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Chair Hogs


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BiGiWibas all the way


Count me in - chair hogs beware!!!!!


Last year on thhe Destiny I had a chair (1 chair) the ladie six chairs down was saving the chairs between us. My friend came over to chat for a few minutes and sat down. The lady said "Those are for my friends!" my friend said and when they get here I'll move." She got a dirty look. after about 30 mins dhe asked me "so where do you think her friends are?" "Don't know haven't seen anyone." "Well watch this." She radioed the kids between us we have 6. Well they came a runnin and plooped right down in those empty chairs. The lady swore at them to move - "But we need to talk to our moms. We'll move if your family shows up". Well she stormed off in a huff. This BIG gentleman came and sat down and smiled at us. the lady came back and said "that's my chair, get the *&%$ out of it!" and his reply was "I'm sorry are these your friends?" She just huffed off, we never saw her or her 'friends' again.:D Don't know who that guy was but it was priceless.

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It should really be as simple as...the chairs are for enjoying time on deck (pool, drinks, snacks). If you're not engaging in this kind of activity, you shouldn't have hold on any chairs (being gone for a toilet break being an exception). IMHO, losing your chair because you got up to take a cooling dip in the pool is a bit extreme.


vacruisin, I am from VA originally and I recall many many summer days going to the pool, don't you? Did you expect to lose your chair when you got into the pool or was that considered yours as long as you were there at the pool? Or how about going to VA Beach or Ocean City and laying your towels down in a given spot? When you get up to cool off in the water, would it be ok for someone to come along and chuck all of your things to the side because they wanted that particular section of sand for themselves? Your suggestion says that this would be acceptable to you.


We just have to use common sense. The people who are holding masses of chairs know they're being inconsiderate...they just don't care because they're inconsiderate. Nothing is going to change them. We just have to revel in the times we're able to really tick them off :D


Well, I'm not a swimmer so when I went to VA Beach back in the day it was to walk the strip and check out the ladies. :D


However, the whole problem with allowing even swimmers to get up and go off is that no one knows if that unoccupied chair is being claimed by someone that is swimming, eating lunch or playing blackjack in the casino. Since there is no way to differentiate why not just have one blanket rule for all. If not that, at least bare minimum why not have the pool attendant available so that whenever someone has to get up to run to the restroom or go to the bar ON DECK for a quick drink, they can flag down a nearby attendant who can tag their chair with a 15 mins. sticker (or something). 15 mins should be enough time to run to the bathroom or get a drink or cool off in the pool. Why 40 whole minutes?


BTW, a person laying a towel down on miles and miles of FREE beach is not the same as a person laying some things down on a limited amount of chairs on the lido deck of a cruiseship that everyone PAID to board. Those others folks on the cruise are all paying customers as well. They have just as much right to enjoy some lounging time as anyone else. I guess I have a problem sometimes when the swimmers think they are more entitled to the lounge chairs than the nonswimmers. You don't have to be a swimmer to enjoy lounging out in the sun. JMHO.

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Well, I'm not a swimmer so when I went to VA Beach back in the day it was to walk the strip and check out the ladies. :D


However, the whole problem with allowing even swimmers to get up and go off is that no one knows if that unoccupied chair is being claimed by someone that is swimming, eating lunch or playing blackjack in the casino. Since there is no way to differentiate why not just have one blanket rule for all. If not that, at least bare minimum why not have the pool attendant available so that whenever someone has to get up to run to the restroom or go to the bar ON DECK for a quick drink, they can flag down a nearby attendant who can tag their chair with a 15 mins. sticker (or something). 15 mins should be enough time to run to the bathroom or get a drink or cool off in the pool. Why 40 whole minutes?


BTW, a person laying a towel down on miles and miles of FREE beach is not the same as a person laying some things down on a limited amount of chairs on the lido deck of a cruiseship that everyone PAID to board. Those others folks on the cruise are all paying customers as well. They have just as much right to enjoy some lounging time as anyone else. I guess I have a problem sometimes when the swimmers think they are more entitled to the lounge chairs than the nonswimmers. You don't have to be a swimmer to enjoy lounging out in the sun. JMHO.


I'm not a swimmer either (last time I was at VA Beach (20+ years ago), I had to be rescued by a friend because the tide had taken me out to where I couldn't swim back in). So mostly I went to walk the strip and be ignored by ladies :D


I see the logic in your argument and agree with you for the most part. I think you're right on the money about having a pool/deck attendant responsible for the goings on. I also agree that the non-swimmers/pool users have as much right to lounge as those who are there using the pool. And yes, my beach analogy wasn't exactly water-tight ;) But I can't agree that if I get up to take a 5 minute dip in the pool, after occupying my chair for the past 45 minutes, I should immediately lose the chair even though I would have come right back to it. But that's just my opinion. I still respect yours and your right to express it.




