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**Canadians Beware**

BC Todd

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Was re-checking our flights to Florida bought and confirmed this past February for this coming December. Much to our surprise our Toronto - Miami flight no longer exists.


When I called the airline (Air Canada) to inquire, they told me we were have been rescheduled to a flight the next day. I asked, "Why wasn't I informed of this change?".


Their response - "Because the rescheduled flight was later than our original flight, we would have learned of the change when we arrived at the airport. We do not inform customers of later rescheduling only of earlier rescheduling":eek:


We are a very organized family. In fact we are spending two days in Miami before our cruise, just to make sure we don't miss the boat. But I do know that some people still travel the same day.


Just another warning, CHECK and RECHECK your flight times over and over. Our flights were confirmed when we bought and paid for these tickets but airline schedules change. In fact, they told me on the phone that the "fall" series of schedule changes are about to be announced...geez, hope they don;t change again.:mad:


Now, to be somewhat fair they did re-book us (Me,DW,DD,DD) on a flight a day earlier (red eye) and now we actually get a few extra hours in Miami. I also saw that these four return tickets that cost us $2,800 in February, now cost $4,400! Sure am glad we purchased them when we did.:)


To all my fellow Canadians...BEWARE of flight changes...check today!

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Was re-checking our flights to Florida bought and confirmed this past February for this coming December. Much to our surprise our Toronto - Miami flight no longer exists.


When I called the airline (Air Canada) to inquire, they told me we were have been rescheduled to a flight the next day. I asked, "Why wasn't I informed of this change?".


Their response - "Because the rescheduled flight was later than our original flight, we would have learned of the change when we arrived at the airport. We do not inform customers of later rescheduling only of earlier rescheduling":eek:


We are a very organized family. In fact we are spending two days in Miami before our cruise, just to make sure we don't miss the boat. But I do know that some people still travel the same day.


Just another warning, CHECK and RECHECK your flight times over and over. Our flights were confirmed when we bought and paid for these tickets but airline schedules change. In fact, they told me on the phone that the "fall" series of schedule changes are about to be announced...geez, hope they don;t change again.:mad:


Now, to be somewhat fair they did re-book us (Me,DW,DD,DD) on a flight a day earlier (red eye) and now we actually get a few extra hours in Miami. I also saw that these four return tickets that cost us $2,800 in February, now cost $4,400! Sure am glad we purchased them when we did.:)


To all my fellow Canadians...BEWARE of flight changes...check today!


I don't think this only applies to AC.. as I have had many cancellation with other airlines as well.. but I agree.. I check my flights weekly when I book that far in advance.... just checked my AC flights for Sat.. and I am good to go;)

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Was re-checking our flights to Florida bought and confirmed this past February for this coming December. Much to our surprise our Toronto - Miami flight no longer exists.


When I called the airline (Air Canada) to inquire, they told me we were have been rescheduled to a flight the next day. I asked, "Why wasn't I informed of this change?".


Their response - "Because the rescheduled flight was later than our original flight, we would have learned of the change when we arrived at the airport. We do not inform customers of later rescheduling only of earlier rescheduling":eek:


We are a very organized family. In fact we are spending two days in Miami before our cruise, just to make sure we don't miss the boat. But I do know that some people still travel the same day.


Just another warning, CHECK and RECHECK your flight times over and over. Our flights were confirmed when we bought and paid for these tickets but airline schedules change. In fact, they told me on the phone that the "fall" series of schedule changes are about to be announced...geez, hope they don;t change again.:mad:


Now, to be somewhat fair they did re-book us (Me,DW,DD,DD) on a flight a day earlier (red eye) and now we actually get a few extra hours in Miami. I also saw that these four return tickets that cost us $2,800 in February, now cost $4,400! Sure am glad we purchased them when we did.:)


To all my fellow Canadians...BEWARE of flight changes...check today!

This is good advice for anyone, no matter what country you are flying from. Always check your flights on a regular basis to make sure that any changes will work for your travel plans.

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Wow - thanks for the heads up! I also would have (incorrectly) assumed that I would have been notified of ANY change! What a nightmare that would have been!


I usually check the flights - mostly for the seats! :D:D (ya okay so far I have the whole row to myself okay!....) Never thought I should check the actual flights - but I will now! On a direct (Air Canada) flight day before my February cruise so I will definitely be keeping my eye on that one!

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We to live in Ontario-and we leave from Buffalo now. Much, much cheaper. We went to Ft.Lauderdale in April of this year for $65.00-taxes included!!!! We are doing it again in October.


Wow - you're so lucky to be able to do that - but you should still be checking on your flights! (Even $65 flights can be rescheduled or even cancelled!:eek:)

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We to live in Ontario-and we leave from Buffalo now. Much, much cheaper. We went to Ft.Lauderdale in April of this year for $65.00-taxes included!!!! We are doing it again in October.

