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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Thanks for the heads up on the other thread! I'm working my way through it...and it is quite a long one!!


I think the thing that has always been challenging to me is that my mom is a classic winter with that "Snow White" look...light skin and dark, dark hair and eyes. I LOVE her colors and she is very dramatic in her choices. But...my own coloring is very different than hers and is very warm with ivory skin, and the coppery hair, and dark brown eyes.


The problem for me is I don't really LIKE the warm muted colors except for a few. Warm colors look better on me than cool. But if I have to wear warm, I tend to LIKE more in the spring/fire pallet...but it's more about colors I like than what looks best on me. I am confident that I'm warm...but I'm not convinced that those rusts, and muddy golds are my best. But is it my dislike of the colors in general?


I will post more on the other thread AFTER I read it all!!




have fun reading the seasons thread. It has lots of interesting "stuff" to read.

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how did your phone interview go yesterday? Hope it went well.


Thanks for asking! It was postponed to tonight since the manager is away on travel. I am prepared: since it is a phone interview I have my 2 computers already set up ready to assist, kind of like phoning a friend on the gameshow. One monitor will be set up to the company's corporate website so I can ask intelligent questions, and one computer will be set up with examples of my work so I can confidently speak about what I do without being tongue-tied ( it's like my own personal tele-prompter).


I will also have my good luck piece in front of me and some gold coins for good financial success. I have picked out my FIRE colors (a blue sweater and sunshine yellow scarf) because blue is a calming but vibrant color and yellow is the color of intellect and memory like a Post-It note. :D


No more caffeine for me today so I can focus without coffee's adrenaline rush. I plan to take a long calming walk in the woods this afternoon with my dog to help loosen me and relax my muscles.

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Ladies, I just posted this picture of me when I was 12. I was a FIRE then, even with red hair and freckles! Still a FIRE, too!


This picture makes me laugh because my Mom just discovered it somewhere and posted it on FB today!! Many years ago my family had a major house fire so when we find an intact photo somewhere it is a real GIFT!! There are so few photos left!





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Thanks for asking! It was postponed to tonight since the manager is away on travel. I am prepared: since it is a phone interview I have my 2 computers already set up ready to assist, kind of like phoning a friend on the gameshow. One monitor will be set up to the company's corporate website so I can ask intelligent questions, and one computer will be set up with examples of my work so I can confidently speak about what I do without being tongue-tied ( it's like my own personal tele-prompter).


I will also have my good luck piece in front of me and some gold coins for good financial success. I have picked out my FIRE colors (a blue sweater and sunshine yellow scarf) because blue is a calming but vibrant color and yellow is the color of intellect and memory like a Post-It note. :D


No more caffeine for me today so I can focus without coffee's adrenaline rush. I plan to take a long calming walk in the woods this afternoon with my dog to help loosen me and relax my muscles.


You've totally got all of your bases covered :) Good luck!

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Ladies, I just posted this picture of me when I was 12. I was a FIRE then, even with red hair and freckles! Still a FIRE, too!


This picture makes me laugh because my Mom just discovered it somewhere and posted it on FB today!! Many years ago my family had a major house fire so when we find an intact photo somewhere it is a real GIFT!! There are so few photos left!






I can see much of that 12 year old in you today. The years have been good to you.


A house fire has always been one of my fears. You can have anything but, my family, animals and pictures.

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Thanks so much, Anita. It's a lonely road to walk, isn't it? What kind of dog was Molly? I'm sorry for your loss too. It really is heartbreaking. We really are so thankful to have Caico at home. Every day she's made progress. We just want to take care of her and know that she's happy and pain free.


Molly was my first ever kitty. I grew up with dogs...Mom mentioned Callaway, our beloved golden lab...and I never thought to be a cat person. Truth be told, I am still not much of a cat person, but I really love my own kittys. Toby, Molly's brother, is still with us. He is going strong and does not at all act like an almost 11 year old kitty.


Molly, aged 3, was accidentally locked into a basement room when we went on a week-long holiday trip. Friends that were checking in on the kittys just thought she was shy and never realized she was locked in a room without food or water. She survived...but she went anorexic again after one of our moves...they say a cat will have a tendency to do this if it has ever happened to them before...and the last upset was just too much for her, she became anorexic again and she would not recover from it again. Major liver issues result with a cat not eating, and she also stopped drinking. We made a hard decision.


