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Beauty on a Budget, let's Share Tips.


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I know there is a money saving forum on here,but I rarely go into it. I prefer the talks of dresses,capri's,and shoes that I find in here.

Lots of ladies {and gents} get steals on clothes and shoes. So I know many who read in here are bargain hounds like myself.

So, what are some of your beauty bargain tips, that not only apply to cruises,but travel in general, and yes,even day to day life. With the economy the way it is, I think we could all use some tips for that.

My first one is:

1. Refillable Bottles: Any Dollar Tree,Walmart,Target, or Walgreen's has them. You have yor own products with you and know how your hair will do with it.

2. Sample Sizes : Tooth paste from the dentist goes into my bathroom drawer and is added to my travel toiletry bag as needed. My travel face wash is a tube that came with a free gift from Clinique.

3. Free Samples from websites: I saw this in the saving money forum. I went to Walmart.com, and ordered a bottle of Dove body wash. It came and is the perfect size to throw into my bag.

4. Keep a Toiletry Bag: I live away from family and friends,and on the spur of the moment can be packed and ready to drive those 2 1/2 hrs in no time. With the above tips, I have my bag with a tooth brush,deoderant, razor,body,face wash, mositruizer, lotion, and various other me and fam specific items ready to go when Im ready to go. Refill and replace as needed.

So what are some of your Bargain Shopping for travel tips?And even websites you go to for the best deals?


~ Sarah

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I pretty much do the same as you, my toiletry kit is packed all the time, I just add things like mascara that don't keep well. Speaking of mascara, I stock up on Lancome items when they have a gift with purchase, they always include a sample size mascara, perfect for a week long cruise.


My bargains are things like makeup remover. My favorite is an Avon product. Once or twice a year they have it on sale for .99 cents for a 2 oz. bottle, I usually buy 6 as my daughter uses the same product.


My body wash comes from Trader Joes's @ $2.29 a 16 oz. bottle, I like it better than most everything else I've tried, even very expensive brands.


My dentist gives us small tubes of toothpaste every visit, those go into the travel bag, or to work in our personal kits.


My refillable bottles were an expensive purchase, but will last a lifetime and don't leak. I've found the cheaper versions to leak, stain and become gummy with only a few uses. Mine can go into the dishwasher if needed. http://pitotubes.com/

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WOW Happy, those are really cool! Bit out of my budget though. Cool about dw safe.I hear ya on the gummy fonkey stuff. and yes, mine leak from time to time,but I just dont fill them to the tippy top,and that seems to help.

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WOW Happy, those are really cool! Bit out of my budget though. Cool about dw safe.I hear ya on the gummy fonkey stuff. and yes, mine leak from time to time,but I just dont fill them to the tippy top,and that seems to help.



I've purchaed quite a few of the cheaper plastic bottles over the years and always discard them after a few uses. My discount at the luggage store where I work helped keep the cost lower for me, but I still think in the long run, money is saved over buying multitudes of plastic bottles.


Value and savings can sometimes mean spending more upfront in the long run. Mine have been through at least 5 trips now and still look brand new.


The Pitotubes have to be filled to the top because of how they work and they never leak. The only problem I've had with them is that they are hard to fill with thicker liquids, such as hair conditioner, so I do use a different bottle for that.

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I read on the smuggling threads about filling bottles almost to the top, sqeeze the bottle till the contents reach the rim, then put on the cap. It creates a vacuum. I do it. Don't know if it works, or if I've just been lucky.

I also grab the little toiletries out of hotels. Very handy, even if it's not my usual brand, it well do for a week end trip.

I bought luggage straps at the $$$ store a few years ago. Bright colors, and they're still working. Who knew?

Of course I watch the clearance racks all year for clothes. Or the thrift stores. Last week I found a white blouse with store tags still on. Originally $36.00, I paid $3.99.

We do like to cruise, but also have to watch our budget, plus I think I'am just cheap, either way I'am always on the look-out for bargains. (Including cruise sales!)

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I called up a friend who is the same size as me to see if she had a sundress i could borrow....she ended up letting me raid her closet:p now I have new clothes for the cruise without spending a penny;) I find that a pretty good deal

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I called up a friend who is the same size as me to see if she had a sundress i could borrow....she ended up letting me raid her closet:p now I have new clothes for the cruise without spending a penny;) I find that a pretty good deal


I had to do that for a funeral in Nov.Wound up with some great hoodies,some jeans,coupla tops.Plus the black,but happy flowered skirt to wear. Ive thanked my friend over and over for the already "broke in" jeans. A clothes swap is great. I get and give hand me downs for my boys. But since Im away from my dearest friends, we dont get to swap and "shop" each others clothes to much anymore.