We too fly out of NY State - either Syracuse or Rochester - mega savings for sure!! I have not flown from Canada in years - we travel as a family of 4 and have saved anywhere from $1000 to $1500 dollars for 4 tickets!! it's insane how much cheaper it is compared to Ottawa/Montrea/Toronto.

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This thread issue of airline flight changes is why I am driving to Baltimore for my Pride cruise. That and the fact that I am cheap!:p

Seriously I really try to avoid all nonessential flights these days. Anything to avoid US customs especially during New-Year holiday period !


We are of course driving the day before and staying overnight in Baltimore.

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Me either, always fly from Detroit if possible.


BC Todd - would it not be less expensive to fly from the US for you guys??


Flying from the states for some of us is not a cheaper option.. considering.. driving time.. parking for the week.. hotel .. food.. gas.. it doesnt add up.. those of you close enough to do it.. good on ya.. but not everyone can or is willing to .. to save $100 bucks... not worth all that to me.. I want to get off the plane and be home in 20mins.. not 3 or 4 hrs...;)

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I've had all my flights change 4+ times and only found out because I looked online, they didn't contact me at all... no phone, no email. :mad: These different flights were (are) on Delta, Continental and American, and they all have my contact info, obviously.


Funny thing is... I've received 4 automated calls from Delta airlines in the last 18 months notifying of flight changes. Problem is, they aren't MY flights! They were all flights from MN - Austin, which I fly on a regular basis, but none of them were for MY flights. Seems that someone is booking flights on Delta and put MY home number instead of theirs? Just too weird....


The first time it happened, I wrote down the info the automated thingee gave me and took the time to call Delta to let them know they had informed the wrong person of a flight change. The next 3 times, I didn't bother. If you found that you had a flight change the first time and didn't check your personal info with the airline after that, it's your bad... not mine.


So yes, it's not just Canadian flights. Most flights change times and/or flight numbers on a regular basis, especially if you book them months in advance, which I always do.

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Flying from the states for some of us is not a cheaper option.. considering.. driving time.. parking for the week.. hotel .. food.. gas.. it doesnt add up.. those of you close enough to do it.. good on ya.. but not everyone can or is willing to .. to save $100 bucks... not worth all that to me.. I want to get off the plane and be home in 20mins.. not 3 or 4 hrs...;)


I hear ya - we would either have to drive to Duluth and overnight and park for x time or drive to Minni and do the same thing. If it is substantial savings then I would consider it but other costs some times takes away from the deal. And I too like to drive 10 mins and be home - not 4 or 9 hours later. Also, check for connecting times - these too change - they gave us 22 mins between flights at the Minni airport after one change - Superman could not have made the connection. I called and had it rescheduled. Keep a real close eye on flights as they can change up to 6 times before you actually fly out. This is an excellent thread to have started. Kuddos to you BC Todd Tbay-eh Cindy

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I guess this is good to know. In my many, many years of flying, I've never had a flight cancelled. I've had a couple flights diverted because of weather (Ice and Fog), but never had a flight cancelled, or rescheduled. Of course, I mostly fly SWA and it is pretty tight with it's flight schedule. Our next flight is the first one I've ever booked more than a few months in advance, but we're six weeks out and no change so far.


OP: I'm glad everything worked for you, and thanks, again, for the heads up.


Happy cruising to all!



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We live 30 minutes from the Buffalo Airport, cheaper direct flights, cheaper parking, no hassles of driving to Toronto. We always book flights that leave early in the morning, so there is very little wait at the border.


We never use the Canadian airlines

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Me either, always fly from Detroit if possible.


BC Todd - would it not be less expensive to fly from the US for you guys??

Always cheaper to fly from Bellingham Washington (one hour from home) or Seattle (about three hours). I am just too lazy to put up with the hassle espeically on the homeward leg. When I am coming home I am too lazy to put up with a long drive after landing then an hour or so at the boarder...


That's just me however, I understand the savings, but I hate the hassle:)

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Was re-checking our flights to Florida bought and confirmed this past February for this coming December. Much to our surprise our Toronto - Miami flight no longer exists.


When I called the airline (Air Canada) to inquire, they told me we were have been rescheduled to a flight the next day. I asked, "Why wasn't I informed of this change?".


Their response - "Because the rescheduled flight was later than our original flight, we would have learned of the change when we arrived at the airport. We do not inform customers of later rescheduling only of earlier rescheduling":eek:


We are a very organized family. In fact we are spending two days in Miami before our cruise, just to make sure we don't miss the boat. But I do know that some people still travel the same day.


Just another warning, CHECK and RECHECK your flight times over and over. Our flights were confirmed when we bought and paid for these tickets but airline schedules change. In fact, they told me on the phone that the "fall" series of schedule changes are about to be announced...geez, hope they don;t change again.:mad:


Now, to be somewhat fair they did re-book us (Me,DW,DD,DD) on a flight a day earlier (red eye) and now we actually get a few extra hours in Miami. I also saw that these four return tickets that cost us $2,800 in February, now cost $4,400! Sure am glad we purchased them when we did.:)


To all my fellow Canadians...BEWARE of flight changes...check today!