Mom's words were invaluable. She said that Molly loved us, trusted us, and relied on us to take care of her her whole life. With pets, this also includes tough decisions for care at the end of their earthly life. Good care of our beloved pets takes many different forms, and sometimes, it's a heartbreaking thing, but it is the best care to give to make that tough decision.


I think our pets feel better at home and with home care. Just like people usually do. It's wonderful to hear that about your Caico. Molly did that during her second sickness. She was so happy to be home... I'm sure that Caico is feeling the same.


Have a great time with your parents! I'm excited and looking forward to sharing pictures and thoughts with both you and Pam :) It will be fun to share with you both.


Thanks! It will be a fun project. I haven't seen the latest go 'round of shopping that Mom did, so it will be fun to see everything. It will be a fun project for us to share with everyone.


Thanks for the heads up on the other thread! I'm working my way through it...and it is quite a long one!!


That thread is SOOOO LONG!! But if you work your way through it, there is great information there. It comes in spurts. People join in and talk about personal coloring, but then there is a lot of general color talk as people get enthused about discovering their palattes.


I think the thing that has always been challenging to me is that my mom is a classic winter with that "Snow White" look...light skin and dark, dark hair and eyes. I LOVE her colors and she is very dramatic in her choices. But...my own coloring is very different than hers and is very warm with ivory skin, and the coppery hair, and dark brown eyes.


The problem for me is I don't really LIKE the warm muted colors except for a few. Warm colors look better on me than cool. But if I have to wear warm, I tend to LIKE more in the spring/fire pallet...but it's more about colors I like than what looks best on me. I am confident that I'm warm...but I'm not convinced that those rusts, and muddy golds are my best. But is it my dislike of the colors in general?


I will post more on the other thread AFTER I read it all!!


I understand about what colors you like and dislike and how that can be influencing your feelings about wearing certain colors. My only recommendation on that is to do the diagnostic pictures. See what happens to your appearance in the different colors in the photographs. Perhaps when you look at the colors that aren't your favorites, but see how complementary they are (if indeed they are your colors), this may influence your feelings about them. The diagnostic pictures of Dyan of a really great, recent example of seeing how the different colors affect your appearance.


Ladies, I just posted this picture of me when I was 12. I was a FIRE then, even with red hair and freckles! Still a FIRE, too!


Thanks for sharing this photo! I love seeing younger pictures of people. I'm always interested to see how people look at the different ages. Your eyes are still so YOU! Beautiful!


Thinking good thoughts for you and your interview today. You sound well prepared and I love the calming, focusing plan of the walk outside. I don't know the validity of the idea, but I recently read a bit about what is called GROUNDING. You might try standing in your barefeet (or just non-rubber soled shoes) against the earth. Something about the ions...It's supposed to be very relaxing and calming, kind of like what happens when you lay on the beach...your body gets into contact with the earth and the earth's negative ions are able to attach to the free radicals in your body...it's like a natural anti-oxidant to ground yourself...supposed to be very cleansing...let us know how the interview goes!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Molly was my first ever kitty. I grew up with dogs...Mom mentioned Callaway, our beloved golden lab...and I never thought to be a cat person. Truth be told, I am still not much of a cat person, but I really love my own kittys. Toby, Molly's brother, is still with us. He is going strong and does not at all act like an almost 11 year old kitty.


Molly, aged 3, was accidentally locked into a basement room when we went on a week-long holiday trip. Friends that were checking in on the kittys just thought she was shy and never realized she was locked in a room without food or water. She survived...but she went anorexic again after one of our moves...they say a cat will have a tendency to do this if it has ever happened to them before...and the last upset was just too much for her, she became anorexic again and she would not recover from it again. Major liver issues result with a cat not eating, and she also stopped drinking. We made a hard decision.


Mom's words were invaluable. She said that Molly loved us, trusted us, and relied on us to take care of her her whole life. With pets, this also includes tough decisions for care at the end of their earthly life. Good care of our beloved pets takes many different forms, and sometimes, it's a heartbreaking thing, but it is the best care to give to make that tough decision.


I think our pets feel better at home and with home care. Just like people usually do. It's wonderful to hear that about your Caico. Molly did that during her second sickness. She was so happy to be home... I'm sure that Caico is feeling the same.


