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Picked for Special Customs Screening


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This is a scenario that has never happened to me before. I travel for a living and never have been singled out for "special attention" by the CBP.


On our last cruise on the EOS when I received my Customs form at the end of the cruise there was a whole punched on it. On disembarking the RCCI representative checked my name off a list and said you need to go to a special customs line. How did we get specially selected fro this unique honor??


The only thing I can figure was the Duty Free shop on board where we made a large purchase but still under our customs allowance.


The thing that annoys me is that RCCI is now a policemen! :mad:



Sounds to me like they are out to get you. I would be concerned about cruising with them agian. Who knows what they might do next time.

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If you travel for a living and have never been "singled out" before, I'd thank my lucky stars and not blame the cruiseline. Frequent traveling and the "trusted traveler" status doesn't make you untouchable. There are many thousands of us out there who have missed a flight or a meeting due to being "specially selected." It happens. It's part of the world we live in and no one, not even frequent travelers, is immune. I was traveling every week right after I'd had a plate and pins put in my arm and still had the stitches. Talk about being singled out!!!! I'd say put it behind you and move on. And, if you truly believe it was RCCL, feel free to change lines.

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this is random...they do it at various customs check points. I cross the US/Canada boarder several times a week and it's a crap shoot...every so many vehicles is chosen to go to secondary inspection (even if you have nothing to declare). It's a just a security measure, which I know is a huge inconvenience for people, but they do sometimes find drugs/weapons during these inspections...same goes for air travel and cruising.

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It's a random deal for sure. I've been told a couple of times when I signed up for the luggage valet service that my boarding passes would be in my cabin the night before departure unless I was selected for the special customs screening.


We bought merchandise on board once that was in excess of the customs allowance. We received notice the night before to come to a meeting room to meet with officials and pay the duty before we left the ship so we wouldn't have to hassle with it onshore. They tried to make it as easy as possible for us and the others in the same situation. We weren't paged that morning. The pages must be for other reasons.

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sometimes its random and sometimes it isn't. This is a border search. CBP doesn't need any reason they can search anyone they want to for any or no reason. Sometimes they do get a list of all the passengers who have made a large purchase. The cruise lines are REQUIRED to provide this information upon request. Sometimes they get a tip that someone is carrying something. They can change how they do this when ever they want to. If the cruiselines don't comply they just won't clear the ship....and you will be on for hours as sometimes happens.

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Bionicman97, I had to laugh at your experience in New York. The exact same thing happened to us. We were comming back from Eourpe on AA airlines and were delayed enough to miss our connecting flight and got transfered to Delta. I feel that because of the change in flight plans that we got the special screening. We almost missed the Delta flight too.



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We fly over to Belfast several times a year and are always searched!! Don't consider ourselves to look suspicous (we are both in mid 60's)

My husband has a pacemaker and so as he can't go through the normal screening process so he is also searched. Our luggage has also been searched when we went to New York via Las Vegas and we missed our connecting flight.

I would rather be searched and my luggage searched than have what happened to those poor souls on 9.11

These are unfortunately the times we live in and better to be safe and miss a flight than be sorry!!

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Bionicman97, I had to laugh at your experience in New York. The exact same thing happened to us. We were comming back from Eourpe on AA airlines and were delayed enough to miss our connecting flight and got transfered to Delta. I feel that because of the change in flight plans that we got the special screening. We almost missed the Delta flight too.




At least I would know what to do now. This was my first trip flying and first only the second time I have been to an airport. Once the flight was gone, I asked the guy what do we do now, he said stand over there, I will help you in a minute, these people can still make there flight, 15 minutes later, my patience was shot and we just got in front of the next person and refused to leave. He finally looked, and said go to the Delta terminal. Memories, Memories :rolleyes:

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We bought merchandise on board once that was in excess of the customs allowance. We received notice the night before to come to a meeting room to meet with officials and pay the duty before we left the ship so we wouldn't have to hassle with it onshore. They tried to make it as easy as possible for us and the others in the same situation. We weren't paged that morning. The pages must be for other reasons.


Could be that the people in the same situation as you were in decided not to show up at the meeting room to pay up thinking they would deal with it onshore and were paged. Could be that they didn't get the notice because the cabin steward did not put it in the cabin so they were being paged.


