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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but be prepared to walk up and down A LOT of stairs. The elevators are slow, so it's sometimes faster to use the stairs.


By the end of every cruise my calves are killing me, but it's a great way to tone them :)


This rather worries me as I have not long had done an emergency total knee replacement (done November 2009) and was assured this would be no problem as the ship has lifts :( if this is the case them room service will be the norm) :eek:



p.s. We are sailing on the Ventura on 26th February2010

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This rather worries me as I have not long had done an emergency total knee replacement (done November 2009) and was assured this would be no problem as the ship has lifts :( if this is the case them room service will be the norm) :eek:



p.s. We are sailing on the Ventura on 26th February2010


Don't worry. There are plenty of elevators/lifts. The stairs are a great way to get some exercise, but if you can't manage them, you will be fine. The best thing to do is find your way around ship so that you are not always going for an elevator because you forgot that the shops are on the same level as XXX that you wanted to go to, also. There are elevators right next to the dining rooms, and the buffet, so don't worry about that.

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We live in MN and usually cruise in Feb./ March. Its cold here but warm there so we always wear shorts & Tshirts under a warm up suit. So we are semi warm when we leave and when we get to our location (down south) and its much warmer we can just take off the pants and jacket and we are set. The first cruise we took we came in the day of and I'm glad we did. We had to stand in line for around 3 hours to get on the ship and with two little girls it was nice they had shorts on cause it was hot.

From that experience we now always fly in the day before. So much more relaxing.

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Or just use a debit card w/ a few grand in the checking account. thats my plan


Unfortunately that's not an option. Plus I don't want to tie up my only cash funds either.


Anyone know if it's a $500 authorization the cruise line holds? I'm speaking about Carnival for a 5 day cruise. This is what my travel agent advised me, but an earlier poster said it's a $200 per day authorization on your credit card. Didn't know which to rely on and haven't been able to get through to Carnival on the phone yet

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One thing I didn't see that we always bring with us when we travel is Ziploc bags (maybe that is the cellobags that were referred to before). We use them for damp bathing suits, dirty clothes, liquids or loose change. Plenty of uses.



They're also great for cameras/cell phones/other things you don't want to get wet when on shore if you don't have a waterproof bag of some kind for carrying all your stuff. I've never actually been on a cruise, but I imagine it sometimes rains in port (mother nature has no regard for vacationers *sigh*). I'm always concerned about my camera when I'm on vacation now, 'cause when I was a teenager I was at an amusement park and I killed the camera I had with me by taking it with me on a water ride (thankfully this was back in the day and it was a film camera, not an expensive digital). Ever since then I make sure I have something to put my camera/cell in in case it rains or there are water rides etc.

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Unfortunately that's not an option. Plus I don't want to tie up my only cash funds either.


Anyone know if it's a $500 authorization the cruise line holds? I'm speaking about Carnival for a 5 day cruise. This is what my travel agent advised me, but an earlier poster said it's a $200 per day authorization on your credit card. Didn't know which to rely on and haven't been able to get through to Carnival on the phone yet

Trouble with this thing is you never see it, I suppose if you go online every day to check you would see it but who does that? so what I mean is most people don't know if or how much the amounts are. I know what you mean as this happened to me once, card declined due to lack of available credit when it was ''empty,'' in those days ''normal'' cards only had maybe £1000 on them & our hotel reserved some but did not release it when we went to pay!! Can you get an increase if only a temporary one?

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I just take cheap ear plugs

Does this mean I have found a positive for having tinnitus & having to use hearing aids at the ripe old age of 53? I have my own white noise !!!!


This whole site is a wealth of knowledge but this thread is exceptional, thank you, thank you, you have allayed nearly all of my nervousness except for missing the ship after shore excersions!!!


I just can't wait....

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Does this mean I have found a positive for having tinnitus & having to use hearing aids at the ripe old age of 53? I have my own white noise !!!!


This whole site is a wealth of knowledge but this thread is exceptional, thank you, thank you, you have allayed nearly all of my nervousness except for missing the ship after shore excersions!!!


I just can't wait....


You betcha! There is always a silver lining. Have a WONDERFUL time. I know you will.