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I'm not a swimmer either (last time I was at VA Beach (20+ years ago), I had to be rescued by a friend because the tide had taken me out to where I couldn't swim back in). So mostly I went to walk the strip and be ignored by ladies :D


I see the logic in your argument and agree with you for the most part. I think you're right on the money about having a pool/deck attendant responsible for the goings on. I also agree that the non-swimmers/pool users have as much right to lounge as those who are there using the pool. And yes, my beach analogy wasn't exactly water-tight ;) But I can't agree that if I get up to take a 5 minute dip in the pool, after occupying my chair for the past 45 minutes, I should immediately lose the chair even though I would have come right back to it. But that's just my opinion. I still respect yours and your right to express it.





John I'm sure you've being too modest in your luck with the ladies on the strip! :cool:


And, it's actually refreshing to be able to have a difference of opinion on this particular topic without having insults hurdle back and forth. The Chair hog topic, much like the smuggling and MDR dress code topics, tends to bring out some defensive people with very strong feelings one way or the other. I guess the ole saying is true..VA really is for lover (and not fighters)! :eek::D:p

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John I'm sure you've being too modest in your luck with the ladies on the strip! :cool:


And, it's actually refreshing to be able to have a difference of opinion on this particular topic without having insults hurdle back and forth. The Chair hog topic, much like the smuggling and MDR dress code topics, tends to bring out some defensive people with very strong feelings one way or the other. I guess the ole saying is true..VA really is for lover (and not fighters)! :eek::D:p


True, VA is for lovers...unless they're driving I-95 into DC :eek: :D


It is nice to have an intelligent debate without being flamed. Thanks for the patter.

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True, VA is for lovers...unless they're driving I-95 into DC :eek: :D


It is nice to have an intelligent debate without being flamed. Thanks for the patter.


Don't I know it. Ironically this weekend I have to make that trek down 95 to the Hampton Roads area and back up to northern VA for my baby sister's wedding. :eek: Leaving out in a couple of hours. Wish me luck!


Happy cruisin'!

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Don't I know it. Ironically this weekend I have to make that trek down 95 to the Hampton Roads area and back up to northern VA for my baby sister's wedding. :eek: Leaving out in a couple of hours. Wish me luck!


Happy cruisin'!


My wife and I make the Woodbridge to Glebe Rd (me) Springfield her every day. Im up and out of the house by 530am so I have it pretty easy.... Her not so. The trip back is iffy but there are a few "back" ways while a little longer is completely uncongested.


As for the chairs.... Are you permitted to "move" them in any capacity? While this trip it is just my wife and I and niether of us really like to swim next trip we hope to bring our son and he is a fish.

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My wife and I make the Woodbridge to Glebe Rd (me) Springfield her every day. Im up and out of the house by 530am so I have it pretty easy.... Her not so. The trip back is iffy but there are a few "back" ways while a little longer is completely uncongested.


The friends who will be on this cruise with us we met while working in Alexandria (Hoffman Building next to the pink Holiday Inn off I-495). We used to have to find those back ways home too. It was always better to take those because even if it took longer at least you were moving.


My in-laws live in Dale City (where my wife and I are from) so we get to experience the congestion misery annually. I feel your pain :(


vacruisin - I hope the drive wasn't too bad. I've been sending you positive vibes today hoping that you didn't get caught in the I-95 nightmare.


Hi Frentor!!!

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I don't think anyone wants to 'take' pool chairs, essp. while someone is actually in the pool. :o


A trip to the DECK BAR, ICE CREAM MACHINE... I mean really, common sense.

If you are enjoying the 'deck' than by all means keep a chair; a MDR trip, hitting the casino, napping... nope, That chair is fair game. When I watch a chair for hours empty... IT IS FAIR GAME! LOL



I agree with you 100%!

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Every ship I have sailed on has had a policy that there is to be no saving of seats on deck or in the showrooms.The rule is really very simple:


How to tell if a chair is available:


1 If someone's butt is in the chair, then the chair is in use and unavailable.


2 If nobody's butt is in the chair, then the chair is not in use and is available.


I have had some "hogs"come back and tell me that I stole their chair.I told them I was sorry but their chair happens to look like all of the other chairs which belong to Carnival Cruise Line for their passengers use. Of course if the hog can show me a receipt where they pruchased the chair I will gladly vacate it.


I once had a big lady hog tell me that she had only went to the bathroom and I stole her chair.The chair had been vacant over 3 hours ! I told her if she was in the bathroom for 3 hours that I would suggest she visit the ship's doctor and if she was truely in the bathroom 3 hours then I would imagine her big butt was occupying another seat.How would she have liked it if I had saved all the seats in the lady's room?


I love messing with hogs---makes my cruise.