Thanks for the tip BC Todd! I will do so right now, since Im leaving in three weeks. I am only too familiar to "screwups" from Air Canada! :(:) Unfortuneately, I dont have much choice from here. Thanks again for tip, Im going to check now.

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AirTran cancelled ALL flights into Miami about a week ago out of DFW. I had been confused and scratching my head. Every time I tried to pull up prices .. it would tell me none available for a while. I thought maybe they have a cookie in my computer and know Im already booked?? (I know duh)


So, AirTran too is cancelling flights to Florida.

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Thanks for the tip BC Todd! I will do so right now, since Im leaving in three weeks. I am only too familiar to "screwups" from Air Canada! :(:) Unfortuneately, I dont have much choice from here. Thanks again for tip, Im going to check now.

You are welcome sparky8...


BTW, we are now on a red eye (Leave Vancouver at 10:40 pm and land in Toronto at 6:00 am). I have to work all day on our departure date, so I know after a few beverages, I will sleep most of the way. And now we land in Miami at 2:30 pm so we have an extra afternoon in Miami.


We actually don't leave on our cruise until the Monday. Now we are leaving on Friday night. Love longer holidays!;)

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I just checked my flights from Halifax to Toronto, then Toronto to Tampa for the end of September.... the iPhone ap from Air Canada says they are "On Time".... our returning flights for October 1 say "Scheduled"... I'm assuming that 31 days out is too far to say if they are on time. I'll check again tomorrow and maybe they will say "On Time" for a status....:)


Thanks for the "heads up" BC Todd.


The last time we flew to USA, our flight was changed 5 times between when we booked and when we flew.... and that time it was all Delta Airline, so it can happen with any airline. Checking is always a good idea, and it give us something else to do to pass the time until the cruise gets here.:rolleyes:

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Their response - "Because the rescheduled flight was later than our original flight, we would have learned of the change when we arrived at the airport. We do not inform customers of later rescheduling only of earlier rescheduling":eek:


That's terrible! :(


Here in the States the airlines don't tell you when your flight is cancelled or anything either. To get good prices, I booked my flights early for my February cruise and already I've had a two different cancellations (one for my flight out of the cruise port and one for the connecting flight for the return flight [which was changed when the first one was changed due to it being cancelled]), a flight number change (no time or airport change, just flight number), and another change or two that made their computers reassign the seats randomly (I need a bulkhead seat due to disability, but their computers don't take that into account even though by law they must give me that seat if I request it, so I have to call back each time their computer reassigns me to a different seat - last time they changed two planes' seats and put me all the way in the second-to-last rows even though both planes were barely booked!).


Just another warning, CHECK and RECHECK your flight times over and over. Our flights were confirmed when we bought and paid for these tickets but airline schedules change. In fact, they told me on the phone that the "fall" series of schedule changes are about to be announced...geez, hope they don;t change again.:mad:


Yes, EVERYBODY needs to do that, no matter what country they are in! (This is my urge to everybody; not a comment on the poster singling out Canadians.)


Now, to be somewhat fair they did re-book us (Me,DW,DD,DD) on a flight a day earlier (red eye) and now we actually get a few extra hours in Miami. I also saw that these four return tickets that cost us $2,800 in February, now cost $4,400! Sure am glad we purchased them when we did.:)


My flights have gone up in price since I booked, too, so I'm also glad I booked early - the hassle is worth it! :)

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We too fly out of NY State - either Syracuse or Rochester - mega savings for sure!! I have not flown from Canada in years - we travel as a family of 4 and have saved anywhere from $1000 to $1500 dollars for 4 tickets!! it's insane how much cheaper it is compared to Ottawa/Montrea/Toronto.


We live in upstate NY on the Canadian border and prior to 9/11 we went to Canada and flew out of Montreal or Ottawa. Not only was it cheaper than flying but, Montreal is 90 minutes east of us and Ottawa is 75 minutes west. Syracuse (the closest airport is 3 hours south), we now have to use as the rates to come into the US have skyrocketed. Rochester is 4 hours from us and they have direct flights more than Syracuse to Florida.


You can also cheapen flights to Europe by flying Delta from JFK to Europe and adding a short Jet Blue trip at $69 one way to JFK from Syracuse. The same flight from Syracuse to Europe will cost you much more than the short flight plus JFK to Europe. They also have direct flights to Milan and Rome, where Syracuse, you end up changing planes anyway. (sometimes twice)


All airlines combine flights and do away with some. We check frequently and do occassionally get an email but I wouldn't count on it. Most often they take a 1 pm flight on the day the cruise returns and make it a 6am flight which is not feasible.

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