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Crows Nest Smoking


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I just got back from the Maasdam 35 day Voyage of the Vikings. This was my first HAL cruise. I loved the cruise itinerary and the ship was pretty good.


My major complaint is that smokers in the Crows Nest made the place reek like a cheap bar and made the air totally unbreathable. When we did sail away, it was sort of cold on deck in the areas we cruised. The bar-like atmosphere in the Crows Nest meant that I had a choice of staying warm in the Crows Nest and breathing the tobacco smoke or being cold and breathing good air.


Smokers should not be allowed to make the best place to watch sail away uninhabitable.


I have done 5 cruises on Princess ships did not have this problem on any of my Princess cruises.


Is this a problem with other HAL ships or just with the Maasdam? If it is a generic HAL problem, this may have been my last HAL cruise.



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this is what happens when the antis keep demanding more and more areas be non-smoking. cruiselines realize they must accomodate smokers somewhere, so it concentrates the smokers in one area.


it is my understanding that smoking is only allowed in one small area of the crow's nest, which is generally a large space. should be easy enough to avoid. of couse an attitude of tolerance helps, too.

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On the Amsteram, smoking was permitted in the Crow's Nest, but only right at the bar and the few tables scattered behind it. As CTW stated, its a large room, and there are so few tables and barstools, that I can't imagine it would be a problem. It wasn't on our cruise. CTW - I totally agree with your comment about tolerance.

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From www.hollandamerica.com





For the comfort of all of our guests, all indoor areas are designated non-smoking with the exception of:

  • Casino
  • Northern Lights Disco (ms Eurodam, ms Oosterdam, ms Noordam, ms Nieuw Amsterdam, ms Westerdam & ms Zuiderdam only)
  • Outside Decks
  • Seaview Bar (except ms Maasdam, ms Ryndam & ms Statendam)
  • Sports Bar
  • Crow's Nest (except ms Eurodam, ms Oosterdam, ms Noordam, ms Nieuw Amsterdam, ms Westerdam & ms Zuiderdam)



Our ships do not have "nonsmoking" staterooms; however, all rooms are thoroughly cleaned after each cruise to assure the comfort of our guests. All showrooms are nonsmoking during performances.

Cigar and pipesmoking is permitted on the outside decks only".


Guess the "policy" is not always followed as indicated in some of the above posts.



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As far as I know there is no smoking in the Crow's Nest on any of the Vista class or Signature class ships. At least there wasn't when we were on those ships.


Yes, and hopefully that practice will be extended to the entire fleet in the near future.

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Just as one should weigh dress code in addition to itinerary, smoking policy is also a factor. I enjoy formal nights, and I loathe smoking. But if I choose tosail on a ship which permits smoking in the most attractive lounge, I should live with my choice - just as I would hope others would abide by dress codes. Unless you own the ship, you should graceously play by the rules -- or stay home.

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HAL is considering it. At the end of our cruise there was an added sheet to the survey asking about non-smoking policy and if it would affect our decision to sail on HAL.


Personally, I don't smoke, I have nothing against smokers, and I think designated smoking areas are fine. I'm only bothered by smoking if I see it is a parent.

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HAL is considering it. At the end of our cruise there was an added sheet to the survey asking about non-smoking policy and if it would affect our decision to sail on HAL.


That same survey has now been handed out for years. The trend may be slowly changing but, obviously, the results aren't conclusive enough for HAL to take a firmer position on the issue at this time. I imagine the status quo will remain in effect for a while still.

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DonaldSC, it's always a shame when someone doesn't enjoy their cruise as much as they'd hoped. I'm sorry your trip was marred. But, I have to agree with NavyBankTeacher and others who suggested it's your job to do research on any issue that's important to you before you book. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh.


May I suggest you take a look at Celebrity next time out? Don't know if they have an itinerary for you, but their smoking policy is very restrictive.


I have health issues with all "particles suspended in air" (including smoke). Must say I've found HAL smokers to be the most considerate on the high seas, virtually 100% compliant with the smoking rules. That makes my life easy, as I can just avoid any ship's area which allows smoking.


Exception: I will always be in the Crow's Nest for Team Trivia. But, anyone who has read any of my trivia-related-posts knows I'm obsessed :eek: on THAT topic.

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this is what happens when the antis keep demanding more and more areas be non-smoking. cruiselines realize they must accomodate smokers somewhere, so it concentrates the smokers in one area.


it is my understanding that smoking is only allowed in one small area of the crow's nest, which is generally a large space. should be easy enough to avoid. of couse an attitude of tolerance helps, too.


