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US Customs & Security for Canadians.


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I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, but I must be using the wrong search terms or something because I keep getting mostly unrelated threads. And those that do seem related don't have an answer to my specific questions.


Keep in mind that I haven't left the country in over 10 years, so I'm in for a shock when it comes to customs and security, especially when flying to the USA. Sorry if they seem like stupid petty questions. But I want to ensure our journey goes as smoothly as possible. I hate talking to security and customs officers. It's like talking to a police officer. I just get flustered and nervous even though I've done nothing wrong.


--to fly into the USA I need to fill out an APIS form at Air Canada. APIS=Advance Passenger Information. It's required by US officials, apparently.


It asks for the destination address. The online APIS form says "If you are transferring to a cruise ship on the day you arrive in the U.S., you need to provide the name of the cruise ship, cruise line, and your port of embarkation."


I'm flying in the DAY BEFORE embarkation. We land at FLL at 8.30pm on Friday and the cruise departs from Port Everglades at 5pm on Saturday.


So if I take it literally, I put down the name and address of the hotel we're staying at for 1 night only. Correct? Or would I be better off actually putting down the cruise ship and cruise line name? I know it's a dumb question, but I really would like clarification on this. I don't want to get in front of the US Customs officer and find out I wrote down the wrong thing.


Also, the form will not accept "Crown Princess, Princess Cruise, Port Everglades". It's too long and won't accept it.


--I read somewhere that I can bring 200 cigarettes into the USA for personal use. That's a full carton. Do I need to carry this carton in my carry on? Or is it okay in my checked luggage? Do I need to carry my luggage thru US Customs are the Toronto airport? Or do I drop off my luggage first then go thru US Customs with only my carry-on bag? (FYI for those that don't know and might be confused with this question: US Customs pre-clears travellers to the US when flying out of Toronto, so when we land in our US destination we can just grab our checked luggage and go.)


--when returning from the cruise, we fly out of FLL at 2.35pm the same day the ship returns to Port Everglades. Do I need to declare my purchases to US customs? I filled out the immigration forms on the Princess website and when disembarking I put "In transit to Toronto" like they suggest. Does that mean I'm cleared thru US customs and then make my importing claims to Canada customs at the airport? Or do I need to claim my purchases at both borders? In short: how does US/Canada customs work on returning from a cruise for somebody getting off the ship, going straight to the airport, and flying back to Canada?


Any answer would be appreciated. It's still 108 days until we leave and I'm stressed out beyond imagination. I'm normally calm, cool, and collected. But not now. My mind won't be completely settled until I actually reach the stateroom, flop myself on the bed, and say "I'm finally here".

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Let me try to answer as many questions as I can, and I'm sure someone else will jump in as well.


  • Is the APIS something you fill out on the Air Canada website?
  • Sorry, can't answer your cigarette questions, but hopefully someone else can!
  • Yes, you carry your luggage through customs and then drop it off right before security and take your carry on through security. Highly recommend you get a cart right when you get to the airport and you can take that right through customs and drop it off when you drop your luggage off at security.
  • We always put our declarations on our US customs form when we leave the ship- they usually ask us if anything is staying in the US, we say no, and have never had a problem.

Happy sailing!:)

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Fill in the form with your hotel info. since you are staying the night pre cruise.

Check in with Air Canada when you arrive at T1 in Toronto to get your luggage tagged. This is usually where you fill in a form to take with you to U.S. customs.

Take your own luggage through U.S. customs-explain you will stay one night hotel pre cruise.

Drop off checked baggage and then take your carry on through security-might have to remove shoes, belt, and take laptop out of carryon to go through security. Watch each other's stuff going through security-so nothing disappears.

Pick up all belongings and head for departure gate. There is a lot of walking and the line ups seem to be much longer in the new terminal one bldg. going to U.S. so make sure to give yourself plenty of time to do this.

On return, on the plane, the stewardess will give you a card to fill in where you declare what you are bringing back to Canada. You show that to Canadian customs after you leave plane, get luggage and are ready to leave airport. You might want to pick up a booklet pre cruise at the airport called: I Declare explaining what you cannot bring back to Canada.

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I'm not sure about Toronto HOWEVER here in Montreal your luggage is with you when you talk to US customs . Carry your passport and declaration form with you Present it to the agent ,He will ask a few questions ...nothing too serious

If you carry food SAY SO .I always carry breakfast NO FRUITS or drinks .THey will ask where you are going..Usually if going on a cruise they don't bother you Declare your stuff/ciggies but advise it is going with you on ship.If you are spending time in the States SAY SO .They may ask where if you know Tell them

Then you go to screening and porters that ship big luggage away You may be selected to have your cases XRayed right there ..Just do it

Then you take your carry-on thru security .All liquids must be in VERY small format in CLEAR plastic bags .SHOW THEM Put them in your bin

Going home ASk which line to follow sometimes foreigners sometimes American

Make sure you arrive AT least 2 hours BEFORE your flight or even more US security can be long


I hope this helps

It should be ok Do not worry Happy Flights




If you are going to SJU GIVE yourself at least 3 hours to go thru all this in US .San Juan is a ZOO YOu need the extra time


Bon Voyage

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  • Is the APIS something you fill out on the Air Canada website?

