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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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I interrupt Kim's vacation fashion report to bring you the official FIRE report for Forever 21...


Mom decided that she would really like some of the inexpensive (HELLO!! $2.50!) camis from Forever 21...could I go get them for her? And to make a short story long...the store was REARRANGED today from only yesterday and where the beautiful sunny yellow camis had been the day before...was NOT where they were today...after much help from sales people walking around looking for the RIGHT yellow...because the not so sunny yellow camis folded on a nearby display were the WRONG yellow...I was directed to the "basics" area...upstairs...I have a SUPER Forever 21 apparantly...


Enter the "basics" area...OMG Ladies...so many styles in very basic inexpensive solid colors shirts and leggings...camis, tanks, cap sleeve tees, some long, some normal, OMG...in ALL colors that you could possibly imagine!! It's the motherload of selection for all color enthusiasts...


I thought that I found 7 perfect fire colored camis for Mom:




In the store they made the perfect rainbow...a lady shopping was actually got excited about my lovely bouquet of camis and wanted to know where I had found the colors...she had gray, white, and black in HER hand...I said...look all around this room...they are all here!


OUTSIDE the store...the red looked WRONG...I thought OH KNOW!...but as the light changed throughout the day, I couldn't be sure...take a look at the picture...do you think that the red BELONGS?...the camera DID NOT...on my preview screen it kept adjusting the settings...the colors kept changing...it was weird...IRL...this is an ORANGE RED...I would have called it "tomato red" in the store...


UNTIL this photo where I was trying to put together a contrast photo for everyone to see Mom's camis compared to similar colored Anita (Earth) camis:




Where...in the midst of warm colors...the red stuck out like a sore thumb...this photo is much happier...and you can see from left to right...Fire v. Earth green, Fire v. Earth orange, and Fire v. Earth teal/turquoise...and there is no conflict of temperature in the photo...that green may appear to be "kelly green" but it a warm kelly green...see how happy this photo is by comparison?




And hopefully you can see how the top row is "clear and bright" and the bottom row...even that teal color...is "muted".


So I went through the house to gather all the ICE colors that I could...all athletic clothing...I took this picture:




which is a happy ICE color party...with ICE orange red!!


So here is the official FIRE report of what can be found at Forever 21:




And if you glance again at the first picture and compare it to the last two...you can see that the red doesn't belong in the first one...


Please don't try to look at these photos and see that the Ice family is definitely cooler than the Fire family...this may be difficult to see after all the translations through digital media...and it's not my point...my point is to take pictures of questionable colors...the photos are a definite tool to use for determining color palatte...even if your eye can't see it...the way your camera reacts will tell you a story about whether or not the colors in your photo are "in sync" with each other.


Ladies...I wish I could tell you the right colors to pick in the store...they had a wonderful maize colored yellow (Earth), a funky lemon yellow (ICE or AIR), and the sunny yellow (Fire) and the tags on each one said "yellow". UGH. The royal blue is called "Dark Blue", turquoise is "Turquoise", (the earth one is "teal"), orange is "Orange", the fire purple is "Magenta", and the green is "Green"...and the red to stay away from, even though it appears to be an orange red is "Red".


So if you are in the market for some clothing...I recommend going into your local Forever 21...you WILL find the elusive blues and purple you have been looking for!


And now, please continue with your report Kim...I love seeing other's photos!

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thanks for being brave and posting your pics!

I do have some comments that I want to discuss, but for now I want to let you know I picked up this particular jacket in violet and it is sooooo cute.




It is from the Twiggy of London collection on HSN and I am very pleased with the fit and material. Do you think it is tooooo bright? :)

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Thanks for the commercial interruption, Anita! If only we had a Forever 21 in town :( I love all of the colors and am still obsessed with finding some things in the FIRE blues and purples!!!!



Got all this, you all are doing so well so far!:D


Good to hear from you CJW. Please stop by and add your comments frequently!

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Hi Terri,


I LOVE that jacket! I just posted that I'm obsessed with finding the FIRE purples and blues!


It has taken some braveness to post these pictures. I'm not totally comfortable doing it but, think it might be a good learning tool for all of us.


Please send along any comments you may have--all are welcome.



thanks for being brave and posting your pics!

I do have some comments that I want to discuss, but for now I want to let you know I picked up this particular jacket in violet and it is sooooo cute.




