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Crows Nest Smoking


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I would like no smoking in the Crows Nest. It is especially annoying during well attended events such as glacier viewing. At other times there is usually at least one smoker who smokes outside the smoking area. This includes moving ashtrays outside the smoking area, smoking outside the smoking area, blowing smoke outside the smoking area. On one cruise there were a couple of smokers who deliberately blew smoke into groups of non-smokers who were not in the smoking area.

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I just got back from the Maasdam 35 day Voyage of the Vikings. This was my first HAL cruise. I loved the cruise itinerary and the ship was pretty good.


My major complaint is that smokers in the Crows Nest made the place reek like a cheap bar and made the air totally unbreathable. When we did sail away, it was sort of cold on deck in the areas we cruised. The bar-like atmosphere in the Crows Nest meant that I had a choice of staying warm in the Crows Nest and breathing the tobacco smoke or being cold and breathing good air.


Smokers should not be allowed to make the best place to watch sail away uninhabitable.


I have done 5 cruises on Princess ships did not have this problem on any of my Princess cruises.


Is this a problem with other HAL ships or just with the Maasdam? If it is a generic HAL problem, this may have been my last HAL cruise.




I agree with you that inside Public room areas of ALL cruise ships, to include the Casino, Crow's Nest and Bars, EXCEPT for the Sports Bar, should be non smoking!!


I am a smoker, who tries my best to be considerate of not only non smokers, but also other smokers such as myself, who cannot stand the smell of a cigarette. I know that sounds stupid, but I love the taste but cannot stand the smell!!


I do not smoke inside except in my stateroom and only on my verandah and the Aft Lido Deck on the same side as the Bar, since that is the smoking side of the Aft Lido.


I do wish they would ban smoking in all Inside Public Areas completely.



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Regardless of how small the area that smoking was allowed in, the reek permeated the entire Crows Nest. It may be a ventilation issue but that is not my problem. The great majority of the people on that ship who do not smoke should not be subjected to the desires of the few that do in one of the few unique venues on the ship. Where else can you watch sail away or see what is ahead of the ship if it is too cold to go outside. I would suggest that if the smokers feel a need to smoke, they can be given a space outside at the stern.


Using your logic that the space allowed for smoking is small, should they also allow smoking in the upper right balcony of the showroom?


With regard to tolerance, my tolerance ends at my lungs. You can smoke anywhere you want to as long as I can not smell your smoke.


If I came to the Crows Nest and decided to play Tibetan funeral dirges at a loud volume but only in one corner of the Nest but also loud enough so that everyone could hear it, would you be tolerant. My attitude would be that I want to hear my music and you can just be tolerant and wear ear plugs.




I do have to ask if you would follow the same thoughtfullness or courtesy if your perfume or cologne was considered by oothers to be on a bit to heavy?? Would you be willing to go outside and view the scenery so that others who are allergic or extremely sensitive to whatever you have used to cover a body scent could enjoy the warmth and lack of smelly air are allowed to breath??


It all comes down to courtesy and consideration of others.


Many on these threads have problems with both cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke and fragrances. We all complain about one or both, but we all have to be thoughtfull of each other. That means, I will not smoke around you if you do not wear anything that contains perfume or cologne to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.



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to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.




That must be rough, Joanie. My boss is scent-sensitive, so I know not to wear perfume to certain meetings, but when it includes soap, shampoo, fabric softener, etc. - well, that must be rough!

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That must be rough, Joanie. My boss is scent-sensitive, so I know not to wear perfume to certain meetings, but when it includes soap, shampoo, fabric softener, etc. - well, that must be rough!

Thank you for your thoughtfulness to your boss and others!!


Yes, it is tough. I always try to be discreet when I can, by waving my hand in front of my nose, kind of like a slight wave to get some fresh air circulatiing. Or I also use my hand in a slight fist and cover my nose (brething through the fist acts like a filter... And when all else fails and I cannot breath to the point I am coughing very badly, I excuse myself with the explanation (between coughs) about the sensitivity and leave.


The one good thing about it is that hubby has done all the laundry for nearly 40 years now. I have to leave the house on Saturdays while he does the laundry. He turns all the fans on in the house and opens both the doors and windows for the last hour of laaundry day so that when I come back home, the house is once more scent free.



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I love these topics...everybody is right, nobody is wrong. :D Having been a smoker, I know how hard it was, being one. Now that I am a non-smoker, I realize that it is just as hard being a non smoker. Can’t win. All I can do is hope that a cruise line goes totally smoke free and all the non smokers book that line. Then the smokers can have the rest. Maybe then HAL will take its smoking surveys seriously...or not. :rolleyes::D


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Many on these threads have problems with both cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke and fragrances. We all complain about one or both, but we all have to be thoughtfull of each other. That means, I will not smoke around you if you do not wear anything that contains perfume or cologne to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.







