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Am I the only one that stresses when they pack?


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I swear, I need a vacation just from making packing lists and checking them off. Anyone else like this? LOL


I don't care if I'm packing for a cruise or Disney or a camping trip, I always make up a list for each of us and what we'll need each day.


For example, we're leaving in 10 days on the Jewel. What I do is make a list of each day we're gone and which port we'll be in on each day and then figure out what everyone will wear for that specific day (whether it's going to be a bathing suit/at sea day or a day exploring the island and you're wearing shorts/tshirt, etc)


I wish I could just throw together and suitcase and off I go. Anyone else have issues when they pack or are you one of the lucky ones to just throw stuff together and go?

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I stress, too, and I'm trying to break myself of that habit. A list seems OC to me, but it does helps me stress less...the worst times are when I'm working practically right up to the minute of departure and I start hysterically throwing things into a bag. Not a good plan -- it ends up being a combination of overpacking stuff I never wear and leaving out things I actually need.


Once upon a time I had stellar packing mojo...I once went to Italy for three weeks with a 20-inch carryon and a very small backpack. Now I don't remember how I did it. I need to get that skill back!

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A list seems OC to me, but it does helps me stress less...


Doesn't seem OC to me.. I begin making lists way in advance. It keeps me from going nuts. Especially when I'm coordinating the packing for myself, my husband, and 3 children. My husband and oldest daughter pack themselves, but still I run through the final checklist. Otherwise someone always forgets something.


I go through the same routine, designing outfits in my head, then laying out everything and counting. matching 1 pair of shoes with 3 outfits, as opposed to 1 pair that only goes with one thing... etc.


Then on top of that is the kid's athsma meds, or the cell phone charger, money, travel doc, camera charger.. I wish I could be someone who throws everything together at the last minute beautifully and doesn't forget anything..

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I get a little OCD also! Its hard to pack for a cruise because there are so many different situations and we do so many different things. Where as a Disney vacation I can just pack a bag of tank tops and shorts. Its also nerve racking to know if you forget something you have to pay double on the ship/island or go without it .

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Doesn't seem OC to me.. I begin making lists way in advance. It keeps me from going nuts. Especially when I'm coordinating the packing for myself, my husband, and 3 children. My husband and oldest daughter pack themselves, but still I run through the final checklist. Otherwise someone always forgets something.


With a group that size, you could NEVER manage without a list. My admiration goes out to you for pulling it off.


Several trips ago, one of those "Oh, my god, my plane is leaving in three hours and nothing's packed" incidents, I threw in four pairs of shoes I never wore (and that didn't go with anything else I packed :rolleyes:) but forgot to bring any underwear. That got me over my dislike of lists mighty fast.


The thing that's helped the most, though, is making sure I pack a couple of days in advance, EVEN IF it means taking several hours out from urgent work. Once the bags are packed, I can give my full concentration to my work.

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I have the luxury of only worrying about what I am taking, no children, meds, or other things. I worry more about packing the bedding and food for the dog to go to my mother's 'dogsitting service' . :D


I am not quite a throw & go packer but almost. I do start to lay out things on the dining room table a couple of days early that will be going and that I don't need for the near future. Otherwise, depending on how early I am leaving I pack either the night before or the morning of departure. I remember packing about 3 hours before I had to catch a flight for my year abroad for university.


My basic rule of thumb--if you can't lift it and carry it comfortably its over-packed. My Granny was one who left for England every year on a 3 month trip with 3 suitcases, one just for shoes! She would never make it now with luggage restrictions! :eek:

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I'm getting better, but I still micro manage packing for cruises. It's somewhat better if I'm doing a land vacation because clothes for the evening are not as much of an issue. Still, for most cruises regardless of length, I have whittled my packing list down to what fits in one 28" suitcase and two carry-ons for DH and myself and I'm pretty happy with that.

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I wish I could just throw together and suitcase and off I go. Anyone else have issues when they pack or are you one of the lucky ones to just throw stuff together and go?