It is from the Twiggy of London collection on HSN and I am very pleased with the fit and material. Do you think it is tooooo bright? :)

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Next round of photos--


If anyone can tell me how to post the photos in a larger format I would do that but, for now this is all I can do.


First is a formal photo we had taken on the cruise. It's of the paisley dress and hubby has on a lavender shirt and tie with a black suit.


2nd pic is the coral top w/ the plaid shorts that have the coral stripe running through.


3rd is a funny picture--it was soooo windy that day. It looks like I have a one sided mohawk!


4th pic is a turquoise top and a brown skirt I wore for casual night dinner.


5th pic is same skirt and top in the dining room for a brunch we were invited to. I have on NO makeup and the surroundings are different than picture number 4.






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This round is:


1st--The new green dress I bought for our second formal night. I made a necklace, found some really neat green and gold earrings and wore the same gold shoes I had worn with the paisley dress.


There were TONS of LBD's in the dining room this evening. I saw a couple of red dresses, a blue dress and that was about it.


2nd--close up of green dress


3rd--hubby and I at the "Dive Bus' on Curacao where we dove. I have on a hideous white t-shirt and gray shorts. Hideous color wise but, work great as after diving clothes.


4th--hubby and I on 2nd formal night. Hubby has on a medium blue shirt and tie with the same black suit. I carried a neat little bright orange-red purse that had gold accents.


5th--sea day. I had on a blue tank with the same old plaid blue shorts :eek: Hubby in navy blue t-shirt.


6th--same blue tank and shorts but inside sitting in my favorite gold chair by the elevators.







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Kim! You are probably wondering what happened to everyone? Why isn't anyone making comments?


I have been studying your pictures. I LOVE the link to your photo album! I love being able to see all your photos up close and personal and being able to make faster comparisons between the different things you are wearing. And there has been a bit to study.


I have some questions and concerns about a few of the colors that you are wearing. I know that things can get lost in the digital translation so I am trying to feel my way through the photos...but I think that some of the colors that you are thinking are FIRE colors are not actually FIRE colors. I was hoping that Terri or Curt would jump in and post...Terri said she has some comments...but I'm just going to have post my own observations and risk being completely wrong all on my own.


First...you look FABULOUS in the FIRE blue:



That blue is so bright...but still whenever I go to this photo...my eyes go right to your face...your skin looks so even...this is not the easy to identify "aqua" kind of color...this is the harder to identify "turquoise" or "blue" kind of color...and Kim, you totally nailed it with this one. I love your necklace...the brown skirt is so complementary...the shoes...I love the touch of blue in your bracelet...this is one great outfit...and I think that it is an excellent example of how the brown doesn't have to be a perfect FIRE only color to coordinate with your FIRE colors...my EARTHy self could easily incorporate that skirt into my own wardrobe...and I love the piecework in that skirt...adding texture without adding different fabric. Of all the photos that you have posted on the thread this is my absolute fav by far.


I want to ask about your "coral" shirt...because this shirt is one that I am seriously questioning whether or not it is a FIRE color...it isn't doing the fabulous things for your skin tone that the blue is doing. And when I really analyze these photos...they make me believe that the "coral" shirt is one that I would call "watermelon" and crazy as it may seem...I'm thinking that it is a cool toned shirt. I might never have thought that something that appears to have that bit of orange within the color would be cool...but after my ICE tomato-red shirt experience...I'm thinking that you have experienced the same weirdness that I did...


I don't want to sound critical of your appearance in a mean or offensive way...BUT...I do want to explain what I am seeing...so I apologize in advance if what I say seems hurtful...I'm trying to choose my words carefully...In both pictures where you are wearing the "coral" shirt...the individual on the deck and the group shot indoors...your skin has heightened red tones...I see it in your face and also right in your chest area...I wonder if this is a common characteristic of FIRE?...because my Mom can get that redness in the same chest area...


Our skin is not uniform in color...and certain color tones will either cause the varying skin tones to blend more with each other...creating the "even" skin that make-up is supposed to create...or creating a more uneven skin tone...wearing the right color is supposed to make our skin tone more even...it is why Curt explains that we can get away with wearing a lot less make-up (meaning make-up, foundation, cover-up type skin products), because the color we are wearing is doing so much for making our skin more even in the first place.


That particular watermelon color is clashing with the warm tones in your hair...not blending in any photo on my screen...