I feel for you if you are truly allergic to all of those scents. I do wonder, however, if you are so sensitive why would you smoke? I haven't seen much research that showed health hazards when smelling someone's cologne. The statistics about second hand smoke are frightening.

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I just got back from the Maasdam 35 day Voyage of the Vikings. This was my first HAL cruise. I loved the cruise itinerary and the ship was pretty good.


My major complaint is that smokers in the Crows Nest made the place reek like a cheap bar and made the air totally unbreathable. When we did sail away, it was sort of cold on deck in the areas we cruised. The bar-like atmosphere in the Crows Nest meant that I had a choice of staying warm in the Crows Nest and breathing the tobacco smoke or being cold and breathing good air.


Smokers should not be allowed to make the best place to watch sail away uninhabitable.


I have done 5 cruises on Princess ships did not have this problem on any of my Princess cruises.


Is this a problem with other HAL ships or just with the Maasdam? If it is a generic HAL problem, this may have been my last HAL cruise.




Hi Don:


I agree with you but I think the problem is that the HVAC is not set-up to handle smokers in one area. I attended Happy Hour at the Crow's Nest almost every night at 4:30 PM. The smoke did not bother me that much due to my sinus issues but Connie could not stand the smoke and could not join me.

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Thank you for your thoughtfulness to your boss and others!!


Yes, it is tough. I always try to be discreet when I can, by waving my hand in front of my nose, kind of like a slight wave to get some fresh air circulatiing. Or I also use my hand in a slight fist and cover my nose (brething through the fist acts like a filter... And when all else fails and I cannot breath to the point I am coughing very badly, I excuse myself with the explanation (between coughs) about the sensitivity and leave.


The one good thing about it is that hubby has done all the laundry for nearly 40 years now. I have to leave the house on Saturdays while he does the laundry. He turns all the fans on in the house and opens both the doors and windows for the last hour of laaundry day so that when I come back home, the house is once more scent free.





Joanie, my mom has your problem.


Has your family tried any of the unscented laundry detergents, like Tide Free? (I'm very lucky my supermarket has innovative house brands, so I've used unscented laundry detergent for well over a decade.)


I buy Mom scent free shampoo/body wash online - there's a conditioner, too:




I'm sure you've noticed me proselytizing for ionizer use on this board. A whole lot more helpful than hand waving - ionizers clean the air without adding a scent. (However, some people with some kinds of asthma find their breathing is made worse by ionization.)


I keep a small ionizer in my purse that I fire up as needed - can be worn around my neck. About the size (sorry, but it really is the best comparison) of a pack of cigarettes.

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Many on these threads have problems with both cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke and fragrances. We all complain about one or both, but we all have to be thoughtfull of each other. That means, I will not smoke around you if you do not wear anything that contains perfume or cologne to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.







I feel for you if you are truly allergic to all of those scents. I do wonder, however, if you are so sensitive why would you smoke? I haven't seen much research that showed health hazards when smelling someone's cologne. The statistics about second hand smoke are frightening.

Because I was not always this sensitive to scents.


I started smoking prior to the age of 12. I started hating the smell of a burning cigarette about 15 years ago. I quit smoking Dec 3, 1999 and loved the NON smoke smells around me. That lasted for 7 1/2 months and then an event happened in my life and cigarettes, just like any other addiction/habit, kicked in again.


It was after I started smoking again in July 2000 that my scent allergies became even worse (yes, I have tried to stop smoking since but....) The doctors say that as you age, various things happen to your metabolism and mine just happen to show up as allergies that I never had before. I am also now allergic to adhesives, including bandaids.. NO fun...and also means I cannot use the Patch (which helped me quit in 1999. I also get sick on the lozenges and with the Prescription drug Chantrix I had such horrible nightmares that I'd rather smoke!!


What makes this so bad is that I love perfume!! I love the smell of a "fresh" smelling home. I love the smell of freshly washed clothes.... But, I cannot be around them...


The health hazards of scents... Ask an asthmatic what they feel like when they are around someone who has bathed in scents. Ask a COPD patient what they go through...



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Joanie, my mom has your problem.


Has your family tried any of the unscented laundry detergents, like Tide Free? (I'm very lucky my supermarket has innovative house brands, so I've used unscented laundry detergent for well over a decade.)


