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Packing for River Cruise...What to take and what to leave home


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You know, I never really thought about it...when it rained I wore whatever shoes I was wearing: hiking boots if we were walking on cobblestones or walking shoes if we weren't. I brought a rain jacket with a hood and zippered pouches for my camera and purse, but never really gave much thought to shoes. I will say this: we did have a few rainy days and I don't ever recall wet shoes being a problem.:o


You can buy a can of spray to waterproof your shoes. Got mine at Walmart.

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We did this cruise on the Poetry in Sep 2005. River cruising is very casual - comfy shoes (these can be sprayed to be water resistant) are a must. There is a lot of stair climbing and cobblestone road walking.


An umbrella. (As stated before get the waterproofing spray and treat light 'windbreaker' type jackets.)


Take a big light weight 'carryon' bag where you can keep bottled water, umbrellas,jackets, etc) while you are on tour. You can leave a lot on the bus - but I like to have water and maybe a light sweater when we get off the bus. The big bag also made carrying any purchases a lot easier. We often bought a bottle or 2 of local wine and carried it back to the ship.

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Great idea about water proofing spray.....I never heard of that, but I'll look for it next time I'm in Wal-Mart.


I bought a strap for my water bottle that makes carrying it very convenient because it can hang from my shoulder or go over my head. It keeps my hands free and the case absorbs any condensation from the bottle. It holds just about every size of personal water bottle except the really big ones.

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Thank you. I'm thinking of a sweat shirt, a vest, and a rain jacket. I'm hoping that works. From what I see of the present weather and the forecasts, there won't be any t-shirts and shorts days.


Don't know where you are going exactly, but temperatures today and tomorrow are 70°F in the Regensburg-Passau-area: perhaps not shorts-weather, but absolutely no-coat weather!

You can leave your shorts at home in general this time of the year.

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Don't know where you are going exactly, but temperatures today and tomorrow are 70°F in the Regensburg-Passau-area: perhaps not shorts-weather, but absolutely no-coat weather!

You can leave your shorts at home in general this time of the year.


Thank you. However, I'm going to Prague, Vienna, Budapest. And looking at their temperatures, the highs are in the mid 60's, and the lows in the 40's. And next week they are forecasting some highs in the 50's. I'm concerned about early morning and evening. I think I'll wait till the day before leaving and check the forecasts.

I just checked the 10 day forecast for Regensburg. It's 75 degrees now. But by the end of next week the highs are predicted to be in the 50's. This makes packing very difficult.

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Thank you. However, I'm going to Prague, Vienna, Budapest. .


Temperatures in the mentioned area are predicted to be dropping fast, still not below freezing but not too nice either. Take the 'onion' approach, lots of layers so yo can adapt to temperature changes and possible rain without overpacking.

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Great idea about water proofing spray.....I never heard of that, but I'll look for it next time I'm in Wal-Mart.


I bought a strap for my water bottle that makes carrying it very convenient because it can hang from my shoulder or go over my head. It keeps my hands free and the case absorbs any condensation from the bottle. It holds just about every size of personal water bottle except the really big ones.


Check in the shoe dept. where the shoe polish is.

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Don't know if it was mentioned, but a night light for the midnight head trip - don't want to break a toe on vacation. Also, during our trip this spring we noticed that all the French wore scarfs [everyone - maybe even some statues].

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Don't know if it was mentioned, but a night light for the midnight head trip - don't want to break a toe on vacation. Also, during our trip this spring we noticed that all the French wore scarfs [everyone - maybe even some statues].


Night light lives in my suitcase! For the reasons you mentioned, I never leave home without one....sometimes we don't need it, but when there isn't any light, it's very good to be able to find the bathroom in the middle of the night:D:D

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Night light lives in my suitcase! For the reasons you mentioned, I never leave home without one....sometimes we don't need it, but when there isn't any light, it's very good to be able to find the bathroom in the middle of the night:D:D


We just leave the bathroom light on, shut the door and that little crack underneath serves as a good night guide for us. Husband more often then I relies on it.

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I'm with you Kellie Poodle, what does it matter what you wear as long as you are comfortable. I always bring clothes that do double duty that i can wear casual or dressy with a change of jewelry. I like the idea of black trainers or similar for day and night and something that can be folded in half. This thread has been very good for ideas. Keep coming up with new ideas please that i can use for my cruise next spring.....thanks;)

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i brought along a pair of ecco sneakers that are mesh on the top, rather than leather and after getting wet in Bamberg, were totally dried out the next day. Turned out to be the perfect choice for me. Also have a pair of thick soled ecco walking sandals. have seen at least 6 pair on this cruise. The cobblestone walks makel for uneven and slippery

surfaces, so make sure you have a sturdy enough sole.


We have 4 more nights left and looking over my chothes supply I have several pieces I haven't worn yet. Obvioulsy overpacked. My dh packed a sport coat but last night at the captain's dinner, we counted less than 20. Definitely not needed on this cruise. Most men wore sweaters or a nice sports shirt. Women wore a wide range of clothing from dresses to dark jeans and pretty tops. Anything goes for women.