In the group shot, the watermelon color has a decidedly "pink" cast to it when compared to the rust colored shirt behind it...it is blending with the color of that cool, tie-dyed looking blue shirt much more...ALSO...I have owned shorts with similar fabric as the ones you are wearing...navy, white, and a pink toned color...it is very common...and more often than not...the pink color and the navy are cool toned.


So for all these reasons...I think the coral colored shirt is not your color. I wonder if you were to do an exercise similar to what I did with the camis...making collages...if you could verify this...because even as I explain all this...I know I could be wrong...which is why I have been waiting to post...


I think the darker colored blue tank style shirt is a hit...I THINK...these photos are really hard to tell for me...I'm trying to compare that blue with the colors around it in the photo...the blue is different than the blue in your shorts...where your DH's blue is blending into your shorts...yours isn't...neither does it really "go" with that navy...which makes me think it is warm...it also seems right at home in the photo with the mustard yellow and brown background...which further makes me think it is warm...the only thing to say about the blue is that you could even take it up a notch in terms of clarity...I don't think it is totally muted...but standing next to that muted navy...as a FIRE, you could totally handle that color being brighter and it would just get more and more flattering.


Your green dress is a bit of a chameleon...maybe it is the shiny fabric?...in the cool eastern/northern indirect light on the balcony it has a decidedly cool feel to it in the photo...but your skin is looking very even...and it looks very nice with the gold necklace...I LOVE that stone...in the "golden room" with that shiny gold background...the dress looks decidedly warm...I THINK that it is a little muted...this is a case of the shiny fabric helping you to overcome the lack of clarity a bit...but I think that dress is EARTH...if you were to look at Curt's award's dresses commentary thread...he just posted about the SAG awards...there is a purple dress on an EARTH lady...it's beautiful...and when you look at it...it doesn't at first appear to be muted...but it is...I think this green dress falls into that same category...the warm tone looks great on you...but I can see how you could again "take it up notch" and be even brighter than this green.


I've written this in many places...for me, true FIRE colors have a tendency to have an almost-hurt-your-eyes-to-look-at-them kind of quality in many photos. Depending on the setting...they have a tendency to stand out in an in-your-face kind of way that only the neon ICE colors can compete with...what is funny though...is that even so...when a FIRE lady (or man...Curt ;))...wears their FIRE colors...your eye still goes straight to the face, not the color...


In this group setting...you can get a feel for what I mean by the stand out quality of the color...




but still...my eye goes straight to your face every time. What is funny is that in terms of actual % of the photograph...this blue shirt is not significantly bigger or smaller than the "coral" shirt in the group photo...but that shirt does not have that quality...neither does any other shirt...because there isn't a FIRE color in that photo...


For future reference...to post a photo in your post (not the link kind)...you can use the icon with the mountains and the sun or moon...it will bring up a pop up box where you can enter the http code where the picture can be found...this will automatically add IMG tags before and after your photo...in photobucket you could also copy the "IMG code" line and just paste that into your post. The photo will not show though until you select "preview post"...


I hope I haven't discouraged you from posting and sharing photos! I know that posting the photos was not something that you were comfortable with and let me tell you, critiquing an internet friend's wardrobe is not something that I am entirely comfortable with! But I know that you wanted to post so that we could discuss...and I would really like to know if other's are seeing what I am seeing...hopefully, I've managed to bring up the questions about your colors in a good way.


Your cruise pictures are getting me more excited about our cruise which is still over a year away! LOL.

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This first picture is at our hotel in Ft. Lauderdale. I'm wearing a brown sweater.


2nd picture--my fingernail polish (O.P.I. Melon of Troy)


3rd picture-- toenail polish (O.P.I. Conga-line Coral)


4th picture--a funny picture that shows how pale I am--it's my skin against the sand at Half Moon Cay :)


5th picture--another toe/ship/sand picture


Joby, these pictures are great! I really love the toes in the sand shots! How cute! It's funny that you mentioned your hubby is asking you if these pics are for your color gals! My hubby did too! I posted a lot of pics on the What Color thread over the past year, and hubby occassionally asked if I was conversing with my online color crew! ;)


I read Anita's comments about the blue top and I agree that the shade of blue is perfect for you. Perfect!