I buy Mom scent free shampoo/body wash online - there's a conditioner, too:




I'm sure you've noticed me proselytizing for ionizer use on this board. A whole lot more helpful than hand waving - ionizers clean the air without adding a scent. (However, some people with some kinds of asthma find their breathing is made worse by ionization.)


I keep a small ionizer in my purse that I fire up as needed - can be worn around my neck. About the size (sorry, but it really is the best comparison) of a pack of cigarettes.


I am on my way to check the site out now!! THANK YOU!!


I know how much your mother suffers!!! God bless her!!


Hubby has tried so hard to find scent free things (he does the shopping), but he refuses to open up a bottle of detergent to smell if it really is scent free...... So I tend to go and visit with my best friend and neighbor on Saturdays. Thank Goodness he is such a darlin and allows me to visit every Saturday.


I do not know if any of our staterooms have been ionized, but I've not had a problem breathing in them.


OK, enough babbling I am on my way to the site to start checking it out and :DOrdering:D



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The smoke will not stay in one section of the room unless the ventilators are carefully designed for this purpose. Otherwise the smoke will go everywhere in the room.


Tolerance for second hand indoor smoke???? Not a chance.






..it is my understanding that smoking is only allowed in one small area of the crow's nest, which is generally a large space. should be easy enough to avoid. of couse an attitude of tolerance helps, too.
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I completely get it. I, too, am highly sensitive to scents (should we say "scentsitive"?!?!). I get nose-bleeds (no kidding) if I am around too much perfume, airfreshener, candles...


I quit smoking in 1995. I am way less sensitive to smoke than scents. Luckily, all of my friends will not wear any perfume when I ride in a car with them. They get tired of the nose bleeds!:eek:

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I do have to ask if you would follow the same thoughtfullness or courtesy if your perfume or cologne was considered by oothers to be on a bit to heavy?? Would you be willing to go outside and view the scenery so that others who are allergic or extremely sensitive to whatever you have used to cover a body scent could enjoy the warmth and lack of smelly air are allowed to breath??


It all comes down to courtesy and consideration of others.


Many on these threads have problems with both cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke and fragrances. We all complain about one or both, but we all have to be thoughtfull of each other. That means, I will not smoke around you if you do not wear anything that contains perfume or cologne to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.




Finally some one I can be around. Smoke aggravates my allergies and I wear NO scented products since they also cause or aggravate allergies. Yes, I am allergic to all the items that skin tests cover.

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I do have to ask if you would follow the same thoughtfullness or courtesy if your perfume or cologne was considered by oothers to be on a bit to heavy?? Would you be willing to go outside and view the scenery so that others who are allergic or extremely sensitive to whatever you have used to cover a body scent could enjoy the warmth and lack of smelly air are allowed to breath??


It all comes down to courtesy and consideration of others.


Many on these threads have problems with both cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke and fragrances. We all complain about one or both, but we all have to be thoughtfull of each other. That means, I will not smoke around you if you do not wear anything that contains perfume or cologne to include; soap, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair gel, perfume, body mist, cologne, after shave, body lotion, deodorant.... The list is endless.




I'd agree with most of your proposed banned objects; but would you really want to spend a week or two with a couple of thousand people - none of whom used soap or deodorant?

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The smoke will not stay in one section of the room unless the ventilators are carefully designed for this purpose. Otherwise the smoke will go everywhere in the room.





That wasn't the case in the Crows Nest on Veendam.


I sat on the other side of that room at times (non-smoking area) and never got a whiff of anything.

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Create a smoking room at the stern of the ship so that the only people that are affected are the people behind the ship. Improve the ventilation of the smoking room so that the air passes through filters and comes out clean so the area around the room does not stink./quote]


This would be very close to the end of our HAL cruising. About the only other step would be to stop smoking in our cabin. That absolutely would be the end and we'd not be on HAL again. As I've said before, already have totally dropped Celebrity to the point of stopping all mailings and emails because of their policies.

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(My grandfather smoked a pipe during my little girl years. He quit some 35 years ago, but I still love the smell.)


I know what you mean. I have never smoked, but absolutely love the smell of a pipe. I don't even mind cigar smoke as much as I mind cigarette smoke. Actually, there is a tobacco company that makes cigars out of pipe tobacco.

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Glad I could help, Joanie- since we're way OT here, I've emailed you.


NavyBankTeacher - LOL! But there *are* unscented soaps, unscented deodorants, and even "organic" deodorant crystals for those with fragrance and chemical sensitivities.


(Joanie: deodorant! Will drop you another email!)

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