Happy sailing!:)

Yes. It's under My Bookings and it keeps telling me to fill it in. My info is done. We're still awaiting my girlfriends passport, so that's probably why it keeps showing me a big red button telling me I need to complete that section. I think it said I have until 3 days before departure so it shouldn't be a problem.


...fantastic info...


...more fantastic info...


Thank you all very much. I think I'm OCD when it comes to stuff like that. I want everything to go smooth with less stress as possible. I know most people want that but I seem to take it to an extreme. I keep replaying in my mind what's going to happen and how I'm going to handle it.


So what is YYZ going to be like for a 5:25PM flight out on a Friday night in early January to the USA? The plan is to get to the Park'n'Fly around 1.30pm (2.00pm at the latest), take the shuttle over and begin the procedure. I won't be able to settle down until we're at the gate waiting. I don't care how early we are. That should be lots of time, right?


The only other thing that worries me is if we have to stand in line for long periods of time. I have arthritis in my back, hips, and feet and constant standing wears me out. That's also why I booked Executive Class seats on the plane because my legs haven't been the same since the last time I flew. It was Canada 3000 from Tampa>YYZ, a 737, all economy class, and was pure torture. It was that flight and the ensuing weeks of discomfort that eventually brought upon the diagnosis of arthritis, something which I knew was coming but not so soon in my life.


So, that being said, I guess executive class gets me, according to My Bookings at Air Canada, "Priority check-in, boarding and baggage handling". Please tell me if that's also supposed to mean a priority line for the security screening? Are these priority lines well marked and easily identifiable?


If anybody can settle my mind it would be sincerely appreciated.

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Do your boarding pass 24 hours in advance of your flight. All your passport information (APIS) has to be completed in advance. With executive class, you will have a separate counter at Air Canada to check in your luggage. No special line at US Immigration or screening. You now have to be at the gate 1 HOUR before flight to board. They say 3 hours for international flights, for screening, Immigration. Leave plenty of time, encase there are long line ups.


After Air Canada has put luggage tag on your luggage, you line up for US Custom & Immigration. You will need passport, boarding pass and US Customs Declaration form (one per family living at the same address). At the airline counter, pick up this form to fill out before going to US Custom & Immigration. Put your full hotel's address on this form as where you are staying. One time I put Disney World and I had to find the full address to fill in while in line. They usually ask, how long will be away, where are you going.


Once passed this area, there will be converyer belts to put your checked luggage on. You then go through the screening with your carry on luggage, the past 2 years, we have not had to remove our shoes. Terminal 1, I believe has the full body screening machine. You need your passport and boarding pass at the gate.


On your return, usually Princess will give you a US Declaration form to fill out a few days in advance of disembarkment. Put "In Transat" for where you are going. At the dock, you hand in the US Customs form. At the airport screening, you will have to remove your shoes and show passport and boarding pass. At the gate, you only need boarding pass. On the plane, they you give you Canadian Custom form. You go with through Canadian Custom, then pick up your luggage and then hand in form when you leave baggage area.


You can put your cigarettes in your check luggage.

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Just be very polite to the U.S. Customs officer, and all will be fine. I've been confused as to what to put on the declaration form before, and I've told them so. I will clarify that I'm staying in a hotel for one night, the cruise doesn't leave until tomorrow, etc., and they are fine with that.


If you are flying Executive Class, once you've been through security turn left and take the elevator to the Maple Leaf Lounge as you will have complimentary access. Have a well deserved beer and some snacks (for free) and you can start to relax and look forward to your cruise.


It'll all be fine. As long as you're being honest and polite, you won't have any problems. Worst case is that they send you for a secondary inspection. Again, if you're being honest and compliant, you will be fine and on your way.

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Okay, with the executive ticket you have free access to the Maple Leaf lounge. I'd check in online 24 hrs. prior to flight, print boarding passes, make sure you have the street address of your hotel so you can fill it in on the form you will hand in to U.S. customs before you go to your gate at YYZ. (this is besides the one you fill in online)

I just took an executive flight last month and noticed there are small carts that will transport those with walking problems to the lounge & gates. You'll see rows of seats along the walls of hallway to lounge & gates. Just sit in one of the seats and the cart will stop to pick you up.