I've gotten to where I pack basically the same, at least in terms of quantities, for ANY trip that is longer than a weekend getaway. So the decision process is generally limited to selecting the specific clothing items for the trip in question (cold weather? warm weather? business? pleasure? etc.). But the quantities, toiletries and suitcase are basically "set."

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The list is good for all those little things.


We never do advance packing, as it only makes it easier to forget stuff. You pack it, then take it out and forget to put it back.


We often pack the same day, or late the night before if an early morning flight. Stand in closet and count the number of days, and then number of outfits, etc. Of course, for 10 day cruise, you take way less than 10 outfits, but for most at least 10 "unmentionables". Wife gets out all the shoes she will need, then she has to put half back!


Nowadays there is an extra step sometimes. Heavy stuff goes in the rollaboard to keep the main bag under 50 pounds. The carryon weighed 31 pounds this time!

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I write up a packing list, then lose the list:eek::eek:


Hubby has it great, I pack for both of us. (something radically wrong with that)


In 2008 in preparation of renewing our vows and wanting everything to be "perfect" I packed a month in advance. I wound up only packing two pairs of shorts for myself, but at least I remembered everything else.


In 2009 I said I will not be stressing myself out anymore. We had the day off before the cruise, I made sure all the laundry was done the day before that and I methodically packed until it was done. The only thing he had to do was make sure his meds were organized and ready for the trip (hint here for everyone - we always say pack an extra day of meds ship could always get delayed). I had him watch what I was putting in that way two minds going over what we needed and also to not over pack. With two bathrooms there are always two brushes so I pack one, then I just take all the back up supply of toiletries and pack them as well. Then it's done. Passport, etc goes in carry on with cameras, his meds and we're ready to go.


It's ridiculous to make yourself go bananas over packing:o:o

especially for me when there is only 2 of us. :o


Soooo - would say packing list a great idea if you are responsible for packing everyone so that will allow you to plan out outfits for each day, then do your packing from START TO FINISH. Allow no interruptions (if you can) And even though you can't do laundry yourself anymore it has to be well worth $25 for a bag full of clothing to be able to enjoy your day and not have THAT to stress out about!


May everyone be blessed with smooth seas, and a relaxing trip that they will remember for years to come!!!!



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less and less each cruise...even LESS since we started to cruise with NCL:)

i am getting so i have a CRUISE wardrobe and pretty much alot of the same goes with me...always NEW stuff...but if it worked the last cruise it goes with me on the next.

i find making a COMPLETE list from what i wear on my head to my toes...jewelry included is the KEY for me!!! every day has what i plan to wear and that makes packing so much easier....the minute i book a cruise...i am packing in my head then it hits the list...my cruise is in 5 months and in 2 i will be getting everything together and see what will work this time...lucky no significant weight gain or loss so everything i have on my list should WORK...i find packing less stressful...oh still the part about making weight with the bags...but it works out in the end!!!

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I started making a detailed list on my first cruise and make small changes after each cruise. I have done so many now that I don't stress at all about packing. I usually pack the day before I leave now. I just check it off the list. It was amazing how after the first two cruises how much smaller the list got.

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making a list is manditory for us. There are so many little things to take that i would never remember them without a list. We've already started making the list and whenever we think of something, it goes on the list right away before we forget.


My husband helps me pack. I read off the list to him and he runs around the house retrieving the stuff. Once it's all on the bed and we've double checked the list, we start assembling our luggage like a jigsaw puzzle starting with the bigger items first.


We take two 28" suitcases and one carryon only because we need to take an airmattress for the bed (bad back) and 2 folding mini chairs for the beach (again, back support). If it wasn't for them, we could shove it all in one 28" suitcase and a couple carryons.


Like mentioned above, I too put the heavier things in the carryon due to the weight restrictions for the checked luggage. We try to keep the luggage at about 45lbs just incase our scale is off a couple lbs.

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Packing for a warm place no problem, but when I packed for Alaska, I went nuts especially trying to keep the weight down, brought warm clothing and only needed my light jacket, could have used more capris. I like the laundry idea, I may be able to get us both in one suitcase and save one bag charge.