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WOW Happy, those are really cool! Bit out of my budget though. Cool about dw safe.I hear ya on the gummy fonkey stuff. and yes, mine leak from time to time,but I just dont fill them to the tippy top,and that seems to help.


Thanks for the info of you using the pumpless (lol) bottles..we cant get them here but headed to San Diego for about 2 weeks on sunday...we travel a lot, and those bottles would be more than worth it, or atleast worth spending the money for them!! :)

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Shop out of season or at the end of a season for the following year.


Convince everyone around you that longer hair and dark roots "are in"


Borrow from sisters (but the rule is to return it dry cleaned)


Do it yourself. Learn to give yourself a manicure/pedicure


Find a good bronzer...can be used for foundation, or blush, or highlighting


Go with a less is more theme (why all the jewelry?)


Can you dress it up AND dress it down?


Keep the good stuff for cruising/make it special...after two cruises or so...turn it into the regular stuff...after a year or two after that...give it away.


Find someone giving stuff away.



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COka! I like your way of thinking. Esp take your good stuff,make it your everyday stuff. Love that one.


Summer Clearnace is normally around my bday around Labor Day,so this year with some bday money I hit the Cato sale rack and racked up big time! So my cruise wear will all be new,but also my everyday stuff for here at home. I splurged on a dress,and some flip flops,but thats it.


Willie T, I too am down right cheap most of the time. Got most of my kids "new" summer stuff from Goodwill and I am hardly ashamed! ;) and right now in my purse is a small bottle of Vaseline lotion that came from a Microtel Inn.

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I shop thrift stores for virtually all my clothes. Just got an awesome pair of cotton pants (Ralph Lauren) for $7, a gorgeous Talbot's wrap blouse for $5, and some Coldwater Creek skirts (new with tags!!!!) for $5 each. Oh, and a cashmere sweater for $10. The big trick is knowing what I need to create "outfits", and I'm getting better at that.


Then I don't feel guilty when I spend what I have to for footwear, or for the occasional splurge on a really high-end accessory. All my cruise wear comes from the thrift stores, and I get lots of compliments on my formal wear :)

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--Shop thrift and consignment stores


--Learn to sew (no joke--that's a skill that's vastly underrated and not difficult to pick up)


--Remember that sometimes "expensive" doesn't always mean "better". Sometimes it means "SUCKER!"


--On the other hand, there are really some products that you end up getting what you paid for. Shoes, most particularly. Save up for good ones, wait until they go on sale, but if you buy super-cheap, your feet won't thank you. Your podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon might, though. Same with coats and other outerwear and, unless you're a teenager, purses. Buy classic quality and take care of it--that way you're not buying a $50 purse every season and wondering why it looks so blah in a few months.


--Less is more with makeup and skincare products, too. If you're piling all kinds of cleansers, moisturizers, creams, concealers, powders, blushers, and whatever else on your poor suffocating face, you're always going to NEED to do that! Let your pores breathe!


--Don't over-accessorize. It's a shame to see a simple, classic piece of clothing weighed down with all kinds of flashy nonsense, whether it's real or not. And try not to buy clothing that's been pre-accessorized out of proportion to what it is. A dress with a beaded neckline? Lovely. A t-shirt that's been Bedazzled, sequined, and feathered to within an inch of its threads? Not so much. Save your money!


--Give yourself a little breathing room. If you see something you absolutely, positively, totally adore and it's not on sale ... sometimes you should buy it anyway if you can. Nothing worse than going to the store every week to check on "your" garment, then being heartbroken when it's not there anymore. If you get too thrifty, you're going to get disappointed.

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I admit it...I love a bargain...I only buy makeup and hair products on sale. CVS and Walgreen's have something 2-4-1 almost every week. Avon has great sale prices too!


I use Clinique mascara, and I only buy it when they have a free gift that includes something I use, like mascara, cleansing gel, or eye cream. They also often include moisturizer in travel size bottles. The stuff I don't use goes to my low income clients who love makeup.


When I travel, I bring a baggie of baby wipes (cut in half) and use them to remove my make up. Most eye make up will come right off, and I don't have to worry about my eye makeup remover leaking into my bag.