Re: food and customs-read up on what's allowed to take. You won't need much as juice, pop, water, alcholic drinks, coffee etc, snacks like chips, cookies, fruit and a salad, main dish (ravioli) was offered in the lounge (no cost to you).

5:30pm on a Friday in January can be a VERY busy time-so it doesn't hurt to go earlier than 3 hours.

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Wow. Thanks for the info. It helps greatly.


So, here's my plan, judging from the responses in this thread. Please let me know if I've missed something.


1) The night before, I go online and do the web check-in (???) and print out my boarding passes.


2) go to bed, then haul my butt to the airport and try to get there by 2pm.


2a) go to the priority Air Canada check-in counter (???) and have him/her print our luggage tags, weighs it, and applies the tags. Then hands them back to me and hopefully points me to the US Customs line. Then I go to step 3. (Will this person give me the US Customs form?)




2b) go to one of those kiosk (???) thingys, scan that e-ticket I got in my email from Air Canada (with that black box barcode thingy) and print my luggage tags that way. If I do it thru the kiosk, is there somebody there to weigh the luggage or whatever and ensure I didn't totally screw everything up and can point me to the US Customs line? (also, if there is a person there, will they give us a US Customs form?) Really dumb question coming up: I assume the tags from these kiosk machines are self-adhesive, right?


3) go to US customs and pass thru as a family and only fill out 1 single form for my common-law girlfriend and I. We live in the same house but we don't have the same last name, but that doesn't matter does it? I list the address of the hotel in Ft. Lauderdale where we are spending the night. Tell the guy/gal we're spending the night in Ft. Lauderdale and then leaving on a 7 day cruise the next day. Tell them I have a carton of smokes in my checked luggage that I'm taking with me on the cruise. Note: no priority line for US customs, contrary to what Air Canada led me to believe.


4) go thru security one at a time. Empty my pockets into a little bin, including my wallet. Remove my belt and throw it in the bin too. Toss my carry-on and my jacket onto the belt. Take off my shoes if asked. Walk thru metal detector. Pick up my pants off the floor. Put belt back on. Wait for my girlfriend as she has pins in her knee and will set off the alarm (she sets off alarms at Wal-mart, Zellers, everywhere, without fail...every time.) Laugh at her as she gets taken to a private room and gets up close and personal with a security agent. Note: no priority line for security, contrary to what Air Canada led me to believe.


5) find the gate where our plane is, or is going to be.


6a) since the plane is scheduled to depart at 5:25pm, I figure if it's now 4:30 or later I better stay put right there at the gate. Don't they start boarding about 20-25 minutes before departure?


6b) if I've made it this far without strangling somebody and getting arrested and it's still early I guess we'll find our way to the Maple Leaf Lounge and get a drink or something. I assume there are monitors in there, and announcements and such, that'll tell me when our flight is boarding, right?


I'm sorry if I seem like an idiot. If there's one place in the world that causes me stress and gives me a headache - it's an airport.


If you request a wheel chair you will be zipped thru .Ask for one

DO NOT WORRY YOU WILL BE FINe If you go early you should be in your exclusive lounge nice and early

Bon Voyage



Well, my arthritis ain't that bad. :)


But thanks just the same for the suggestion.

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Keep in mind, there is no smoking inside the terminal anymore. So dont go in too too early.


Remember to print your boarding pass before you leave your house (you can do it 24 hours before your flight). This will save you a lineup at the airport.


The US declaration card is a blue card that you fill out. Just make sure you fill it out correctly and accurately as possible. When they ask if you are carrying fruit, it includes that banana ur carrying for a snack. -- and its not allowed.


You can carry cigrettes in your carry-on or checked in luggage. The duty in terminal 1 is past security and US customs. I don't remember the price but i think its around 60.00 for a carton (Don't quote me). What i do remember is that they usually have a special on Black Label - goes for about 40bucks which is a steal.

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Part of the high cost of that business class ticket is the use of that priority check-in counter, so I'd use that. Most of the people who would use that counter are frequent fliers, and they do this enough that they know how to use the kiosks better, so most of them use those instead of the counter. The attendant will point you in the direction of US screening and security.

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Wow. Thanks for the info. It helps greatly.


So, here's my plan, judging from the responses in this thread. Please let me know if I've missed something.


Hi Ra... Don't think you missed much... I'm sure one of those 6 plans will work.:) I'm like you and really worry about absolutely everything that cud happen when flying... not the plane or pilots etc. just all the crap you have to go thru just to get to the plane!!

Don't even think about US Customs & Immigration... they are GREAT!! Just be honest with them, and if you don't understand something.. just say so. They understand. Coming home is a little different.. that's when the questions begin!!


Unless you buy your smokes on the Res... buy them at duty-free, after you go thru security, saves about $20 in taxes.


