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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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"You think Grumpy should take some pictures?.. The camera registers 600 taken since the start of the cruise... there should be about a half dozen good ones in there somewhere..."


May we know a bit more about the photo gallery on the ship? Is there camera/accessory offering? Are the photo quality/size/price/service any different than the other cruise ships?


Enjoying very much of your postings. Thanks.

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Snowing again today. Dentist appointment tomorrow. Doctor on Friday.



Slinkie and Grumpie, why didn't you take me along?


Keep up the posts but more important enjoy every second. Except for the Buddhists we only pass this way once.

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Except for the Buddhists we only pass this way once.


That's it!

I'm going to become a Buddhist so I can cruise in my next lifetime too!!!;)


Missed a week while I was cruising but glad to hear that you're keeping up w/ the credit-card workout Grumpy - Good job!

Give a hug to Slinky for us!

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Grumply & Slinkie -


Had to read back a few pages and catch up with you! It was well worth it! Poor ziggy had me in stitches though... :D


Glad to hear all is still well - keep up the posts!

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Finally caught up! Began in Feb. reading about your first 2 weeks which closely followed a just-completed Panama Canal cruise except that we ended with Cabo San Lucas, and then San Diego. I have told fellow CC's from that cruise about this thread. Missed a few weeks while in your home town of Naples - our favorite winter vacation destination - but just now got through page 26. So now maybe there is a chance I will: finish my book club book, get to my income taxes, and do the hundred other things I should have been doing instead of reading this. Enjoy the rest of your trip - have enjoyed reading about your adventures better than any travel book I have ever read!! (I agree with the poster regarding vendors in Tangiers - they were practically rocking the bus to get us to buy things - I was terrified.)

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Hi Grumpy & Slinkie.


We love your posts so much we have decided we will definitely go on the world cruise some day. It sounds like so much fun.

Meanwhile we have booked the cruise in 2006 from Hong Kong -Vancouver (April -May). That will have to do for now.

Love your little poems too-we howled when I read out

" Grumpy went up to the Lido deck"...

Thanks a million!

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Dear Slinkie and Grumpy:

We are getting close now. We received our documents this week and are all ready to leave for Johannesburg for our South African Safari which was arranged by HAL. We will be boarding in Capetown after our journey and have all our affairs in order. Hope to see you in the Crow's Nest at 4:30 on April 15th. We shall be flying in from Amsterdam on April 8th. We will be at the Table Bay Hotel which is at the pier so we shall see the ship. We just disembarked the Volendam and the Pinnacle restaurant was a great experience for us. I know what you mean because the Pinnacle on the Ryndam was very much as you described and a disappointment. Each ship restaurant is of different quality. Keep everything going for us. We shall be boarding with Marianne and Leo .Send Johnny I our best he is a friend of our son James from San Francisco. Enjoy your cruise and thanks for the most descriptive account of your trip. We are enjoying every moment with you.

We did the rest of your cruise last spring up to Capetown. See you soon!

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Dan Rather, the defrocked newsman, has just reported from his new office in the basement of CBS that the Chinese government is refusing the Princendam docking priveleges in Hong Kong. The reason is because there are very large crowds gathering in the streets of Kowloon making huge banners, none of which are complete so we can only surmise their motive. Besides the word "welcome" they contain two Chinese characters which pronounced in English are "hsiao maur" or "small cat." This is believed to be the closest representation to the name "Slinkie." In search of the other name needed the crowd has gone through the trove of pirated CD's but cannot find a copy of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" where the other name is expected to be found.


The government has also forbidden the wearing of red hats. This is believed to be related to the Tibetan Buddist "red hat" sect but cannot be confirmed. There have not been any banners with the words "on mani padme hum" seen, however.


Flash!! The government is now allowing for humitarian purposes the loading onto the ship of medical supplies and "made to order" suits whose orders were placed on the ship outside the territorial waters.


Flash!!! The government is now allowing the passengers to disembark in order to shop for two hours in the Stanley Market.