I'm sorry, I assumed Molly was a dog:o My Mom had a cat named Molly too. A pretty calico.


We love all kinds of animals at our house. We have or have had: dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, anoles, hermit crabs and fish. I draw the line at snakes and spiders though:D


I know you're right about those tough decisions but, I just don't want to think about that.


I can't wait for you and your Mom to get together at one spot. We'll have a virtual gab fest :)

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Hello Ladies!


I hope everyone is filled with Christmas spirit NOT stress!!


Mom and Dad arrive in four days!!! I'm so excited. We are looking forward to some diverting fashion/travel convo.


My son's teacher has a store on her favorites list that I had never heard of before. It is called Charming Charlie. His teacher is a pretty cute young stylin' person, so I checked out the store. The website says:


Charming Charlie: "A chic fashion accessories boutique, uniquely organized by color, that offers an overwhelming selection of all of the finishing touches to help you complete your outfit - fashion jewelry, handbags, scarves, belts," (my emphasis!)


I don't know if there is a location in your area. I haven't been yet, but I'm taking Mom there while she's here. I'm looking forward to seeing if it is a good as it appears to be online. Here's the link:




Looks like a great resource. If anyone checks it out, I'd be interested to hear about their experience. I wonder if the merchandise would vary at all by location...we could all compare notes...


Have a great day everyone! :)

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Hello Ladies!


I hope everyone is filled with Christmas spirit NOT stress!!


Mom and Dad arrive in four days!!! I'm so excited. We are looking forward to some diverting fashion/travel convo.


My son's teacher has a store on her favorites list that I had never heard of before. It is called Charming Charlie. His teacher is a pretty cute young stylin' person, so I checked out the store. The website says:


Charming Charlie: "A chic fashion accessories boutique, uniquely organized by color, that offers an overwhelming selection of all of the finishing touches to help you complete your outfit - fashion jewelry, handbags, scarves, belts," (my emphasis!)


I don't know if there is a location in your area. I haven't been yet, but I'm taking Mom there while she's here. I'm looking forward to seeing if it is a good as it appears to be online. Here's the link:




Looks like a great resource. If anyone checks it out, I'd be interested to hear about their experience. I wonder if the merchandise would vary at all by location...we could all compare notes...


Have a great day everyone! :)


Hi Anita,


I looked up the store and we have one not too far from us. I've never heard of it though. Looks like a fun place. It would be fun for any of us to go to one and then we could all "discuss and compare" ideas, colors, etc. Fun idea :)


I'm excited for your Mom and Dad to visit you and I'm not even related to you guys :eek: I'm sure you'll all have fun and I'll bet your son is excited too. Hope the next four days go quickly.

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just a heads-up. Of course, there are sales everywhere after the holidays, but VS is my go-to for that.


And I also wanted to post today just to say: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!




Hi, I haven't posted on this thread but I posted a lot on the other season thread. I'm still having a lot of problems picking the right colors. I just don't get it sometimes. I also love VS and buy a lot of clothes from there. I plan to shop online for those early Jan sales, so I would love to compare stuff with you. Maybe we can figure out the fire colors.


They also have great codes which I find by typing in VS codes on google

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As an example, which of these colors are fire?


My guesses are

Enchanting pink, Aquarium,deep aubergine and maybe the Heather?


and what about this one?



I really like this dress and i think maybe the Aquarium, Cobalt, Violet rose, and Chocolate are fire?



Edited by JennyMominRI
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Winter butting in :D


Chattie Kathie, if you like romantic styled clothes, check out http://www.anthropologie.com, http://www.shopruche.com and http://www.modcloth.com. All have romantic, vintage styled clothes and in various pallets. There are often styles I turn down because they are too much the opposite of what will look good on me. (I'll cheat on my season with some summer colors, but never towards the warm seasons)

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As an example, which of these colors are fire?


My guesses are

Enchanting pink, Aquarium,deep aubergine and maybe the Heather?


and what about this one?



I really like this dress and i think maybe the Aquarium, Cobalt, Violet rose, and Chocolate are fire?




Hi Jenny,


welcome to the conversation :)


I'm still in a steep learning curve on my new Fire palette but, my guesses on the VS colors that you posted are that none of them are good Fire colors. The chocolate could be a possible but appears too cool brown???