The green dress is hard to pin down, but I think it is Fire. The lighting has bluish reflections that may be cooling the overall photo down. It's a lovely dress and suits you well. LOVE the orange print dress!!;) I have the same dress and I wore it on my last cruise!!:D


Also, I need to mention that I also have redness on my upper chest and neck that is permanent, and becoming more noticable as I age due to sun damage that accumulated. I sometimes wear makeup to conceal it for photos. I always wear sunblock now, but the damage is done.




This has been one of my very favorite colors in the past year. I think you will find when you wear the right color for you, unexpected favorites will crop up!

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Joby, these pictures are great! I really love the toes in the sand shots! How cute! It's funny that you mentioned your hubby is asking you if these pics are for your color gals! My hubby did too! I posted a lot of pics on the What Color thread over the past year, and hubby occassionally asked if I was conversing with my online color crew! ;)


Hubby thinks it's a bit weird about my color gal pals but, he knows me well after 34 years of marriage;)


Also, I need to mention that I also have redness on my upper chest and neck that is permanent, and becoming more noticable as I age due to sun damage that accumulated. I sometimes wear makeup to conceal it for photos. I always wear sunblock now, but the damage is done.


My face has that ruddiness too, has for years. I also wear my sunscreen religiously as I've had several basal cell cancers removed.



I read Anita's comments about the blue top and I agree that the shade of blue is perfect for you. Perfect!


The green dress is hard to pin down, but I think it is Fire. The lighting has bluish reflections that may be cooling the overall photo down. It's a lovely dress and suits you well. LOVE the orange print dress!!;) I have the same dress and I wore it on my last cruise!!:D


I do LOVE that aqua blue top. It makes my eyes just glow and makes them pop!


I love the floral dress. I totally copied it off of you when you posted about it:D


I like the green dress too. I went back and forth about the color. CJW seemed to think it was more FIREY and I so wanted something different than all of the other women in their LBD's.


Thanks for your most appreciated and learned comments!

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New dress:




Occasion: Winter Ball. January 2011

Taken at the "After Party".

I had not touched up makeup for a while - I had been dancing my lil heart out...thus the shiny flushed face. that's all the details I am willing to post here.....:D :p


OK, Joby. This is for you. I am wearing a dress topped with a separate velvet and silk scarf. They are not a match. Can you see which one is a fire blue and which is an ice blue? Even in this low resolution picture?

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I don't want to sound critical of your appearance in a mean or offensive way...BUT...I do want to explain what I am seeing...so I apologize in advance if what I say seems hurtful...I'm trying to choose my words carefully...


I hope I haven't discouraged you from posting and sharing photos! I know that posting the photos was not something that you were comfortable with and let me tell you, critiquing an internet friend's wardrobe is not something that I am entirely comfortable with! But I know that you wanted to post so that we could discuss...and I would really like to know if others are seeing what I am seeing...hopefully, I've managed to bring up the questions about your colors in a good way.


Absolutely no offense taken, Anita. I'm here to learn. I guess being a science geek that I realize sometimes we just need to have a guinea pig for a study session. I guess I'm the guinea pig for this one :D


I have to admit that it's a bit unnerving to see my picture so large on a public message board--not really in my nature but, I'm not sure how else we can have these wonderful personal study sessions!



I do LOVE that aqua blue top as I mentioned to Terri just a mniute ago. It just seems so good with everything--my hair, my face and especially my eyes. I love that skirt too. It's a new purchase. the shoes are actually much cuter in person. Here's a link to them -- http://www.zappos.com/onex-zest-brown-leather-gold


I certainly see what you're talking about with the coral (or what I thought was a bright coral) shirt. It's really intereting how a picture really does show things that our eye doesn't always see.


If it's agreed upon that the "coral" shirt isn't my coral, it will be a good control color as to what NOT to get next time :)



I think the darker colored blue tank style shirt is a hit...I THINK...these photos are really hard to tell for me...I'm trying to compare that blue with the colors around it in the photo...the blue is different than the blue in your shorts...where your DH's blue is blending into your shorts...yours isn't...neither does it really "go" with that navy...which makes me think it is warm...it also seems right at home in the photo with the mustard yellow and brown background...which further makes me think it is warm...the only thing to say about the blue is that you could even take it up a notch in terms of clarity...I don't think it is totally muted...but standing next to that muted navy...as a FIRE, you could totally handle that color being brighter and it would just get more and more flattering.