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Quote: Someone above said that most people on river cruises dress in the morning and keep the same outfit on till bedtime.....I think that's pretty accurate!


Ugh’ fancy sitting next to someone at dinner who hasn’t changed, they must whiff a bit after having had the same clothes on all day, I guess some people just get used to there own smell.

It makes me wonder if these people actually wash for dinner, even if they do wearing the same clothes would soon negate that.


River cruising sounds a bit more relaxed or free and easy, but one should dress a little more formal (or smarter) in the evening, if only in respect to fellow passengers who have taken the effort to shower and dress in a clean shirt & slacks/or Blouse & skirt etc, and to the crew who have presented their dinner as professionally as they can.


It doesn’t cost much to be smart on a more casual holiday, just the time to wash and change, there is a very big difference between casual, and scruffy, Do these people also wear working trousers (Jeans) and trainers in the evening? I wonder.


I'll bet the Captain and crew change their shirts for dinner, and I wonder what they think of us when they smell someone whiffing of daily B.O while bending over them to serve the food?

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Quote: Someone above said that most people on river cruises dress in the morning and keep the same outfit on till bedtime.....I think that's pretty accurate!


Ugh’ fancy sitting next to someone at dinner who hasn’t changed, they must whiff a bit after having had the same clothes on all day, I guess some people just get used to there own smell.

It makes me wonder if these people actually wash for dinner, even if they do wearing the same clothes would soon negate that.


River cruising sounds a bit more relaxed or free and easy, but one should dress a little more formal (or smarter) in the evening, if only in respect to fellow passengers who have taken the effort to shower and dress in a clean shirt & slacks/or Blouse & skirt etc, and to the crew who have presented their dinner as professionally as they can.


It doesn’t cost much to be smart on a more casual holiday, just the time to wash and change, there is a very big difference between casual, and scruffy, Do these people also wear working trousers (Jeans) and trainers in the evening? I wonder.


I'll bet the Captain and crew change their shirts for dinner, and I wonder what they think of us when they smell someone whiffing of daily B.O while bending over them to serve the food?



We always shower and change for dinner and I would say that about half of those on our cruise did as well. The Captain was always decked out and the waitstaff in their evening vests, etc.


Dinner is always a bit special for us when on vacation so we make an effort - just our preference.

Edited by caviargal
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Quote: Someone above said that most people on river cruises dress in the morning and keep the same outfit on till bedtime.....I think that's pretty accurate!


Ugh’ fancy sitting next to someone at dinner who hasn’t changed, they must whiff a bit after having had the same clothes on all day, I guess some people just get used to there own smell.

It makes me wonder if these people actually wash for dinner, even if they do wearing the same clothes would soon negate that.


River cruising sounds a bit more relaxed or free and easy, but one should dress a little more formal (or smarter) in the evening, if only in respect to fellow passengers who have taken the effort to shower and dress in a clean shirt & slacks/or Blouse & skirt etc, and to the crew who have presented their dinner as professionally as they can.


It doesn’t cost much to be smart on a more casual holiday, just the time to wash and change, there is a very big difference between casual, and scruffy, Do these people also wear working trousers (Jeans) and trainers in the evening? I wonder.


I'll bet the Captain and crew change their shirts for dinner, and I wonder what they think of us when they smell someone whiffing of daily B.O while bending over them to serve the food?


So how many times a day do you shower and change your clothes at home? :D I think what we're saying is that most people where the same clothes to dinner that we wore to breakfast.....I'm assuming everyone showers before breakfast...I am a retired professional person who would shower and dress for business every day and many days would wear the same clothes from morning commute to evening commute and I don't think I ever offended anyone. We "freshen up" before dinner, but with the packing restrictions in the US, we don't bring anything we don't absolutely need.

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So how many times a day do you shower and change your clothes at home? :D I think what we're saying is that most people where the same clothes to dinner that we wore to breakfast.....I'm assuming everyone showers before breakfast...I am a retired professional person who would shower and dress for business every day and many days would wear the same clothes from morning commute to evening commute and I don't think I ever offended anyone. We "freshen up" before dinner, but with the packing restrictions in the US, we don't bring anything we don't absolutely need.


I do appreciate your comment. I'm leaving on my cruise tomorrow, and I've tried to limit the amount of clothes I'm taking. So the fewer changes the better, and I would gladly not change for dinner.

However, there are some differences between wearing the same clothes from morning to evening commute, and a day of hectic touring followed by dinner with strangers. After your business day you go home for dinner, and your family accepts you the way you are. You can even take your clothes off and put on a robe. Strangers, unfortunately are more observant and critical.

Also, at home, I always take my showers in the morning. When I'm on vacation, I always take my shower after a rough day, and before dinner.

At this moment I do not know how I'm going to handle it. I'll play it by ear. If I can remain clean and fresh thru the day, I wont change. Otherwise, I'll change my top.

And I have one good thing going for me. The temperatures where I'm going are cold. I'll be wearing a jacket. So no one will see what I'm wearing. Boy, going on vacation is hard. Too many decisions!!