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I like the Baby Wipe tip too. We're potty training the Monkey {2},so Ive already got them figured into our budget!


Mehitabel~ I counld't agree with you more! EXCEPT for learning how to sew:p. My Mom,MIL,and GM have ALL tried to teach me,but sadly,I didnt get that gene. I dont have the paitence for it. I will however make these cinnamon pickles that take 3 days and not give it any thought. DH is the one who sews the buttons on around here after a hit and miss with me on one of his dress shirts,lol.

And I agree about if its something you "must" have,then pay full price for it. Case in point, I was looking for I didnt really know what to wear out for our anniversary back in Feb. I hit the Clearnace racks to no avail for just the "right" thing. But 2 days later they had their spring stuff out and I jumped on "the perfect" shirt. But it was only 15.00. Still more than I like to pay,But I wear that top alot to get my moneys worth.

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I live on the East Coast, so when I'm in New York City I head to the wholesale district to purchase my costume jewelry. Some places only allow retailers to purchase from them, but there are a few that allow regular customers to come in. I get my everyday and formal costume jewelry, wraps, purses, and my hubby's cufflinks from these places. I filled up a bag with wedding, cruise, and everyday jewelry (as well as gifts), and paid around $60 for everything. Would have cost a couple hundred in a department store. :cool:

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About borrowing clothes from a friend, excellent idea. But I'am still waiting for a "friend" to return mine! She borrowed dresses for a cruise she won (grrrr) from myself and another girl, and we're both still waiting to get them back. I see at least once a week, and sometimes more. Excuses, excuses each time. She forgot. Has them laid out to bring. Etc. I told her I had a cruise booked and needed them.I may have to get "firm". LOL And yes, the dresses were all off the clearance rack.

Moral of the story, borrowing is a good idea, but returning is a great idea.

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Almost forgot, the clothes were borrowed the end of Oct.


I'd knock on her door at this point. Ive tried to give Jessica back a pair of shoes, but she was like, girl,ive forgotten which ones I loaned you so keep them. Thats not the case here though. So I see a FIRM convo coming her way from you, or just show up!:cool:

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I live on the East Coast, so when I'm in New York City I head to the wholesale district to purchase my costume jewelry. Some places only allow retailers to purchase from them, but there are a few that allow regular customers to come in. I get my everyday and formal costume jewelry, wraps, purses, and my hubby's cufflinks from these places. I filled up a bag with wedding, cruise, and everyday jewelry (as well as gifts), and paid around $60 for everything. Would have cost a couple hundred in a department store. :cool:


Good idea. For those who live close to NYC or other places that do that!:D

Our Goodwill has those times where you fill up a grocery bag with as much as you can and its only like 5 bucks! Today Ill be wearing some of my "new" capri's freshly washed that I got a GW!

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Haivng just checked on my clothes on my clothes line, it made want to share a laundry tip. not cruise realted.


To make your clothes last longer air dry them. We're on a budget here, a tight one.So last year I asked DH to build me a clothesline. Yes,I live in town and in a subdivision. there are no restrictive cov's about those here. Anyway, it has paid for itself many times over. It gets very hot here,and the power bill in summer is way more than in winter. If you dont want to do that,or dont have space, a shower rod,top of doors,back of chairs all work too. Plus air drying heps with shrinkage. Big as I am,I dont need that. :)


Use good Laundry detergent! I make my own sometimes, and sometimes I buy it. Anyway, I like Purex all fine and good, but our clothes seem to fade faster using it. So when Cheer is onsale I buy it! Its our personal choice b/c we love the smell. I however only fill up my cup to the 2 line. even for the dirtiest loads.


Make your own fabric softener. Its very easy to do and there are several ways to do it. Im really sensative to commerical brands. Great Value is the ONLY kind that does not give me and Critter {9} hives. for real!

I use a cheap bottle of hair conditioner,like white rain, in whatever secent I like that day.Vinegar and hot water.Pour the whole bottle of cond into an empty gallon white vinegar jug. Add 3 cups WV,and shake! then ad hot water. viola. A bottle that last about 3 months around here. {I use a downy ball since my regular washer does not have a softener disp.

You can also add 1/2 cup baking soda to your wash when you put in your det. and fill the downy bal or dispenser with White vinegar. NO you wont smell like pickles. the store brands work just as well as name brand. But dont use cider vinegar for it,or it will change your clothes color.


nother non cruise tip is to use white vinegar in leiu of jet dry. works just as well,and saves a ton.