Mr. Rather has also reported that crowds in Manila have surrounded the American embassy shouting "free all Filipino concierges." It seems that a riot took place on the ship as crowds stormed the Neptune Lounge. The poor conciergel took refuge is the dome covered food display and was able to lower the top and disconnect it from electrical sources so it cannot be raised. For three days she has sustained herself on canopes and petit fours. The reason for the riots can be laid at the feet of the ship's captain who had said that PS and S cabin cruisers will not, repeat not, get priority disembarkment privileges for the shopping shore excursion.


On a lighter note, our whimsical reporter, said that a Chinese couple who ran a combination chocolate factory/store were jailed for beating their son. It seems the poor boy who is studying English mistranslated the content of an on-line cruise discussion board. Specifically he confused the names of the people who were on the ship and those who wished they were on board. The family based on the information he gave them made chocolates in the shape of hearts, harps and Guiness beer cans; colored them green and hung a sign in front of the store saying "welcome RuthC." The boy's uncle who is in the sparkeling wine business did not take part in the beating because he was able to put new labels on the champagne he bottled. The old labels that said "Brian's Brew" now say "Heinakens", with the hope that the Dutch crew will purchase it. It is rumored that the only thing Dutch on the ship is the captain and an obsolete diner format so the lad might get whacked again.


My Valentine's present to Grumpie and Slinkie. Not as well written as yours but from the heart.



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Lillipop - how clever! Guess Grumpy isn't the only one with a sense of humor. Really enjoyed your treatise!


We've had almost 24 hours of a soaking rain (probably about 2 inches) in Naples ... very, very needed. Supposed to clear up and be nice for the weekend.

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Dan Rather, the defrocked newsman, has just reported from his new office in the basement of CBS that the Chinese government is refusing the Princendam docking priveleges in Hong Kong.



hahaha when I first started reading this, I thought, oh poor grumpy & slinkie. Then I was laughing so hard my DH thought I finally lost my marbles hehehe :)

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Prinsendam 2005, March 10, Day 56


The Prinsendam is zipping right along in the calm South China Seas about 50 miles off the Philippine Island of Palawan. Althought Hong Kong is almost due north of Brunei, it seems that there is an area between the two where the waters get a little shallow. Not wishing to mess up the paint job, the navigator has chosen to follow the deep water Palawan Trough to the northeast for a few hundred miles and then swing back to the northwest for the run into Hong Kong. Temperatures are in the 80's, and it's just a gorgeous day to be cruising.


Yesterday was the day for Slinkie and Grumpy to see Brunei. The Prinsendam was at the outer end of the channel around 6 or 7am, but had to wait for outbound traffic to clear the channel and the pilot to come aboard before proceeding to her berth. The harbor was heavily patrolled by police boats and there were always three or more that were staying close to the Prinsendam the entire time that she was in port. Docking was completed and the ship's passengers cleared by 10a and Slinkie and Grumpy were among the first off the ship, on the shuttle and headed from Muara to Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB) for their self guided tour. The trip took a little over a half hour and gave a pretty good glimpse of life in the areas away from the water. There is a lot of new construction going on. Big new office parks, apartments and private homes are nestled in among older rundown properties. Old traditions die hard, though, and there is always laundry hanging out to dry... even on the balconies of the new highrise apartments... their leases or covenants must be a lot less restrictive than the ones for Slinkie and Grumpy's condo...


The vegetation is more like that of South Carolina, than what you might expect in the tropics... lots of deciduous trees and pine trees and not very many palms. The shuttle bus made its way into BSB, past one of the large mosques with the golden domes and pulled to a stop close to the riverfront. From the bus it was just a few steps to the new mall... how did they know that was where Slinkie wanted to go?.. and the first store inside was a fabric store. Slinkie fell in love with the beautiful silk fabrics. She ended up buying a piece of Japanese washable silk floral pattern fabric... since she doesn't sew, Grumpy isn't sure what its future is supposed to be...