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There are some who will laugh at the "highlighter, duct tape etc." BUT we've used them every time. If you won't use it, don't take it but we do:) One other thing that was mentioned for children *BACKPAKS*..Adults take yours!! I take one every time we go off the ship...My DH always stuffs his things in too....It's so nice to be hands-free...I put passport copy, cash, blow-up cheapie raft (throw away kind), sunglasses, sunscreen....and always in it are: band-aids, ink pen, nail file...(okay I'll admit I'm obsessive HA)


A few more things we take along the line of zip-loc bags: small scissors, post-its, rubber bands, clothes-pin which comes in handy to keep the drapes closed when that early sun comes in to wake you. Every cruise I've taken a BIG insulated cup! I fill it with ice, tea, lemonade etc for beside the pool. Cups on board are tiny..... Although it was very nice and well-intentioned for the one poster to give a tee shirt to the cabin steward, cash is king. They also like pre-paid phone cards for calling home from ports!


These are great tips weather a newbie or experienced cruiser.


Enjoy your cruise.....This will be our first just as a couple! YIPEE!!!!

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I quote FREDR:

And...enjoy the romance...stars, moonbeams, sunrises and sunsets.

I agree with this the MOST! Cruising is a GREAT way to vacation and I too believe that the most important thing to do is to take the time to


Every evening my DH and I take a few minutes to walk on the deck and tell each other how happy we are to be there together! Years ago when we were first married and did not have 2 cents to rub together did we believe we would ever be on such a beautiful ship, in such a beautiful place, with nothing to do but stroll the deck and gaze at the stars.

We are very lucky, these days especially these days it is harder for us to pay for a cruise and all the things that go with it so please, make sure you find the joy in it, not the things to complain about!

I wish you all a GREAT cruise!:D

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Yes, that can happen. I think most of us compiled our lists as we cruised. Every time I went I wished I had "that one thing" that I hadn't taken and someone else had. I certainly don't take things that I don't use on a regular basis, and a lot of these things don't take up much room at all.



This is exactly the reason I always post here stating to never follow anyone elses packing list. What is important to one person (highlighter pen, cups, nightlights, etc...) will be of little use to the next person.


The only thing I can think of that we needed and had to search for in port was once my son started a cough and it took us 2 hours to find cough syrup. Another time my daughter scratched her leg and it was so frustrating looking for bandaids, although this wasn't on a cruise, but another vaca. That was when I learned to take small amounts of most typical OTC meds and a few bandaids along.


If I dumped out our carry on the list would be an arms length long, but much of it is so tiny it takes up less room than the written words on the list.


I should add that the one thing we don't skimp on and get full sizes of is sunscreen, a full bottle for each person. A vacation can be ruined by sunburn. We also take a refillable bottle on shore with us and reapply often.

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This is exactly the reason I always post here stating to never follow anyone elses packing list. What is important to one person (highlighter pen, cups, nightlights, etc...) will be of little use to the next person.


If I dumped out our carry on the list would be an arms length long, but much of it is so tiny it takes up less room than the written words on the list.


I should add that the one thing we don't skimp on and get full sizes of is sunscreen, a full bottle for each person. A vacation can be ruined by sunburn. We also take a refillable bottle on shore with us and reapply often.


I agree with all of this: If it's small, (highlighters are tiny) take it and maybe you will decide it's not something you want to take next time. If it's large, it's a different consideration. I totally agree on taking all the little things that you might need, like impromptu sewing kit and first aid kit, and REGULAR size bottles of sunscreen for Caribbean (and ALOE).

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I was concerned about this because I do not have a high limit on my credit card. I asked my travel agent how much Carnival would authorize on my card when I boarded and she told me it would be $500. My cruise is a 5 day cruise. Is she mistaken or could that be accurate? My limit is $1000, and I don't mind if the whole limit is consumed as we have cash for spending money. But I don't want my card to be declined due to not enough funds for authorization - I have no other option. What do you think?


After reading all the post about holds being placed on credit cards I decided to use a debit card. I called RCI to ask how much of a hold they would put on it. I was told that I would tell them how much I plan on spending and that is what they would hold. If I start to go over the amount then they will notify me and I can either increase it, put down cash, or put the remainder on a cc. This was a relief to me as I do not want a large hold on a cc that I may need for something. I plan on starting with $700 on the debit and see how far that takes me.

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I know your freinds are not traveling with kids, but for anyone else out there (and this can be good for adults too). I take a paper hole punch and the strech cords with the clips at one end (like the ones you get from casinos for free work great!) and hole punch the sign and sail card (make sure you don't punch where the strip is on the back) put it on teh key chain end and then the kids can clip them on to their pants or wrap around their wrists even wear it as a necklace. Keeps it from getting lost!!


definetly a power strip - usually only 1 outlet available.


I agree about dinner - no one ever told me you could order multiple entrees if you wanted more than one!!


For formal dinner use the same pants and just take different tops!!