Tucker in Texas

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I wouldn't worry I have gone thru the "special line" for the most part it is random. I do remember coming back into the US from Montreal where I bought a citizen watch and it was mistaken for a rolex:eek:


How in the world you can mistake a Citizen for a Rolex is beyond me. If you are not hiding anything. you really have nothing to worry about.Although it can be unnerving:confused:

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I wish they would teach the guys at Boston's Logan airport to smile at folks at the end of their flights. When I got back from London the guy couldn't have been any more of a crank.:rolleyes: He made it seem like people were some sort of a criminal for ever leaving the country in the first place. Just what someone needs after being cramped in an airplane for 6 hours crossing the Atlantic. And what a great first impression it must be for someone coming over to visit America. Could you ask your family member whay they do that?;)


Always met with surly faces from the TSA guys when arriving in the US but I suppose they have a job to do and if you've nothing to hide whats the problem.

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Bionicman97, remember how far it was from AA to Delta? We were not happy campers having to lug all our luggage and ourselves in and out of the airport. It was not a happy experence for us to say the least. I won't say never again, but we will avoid Kennedy like the plague.



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Same thing happened to us on a cruise/air package through RCI, but our's was the air part. On the way back from Barcelona to New York, we were delayed 2 hours while they worked on an engine with us sitting on the plane (that makes you feel good). When we landed in New York, our flight to Tampa was already gone. We had no help from anyone at RCI and this was the first trip I have ever taken on an airplane. They switched us from American Airlines to Delta, waited for 2 hours in the Delta line, plane leaves in an hour and fifteen minutes, and all 8 people in our party get marked for search. We spend the next hour having all our bags searched along with us, then run as fast as we can and barely make it on the plane.


I didn't like anything about the way RCI handled our airfare for the whole trip and would book it myself next time.

TSA standard procedure. Having air arrangements made/changed at the last minute, even when not by your choice, always gets you designated for special screening.
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Could be that the people in the same situation as you were in decided not to show up at the meeting room to pay up thinking they would deal with it onshore and were paged. Could be that they didn't get the notice because the cabin steward did not put it in the cabin so they were being paged.


I'll listen carefully to the pages next time. I've only heard ones asking people to come to the pursar's desk - not a specified conference room. I don't think this would ever be done at the pursar's desk because there were about four guy/girl officials including someone to take money from us. It was quite a set-up.

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Always met with surly faces from the TSA guys when arriving in the US but I suppose they have a job to do and if you've nothing to hide whats the problem.

I guess I was brougt up that you treat people with respect. Just because you are in a position of authority doesn't mean you have to act like a jerk. If you have no problem with the attitude that they give you then so be it. And I don't have anything to hide. They are welcome to go through my stuff just put the attitude away :rolleyes:


And for your info, when I arrived in London they could not have made me feel any more welcome and they have just as much of an issue with terrorism. There is no reason for a miserable attitude.

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I wish they would teach the guys at Boston's Logan airport to smile at folks at the end of their flights. When I got back from London the guy couldn't have been any more of a crank.:rolleyes: He made it seem like people were some sort of a criminal for ever leaving the country in the first place. Just what someone needs after being cramped in an airplane for 6 hours crossing the Atlantic. And what a great first impression it must be for someone coming over to visit America. Could you ask your family member whay they do that?;)


that is how your immigration treat us when we land in Miami!

We put up with it because we just love cruising from the States and Miami is usually our point of entry.

If the forms are left by your room steward and they are pre punched or marked,just loose them and get another that has no markings on ;)

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I guess I was brougt up that you treat people with respect. Just because you are in a position of authority doesn't mean you have to act like a jerk. If you have no problem with the attitude that they give you then so be it. And I don't have anything to hide. They are welcome to go through my stuff just put the attitude away :rolleyes:


I hate to say this, but I have to be honest on this topic. I visit the training center often where CBP is trained and it is downright scary. In the last few years, they have hired a lot of people, and have not been too discriminatory in their hiring (meaning backgrounds). Even long time agents who were legacy Customs inspectors are complaining about many of the new hires. Many of these people have criminal histories, and even some with gang affiliations. Some aren't even fluent in the English language!


Unfortunately, until they raise their hiring standards, you can expect to deal with some attitudes. In more than one case, I have taken issues to their supervision for unprofessional conduct.

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that is how your immigration treat us when we land in Miami!We put up with it because we just love cruising from the States and Miami is usually our point of entry.