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It would be nice if we all could take enough clothes to change twice a day and have a nice fresh evening outfit each night for dinner. Packing restrictions and weight limits have made things very difficult to do that. We are now restricted to one checked bag and one carry-on, that makes it hard to pack all of that and be gone for three weeks! I certainly try not to come to dinner without freshening up, but you sure might see me in the same outfit a few times. Let's be reasonable, use the ship's laundry and if the weather is cool and we show up in the same clothes we came to breakfast in so what?

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I think with all the light none wrinkle materials out there, the weight probably isn't all that much of a problem. I go with a about 3 colors of clothing and find I can change a lot. I feel like the other posting, it makes you feel better. Even if you cat wash certain areas and put on a different top or jewelry and shoes I feel good to go.


A lot depends when and where you go, to freshen up gives you an up lift.


Now going on a Xmas mkt tour in Dec. could be another thing Coats all day long so just maybe taking that sweater you had on all day off for dinner will be enough to make you feel you have made a change.


Vacations are not just sightseeing it is the dressing also for me, don't get to wear all the clothes at home like I can on vacation


Glad I have a husband that likes to freshen up and change also. Plus he isn't a gene's person.


I will say the tour guides we had in July on GCT were not fancy dressers. They looked clean but stayed in the same clothes mostly everyday. To them it is work from sun up to sun down and more.


What ever, people anymore don't seem to care about dress.










At least men took their baseball hats off, more then you see in resturants in the USA most of the times.:rolleyes:

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We just returned from a Uniworld river cruise on the Rhine & Moselle Rivers. This was our first river cruise and I had the same question many have had as to what to wear for the two special dinner nights. The advise given by many was that casual (slacks and a nice shirt for men) was just fine. Based on this advise I left my sport coat and tie at home. Well, I was just about the only one without a coat. I would say that at least 80% of the men had on a sport coat, some with ties. There were even a few suits. This was my experience on this trip. I'm sure others, based on their comments, found casual to be just fine and I would agree but not for the Captain's night and Farwell Dinner night.

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It would be nice if we all could take enough clothes to change twice a day and have a nice fresh evening outfit each night for dinner.


I will have 2-3 outfits to wear for evenings over the course of a 16 night trip (10 on the water). I mix and match and pack light fabrics. No need for a fresh outfit each night as I am in it only for a few hours. And I certainly do not pack a new outfit for everyday. I can rinse out items or have a few laundered as needed.


We travel light as we have a number of trains to catch over the course of our 16 night trip and learned years ago that it is much easier to travel light. It is all about the fabrics and the mix and match.


As for showers, I take 2 at home each day and it is the same on vacation.

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Oh No! I finally convinced myself that travelling "light" was the way to go on our River cruise in Nov. I read a number of articles about packing for winter in Europe. I convinced myself that this was different than an ocean cruise. And now this thread.


We always clean up for dinner. Wash, change our tops,shower if we have time, etc.If the weather is hot we know we will need a lot more clothes.After all no shorts in the Dining Room. And 94 degree temps are different than in the 40s.


But this River Cruise has me a little befuddled. We have 3 days in Paris precruise and 2 additional days in Amsterdam after we get off the boat. This means dragging suitcases through airports and train stations. I thought that what we wear the night before would do for touring the next day. Otherwise 14 days x 2 outfits = 28 outfits. Yikes! I was only going to take 3 pair of cords and 1 or 2 pair of knit jeans including what I wear on the plane. Sweaters can be worn multiple times.


I would not want to be offensive to anyone and to the best of my knowledge we never have been. Should I rethink the amount of clothes we are taking? Those of you that have been on River Cruises this time of year what has been your experience and what is your best advice.


Thanks so Much!


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Hi all

On our last fly cruise I think our allowance was 23kg each, that’s a lot of clothes, and lets face it nowadays we don't carry the suitcase we pull it on wheels, so in my view there's no excuse for not taking enough clothes to change each evening, I myself just can't imagine dinning with other guests not having had a shower and a change of clothes, and I would not care to sit next to someone who had been tramping round the sights, and afterwards wearing the same clothes to dinner, I suppose that is acceptable at a holiday apartment, but not on a cruise ship.


It's all about personal standards, and we have all been in the vicinity of someone who whiffs a bit, and as I said previously, I suppose they just can't smell themselves.

Lets not forget it’s not always BO that’s the fault, as clothes will also take on smells from the daily grind, and sitting next to a smoker at dinner who’s wearing the same clothes that they had been smoking in all day does emit a nasty and acrid pong for people nearby.


Quote: I would say that at least 80% of the men had on a sport coat, some with ties. There were even a few suits. This was my experience on this trip. I'm sure others, based on their comments, found casual to be just fine and I would agree, but not for the Captain's night and Farwell Dinner night.]


I guess that says something about the good standards of Uniworld, and the type of cruisers that they attract, and I agree casual is fine on casual nights, but casual doesn’t mean wearing the same clothes all day and night.

All cruise companies have a brochure and usually within it a paragraph or two pointing out the ships dress code, and guests are expected to comply with it.

And yes HydroKitty, :-) even though I'm now retired, I still do shower every day.


Quote: Dinner is always a bit special for us when on vacation so we make an effort - just our preference.

Well done caviargal, me too :-)

Edited by Bar-fly
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