Yes......a small portion of the Crows Nest is there for us terrible sinners :) I'm not a person who would make anybody uncomfortable with my smoke, for instance around non-smokers I take care to obey the rules, whatever they may be. I notice though that some non-smokers do not extend that courtesy to me :(

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this is what happens when the antis keep demanding more and more areas be non-smoking. cruiselines realize they must accomodate smokers somewhere, so it concentrates the smokers in one area.


it is my understanding that smoking is only allowed in one small area of the crow's nest, which is generally a large space. should be easy enough to avoid. of couse an attitude of tolerance helps, too.


Regardless of how small the area that smoking was allowed in, the reek permeated the entire Crows Nest. It may be a ventilation issue but that is not my problem. The great majority of the people on that ship who do not smoke should not be subjected to the desires of the few that do in one of the few unique venues on the ship. Where else can you watch sail away or see what is ahead of the ship if it is too cold to go outside. I would suggest that if the smokers feel a need to smoke, they can be given a space outside at the stern.


Using your logic that the space allowed for smoking is small, should they also allow smoking in the upper right balcony of the showroom?


With regard to tolerance, my tolerance ends at my lungs. You can smoke anywhere you want to as long as I can not smell your smoke.


If I came to the Crows Nest and decided to play Tibetan funeral dirges at a loud volume but only in one corner of the Nest but also loud enough so that everyone could hear it, would you be tolerant. My attitude would be that I want to hear my music and you can just be tolerant and wear ear plugs.



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this is what happens when the antis keep demanding more and more areas be non-smoking. cruiselines realize they must accomodate smokers somewhere, so it concentrates the smokers in one area.




Create a smoking room at the stern of the ship so that the only people that are affected are the people behind the ship. Improve the ventilation of the smoking room so that the air passes through filters and comes out clean so the area around the room does not stink. This would even save smokers money as the smoke level in the room would be so high that they could come in and get their tobacco fix without even having to light up a cigarette.


I have no problem with designating a specific bar on the ship as a smoking bar as I do not have to go into that bar. I have no problem allowing smoking in the casino as I do not have to go to the casino.


However, the Crows Nest is a unique venue that was made unusable by the smokers.



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Yes......a small portion of the Crows Nest is there for us terrible sinners :) I'm not a person who would make anybody uncomfortable with my smoke, for instance around non-smokers I take care to obey the rules, whatever they may be. I notice though that some non-smokers do not extend that courtesy to me :(


Remind me again please, which rules are us non-smokers not following? What courtesies do you wish we would extend? I have never, ever, broken the rules by going into your smoking area and NOT smoke. Please tell us how we are uncourteous to smokers.

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What courtesies do you wish we would extend? <SNIP> Please tell us how we are uncourteous to smokers.


Louis & Lisa, I'm sure that you are NOT the people who do this, but for instance, some people walk through the smoking side of the Crows Nest (even though there are doors on both sides), GLARE at the smokers and do their little 'Cah Cah' fake coughs. Why not just use the other door and bypass the smokers entirely? Very rude.

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Originally Posted by Nanaimo Gal viewpost.gif

Yes......a small portion of the Crows Nest is there for us terrible sinners :) I'm not a person who would make anybody uncomfortable with my smoke, for instance around non-smokers I take care to obey the rules, whatever they may be. I notice though that some non-smokers do not extend that courtesy to me :(


Remind me again please, which rules are us non-smokers not following? What courtesies do you wish we would extend? I have never, ever, broken the rules by going into your smoking area and NOT smoke. Please tell us how we are uncourteous to smokers.



I have been sitting here for the last five minutes trying to decide how to respond to Nanaimo Gal's post. No need now as you came up with the perfect reply. She obviously is on the defensive with her post as shown by referring to herself as one of the "sinners" as I saw no reference to smokers as sinners. I too wondered how I have been non-courteous to smokers on my previous cruises. I would have loved to have been anything but courteous on our recent sail on the Noordam to the person who used the balcony for cigar smoking. It made the balcony unusable for the entire ten days. Those in the cabins on either side of us complained constantly about it but we all realized that we had just thrown away a lot of extra bucks for a perk that we never got to enjoy.