The prices seemed very reasonable for clothing items, less reasonable for art objects, crystal and china items... didn't find a liquer store... Oh, that's right... dry country, now... also did not find a souvenir shop... Well, there was one set up temporaarily at the pier... everything was stamped "Made in China" so Grumpy wasn't tempted to load up...


What they did find though, was gold. Lots and lots of gold... Walk into the corner deli... there's a gold jewelry counter. Walk into the hardware store... another gold counter. Same with the dress shops, the drug stores... Very ornate, but mass produced pieces, sold by the gram... Grumpy didn't find anything that he felt was worthy of adorning Slinkie, and she didn't find anything that she just had to have, so they moved on...


While wandering around the area near the mosque, that ever present bunch of ACD's showed up too. A few pictures later, they went on toward the mosque and Grumpy took more pictures of the outside before going back down to the waterfront. There is a pretty good view of the floating villages from the street that runs along the riverfront. Grumpy was tempted to explore on foot by crossing the footbridge, but noticed it was lacking something... handrails!.. remembering that Slinkie wasn't too comfortable around narrow boat docks without railings, Grumpy decided not to go exploring across the narrow footbridge. There were a few hundred water taxis wanting their business, but they seem to delight in seeing how rough of a ride they can create. Thanks, but no thanks... there are still more shops to explore...


After lunch in a local Deli, more shopping... more sightseeing... more shopping... Slinkie and Grumpy found their way back to the shuttle and rode back to the port. They still had plenty of time before sailaway, but after noticing that the captain and his family were also on that shuttle, figured it wouldn't make any difference what time that bus got back. No way was the ship leaving without that particular group of passengers.


Also in port at the same time as the Prinsendam were three destroyers from the Japanese Navy. There wasn't any extra security around them... guess they can handle their own. There were sailors from those ships all over town, too. Some were like Slinkie and Grumpy... just doing their own tour and others were seeing the city from the windows of the tour buses.


All in all it was an interesting place to visit. Although it is a Muslim country, and there were many women that were covered head to toe, there were also signs of Western influence everywhere... from the background music in some of the stores to the club clothes in all of the clothing shops... There are lots of signs of opulence, but there are also many people that obviously are not wealthy... although it did seem that there were new cars parked in the carports of even the most rundown properties...


Grumpy's getting a little behind on the questions and comments so will post this and try to add some more tomorrow after downloading the latest page from the thread.


Slinkie and Grumpy


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All in all it was an interesting place to visit. Although it is a Muslim country, and there were many women that were covered head to toe, there were also signs of Western influence everywhere... from the background music in some of the stores to the club clothes in all of the clothing shops... There are lots of signs of opulence, but there are also many people that obviously are not wealthy... although it did seem that there were new cars parked in the carports of even the most rundown properties...


Blackbird thinks the women's bathrooms must be interesting in Muslim countries. Saudi is another head to toe country but like here, GOLD is a major sales item. Me thinks the females have a code, "I will show you mine if you show me yours" and off to the lady's room they go......:D:D

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lipoppop, thanks for my guffaw for the day. When I started reading your post I thought "here we go again". IIRC a few years ago the Amsterdam (?) did have trouble getting in to Hong Kong (or was it China?). Anyway---the gist of the story was correct. You had me going.


Now, if only I could get those chocolates under my welcoming sign! ;)

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When I read the "HK banner" posting, I said to myself "not again"... As today its governor "Tung" has just annouced his resignation for health reason (after the two mass public protests of his policies in the past few years?)

If there is banner there, I think it'll be a good one for you all.

Have a pleasant stay there.

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Prinsendam 2005, March 11, Day 57


Pessimist Grumpy looked at the calendar and notes that today is the halfway point by number of days... the trip is already half over?.. say it isn't so... Optimist Slinkie says they've had so much fun already, by the time May 6 rolls around they will have had twice as much fun... OK, Slinkie, that's the way to look at it... still, there is that half over thing to consider... The captain says that the halfway point for miles travelled will be reached shortly after leaving Hong Kong.