If the forms are left by your room steward and they are pre punched or marked,just loose them and get another that has no markings on ;)


I do not doubt that is how you are treated and there is no need for it. They can accomplish their jobs without making me feel like a criminal for leaving the country on vacation or making our visitors feel like they are unwelcome. And I don't judge every agent by the way I was treated. When we returned to Miami on Explorer I still remember the agent being so polite and welcoming us back. And that cruise was years ago but I still remember her. Everyone knows that they have a job to do and I don't think any of us mind them doing it. Attitude and impressions, good and bad, mean a lot... at least to me. If others are not bothered by it so be it.


When I landed in London I began my visit with a great first impression thanks to immigration and I left London with an total love for both the city and the British people. It was an amazing visit from landing to takoff. And I guess that makes me more critical of the way I was approached on my return home.

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I notice the attitude also, especially the local police at the airports. I can understand the private security not being the most pleasant, but if the local police do not seem to understand that they are one of the first impressions visitors to our community have - it is not a very good one.


They walk around as if the were Sheriff Buford Pussor on the prowl for a some miscreants they can bash over the head.

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I'll listen carefully to the pages next time. I've only heard ones asking people to come to the pursar's desk - not a specified conference room. I don't think this would ever be done at the pursar's desk because there were about four guy/girl officials including someone to take money from us. It was quite a set-up.


Now that I think about it, you are right. They are called to the Purser's desk so I guess it is deadbeats. Sure are a lot of them, though.


Tucker in Texas

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The cruise lines are not acting as police officers. They are required to cooperate with the requests made by Customs and Immigration. It is the law. Yes, it is both random and selective in who gets their stuff searched.


As some others have mentioned, get a customs declaration from guest relations although I really don't think this helps. They usually have a stack of them just sitting there the last day. If you have been selected for a search, you're going to get searched.


As for the TSA rules, yes last minute changes between airlines can trigger a "selectee" indication on your boarding pass. Not always though. It can also depend on your frequent flier status with the airline you are changing to. Even though you are not chosen as a selectee, the TSA is also required to do random secondary screenings.


I agree that just because someone is a Customs officer, Immigration officer, or TSA, this doesn't give them the right to be mean and rude. Although I have seen my fair share of the mean and rude ones, I think it most them are professional and pleasant to work with. Just think what their jobs must be like. Nobody enjoys having there stuff searched or being held up by these guys. So I'm sure they get more than their fair share of angry travelers who think they know the rules better than the CBP and TSA.


One little tip: If they are being rude and unprofessional, don't let your temper get the best of you. Whether its the TSA, CBP or any other government/law enforcement official, you will get absolutely no where by getting belligerent with them. Once you start losing your cool, this gives them more reason to be suspicious and will only delay you even longer. Be as courteous and as cooperative as possible. This is your only chance at speeding things up. If you do encounter someone who is unprofessional and unreasonalble and want to report them, politely ask for their name and badge number AFTER the search.

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Several years ago, I was coming back into the US at Washington Dulles Airport. As I passed through immigration, the officer handed me a card that was an unusual color. I noticed that an agent semmed to floow me to the baggage claim area. Once I had my bags, the came up and directed me to the special processing line. I was taken to a room, asked if there was anything that I had not declared, and they proceeded to search my bags for almost the next two hours. After they finished (the Customs officials were very professional), they explained that I was the lucky 5,000th traveler through immigration that day. It was totally random - I am still mad at my coworker who said ladies first - he could have had all the fun :D


I will the ICE personnel in Baltimore, after our Grandeur cruise in July, were much more pleasant and professional than those in Miami, after Freedom, this year.

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If you all are finding that the agents aren't being courteous to you or are being downright rude, get the badge number and name as cruiseknots says and report it to the Office of the Inspector General. That's what they are there for.


For the love of everything that is sacred, do NOT make a scene where you are at! That will do nothing but cause you problems. Deal with it with someone with a certain level of authority. OIG is that authority, that's why they were created.


However, if it's a simple customer service issue, a call to a supervisor would suffice. But if you really feel that you are being mistreated, call OIG.

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Once I had my bags, the came up and directed me to the special processing line. I was taken to a room, asked if there was anything that I had not declared, and they proceeded to search my bags for almost the next two hours. After they finished (the Customs officials were very professional), they explained that I was the lucky 5,000th traveler through immigration that day. It was totally random - I am still mad at my coworker who said ladies first - he could have had all the fun :D



Maybe Karma went his way since he's treats the ladies with respect


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