I struggle with the perfect Fire warm blue and bright warm violet the most.


TerriSea (FIRE) and Anita Latte (EARTH) are much more in tune with the color scale than I. Hopefully, they will post and give a more definitive answer :)

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Winter butting in :D


Chattie Kathie, if you like romantic styled clothes, check out www.anthropologie.com, www.shopruche.com and www.modcloth.com. All have romantic, vintage styled clothes and in various pallets. There are often styles I turn down because they are too much the opposite of what will look good on me. (I'll cheat on my season with some summer colors, but never towards the warm seasons)


Hi Dawn,


all palettes and color comments are welcome :D

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As an example, which of these colors are fire?


My guesses are

Enchanting pink, Aquarium,deep aubergine and maybe the Heather?


Jenny, we've talked about this before...the difficult thing about trying to identify colors online, and especially when manufacturer's don't take pictures of the garment in the different colors.


When you click on the different colors, the shirt changes to a color that has been selected with computer software. Basically, you have a graphic designer sitting in front of a computer with a color selection tool, the designer selects a color that they think represents the color of the item for sale as best they can, but there is no guarantee that the color represented is an accurate representation of the actual color IRL.


The best photo to use to try to analyze the colors in the one where they have the shirts stacked up.



I hate to say this...but most often, what I have found is that the color options for most manufacturers tend to stay on either the warm or the cool side. The exceptions to this are black and white. But if you see gray in the color mix, then most often the colors that are also available are cool colors. If you see browns/tans in the color mix, then most often the colors are warm. If you see the whole spectrum of color, like LLBean for instance, then this doesn't apply...because they are offering a true variety...


I think that it has to do with merchandising...the grouping of colors in such a way gives the perception of variety while still having the individual colors look pretty good. Mix up all the color temperatures and you get colors that don't look as good...


Given that...and taking a look at how this photo blends fairly well...my guess is that all of these colors are cool colors. The colors MAY be warm (there is such a thing as warm gray...). The blue, purple, and magenta (bottom color) would be FIRE if any were IRL, but you'd have to see them IRL to be sure.



Just reporting what my screen sees...my FIRE guesses would be Deep Aubergine (it's the photo color and I think it is blending with the brownish color in the background) and Navy, surprisingly, which looks quite warm in the swatch, especially compared to the Pale Iris next door. I would chance those two.


I really like this dress and i think maybe the Aquarium, Cobalt, Violet rose, and Chocolate are fire?




That is a beautiful neckline! I agree with your maybe colors. The color swatch for the Deep Aubergine on this one looks really muted. It is a different fabric than the other shirt, so perhaps it took the color differently? Or it's a different lot. The dress should be super flattering on...matte jersey is a great draping fabric. Being a polyester, it should travel like a dream too.


I don't know that I was much help...except to say that I think your guesses are good guesses for online shopping. I'd love to hear what everyone else sees. Monitors vary...

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Jenny, we've talked about this before...the difficult thing about trying to identify colors online, and especially when manufacturer's don't take pictures of the garment in the different colors.


When you click on the different colors, the shirt changes to a color that has been selected with computer software. Basically, you have a graphic designer sitting in front of a computer with a color selection tool, the designer selects a color that they think represents the color of the item for sale as best they can, but there is no guarantee that the color represented is an accurate representation of the actual color IRL.


The best photo to use to try to analyze the colors in the one where they have the shirts stacked up.



I hate to say this...but most often, what I have found is that the color options for most manufacturers tend to stay on either the warm or the cool side. The exceptions to this are black and white. But if you see gray in the color mix, then most often the colors that are also available are cool colors. If you see browns/tans in the color mix, then most often the colors are warm. If you see the whole spectrum of color, like LLBean for instance, then this doesn't apply...because they are offering a true variety...


I think that it has to do with merchandising...the grouping of colors in such a way gives the perception of variety while still having the individual colors look pretty good. Mix up all the color temperatures and you get colors that don't look as good...


Given that...and taking a look at how this photo blends fairly well...my guess is that all of these colors are cool colors. The colors MAY be warm (there is such a thing as warm gray...). The blue, purple, and magenta (bottom color) would be FIRE if any were IRL, but you'd have to see them IRL to be sure.




