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Do you order at home as you do on a ship


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Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


I grew up with an old fashioned Mom who taught us it was a sin to waste food. Because of this I could not in good conscience order food just to take a few nibbles and discard the rest.

I am nuts about not wasting anything...I am a rabid recycler, do wonders with left-over foods in the kitchen and donate all old clothing to Good Will.

It's just how I am.


Gluttony, my second favorite of the Seven Deadly.




Order what you want, but eat what you order.




This is why I like you Tef. You don't say much but when you say something it's usually perfect.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


No I don't, but when I go to a resort in the mountains where the food is included, but only one type of entree, I order seconds, and more.

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I grew up with an old fashioned Mom who taught us it was a sin to waste food. Because of this I could not in good conscience order food just to take a few nibbles and discard the rest.

I am nuts about not wasting anything...I am a rabid recycler, do wonders with left-over foods in the kitchen and donate all old clothing to Good Will.

It's just how I am.


I feel the exact same way! The thought of wasting food makes me want to cringe. I would never order something just to take a bite or two. If I order it, it's because I'm going to eat it. Fortunately, I'm not a picky eater what-so-ever so I typically don't ever have to worry about not liking something that I order. Now, that being said, I agree with what someone else said about portion control. If I'm in a restaurant I will always take home my leftovers and make sure they aren't wasted. On the ship, though, you aren't really able to do that...and I don't subscribe to the "eat everything that's on your plate" philosophy. That's how you end up eating waaaay too much and feeling uncomfortable!

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i also order 2 lobster tails. and on each cruise i try something new that i would never get at home. but i have learned that on my cruises i fill up faster than i think i will, so i dont overly order. if i find i am still humgry i can always ask for something else from my waiter. i hate waste, even though i have '' already paid for the food ''. or if im still hungry i can order more dessert :D.

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I grew up with an old fashioned Mom who taught us it was a sin to waste food. Because of this I could not in good conscience order food just to take a few nibbles and discard the rest.

I am nuts about not wasting anything...I am a rabid recycler, do wonders with left-over foods in the kitchen and donate all old clothing to Good Will.

It's just how I am.






This is why I like you Tef. You don't say much but when you say something it's usually perfect.

Had the same situation as a kid. Not only that, you could not leave the table until the plate was clean...(explains the ever expanding cheeks I now have)...:eek:

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When I'm on vacation I take that chance to order things I have never tried before. Even in port I try to go to little local places out side the main areas. On the boat there are people from so many countries who tweek seasonings with things they know. I have only been on one cruise so far and didn't order more then one app or entree. On lobster tail night I really wanted to order another one as I hardly ever eat it at home due to my boyfriends shellfish allergy, but i didn't want to come off as one of those face stuffing americans that he talks about in "cruise Confidential" .......

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...and I don't subscribe to the "eat everything that's on your plate" philosophy. That's how you end up eating waaaay too much and feeling uncomfortable!


I agree!! I hate to waste, but I stop eating when I am full. This is why I like smaller portions. I like to eat an appetizer, entree and dessert. If the portions are small, I can do this (as long as I avoid the bread).


Had the same situation as a kid. Not only that, you could not leave the table until the plate was clean...(explains the ever expanding cheeks I now have)...


me too.

Had to retrain myself out of that. It was difficult!!

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I'm going to order more only because I'm going to try foods I wouldn't normally order at home


Me too. I love trying new foods. If I don't like it I'm not going to eat it though. My Dad used to try to force me to clean my plate as a kid and he'd say "There are children starving in China" and I would always ask if I ate something I didn't like how would it help the kids in China? :confused:


If I take a couple of bites and don't like something I don't send it back I just move it around on my plate a bit and then just put my fork down and push the plate back a bit to show I'm finished. I don't send it back because I don't want it to reflect on the quality of the food when it's not that, it's just I don't have a liking for it.


And I don't intentionally order things I won't eat but I don't see a big problem not eating something I don't like. If I felt I HAD to clean my plate I would only stick to foods I know I would like and half the fun is trying new dishes.