Love your post!! :D

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I experienced a similar situation on a carribean cruise a few months ago. My husband sat down on the end of an empty recliner chair and the woman next to him said she was holding it for her sister. He said he'd sit there until her sister came back. The woman just gave us the evil eye for the next 90 minutes until her sister got back. These women were also really old, so chairhogs come in all ages.

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You have talked about chair hogs, but what about slot machine hogs in the casino. My DH and I were on the Conquest several years ago and there was this couple that were on two penney machines from the time they opened until they closed. One would go eat or whatever and the other would save their machine. I never saw them anywhere on the ship except in the casino on those two machines the entire week. It got to be a joke as everyone would comment about them. There was still plenty of machines to play. We just called them slot machine hogs!!!

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My wife and I make the Woodbridge to Glebe Rd (me) Springfield her every day. Im up and out of the house by 530am so I have it pretty easy.... Her not so. The trip back is iffy but there are a few "back" ways while a little longer is completely uncongested.


As for the chairs.... Are you permitted to "move" them in any capacity? While this trip it is just my wife and I and niether of us really like to swim next trip we hope to bring our son and he is a fish.


Yes, back roads are your best friend in northern VA (and route 1). I get to avoid all the traffic though because I just SLUG in everday and I leave my house at 6:00, drop the kids off at daycare, drive to the SLUG lot and I'm using walking in my office by 7:00! Gotta LOVE SLUGGING! :D


To my knowledge you are not allowed to move the chairs to another location.

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The friends who will be on this cruise with us we met while working in Alexandria (Hoffman Building next to the pink Holiday Inn off I-495). We used to have to find those back ways home too. It was always better to take those because even if it took longer at least you were moving.


My in-laws live in Dale City (where my wife and I are from) so we get to experience the congestion misery annually. I feel your pain :(


vacruisin - I hope the drive wasn't too bad. I've been sending you positive vibes today hoping that you didn't get caught in the I-95 nightmare.


Hi Frentor!!!


Special Ed - Thanks for the positive vibes; it worked perfectly! I drove down from Woodbridge to Suffolk on Friday around 12:30ish and I got down there in right about 3 hours. Coming back I drove up 7:00 Sunday morning and was walking in my house by 10:00! Always best to come back up really early...took my sister an extra 1/2 hour to get back up here because she left in the afternoon. :eek:


My in-laws live right in Dumfries so we're lucky to have very willing babysitters for our week long cruise!!!!!! :D

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Love it! We've really only had a problem in the Serenity Area. My mom (about to be 60, lol) thinks it's a fun game now to gather things up and turn them into the lost and found so we can sit together, lol.

Best idea!!!

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You have talked about chair hogs, but what about slot machine hogs in the casino. My DH and I were on the Conquest several years ago and there was this couple that were on two penney machines from the time they opened until they closed. One would go eat or whatever and the other would save their machine. I never saw them anywhere on the ship except in the casino on those two machines the entire week. It got to be a joke as everyone would comment about them. There was still plenty of machines to play. We just called them slot machine hogs!!!


Really? :confused:


I mean, if this is their idea of "cruising" and "vacationing," what's wrong with that? There were other slots available for other pax, I don't see a problem? :confused: Granted, it's a little odd that they dominated 2 particular machines, but maybe it's because the smoke wasn't as bad there? Or the chairs were more comfortable? Or it wasn't as noisy so they could converse?


I mean, I can see a lot of reasons why someone would do that (even me--on our last cruise, I was on a penny slot machine that would not lose. It hit every time you looked at it! I won a good deal on that machine the first 3 days....and then proceeded to lose that and much, much more!). So, I can think of a few reasons why someone would be a "slot machine hog."


(I'm not being confrontational--I just wanted to offer a different perspective). :)

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True, VA is for lovers...unless they're driving I-95 into DC :eek: :D


It is nice to have an intelligent debate without being flamed. Thanks for the patter.

Explain to us. What in the world does this post have to do with "chair hogs".

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I just hope that folks who can't find lounge chairs, don't take up the tables on the Lido deck. I will be very upset if I want to sit and eat, and find towels, beach bags, books, etc there and nobody is there!

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I love chair hogs. They're so entertaining. My favorite is when they're gone for hours and return to find that someone has taken "their" chair. The indignation is priceless. One lady argued that she saved the poolside chair for her family of 6 and wanted to know where in the rules it said she couldn't save chairs. Everyone on that side of the lido deck informed her to read her newsletter (rather loudly). She acted like a total fool. I would have been ashamed to show my face again. My son and I just sat at a lido table and laughed at her.

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Explain to us. What in the world does this post have to do with "chair hogs".

It has to do with making a connection while on a thread, and chatting with each other. Same as the ladies who were offering to be the BGWB Chair Checkers.

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