I could go on and on on its uses,but this is a CRUISE forum,lol.;)

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COka! I like your way of thinking. Esp take your good stuff,make it your everyday stuff. Love that one.


Summer Clearnace is normally around my bday around Labor Day,so this year with some bday money I hit the Cato sale rack and racked up big time! So my cruise wear will all be new,but also my everyday stuff for here at home. I splurged on a dress,and some flip flops,but thats it.


Willie T, I too am down right cheap most of the time. Got most of my kids "new" summer stuff from Goodwill and I am hardly ashamed! ;) and right now in my purse is a small bottle of Vaseline lotion that came from a Microtel Inn.

When my DD was little she loved going to Goodwill! I got alot of my clothes when I was a single mom from thrift stores so that the kids could have nicer stuff. However my DD did like the yard sale and thrift stuff. I never did brand names so they never knew any different and it was no big deal to them. Now that they are older they don't HAVE to have the name on the label becasue they never learned it. Still saves me money!

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I like the Baby Wipe tip too. We're potty training the Monkey {2},so Ive already got them figured into our budget!


Mehitabel~ I counld't agree with you more! EXCEPT for learning how to sew:p. My Mom,MIL,and GM have ALL tried to teach me,but sadly,I didnt get that gene. I dont have the paitence for it. I will however make these cinnamon pickles that take 3 days and not give it any thought. DH is the one who sews the buttons on around here after a hit and miss with me on one of his dress shirts,lol.

And I agree about if its something you "must" have,then pay full price for it. Case in point, I was looking for I didnt really know what to wear out for our anniversary back in Feb. I hit the Clearnace racks to no avail for just the "right" thing. But 2 days later they had their spring stuff out and I jumped on "the perfect" shirt. But it was only 15.00. Still more than I like to pay,But I wear that top alot to get my moneys worth.


Your post reminds me that we need to consider the cost-per-wearing when we decide if something is a bargain. A $100 blouse that you wear over and over because it looks great and fits well actually costs less than a $10.00 one that you wear only a couple of times.

I have a black wool coat that I have worn for 20 winters ( I wore it almost daily the first few winters, and now wear it occasionally because it is very warm, and my motehr wears it wehn she comes up from Florida in the wintertime). I'm sure I have worn it (or My mom has worn it) over 500 times. I paid $100 for it (that was a lot for me at that time). But I have certainly gotten my money's worth. By contrast, I bought another coat a couple of years ago that was a "Bargain", at $45. It is a lovely coat, but for some reason, I have only worn it a handful of times - not nearly the bargain of my old one.

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simplelife, that's what I call a good value, something that is used enough to make it worth the purchase. Although I have made value purchases at bargain prices in the past, most bargain stores (Target, Walmart, Old Navy, and others) just don't have much quality to their product.


Add in classic styling to a quality item and you have great value, even if the price tag seems high.


I do buy Target T-shirts (I think they are called Merona) because they are soft and thin...but I wear them to sleep in. I now buy them 2 sizes too large for comfort. The first one I bought was just because I spied it while shopping for something else, it was cheap, around $5. But after 2-3 washes, it was wasted looking, so I slept in it...worked great.


I love handbags. I can't afford the really high end stuff, but I can manage to purchase a Michael Kors or B. Makowsky (sp) or a Hobo bag, perhaps others that are under $200 on sale. I might buy one every year or two, different colors. For me they are a better value than a cheap vinyl or canvas bag that starts to show its age and the inner lining starts to rip apart within months. I still use bags I purchased over 10 years ago.


Add in the shopping mantra I have, don't buy it unless you absolutely love it. I no longer settle for something to "get by". I find I buy less than I used to, but have less in the Goodwill bag at the end of the year. By the time I get rid of something I love, it's because it needs to go into the trash.

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TnMama, I have been hanging my stuff to dry for years. I think the dryer heat is what fades out clothing moreso than the wash does. Sometimes I'll partially dry an item, then shake it out and hang to thoroughly dry.


We have a rolling rack in our garage just for the clothes to dry. In cold weather, I just hang them in the bathroom overnight. If I had a larger back yard I'd consider a clothes line. I think our CCR's don't allow it, but no one can see our back yard from the street, so I'd be safe.


Maybe I'll move rack outside this summer:)

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