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I order exactly as I would at home. I don't go on vacation to be a glutton and gain 10 lbs or need a wheelbarrow to get me out of the MDR.


At home, I would order an app., a salad, maybe a soup(depends on the weather, usually in winter only), and an entree. I'm not big on desserts, so I don't usually order dessert. I don't eat in chain restaurants generally either so the portions aren't huge. An app. at a good restaurant shouldn't fill you up.


I find the portion sizes on Carnival to be pretty spot on with what one would get in a nicer restaurant, even if the taste of a good restaurant isn't there. Those small portions can fill you up, even the big guys, if you don't scarf down your food like you've been in a POW camp for years. Eat slowly. Chew your food, and you'll be surprised at how those small portions can fill you up and you won't need to be rolled out of the MDR either.


The GF and I usually eat in local restaurants with good food, and seeing as we're in NOLA, that's A LOT of restaurants. We also will try different things at home and if we don't like it, no harm. We just won't order it again. We DON'T send it back b/c it's not the restaurants fault that we ordered something we didn't know we wouldn't like.


We also always tip 20%, at least, if the service is good. 15% as a tip is only reserved for the bare minimum of service from a mediocre server.


I really could care less what other people order generally, but I've been to the buffet before where the people in front of me were acting like they hadn't seen food in days and were grabbing at everything they saw. It almost made me ill. These were adults too btw, not children. It's not like the food was going anywhere. Choose what you want(that will fit on your plate and not fall off as you walk away), and then go back if you want more.


I have been at tables with people who ordered 3 or 4 entrees as well as every dessert on the menu. Their dining habits were atrocious as well and so we asked to be moved to another table. Chewing with the mouth open and shoveling food in is disgusting to me. Like I said before, it's not going anywhere. Slow down. One man actually told me he wouldn't drink anything while at dinner b/c it took up space in his stomach:eek: Really?!?!

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i probably order more food than i normally would. i find it an opportunity to try new things. however, i do consider my appetite when ordering and try not to be wasteful of food.

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No I don't order the same. When ordering in a restaurant at home I will occasinally order something new to try but the fact that I have to shell out $$ and may not like what I order kind of puts a damper on that.

When I cruise trying different foods is part of the experience so I deliberately try new and different foods. My cruising buddies are very picky eaters and normally eat pretty standard stuff. I've told them they will just have to watch me try new things pretty much every night of the cruise. It goes along with seeing new ports, places and trying new activities on the cruise, meeting new people, etc.

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Oh I cant wait to order a little bit of this, two of that, and seconds please. I was actually working out for a bit then got to thinking if I work out and eat better before the cruise I will probably not enjoy indulging myself...


As for wasting... hmmmm If the food is already bought and paid for how is it a waste. Everyone got what they were supposed to get out of it from where the food originated all the way to my table.


While there is a limited supply on ship it has all been accounted for and then some. I dont understand the waste part....


Yet no I wont order a meal just to take a nibble and pass. I usually order something I THINK I will like/enjoy. For example I wont order escargot. I dont care it aint happening even if it is free. :)

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It took me 3 cruises to try escargot. I absolutely knew I would never buy it on my own. I asked the waiter to bring me just one but you see, that's not the way it works, in order to try it you have to get the whole plate. He told me to order it and give the rest away. Only 1 lady at my table wanted it, she had already ordered 2 escargot appetizers as her entire dinner. So her dinner was 3 escargot appetizers minus the one I ate and I went on to order an entree that I could eat. So, you see, food is not always wasted :)


The escargot was okay, I just wanted to try it.

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I am relatively new to CC and have learned a lot but i am a bit dismayed that a few of my fellow cruisers are so judgmental.


Taking my 3rd cruise in a few months so not too much experience but I order what I want and REALLY, why does anyone else care what/how much a person orders? .