The group photo for new 100 day Mariners, which was cancelled because of the rain a few nights ago was rescheduled for last night before the second dinner. Slinkie and Grumpy were on Lido in the forward elevator lobby, formal attire and wearing their copper medallions when Dolly and Margaret Binnendyk, Mariner Society Director, came down the steps from Deck 12.


Margaret: "Are you by any chance Grumpy one?"


Grumpy: "Why yes, that would be me"


Margaret: "At last! I've been asking that question of men all over the ship for the last few days... you wouldn't believe the strange looks and answers I've gotten".


Seems that the captain had said he would introduce her to Grumpy, but as Grumpy and Slinkie came into the Queen's Lounge for the recognition ceremony, Margaret was down the aisle and facing the other way and the captain couldn't get her attention. She was determined to track Grumpy down on her own, though. Note to Margaret... anything you want to know, ask an ACD... they know everyone and everything...


While Slinkie and Grumpy were chatting with Margaret, another woman came into the lobby and, overhearing the conversation, said "So you are Grumpy one." She isn't a Cruise Critic member yet, but had read the thread before coming on board. There must be a few people on board that haven't read Cruise Critic, though... still get a few strange looks when someone says "Hi Slinkie, Hi Grumpy"...


OK, Lipopop, now you've done it! Seems that the Chinese authorities heard that there were outbreaks of delirious laughter breaking out from people sitting at there computers on board reading Cruise Critic messages. Not understanding the difference between happy delirious and fever induced delirium, they have ordered everyone to have their temperature taken and recorded this afternoon so that they might identify those sick passengers... there was no mention of what method of checking temperature they were planning to use, though... After Captain Gundersen finds out you called him a Dutchman, you'll be the one that's "In Dutch". Oh, that's right... you had a dentist appointment the day before your last post... you can blame the whole thing on the laughing gas...


News Flash! And this one's for real... There was a letter delivered to each cabin a few days ago that basically stated that the 2006 Grand World Voyage is nearly sold out...nearly 700 full cruise guests currently booked... (subject to cancellations at final payment time, one would presume)... Of course, Grumpy figures his chronicles of the current voyage are responsible for rush to book the next one... The letter went on to state that the 2007 World Tour is in the planning stages and two tours are being considered... one on the Amsterdam and one on the Prinsendam. There is the possibility of "a very special event" when the two ships coincide in a port on the journey...Grumpy wonders what those that insist that the Prinsendam has been sold will have to say...


Marilynandal, Grumpy thinks that Howard and Hilda are probably the best known couple on board... even those that don't know their names know them immediately from your description... Grumpy told Howard that you had said Hi, and he said "Oh, yes, from Tupelo!" Yes, they're playing Trivia... not sure that even your help would make much difference against the competition this time...


CarolCP, The "Gifts of Love Distribution" is the knitting group and they meet every sea day at 1:30p. Sometimes in Explorer Lounge, but lately it's been in the Ocean Bar. Look for it in the daily program...


Not being familiar with the other ships and their sandwich bars, Grumpy can't make a comparison. There is a pizza and deli sandwich bar that is part of the Lido and is open from 11:30a to 2p daily. There is also the Terrace Grill by the Lido Pool that serves hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and grilled chicken burgers from 11:30a to 5p and pizza and deli sandwiches from 2p to 5p. There isn't anyplace that Grumpy is aware of to get a sandwich made early in the morning to take ashore. Of course, since there is a fridge in every cabin, you might get sandwiches made the afternoon before...


HeatherinFlorida, please don't get the impression that Slinkie didn't like Bali. She really did like the parts that she and Grumpy visited... it was just the "in your face" peddlers that she couldn't deal with. Slinkie and Grumpy know that isn't typical of Bali, though... next time they'll have to find a way to stay away from the tourist crowd.


LouisKam, Grumpy doesn't use many of the services available in the photoshop, so he has no idea about pricing or quality. There are batteries, memory cards, film, disposable cameras, etc. for sale, and they have a full range of developing and printing services available. They also can transfer images from camera cards to CD Rom. If there is something in particular that you need to find out, Grumpy would be happy to check for you.