I know I would still have to pay 25 but at least not to the airline.

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Miss Rabbit,

I see you were on the Pearl, what did you like about her? dislike? I will be going on her in March.



I haven't been on the Pearl yet. Will be sailing her on Halloween. I'm super anxious to go as most folks seem to have thoroughly enjoyed her.

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i start actually 2 weeks or so before...the last time we packed the night before hubby was in a hurry and packed stuff that wasnt suppose to go, so i do most of the packing way before...few last minute things in the "right" bags night before or morning of and we are GOOD to GO:D

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The majority of our trips are family camping trips, some of them rather long and far away. So I have gotten pretty good at packing our camping clothes, hiking gear, and other equipment. But cruises always throw me because you need to look halfway decent. The jeans with the holes in them won't work for the kids and the old sweatshirts need to be replaced with something nicer looking. That means we always have to shop...new nicer clothes for the kids that fit them and some new clothes for me (my normal stay-at-home mom clothes are flannel pants and stretched out t-shirts). My husband wears casual business to work so he usually set.


This coming cruise we are packing light so replacing our cotton twills with more easy to wash and dry clothes that will fit into our 21-inch suitcases. I am very worried that I will either forget something, end up with outfits that won't match or find out it doesn't all fit into the suitcase!


By the way, I always use a packing list. I have the camping one stored on our computer so make adjustments if necessary and print it off. I have not yet made one for the upcoming cruise but will do so very soon.

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With a group that size, you could NEVER manage without a list. My admiration goes out to you for pulling it off.


Several trips ago, one of those "Oh, my god, my plane is leaving in three hours and nothing's packed" incidents, I threw in four pairs of shoes I never wore (and that didn't go with anything else I packed :rolleyes:) but forgot to bring any underwear. That got me over my dislike of lists mighty fast.


The thing that's helped the most, though, is making sure I pack a couple of days in advance, EVEN IF it means taking several hours out from urgent work. Once the bags are packed, I can give my full concentration to my work.


I did the same thing with the underwear...totally forgot it!! Have made a list since that day!!

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You have to make a list, and stress a little bit because of the airline weight restrictions and outrageous baggage fees. :rolleyes:


I am definitely getting a little better, though -- a little less obsessive compulsive. My carryon has to be light enough for me to lift into the overhead bin. I hate to play the helpless female, like I see a lot of women doing on planes. If I can't lift it, something has to go! :)

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Never used to make a list. Now I wonder how I ever did that.


Left a dress in a closet once, and that was the last time I go without a list.


Shoes, socks, underwear.....it's on the list and then crossed off once in my suitcase.

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If I waited till the last moment to pack, I would not be able to sleep for weeks beforehand.


Usually we vacation at least once during the winter months which makes it easy for me to pack way in advance. I won't be wearing my summer clothes so they can go in the suitcase.


I make a list but find myself using the same clothes for vacations...simple pieces in neutral colors that I can mix and match. Same for shoes. I have a list I use for warm weather vacations and cold weather vacations. I check off the items off the list as I pack them.


I HATE overpacking, so making a list helps me visualize what to mix and match so I don't just blindly pack whatever...


I also have a ditty bag that has each and every cosmetic item I will need for vacation. Toothpaste, brushes, otc meds, lotions, deodorant, etc. Just throw it in my bag and go...one less thing I need to think about since everything is in there already.


For our last Hawaii trip I started packing a month before we left! I kept the suitcase in an extra room. I swear my cat knows we are leaving soon when the suitcase comes out since he insists on sleeping on it.

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I have a holiday checklist that I normally use for regular holidays - couldn't do without it!

Have started to ski so needed to modify to add all the ski attire.


Now we have our first cruise in 4 weeks and I need to modify to include cruise accessories!


- I have added binoculars and bubbles (for the kids from the balcony).

What other 'must haves' do I need to include?

I'm doing Jade Mediterranean treasures - will it be cool at night?

Thanks for your help.

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