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"stealing " with the beverage package


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This is from an interview with Tony Tahmosh, Celebrity's beverage operations manager:

Q: How do you police this policy and keep people from sharing the drinks?


A: We keep our eyes open as much as possible. It's not a perfect system, but we do random audits on guest folios. Because each drink is rung up at a zero value. If you see a large number of zeros being rung up at a time, it is potentially being abused or there is some fault. We haven't had any major issues. There have been some isolated incidents, and we had to address some guests who tried to share the package with others. Once we speak to them, the issue seems to go away.




What a great answer. More reason to love Celebrity.

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Please note, also, that I'm not going to go about on my cruise trying to be the Drink Police. I'm sure not going to be looking for it, and it would be a rare occasion that I would even happen to notice it. But if I should happen to notice it or if someone brags to me about getting away with not paying for their drink, I'm going to try to do the right thing. My conscience would bother me a bit if I didn't.


For anyone who feels it's small potatoes and not worth getting into a lather about, you can feel free to cover the cruise line's losses out of your wallet. Any volunteers?




The notion about how its going to cost all of us as justification for being a snitch when the cruise line can certainly take care of themselves is nothing more than being a buttinsky and a tattle tale over an issue that has nothing to do with you. That drink was bought and paid for. The rule is no sharing.


What are you going to do to salve your conscience, go to security and say hey mister, I saw that guy over there give her his drink and he's not allowed to share his package with anyone and I'm telling on him!:rolleyes:

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Wow, what a discussion!

Could someone tell me the cost for a drink package on Celebrity for a 7 day cruise? Also, do you have a selection or what is offered.

This is off the topic, but would anyone know if they offer non alcoholic beer in the bars?

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Wow, what a discussion!

Could someone tell me the cost for a drink package on Celebrity for a 7 day cruise? Also, do you have a selection or what is offered.

This is off the topic, but would anyone know if they offer non alcoholic beer in the bars?


Here are what is available and the costs




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Thank you Mari for the quote....so it seems that Celebrity is worried about it and is taking action.


That doesn't indicate that they're worried about it. They're just sensibly taking action to ensure that things don't get too out of control - you'd expect them to have some degree of monitoring and enforcement of policies when required, as with any rule onboard.

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How can it be stealing if the package is paid for??


We were thinking of getting one but don't know if DH would drink enough in one day to justify the price. I am unable to drink hardly any alcohol and no carbonated beverages. How would it be so wrong for him to get me one drink every 3rd or 4th day?


Same as you can't justify taking food home from a buffet if you are a light eater and didn't feel you got your worth. If your DH doesn't drink enough in a day to justify it, then don't get it. We are by no means teetotalers, but we did the math and it was cheaper to pay as we went.



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Oh, I think there are consequences...such as they will no longer offer the packages. Thats a BIG consequence.

I don't see it as a consequence.

If they discontinued the package, they will continue selling drinks.


Q: People expressed concern that this would lead to more drunkenness on the ships. Has that happened?


A: We've not had issues with intoxication. We've had a safe alcohol [serving] policy in effect for quite some time. Now we've decided to start using ServSafe alcohol service, a national program sponsored by the National Restaurant Association. All employees will be going through this program to make sure they don't overserve and know the signs and things to look for.


I plan on purchasing the Premium package.

I can't wait to try out all the drinks that I usually never do.

Will this get me a little intoxicated?

I don't know.

But, it will be fun finding out. :D:D:D

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Interesting how posters comment about sharing' date=' yet none post about the consequences. Makes ya wonder if they're any. ;)[/quote']


Hey since you're gonna get the Premium Package why not share drinks with your party, openly and boldly, then report back to us what happens? :eek:


DISCLAIMER: I do NOT advocate sharing of drink packages! :cool:

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Well, I have been on Cruise Critic for a number of years and have seen all the controversial discussion threads (chair hogs, smuggling, smokers, ad infinitum), but I have to say, I have had more fun reading this thread (and put in my occasional comment I must admit) than almost anthing else. From tongue in cheek, to very serious philosophical analysis postings, you have all provided me with enough pleasure to last until my next cruise and I know you will continue until I sail in September. I think most people that sail Celebrity will do the right thing (at least in their mind) and hopefully, the packages will continue to be available and enjoyed by those of us who wish to partake.


Just as a note - I originally thought of the packages from an alcoholic drink stand point cost wise (which just barely justified the break even cost for me), but after evaluating all the offerings, coffees, water, juice, wine, etc. that we could try, which we wouldn't buy otherwise, decided to buy one of each for my wife & I, and after a couple of days we may upgrade the Classic Package to both being Premium.


Thanks again for all the fun and looking forward to the further postings. :D:D

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I was thinking of getting a single cabin and sneaking my wife onboard as a visitor... I mean she's not using anyone else's space and we can get room service and share the meals.. :cool:


Go ahead, they charge singles the same as doubles, therefore it won't make any differance.