Brian, Ekerr19, livestotravel and the others that are just catching up, welcome back. Grumpy hopes you all had as good a time on your trip as he and Slinkie are having.


Livestotravel, it's nice to see that you have your priorities straight... catch up on Grumpy's thread, THEN worry about taxes... you can always file for an extension on taxes...


Mariner05, Slinkie and Grumpy are looking forward to meeting you in the Crow's Nest on the 15th April. Grumpy is still working on getting a Cruise Critic meetup for a sea day between Capetown and Fort Lauderdale. If it's posted in the Daily Program, there will probably be a few more that are CC'ers, but may not have internet on board, that would like to meet other CC'ers on board.


That should be most of the questions and comments through post 640. If Grumpy missed a question somewhere along the line, post again... there have been a few that got garbled in the transfer from the board into Microsoft Word... anyone that is planning to use the cut and paste method of reading boards while on a cruise should try it before you cruise to make sure you have things formatted properly...


Tomorrow morning... Hong Kong! Slinkie says the place will never be the same again..


Grumpy and Slinkie


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As today its governor "Tung" has just annouced his resignation

Not to get off-topic and/or into politics here, but Tung is a shipping man - the son of the legendary shipping magnate C.Y. Tung. Hhose Orient Overseas Line (today, as Orient Overseas Container Line, one of the world's largest container lines, and still controlled by the Tung family) once owned several passenger ships, including, at one time, the largest in the world - the elder Tung bought the original QUEEN ELIZABETH from Cunard and renamed her SEAWISE UNIVERSITY with the intent to convert her into a hybrid floating university and passenger liner. (She tragically burned in Hong Kong harbor in 1972 while being converted for that future use.)


American Hawaii Cruises, the company who ran the INDEPENDENCE and CONSTITUTION in Hawaii, was also a Tung venture.


The Tung family's last venture into passenger shipping that I know of was World Explorer Cruises, who ceased operations in 2002 when they lost the charter of their ship, UNIVERSE EXPLORER (since scrapped), and who have been unable to find a suitable replacement ship to date.

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Grumpy & Slinkie .. no doubt you are responsible for adding Prinsendam interest!:D

Each day in our household begins with the reading of your adventures/misadventures for which we can not thank you enough! We are looking into Prinsendam's 2006 Amazon Explorer. Could you find out what we might experience by booking AA197? It is last cabin aft on Promenade Deck, starboard. DH does not like location to aft - rough seas? - Smoke Stacks -

I might end up fueling the boilers for a worng decision!:eek: Have a great Sea Day, and enjoy Hong Kong!

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Dear Slinkie & Grumpy


Thank you for your wonderful ongoing story. Also for being so patient & answering all our many questions.


Just received HAL's brochure for the Prinsemdam for 2006. Unfortunately we cannot take the time off for the world cruise - however I really like the Mediterranean itinerary - thinking of putting 2 B2B.


Please help me - I will only book a stateroom that has 2 beds that can be converted to a queen/king size bed. I have learned the hard way that often the brochures are unclear on this and shore staff just do not know. Could you please check out the inside staterooms on both the dolphin & upper promenade decks for me and let me know which ones have twin beds that can be converted to king/queen. I would really appreciate this information.


Thanking you in advance for your help.



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Dear Slinkie and Grumpy-

There is no doubt in my mind that your tales of the World Cruise has sparked interest in future sailings!! :D As a "thank you" wouldn't it be lovely if HAL were to invite you and Slinkie to be their guests on the 2007 WC, in exchange for your posting on CC for that tour too!! And if you need a typist for that journal I would be happy to assist you! All I require is an interior cabin and I am at your (and HAL's) service!!!!;)

My family is leaving for Florida and an Easter cruise with the family on the Zaandam this week. I will miss your posts, but will be sure to review them when I return!!!

May your continued journey contain blue skies, calm seas, and plenty of shopping opportunites for Slinkie!!!:cool:

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