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Remind me again please, which rules are us non-smokers not following? What courtesies do you wish we would extend? I have never, ever, broken the rules by going into your smoking area and NOT smoke. Please tell us how we are uncourteous to smokers.


Well the guy on our last cruise who dragged his lounger into the teeny tiny 4-table smoking section by the Aft pool, who then proceeded to scream at the crew to make the smokers STOP SMOKING because they were RUINING his good time -- he kinda comes to mind. And who then yelled and yelled at the crew and any of the pax who tried to intervene. He eventually stormed off, screaming about how awful and inconsiderate smokers are.


This guy really made me think "hmmmm, sharks gotta eat, too" :)

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HAL is considering it. At the end of our cruise there was an added sheet to the survey asking about non-smoking policy and if it would affect our decision to sail on HAL.


Personally, I don't smoke, I have nothing against smokers, and I think designated smoking areas are fine. I'm only bothered by smoking if I see it is a parent.


HNAL has been including these smoking questionaires for several years -- we started filling them our back in the spring of 2007. And have filled them out on every cruise since then.

A few changes have been made since then.

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Originally Posted by Nanaimo Gal viewpost.gif

Yes......a small portion of the Crows Nest is there for us terrible sinners :) I'm not a person who would make anybody uncomfortable with my smoke, for instance around non-smokers I take care to obey the rules, whatever they may be. I notice though that some non-smokers do not extend that courtesy to me :(


Remind me again please, which rules are us non-smokers not following? What courtesies do you wish we would extend? I have never, ever, broken the rules by going into your smoking area and NOT smoke. Please tell us how we are uncourteous to smokers.



I have been sitting here for the last five minutes trying to decide how to respond to Nanaimo Gal's post. No need now as you came up with the perfect reply. She obviously is on the defensive with her post as shown by referring to herself as one of the "sinners" as I saw no reference to smokers as sinners. I too wondered how I have been non-courteous to smokers on my previous cruises. I would have loved to have been anything but courteous on our recent sail on the Noordam to the person who used the balcony for cigar smoking. It made the balcony unusable for the entire ten days. Those in the cabins on either side of us complained constantly about it but we all realized that we had just thrown away a lot of extra bucks for a perk that we never got to enjoy.


I know what you are talking about. On one of our cruises we had a lady sit right next to the parition between the 2 verandahs and smoke from early dawn until late at night. Rarely did her husband and she go anywhere -- if they did -- it could have only been the times when we went to dinner or off the ship or on a tour. Her husband sat at the far end of the verandah so that he didn't get any of the smoke.

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Well the guy on our last cruise who dragged his lounger into the teeny tiny 4-table smoking section by the Aft pool, who then proceeded to scream at the crew to make the smokers STOP SMOKING because they were RUINING his good time -- he kinda comes to mind. And who then yelled and yelled at the crew and any of the pax who tried to intervene. He eventually stormed off, screaming about how awful and inconsiderate smokers are.


This guy really made me think "hmmmm, sharks gotta eat, too" :)


Yeah, there's always somebody, smoker or non. So if it's me who enters through the wrong door in the Crow's Nest, I can assure you that the cough is real, and that's not a glare - it's confusion!


To wit:


"Oh, wow it's smoky! Oops, must have come in thru the smoking section. What side of the ship am I on? <turns in circles to see if I'm facing bow or stern> Which side is port, again?"


By then, assuming I haven't tripped over something while turning in circles, I'll happily toddle over to the other side to find a cozy place to read my book. :)


I will even <gasp!> sit in the smoking section on purpose because it has the highest chance of being totally deserted, and I like quiet. If you then come in and smoke, I may get up and leave. Please don't take it personally, and it's not 'leaving in a huff.' I am ceding to you the area designated for your activity as *I'm* the interloper, not you. (I'm also not the glaring type.)


Tip for all: If you sit down in the Crow's Nest (or elsewhere) and there is an ashtray on your table, you are in the Smoking section. ;)

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... should not be subjected to the desires of the few...


since it is only a few, in your words, it shouldn't be that big of a problem to avoid it. problem solved.


HAL has made the decision. if you can't live with it, do what i did: cancel your cruise.

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Yes......a small portion of the Crows Nest is there for us terrible sinners :) I'm not a person who would make anybody uncomfortable with my smoke, for instance around non-smokers I take care to obey the rules, whatever they may be. I notice though that some non-smokers do not extend that courtesy to me :(



Are you saying that they will stand there and not smoke right in front of you?

I am appalled!

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