All the things you're worrying about is why I drive to the US, and fly out of a US airport (plus it's about 1/4 the price!!). I know.. too late for you now, but think about BUF next time. RELAX.. you'll be fine.


Oh yeah... the thing bout your GF and the US Immigration form... just get her to fill out one as well, prob don't need it, but, what the hey, u got time and if they don't need it... they'll just throw it out, but your covered just in case!!


No luck needed.. but,as they say..Good Luck

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if you do online check in you don't need to go to kiosk. just ask someone where executive line is for luggage drop off for air canada. they will tag luggage, check your boarding pass, give you form to fill in for US customs and point you in right direction for customs and security lines.

Ask someone about priority line up, we didn't use it last time, but in past before new terminal we have gone through faster line when flying executive.

In the Maple Leaf lounge worth going to, there are monitors, computers and comfortable chairs.

Ask someone where gate is and how to get there. Rides are available if the walk is too much.

at the time of day you are going I'd say 3 hours prior to flight is usually what's recommended for luggage drop off.

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Hi Ra... Don't think you missed much... I'm sure one of those 6 plans will work.:) I'm like you and really worry about absolutely everything that cud happen when flying... not the plane or pilots etc. just all the crap you have to go thru just to get to the plane!!

Don't even think about US Customs & Immigration... they are GREAT!! Just be honest with them, and if you don't understand something.. just say so. They understand. Coming home is a little different.. that's when the questions begin!!


Unless you buy your smokes on the Res... buy them at duty-free, after you go thru security, saves about $20 in taxes.

Normally I'm calm, cool, and collected. But for some reason I'm a worry-wart about this cruise. It's with my long-time girlfriend and it's our first real vacation with just the two of us. She hasn't flown in over 30 years, if I remember correctly. But like you, it's not the plane or the flight itself that is causing me grief. It's just the ordeal of the airport that has me a little stressed out.


I guess I just want everything to go smooth, unlike the last time I flew in 2000 when I took my daughter to Disney. With permission from my ex-wife and armed with a notarized letter I was still given such a difficult time that it really dampened our spirits quite a bit. Until we left the ground. Then all was forgiven and forgotten. As a parent I completely understand why the airlines want to be certain of what they're doing and allow me to leave the country with my daughter. Totally understand. But going thru the ordeal personally was quite unnerving.


RE: Smokes @ Duty Free. I do buy my cigarettes on a reserve, but not those no-name smokes made by sweeping the cigarette factory floor. Mine are name brand Canadian cigarettes but are such an oddball and low selling brand that I cannot get any other retailer to stock them for me. Except one store on the reserve, in which I have to drive 20 minutes to get to. I pay the same price as the popular name brands they sell, and I pay the appropriate taxes, but it's still cheaper than any other retailer located off the reserve.


I plan on looking at the duty-free at YYZ but I would really be surprised if they stock them. I'll eat my hat if they do.


if you do online check in you don't need to go to kiosk. just ask someone where executive line is for luggage drop off for air canada. they will tag luggage, check your boarding pass, give you form to fill in for US customs and point you in right direction for customs and security lines.

Ask someone about priority line up, we didn't use it last time, but in past before new terminal we have gone through faster line when flying executive.

In the Maple Leaf lounge worth going to, there are monitors, computers and comfortable chairs.

Ask someone where gate is and how to get there. Rides are available if the walk is too much.

at the time of day you are going I'd say 3 hours prior to flight is usually what's recommended for luggage drop off.

So this luggage drop off is monitored by staff? Okay, I guess I was assuming it was just a big drop off carousel.


Thanks for the advice.


Keep in mind, there is no smoking inside the terminal anymore. So dont go in too too early.

No smoking whatsoever? Heh. The last time I was there they had these little rooms that were completely enclosed. They're gone now?


Oh well. I'm a long-time smoker but I can go hours and hours and hours without one. Yeah, I get the urge periodically but it goes away a minute later. If we get to the airport at 2pm, fly out at 5.25pm, land at 8.30pm, and I get out of FLL at 9pm...that's only 7 hours. I can handle that....I hope.

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My goodness you have loads of great advice here and from a fellow Canadian I don't think I can add too much. If you have an AMEX card you can get priority security clearance even without an Executive Class ticket, however that does not mean you get treated any differently and I have always had to take my shoes off when going to US even flip flops so maybe with the new devices that part has been eliminated. The Maple Leaf lounge is the best place to go after you have cleared US customs and security. They will ask to see your boarding pass and will call you when you must go to the gate. Try and enjoy the pre flight time...it goes by so quickly that it should be a good experience too.

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re: shoes-we had to remove shoes last month going through security at YYZ terminal one


Maple Leaf Lounge-it was so busy last month when we were in there, they did not call us for our flight...we watched the boards and our watches so we were at the gate in lots of time for boarding.

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