I wouldn't read too much into it honestly. Everyone has their little pet peeves...and for the ISTJ folks they can't for the life of them understand why others don't see it exactly the same way. ;)


Since I'm just the opposite (ENFP)...I spend most of my idle time screwing with those types of people.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


So you're basic question is, do you eat more when it's free? Seriously? Of course, 90% of people are going to eat more/drink more/ take more when it's free. Obviously. It's human nature.

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Oh I cant wait to order a little bit of this, two of that, and seconds please. I was actually working out for a bit then got to thinking if I work out and eat better before the cruise I will probably not enjoy indulging myself...


As for wasting... hmmmm If the food is already bought and paid for how is it a waste. Everyone got what they were supposed to get out of it from where the food originated all the way to my table.


While there is a limited supply on ship it has all been accounted for and then some. I dont understand the waste part....


Yet no I wont order a meal just to take a nibble and pass. I usually order something I THINK I will like/enjoy. For example I wont order escargot. I dont care it aint happening even if it is free. :)


Exactly. The food that goes out on the ship every week either gets served or thrown away at the end of the week, so if eaten or thrown away it ends up used up either way.

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We order pretty much as we order at home, except we tend to try new things or order something that we might shy away from because it expensive at home. The nice thing about the ship is not being charged for specific foods. I love fish and seafood that tends to be an expensive item in restaurants, which sometimes makes me order something else at home. We have ordered something on the ship, learned to like it and then go to a restaurant where we get quite a shock as to how much that food is compared to other items. We sometimes order an extra scoop of ice cream with our warm chocolate melting cake, or sometimes an extra lobster tail. We have been on a lot of cruises and we have seen people in the diningroom who order very large amounts of specific items. We have seen 10-15 lobster tails requested by people or plates full of only shrimp or crab legs. At times we always wondered if they ran out of things when people order one thing and want plates full of it. We have seen over the years some very demanding people in the dining room, including someone at the table next to us that ordered plates full of shrimp and then produced a container and filled it, ate the other plate full and took the rest with her to her cabin. I'm sure the dining room staff have seen it all.

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I order a little more. I usually want dessert, but don't have room, though the dinner portions on ship seem a little smaller and I save room for dessert. At home we order appetizers sometimes and usually always order salads. DH also doesn't usually order dessert, but I'm sure he will on the ship for the heck of it because he can. At home, he orders the largest thing on the menu and sometimes adds on (such as adding shrimp to his steak or sometimes lobster, etc.). He's a small guy, but eats a lot, so I can see him ordering a few extras, but he'll definitely eat them and not waste them. Being able to eat quite a bit of good food is what really attracted my hungry hubby to cruise in teh first place. He said leave him on the ship inport and he'll just eat, lol.

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We have seen over the years some very demanding people in the dining room, including someone at the table next to us that ordered plates full of shrimp and then produced a container and filled it, ate the other plate full and took the rest with her to her cabin.


How bizarre!!

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It took me 3 cruises to try escargot. I absolutely knew I would never buy it on my own. I asked the waiter to bring me just one but you see, that's not the way it works, in order to try it you have to get the whole plate. He told me to order it and give the rest away. Only 1 lady at my table wanted it, she had already ordered 2 escargot appetizers as her entire dinner. So her dinner was 3 escargot appetizers minus the one I ate and I went on to order an entree that I could eat. So, you see, food is not always wasted :)


The escargot was okay, I just wanted to try it.



I didn't try it on my last one, but am going to do it this time. I've always wanted to try it, but my Mom doesn't like it and I didn't want to waste it. DH will be w/me this time and he'd probably like to try it and will probably love it, so we'll order one to share/try on this cruise.

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So you're basic question is, do you eat more when it's free? Seriously? Of course, 90% of people are going to eat more/drink more/ take more when it's free. Obviously. It's human nature.


Very true. I don't understand the original post. Many people on cruises enjoy being able to try new and/or multiple dishes at no additional cost. It is part of the appeal of a cruise. The marketing, word-of-mouth from fellow passengers, and even the servers encourage it. It makes no sense to compare it to a regular restaurant setting. Much ado about nothing.

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