time stood still.


Figuring the bridge guys stopped the perfect Pearl for a break, we too took a break from conversation and reclined in our loungers to look straight up. A shooting star zipped across the sky. We made a wish. Another one flew by and we wished again. I stated the next one could be a wish for ourselves. When you get three wishes, the third can always be a selfish one. Besides, the third wish in any joke is also the one that makes you laugh.


Not really shooting stars but meteors, we made wishes upon wishes as thousands of small bits of solar debris crashed and burned continuously throughout the upper earth’s atmosphere. Two more hours of this cosmic event and you will be happy to know we proclaimed peace on earth due to all our efforts! This dance of the Caribbean stars was yet another highlight of my 9500 balcony.


Deciding to stay out there until morning, I pulled my lounger half-way under the overhang when Jillie left. Not wanting to awake in a position that would leave the bridge guys laughing in the morning, safe from view, I fell asleep watching the non-stop meteor shower. I was JOLTED from sleep to another shower going on. Oh My God…did a rogue wave just hit? Spitting water…gagging…I jumped off the lounger…water soaking everywhere! Arms in immediate breast-stroke position I gasped for oxygen as I frantically untwisted the wet waffle robe off me. I ran towards the bow and not the inside cabin. Lower the tender boats! Panting, looking up at the bridge I saw no sign of danger. Standing at the railing I found dryness. Huh? Did the perfect Pearl enter the twilight zone? Did we cross over the Bermuda triangle? Am I in coka-mania or is this pearl-mania? Standing with a towel over my head I could not figure out why it was raining on ½ balcony when the stars were still shining brightly. There were no guys spraying the decks from above. There were no guys floating by spraying windows either. Thinking deck 10 above sprung a leak, I took an extra hot shower , gurgled vodka from the mini-bar fridge, and crawled into the bed with a mattress and put the duvet over my head and smelled the feathered pillows. Still not knowing, I got back up and gurgled some more.



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Wow, Coka, this one is a roller coaster! Like the others one moment I'm laughing out loud, and the next tearing up.


PS: Congratulations on parting with Virginia!


PPS: Did your DH enjoy his souvenir cleaning brush?

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Coka.. YOU ARE KILLING ME.. lol.. do you realize we leave Saturday morning for NYC for our two week cruise and I am waiting with baited breath for each of your installments. If I have to log on while onboard the ship I am going to bill you for the internet time.. LOL


I totally agree with you "terrymtex." I have a flight that leaves on Sunday and I need a short story novel .....ie: Coka's Review to read on the plane.


Which means my dear Coka that you need to finish your story.


Missing cruising with you


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Sign me up as the newest member of the Coka fan club. The way you write is as good as anything I've ever read on my Kindle.....and I've read a lot!


So tell me Coka, what do you think the chances of me "getting rid of my leftover tan lines" will be on a 10th deck AC? 10500 to be precise. Pretty slim, huh?:rolleyes::o:D



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Hey Jimswims! Every time a staff member mentioned I looked like Princess Di, I used my usual response "before or after her accident?" Always good for a laugh, sort of. I have to go away this weekend but if I dress for Halloween, I am going for the "after the accident look" this time.


Mary, Is the roller coaster ride that obvious? hahaha


Terry and Ocean, I will probably get one more posting after this one. The last two days are the sea days because we missed Great Stirrup Cay. Not that I am having a problem writing about my balcony though! Terry, the water question gets answered Tortola night. Have a safe journey to the ship...I know you will love it! Ocean, have a safe journey to Guatemala...I miss you and I love you!


Capp, you can do the full monty in 10500 only during certain times of the day for smaller amounts of time. I did it on the Jewel and they are sister ships. Just remember though...if you can see them, they can see you. Having been on the bridge, I stood at the windows all along the front...they can not see beneath the overhang...If you can see full window...they can see you. Your balcony is smaller...if you are on the same itinerary, you will get morning sun heading east and afternoon sun heading west. Do not forget to turn the door handle to "Do Not Disturb" as they deliver suite treats in the afternoon.


I really really really did not intend to make anyone cry.



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