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I know your freinds are not traveling with kids, but for anyone else out there (and this can be good for adults too). I take a paper hole punch and the strech cords with the clips at one end (like the ones you get from casinos for free work great!) and hole punch the sign and sail card (make sure you don't punch where the strip is on the back) put it on teh key chain end and then the kids can clip them on to their pants or wrap around their wrists even wear it as a necklace. Keeps it from getting lost!!


definetly a power strip - usually only 1 outlet available.


I agree about dinner - no one ever told me you could order multiple entrees if you wanted more than one!!


For formal dinner use the same pants and just take different tops!!

We were seated with two couples once, both newlyweds. One of them was a chief for Ruth Chris. Everynight they ordered 3 entrees each! I don't know how they ate them, Oh to be young again.

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I quote FREDR:

And...enjoy the romance...stars, moonbeams, sunrises and sunsets.


I agree with this the MOST! Cruising is a GREAT way to vacation and I too believe that the most important thing to do is to take the time to



Every evening my DH and I take a few minutes to walk on the deck and tell each other how happy we are to be there together! Years ago when we were first married and did not have 2 cents to rub together did we believe we would ever be on such a beautiful ship, in such a beautiful place, with nothing to do but stroll the deck and gaze at the stars.

We are very lucky, these days especially these days it is harder for us to pay for a cruise and all the things that go with it so please, make sure you find the joy in it, not the things to complain about!


I wish you all a GREAT cruise!:D


Thank you!!! I, too, never dreamed in a million years that I would ever be counting down the days to my first cruise. I met my husband almost 5 years ago and we have been married almost 2 years. We are both in our 50s. If anyone had told me that I would meet the man of my dreams and walk down the aisle in a white wedding gown at the age of 50, I would have thought they were totally nuts. But that and then some has happened to me. My wonderful husband has taken me to places that were only a far off dream to me and now, a CRUISE!!!!

We plan to enjoy every minute of it... sunrises, sunsets, meeting new people, seeing new things and most of all, just being together.

My wish for everyone awaiting an upcoming cruise or anticipating a future one, may you have the very best time of your lives:D:D:D:D

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SeaLady1- Your post is just about the best thing I've read on these boards! (including all the fabulous advice and tips). What an awesome story and have a wonderful time on your first cruise! (I'm counting down the days until my first one as well) Your happiness just about leaped off of the page :-)

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SeaLady1- Your post is just about the best thing I've read on these boards! (including all the fabulous advice and tips). What an awesome story and have a wonderful time on your first cruise! (I'm counting down the days until my first one as well) Your happiness just about leaped off of the page :-)

Thank you for your kind words. When are you going on your cruise and when? You should add a countdown clock to your profile. It is fun and exciting to see the number of days decrease as you get closer and closer.:)

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I know this sounds strange, but I wear tennies very rarely. I brought the tennies to walk around Couzmel but I forgot to bring socks. Poor hubby and I went into EVERY single shop looking for socks. By the time we found them I had HORRIBLE blisters from the shoes I had just bought to bring on the cruise.


This advice here is wonderful we are leaving for our 2nd cruise in 9 days. OMG I am sooo excited. This time we are taking our two teens, hope they get as much out of it as we did our last cruise.


Where do you buy a pop-up clothes hamper?? Sounds like that would be a GREAT addition to my packing list.




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Thank you!!! I, too, never dreamed in a million years that I would ever be counting down the days to my first cruise. I met my husband almost 5 years ago and we have been married almost 2 years. We are both in our 50s. If anyone had told me that I would meet the man of my dreams and walk down the aisle in a white wedding gown at the age of 50, I would have thought they were totally nuts. But that and then some has happened to me. My wonderful husband has taken me to places that were only a far off dream to me and now, a CRUISE!!!!

We plan to enjoy every minute of it... sunrises, sunsets, meeting new people, seeing new things and most of all, just being together.

My wish for everyone awaiting an upcoming cruise or anticipating a future one, may you have the very best time of your lives:D:D:D:D


Just Beautiful!!! you go girl!!!!

I'm counting down the days for my 1st cruise as well!!

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Thank you for your kind words. When are you going on your cruise and when? You should add a countdown clock to your profile. It is fun and exciting to see the number of days decrease as you get closer and closer.:)



We are going in April (actually exactly 60 days from today!!! But who's counting), How do I add a countdown clock? I see them, but don't know how to add one myself.

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We are going in April (actually exactly 60 days from today!!! But who's counting), How do I add a countdown clock? I see them, but don't know how to add one myself.

Look for a link near the top of this page. Fill it out, then copy and paste the "text" into your signature line (another link found inside "quick links").

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