The prices for these packages are rediculous. I would have to drink a 12 pack to myself every day and there are only 2 at sea days on a 10 day-er. I will just bring my own beer onboard and restock at every port and bring a whole new dimension to theft.

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The notion about how its going to cost all of us as justification for being a snitch when the cruise line can certainly take care of themselves is nothing more than being a buttinsky and a tattle tale over an issue that has nothing to do with you.


This attitude is exactly the same as those who look the other way if they see someone shoplifting. "Not my problem. Don't want to get involved. I'd sure hate to be called a juvenile name like buttinsky or tattletale over something like this. It's not like it costs me anything. I'm going to stop shopping here, anyway. The prices are too damn high." If the cruise line can take care of it themselves, can't use or doesn't want any help, why does the problem exist at all? If the price of the drink package goes up, or is eliminated altogether, it most definitely has something to do with me.


That drink was bought and paid for. The rule is no sharing.
This is from an interview with Tony Tahmosh, Celebrity's beverage operations manager:

Q: How do you police this policy and keep people from sharing the drinks?


A: We keep our eyes open as much as possible. It's not a perfect system, but we do random audits on guest folios. Because each drink is rung up at a zero value. If you see a large number of zeros being rung up at a time, it is potentially being abused or there is some fault. We haven't had any major issues. There have been some isolated incidents, and we had to address some guests who tried to share the package with others. Once we speak to them, the issue seems to go away.

I've seen a couple of posts about people trying to get a "just this once" exception and it seems that the answer is always the same: a polite "I'm sorry, but no."


Let me see if I have this straight-- someone can get a drink with the package, give it to someone else in clear violation of the terms of the package, and it's not sharing because the drink was paid for? Under this scenario, what behavior would constitute sharing-- drinking out of the same glass? It's not okay to sip, but as long as the other person has their own glass, that's acceptable? If you were to ask Mr. Tahmosh, he wouldn't agree the drink was bought and paid for. If you're certain it is, just go ahead and tell the bartender up front that you intend to give the drink to someone else who did not purchase the package. "I'm sorry, but no." If someone would not voluntarily make clear what their intentions are, is it because they don't want to be found out? Why would they be uncomfortable if Celebrity were to be aware of what they're doing? Possibly because they know it's wrong?


What are you going to do to salve your conscience, go to security and say hey mister, I saw that guy over there give her his drink and he's not allowed to share his package with anyone and I'm telling on him!:rolleyes:


See post #198.


At least Celebrity says that it's not a major issue. Yet. Let's try to keep it that way.

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This attitude is exactly the same as those who look the other way if they see someone shoplifting. "Not my problem. Don't want to get involved. I'd sure hate to be called a juvenile name like buttinsky or tattletale over something like this.


Shoplifting is taking something that does not belong to you. There is no comparison of this no sharing rule to shoplifting and I don't think most shoplifters let you see them do it anyway and frankly I don't need to be security for the universe over theft issues where ever I go.


You want to advocating telling on people for sharing a drink on the beverage package, that to me is akin to butting in to someone else's business and being a tattle. I don't have a worry either way about who shares a drink or who tells on who. Neither of those ideas are part of how I plan to approach or what I would even think about for a single second of my time on a cruise. Different strokes.

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I don't see it as a consequence.

If they discontinued the package' date=' they will continue selling drinks.





And I do, that is the consequence they stop selling the packages, and we love the packages. The package makes it so nice to know what your cost are up front.



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Shoplifting is taking something that does not belong to you. There is no comparison of this no sharing rule to shoplifting and I don't think most shoplifters let you see them do it anyway and frankly I don't need to be security for the universe over theft issues where ever I go.


You want to advocating telling on people for sharing a drink on the beverage package, that to me is akin to butting in to someone else's business and being a tattle. I don't have a worry either way about who shares a drink or who tells on who. Neither of those ideas are part of how I plan to approach or what I would even think about for a single second of my time on a cruise. Different strokes.



Shoplifting is taking something that is offered for sale, for which you haven't paid. There is a very good comparison between shoplifting and sharing the drink package.

  1. Paying for the drinks package for one person is exactly that..paid beverages for one person only.
  2. The terms of the package specifically prohibit sharing.
  3. Any drinks consumed by a second person are NOT paid for by the drinks package fee.
  4. Therefore, drinks consumed by the second person are "goods offered for sale which have been taken but not paid for".
  5. An excellent parallel to shoplifting.

And believe me, there is absolutely a covert aspect to the "sharing" of drinks packages.