Just reporting what my screen sees...my FIRE guesses would be Deep Aubergine (it's the photo color and I think it is blending with the brownish color in the background) and Navy, surprisingly, which looks quite warm in the swatch, especially compared to the Pale Iris next door. I would chance those two.




That is a beautiful neckline! I agree with your maybe colors. The color swatch for the Deep Aubergine on this one looks really muted. It is a different fabric than the other shirt, so perhaps it took the color differently? Or it's a different lot. The dress should be super flattering on...matte jersey is a great draping fabric. Being a polyester, it should travel like a dream too.


I don't know that I was much help...except to say that I think your guesses are good guesses for online shopping. I'd love to hear what everyone else sees. Monitors vary...




I hoped you might post. I always like to read others questions and hopefully learn from them.


I just wouldn't have guessed that any of those would be good Fire matches :o


I did learn something else though-- if the colors are pictured with mostly browns/tans or grays that that would tip the scale in either the warms or the cools :)

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I hoped you might post. I always like to read others questions and hopefully learn from them.


I just wouldn't have guessed that any of those would be good Fire matches :o


I did learn something else though-- if the colors are pictured with mostly browns/tans or grays that that would tip the scale in either the warms or the cools :)


I don't really think any of them ARE good Fire colors...but you never know! :rolleyes: And I have to make allowances for the shortfalls of online shopping.


One of the best things that has happened in the world of shopping is the availability of so much online. It's just important for everyone to understand return policies! :D There is a cost/benefit to ALL shopping...whereas the cost of gas/time is for real life, the potential for returns and time associated is the cost for online shopping. The more we compare notes though, I think the more we can reduce the potential for returns...


One bummer about VS is that I don't think one of us could head down to the mall to check out the colors...so much is catalog or online only for their non-lingerie clothing. Correct me if I'm wrong...the mall is one exit down the way...we would gladly head on over there next week and test all the colors! If it works for Mom, FIRE, for me, EARTH, for Dad, ICE, and if none of us...AIR! We are a FIERCE shopping team!

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I don't really think any of them ARE good Fire colors...but you never know! :rolleyes: And I have to make allowances for the shortfalls of online shopping.


One of the best things that has happened in the world of shopping is the availability of so much online. It's just important for everyone to understand return policies! :D There is a cost/benefit to ALL shopping...whereas the cost of gas/time is for real life, the potential for returns and time associated is the cost for online shopping. The more we compare notes though, I think the more we can reduce the potential for returns...


One bummer about VS is that I don't think one of us could head down to the mall to check out the colors...so much is catalog or online only for their non-lingerie clothing. Correct me if I'm wrong...the mall is one exit down the way...we would gladly head on over there next week and test all the colors! If it works for Mom, FIRE, for me, EARTH, for Dad, ICE, and if none of us...AIR! We are a FIERCE shopping team!


It's very rare to find actual VS clothes in the store aside of lounge/sleepware. It's a shame. However, many of their various clothes use the exact same colors, so you may be able to look at a pair of PJ's in the same color as the shirts or dressed. We do have a VS outlet in Wrentham. I hope to make a trip to it this winter to check things out. I'd think they would have more actualing clothin

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I wanted to share that we lost our beautiful Lab, Caico yesterday. Thankfully, our Vet was able to come to our home and euthanize her. It was just a terrible day for her and for us.


We're really thankful that we were able to bring her home and take care of her the last couple of weeks and she was so glad to be home too.


What a beautiful soul Caico was! We're going to miss her terribly.


Anita and Pam,


are you having a great visit? I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures and "getting away" a little bit :)

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Kim...I'm so sorry to read about Caico. Prayers for you and your family.


I'm sitting here, watching Elf with the family (which I've seen A LOT because we think it's hilarious and Mom has never seen it before...), looking through the first memory card worth of pictures, trying to figure out how to start posting...there are SO MANY pictures!!


Knowing that you would like a little lighthearted reading, I'll start posting...my end will probably be more about the clothes...I'll get Mom to post a bit on a few travel photos to add to the story...

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Hello Ladies...


I will be making my photo selections from this vast array of possibilities. I will be commenting on Mom's outfits.


And I will be adding travel notes...Pam


This post will be focused on that all important decision...what to wear when traveling for an overnight, international flight. Without further ado...