I do love the FIRE blue. As I've mentioned, I have become obsessed with finding it. I like the way it looks on me and I think I also like the challenge of finding it :eek:


So, is it agreed that the blue tank is OK?


Your green dress is a bit of a chameleon...maybe it is the shiny fabric?...in the cool eastern/northern indirect light on the balcony it has a decidedly cool feel to it in the photo...but your skin is looking very even...and it looks very nice with the gold necklace...I LOVE that stone...in the "golden room" with that shiny gold background...the dress looks decidedly warm...I THINK that it is a little muted...this is a case of the shiny fabric helping you to overcome the lack of clarity a bit...but I think that dress is EARTH...if you were to look at Curt's award's dresses commentary thread...he just posted about the SAG awards...there is a purple dress on an EARTH lady...it's beautiful...and when you look at it...it doesn't at first appear to be muted...but it is...I think this green dress falls into that same category...the warm tone looks great on you...but I can see how you could again "take it up notch" and be even brighter than this green.


I mentioned in my post to Terri below that I struggled with the green dress purchase. I really like it though and if it's not just right, I will continue to cheat it up with shiny gold--good idea?


On another note, a couple of days ago while I was on the bus shuttle going to work, I saw a red head that I think had to be a FIRE in that beautiful violet/purple. She was an absolute KNOCKOUT! I couldn't take my eyes off of her.


That's another of the FIRE colors I've mentioned that I am obsessed with finding:eek:


For future reference...to post a photo in your post (not the link kind)...you can use the icon with the mountains and the sun or moon...it will bring up a pop up box where you can enter the http code where the picture can be found...this will automatically add IMG tags before and after your photo...in photobucket you could also copy the "IMG code" line and just paste that into your post. The photo will not show though until you select "preview post"...


Thanks for that lesson too, Lord knows I need it!


Your cruise pictures are getting me more excited about our cruise which is still over a year away! LOL.


Anita, how about doing an EARTH wardrobe picto-diary on YOUR cruise????


This is a wonderful discussion. It's just so fun and what a learning tool. Many thanks.

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New dress:






OK, Joby. This is for you. I am wearing a dress topped with a separate velvet and silk scarf. They are not a match. Can you see which one is a fire blue and which is an ice blue? Even in this low resolution picture?


Ooohhh, oohhh, I think I know the answer to this one--the scarf is winter/ICE and the dress blue is FIRE?????

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Your green dress looks lovely on you. It's a very flattering style. And the color is so fun...The fact that you debated the green dress...and I was thinking that it might be earth...you know what that makes me think? It makes me think that you recognize that you could go even brighter than the green dress...and that I was thinking that you could go brighter...but that doesn't necessarily mean that the green isn't a FIRE color...


I think I got caught up in trying to identify the color too much...the changing light...we just need to look at how you look in it to know whether or not it "works" and you look great in it...you say you really like it...so it "works."


I did this little lesson on the Seasons thread...light can seriously change the way that we interprete color...to quote myself...


"The fact is that environment has a tremendous bearing on your interpretation of color. The same color will appear to be warm or cool, depending on the lighting...


Check out these photos:




Same view, different time of day. These photos are not digitally enhanced. You can probably go through your own vacation photos and find a similar happenstance. The top photo is filled with warm colors in the early morning light. The same view takes on a decided coolness in the bright, intense midday light. The top is yellowy, and thus interpreted as warm, and the bottom is blue, and thus interpreted as cool."


I think the dark blue is a go...Terri didn't comment on that one...what do you think Terri? Curt?


Mom had the same reaction when I was posting pictures of her...


I will definitely do an Earth report when we cruise! I would love to...I just don't know how interesting it would be! LOL. And since Mom will be on the same cruise...we can do double duty...and I can post her spring time Fire cruise wardrobe! And you will be able to see HER green formal and the new Hibiscus colored formal.


Those shoes are really cute! Comfy too?

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I will definitely do an Earth report when we cruise! I would love to...I just don't know how interesting it would be! LOL. And since Mom will be on the same cruise...we can do double duty...and I can post her spring time Fire cruise wardrobe! And you will be able to see HER green formal and the new Hibiscus colored formal.


I hardly doubt that it would be boring! Oh, that will be a lot of fun with you and your Mom doing dueling picto-diaries:eek: I can't wait.