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Might really be "Theft of Services". I don't usually get annoyed by posts, but there is a trend on these boards that's starting to bother me. Notice how many are are asking questions that begin with "is it alright..." This is usually followed by "stealing", "smuggling", "hiding", etc.. Replies often say: "It's okay if you're not caught". What has happened to our moral compass? Here is one guidline borrowed from Rotary International:

The Four Way Test of the things we think,say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all Concerned?


Now I feel better :)

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Shoplifting is taking something that is offered for sale, for which you haven't paid. There is a very good comparison between shoplifting and sharing the drink package.
  1. Paying for the drinks package for one person is exactly that..paid beverages for one person only.
  2. The terms of the package specifically prohibit sharing.
  3. Any drinks consumed by a second person are NOT paid for by the drinks package fee.
  4. Therefore, drinks consumed by the second person are "goods offered for sale which have been taken but not paid for".
  5. An excellent parallel to shoplifting.

And believe me, there is absolutely a covert aspect to the "sharing" of drinks packages.



Thanks! You saved me a lot of time crafting a response-- couldn't have said it better. Only thing to add-- if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


FinelyCruising, I'm going to let this go. It's obvious you're not going to change your position. As said on an earlier post, we agree to disagree. I take satisfaction only in knowing that your view is in the small minority. On Luckytoo's poll right now, 2/3rds of all respondents are saying it's never ok to share (then again, you don't consider it sharing), with 2% saying it's OK because Celebrity makes enough money, which would seem to be the closest choice to your position. While it's true that just because most people think a certain way doesn't make it right, it's a darn good indicator.


If we're ever on a cruise together, I'll buy you a drink-- it just won't come out of my drinks package;):rolleyes::D!


Edit: Orator, you posted as I was posting. Your post also spoke eloquently to the subject. PS-- we enjoyed meeting you last January at the sailaway and at the Connections party-- IIRC, you spoke with my DW at length about the ins and outs of Med cruising.

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It is discussions like this that make it very clear to me how these Honkey Tonk Snake oil salesmen make millions and build Crystal Cathedrals and Theme Parks and have air conditioned dog houses.


People love to make awayyyyyy more out of the tiniest thing and need justification on every thing they do and feel.


They will make up the insanest situations to justify their actions and they are always looking for answers , answers , answers.


A smart guy with a bad toupee and a line of BS big enough to fertilize the Sahara can make a forune of these "seekers of knowledge"

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It is discussions like this that make it very clear to me how these Honkey Tonk Snake oil salesmen make millions and build Crystal Cathedrals and Theme Parks and have air conditioned dog houses.


People love to make awayyyyyy more out of the tiniest thing and need justification on every thing they do and feel.


They will make up the insanest situations to justify their actions and they are always looking for answers , answers , answers.


A smart guy with a bad toupee and a line of BS big enough to fertilize the Sahara can make a forune of these "seekers of knowledge"



Please forgive me, but I have no idea what you mean. Are you in favor of sharing or opposed to it? Or perhaps you don't care at all. I can't figure out what you are talking about.

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Please forgive me, but I have no idea what you mean. Are you in favor of sharing or opposed to it? Or perhaps you don't care at all. I can't figure out what you are talking about.


I couldn't care less what anyone does with their drink card. And although DW and I don't drink enough to justify the price of a card, if I ever did get one I wouldn't have a problem sharing one with my wife. Like I said the amount we drink the cruiseline would still be ahead


It was just something that struck me as I was reading these posts and everyone was ading all these variables to plead their case.


What if it is just a sip?


What if I order two drinks and they put the more expensive drink on the card, is it my obligation to correct them ?


What if i order a drink and don't like it , is it stealing to let my wife drink it , or am I obliged to dump it out ?


It just reminded me of all the discussions we had in grammar school with Sister Mary Hitler. *LOL*


Murder is a sin :


"What if you kill the man who killed your mother ?"


"What if you kill the man who killed your dog ?"


"What if a guy tells you he is going to kill your cousin , so you kill him to save your cousins life"


And when Sister couldn't answer you she said "Go ask Father"



Some people have made a hell of a cottage industry out of Variables and Absolutes

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drinks packages, like food buffets, result in huge margins for those offering them. they want you to buy them because they know they'll maximize profits on you. that some people may be 'sharing' them is likely having a negligible impact on their bottom line. don't worry - they won't take 'em away because they generate too much revenue and profits. i say share - the world could use more sharing and caring and less people sticking their noses in someone else's business/where they don't belong.

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Although we have no interest in buying any kind of a drink card, I too am fascinated by all the perms and coms presented here.


Now for my take on the situation:


If the card is worth $60 (I actually have no idea what it is worth!), and in cabin A, Joe buys a card and drinks the full $60 worth. His neighbour Jim also buys a card and shares it with his wife. Together they drink $60 worth. Now you tell me what is the difference? I am sure if Jim, himself, drinks only $30 worth, Celebrity would not give a hoot that his wife drinks the other $30 worth.

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