Welcome to Rome...this is travel/arrival day in Italy. Flying for hours from Arizona to Italy...this is what Mom wore for traveling...


The whole outfit is Chico's. Chosen for comfort and ease of travel. The outfit is:


Milk chocolate outerwear...

"Chocolate Chip" Travelers long-sleeved shirt...


Dansko shoes...

Pac-Safe traveling messenger style bag in dark brown...


Captured here using a guide map app on her iPod, you can see the outfit in Rome...you can just see the shirt peeking out underneath her jacket.


Here I am. What happened to me that day was that I had to get up at 4:30am to head to the airport. I was supposed to arrive early because I had a one-way ticket and the airline's website wouldn't let me check in online. When I called to find out why, they told me that I would have to be there early because I would have to answer some serious security questions. Well, I didn't. Checkin took me all of 5 minutes, but we then had so much preflight time!


We went from Phoenix Sky Harbor to Washington Dulles Airport. We arrived at noon-ish, Washington, DC time and decided to try to get into a different time zone by having lunch (which included a glass of wine to help us with the adrenaline and trying to sleep on the plane idea). After a 2-hour layover, we boarded the flight to Rome, which would arrive at 8:30am the next day.


My effort with the clothes was to wear something that would serve a few purposes: be comfortable on the plane and allow me to be presentable to others on my travel day because I wouldn't be able to get into other clothing until our hotel room would be available for check in. So, after a lot of thought, I settled on the elastic waistband jeggings and the travelers' fabric top. Since I didn't sleep well on the plane, you can imagine how I felt on the first day.




Mom wanted to be sure that I mentioned that this IS travel day! She is seriously jet lagged...This is the Trevi fountain...




Here we are grabbing a bite to eat...and having to exercise the Italian lessons on a menu...while jet lagged...LOL!...Mom can tell a great story about that car in the background...as I am not the traveler, I will not tell it...here you can see the dark chocolate colored Traveler's shirt. This color, combined with the gold accents, and set in the oh-so complementary to FIRE setting (creams, golds, warm green), she can look great all the while posing appropriately for the moment...LOL.


OK. So, look at the car in the background! For those who haven't been in Rome, one of the most amazing things about the area is the traffic and the drivers. I have to mention that the shuttle driver from the airport to the Rome historic centre was frightening... very, very frightening. He rolled into the car behind us and just gave a, ahem, Roman gesture to the driver who laid on his horn at the bump. He also slammed the shuttle into a building when he was backing up because he tried to go down a street that was too small for his car AND the mirrors that were semi-attached (probably because of his prior driving attempts).


Anyway, sitting at a sidewalk cafe is quite an experience. You share the area with pedestrians, other cafe patrons, and CARS!! They simply drive wherever there is the remotest possibility of getting through. While we were sitting at the cafe, not only several cars but also one truck came roaring by. No one paid the slightest attention to the cars, but when the truck came rumbling by, a beautiful young woman looked startled, said "Mama Mia!" and slammed her body into the table, making herself as small as possible, and ducked! The truck rumbled by while she was leaning over the table, as the side mirrors passed over her head. After the truck was beyond her, she just scooted her chair back to its previous position and kept reading the menu. Very funny. Notice I am sitting closer to the wall.




Because I want to share some "mood" photos of Rome...I include this one of a piazza...I love this photo...there are spots of FIRE colors here...the orange, the turquoise...and you can see how Mom's outfit totally goes with these colors...the jeggings and the outerwear are great FIRE neutrals...


On another note...I happen to think that this is a pretty stylin' travel outfit...Mom looks totally at home here in the piazza...even as she is totally dressed for comfort in stylin' leggings and traveler's knit...




Here we are at the Terrace Bar...the rooftop hotel bar for the hotel clients only. The sun is setting and Mom is looking fabulous in the warm glow of the evening. And DAD, in his ICE colors is also looking handsome...




Our joint report will continue...


Tomorrow we're going to Venice by train. We stayed in Rome for the first travel day to help us get over our jet lag. Also, because we're taking a cruise, we're going to leave our bigger suitcases at the hotel and just travel to Venice with our carryon luggage. A few outfits... definitely layers because of the weather and the effort to travel as light as possible in the luggage, not only for having to lug the suitcases on the train (and water taxi!) but also for the weight of the luggage.

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