Got it on the tree/lighting differences. It's weird how light can do that, isn't it?


What about the other wardrobe pictures--comments?


Ideas on hubby's season???? He has the most beautiful blue eye color!


We're having a very "lovely" ice/snow storm here in the Midwest! I saw on TV that even Dallas has gotten bad weather from this system. Our area is supposed to be hit with .75-1" of ice. Hopefully the forecasts are off this time.

Edited by Joby
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I don't have time to comment too much...I have a Bible study this morning...BUT if I had to venture a guess...based on these pictures alone, I'm thinking DH might be AIR. He looks really good in that lavender, the navy tee, and that muted red tee...and I THINK those are all cool colors...he looks okay in the black suit...but my imagination is thinking that he would look even more dashing in a navy suit...and when I go back and look at the one photo with him and you on the beach (you in green and him in khaki/olive), I'm not sure if that color is warm or cool...but my eyes don't go straight to his face like they do in the other photos...


So that's my guess...and why.


You said his eyes are blue...here we go...are they a warm blue? or a cool blue? And the brown tones in his hair...would you say they were golden? Or would that word not really apply.

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I don't have time to comment too much...I have a Bible study this morning...BUT if I had to venture a guess...based on these pictures alone, I'm thinking DH might be AIR. He looks really good in that lavender, the navy tee, and that muted red tee...and I THINK those are all cool colors...he looks okay in the black suit...but my imagination is thinking that he would look even more dashing in a navy suit...and when I go back and look at the one photo with him and you on the beach (you in green and him in khaki/olive), I'm not sure if that color is warm or cool...but my eyes don't go straight to his face like they do in the other photos...


So that's my guess...and why.


You said his eyes are blue...here we go...are they a warm blue? or a cool blue? And the brown tones in his hair...would you say they were golden? Or would that word not really apply.



take a look at his "scary" picture in my photos. It's the one with hubby in the purple shirt/tie and I'm in the paisley dress. It shows his blue eyes pretty well.


His hair when he had lots and wasn't gray was a brownish color with maybe some gold highlights. His moustache still has some of his earlier hair color.


My guess was that he's a summer/AIR but, what the heck do I know :eek:

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oh my... so frustrating!


Well, I've been through so many types of swimsuits (after the bikini became a fond or not-so-fond memory) and I just can't seem to find that perfect suit; the one that is the RIGHT color, the RIGHT fit, the RIGHT comfort level, etc. My last attempt was a tankini top with (I think they call them) board shorts. EEEwwww. Just screamed "old lady approaching chaise lounge!" I'm not a swimmer, more of a paddler arounder and a hot tub sitter and a steam room inhaler. KWIM? So I need the suit to be serviceable and CUTE. I've spent hours on the internet. Hate to try on suits, as well.


So I guess I'm just posting a bit of frustration here.


We are retired, but before we got to this place we owned our own business and worked nonstop, and that's not an exaggeration. We didn't take a vacation, other than the holiday family visits, for years and years and years. So now we've decided that we will take cruises twice a year. We're making up for lost time! Also, after seeing so many cruisers who are cruising because of the virtual ease of it... always taking the elevators, worrying about the length of the walk on shore excursions, talking about their hip or knee replacements... we're determined to take as many of the more energetic cruises (i.e., Med, port-port-port-port-seaday-port-port-port) as we can, while we can!


So, that being said... we're off again on May 1st! This time we're going from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. We'll arrive in Barcelona on the 14th of May. Spend the night in Barcelona. Board another ship to go from Barcelona to Venice. Spend a few days in Venice. Fly home.


My wardrobe is looking good for going again, but this time I'll be more aware of the pictures to share! But back to my original thought... I so need a swimsuit or two... has anyone found a good suit in FIRE?


BTW, where is Dyan? Just thoughts over coffee this morning. What is everyone else's travel plans for this year? Any specific wardrobe items or malfunctions that you need help with?


Also, Terri, what are those earrings in your Q&A-for-Kim picture? That's another thing I need... great earrings! I so want some gold hoops, but when I went to St Thomas the jeweler told me that I could buy diamonds for less than gold right now! I had a bad, bad reaction to some Chico's earrings. I've never had earrings that literally made my ears bleed, but those did! Scared me... so I definitely won't buy any more earrings that don't say they have surgical steel posts in the ad... none of Chico's descriptions list surgical steel in their descriptions. I just didn't think of that when I was looking for the BRIGHTness of the metal.


Hmmm, I'm chatty this morning...

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thanks for being brave and posting your pics!

I do have some comments that I want to discuss, but for now I want to let you know I picked up this particular jacket in violet and it is sooooo cute.




It is from the Twiggy of London collection on HSN and I am very pleased with the fit and material. Do you think it is tooooo bright? :)


No, it's not too bright. My winter coat is that colour, and I get compliments every time I wear it. I was shopping with my daughter at West Edmonton Mall and she left me to go look at other stores. I tried my coat on and had to get it. I had it put behind the counter right than. When I was almost ready to go and she came back, I pointed out the rack of the coats and she told me it was too bright for me. I said no, you have to see it on, and she agreed that it looked good. The colour is beautiful. You will love it.

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Accessories and shoes: Do you ever wear black belts, shoes, or handbags? I am trying to find these items in brown, ivory, tan, camel, etc. without a lot of luck. I am also a size 4.5 in shoes, so it makes the search that much tougher.


I was just diagnosed as a spring a short while ago, and thought I was a summer, so lots of greys and lilacs. I am trying to find things in my colours, but not easy.

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I was just diagnosed as a spring a short while ago, and thought I was a summer, so lots of greys and lilacs. I am trying to find things in my colours, but not easy.


Hi Tess and welcome.


I'm in your club!Curt diagnosed me as a Spring/Fire and for 30 years I thought I was a summer!


I love my new colors and feel good in them. I'm in a big time learning curve but, I think I'm making progress.


Ask away with any questions you might have. there's lots of good help on here :)

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Hi "color pals". I haven't died--I've just been really preoccupied with our NEW PUPPY.


After we lost our beautiful, Caico, at Christmas time the house seemed like a morgue. So, I started researching and found a Lab breeder about 2 hours from us with new pups. They are a husband and wife team and are also both Veterinarians.


We picked her up 10 days ago. She's a cutie and we named her "Piper". I'll post a picture of her soon.


I've also had to work more than usual.


So, I'm doing catch up now :) I still have a few questions to ask on my wardrobe diary. I'll post those soon.

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oh my... so frustrating!


Well, I've been through so many types of swimsuits (after the bikini became a fond or not-so-fond memory) and I just can't seem to find that perfect suit; the one that is the RIGHT color, the RIGHT fit, the RIGHT comfort level, etc. My last attempt was a tankini top with (I think they call them) board shorts. EEEwwww. Just screamed "old lady approaching chaise lounge!" I'm not a swimmer, more of a paddler arounder and a hot tub sitter and a steam room inhaler. KWIM? So I need the suit to be serviceable and CUTE. I've spent hours on the internet. Hate to try on suits, as well.


So I guess I'm just posting a bit of frustration here.




Any luck on the bathing suit? I bought my new one at http://athleta.gap.com/browse/division.do?cid=46656


BTW, where is Dyan?


I have been wondering too. Dyan, are you out there????


What is everyone else's travel plans for this year?


We're going to the Southwest this summer for 2 weeks. It will be our first time in that direction. We're flying into Phoenix--going to the Grand Canyon--going to Page, AZ (to see the slot canyons and the Lake Powell area)--going to Mesa Verde--going on to the Ouray, CO area--and then finishing in New Mexico and flying out of Albuquerque.


We're really excited. It is a lot of planning. We have to travel on a pretty tight budget and want to see and do so much! It has been hard to pare it down to a manageable level. I'm still wotking out details though (I'm an OCD planner :) )


We are retired, but before we got to this place we owned our own business and worked nonstop, and that's not an exaggeration. We didn't take a vacation, other than the holiday family visits, for years and years and years. So now we've decided that we will take cruises twice a year. We're making up for lost time! Also, after seeing so many cruisers who are cruising because of the virtual ease of it... always taking the elevators, worrying about the length of the walk on shore excursions, talking about their hip or knee replacements... we're determined to take as many of the more energetic cruises (i.e., Med, port-port-port-port-seaday-port-port-port) as we can, while we can!


Your next cruise sounds FANTASTIC, Pam. I do think you need a wardrobe helper though and I would be willing to give freely of my time in exchange for a little spot in your cabin ;) I won't take up a lot of space and would be an excellent helper :p

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