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Glory Stuck In Nassau............


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I know you ordered our $28.95 steak, but the meat cutter is broken and we have no way to cut your beef. However, here is some fried chicken and we are taking a $1.00 off the price of your meal. I'm sure you'll be happy.......


Yeah, right:rolleyes:

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how sad, on top of it all the atmosphere on the ship is now affected. Wouldnt it be worth it for Carnival to make these people happy.:confused:


I have been reading all the boards by doing a search with the word compensation.


Its amazing what some people ask for.:( rediculous, and embarrassing. Its also interesting to see what cruise lines have offered people for ONLY weather related problems. Let alone mech failure. AIRLINES offer MORE then $100 for mech. failure.!!! Airlines are doing everything to keep you as a customer.



this could be a very upbeat and happy group of people if carnival would simply say 1/2 off the next cruise. They would still get there bar tabs on this cruise PLUS repeat cruisers, that other wise wouldnt book..................


I am looking at this situation as a business owner and the greed of carnival is simply amazing to me! I encounter situations everyday, in keeping my customers happy. Guess that's just the difference in small business and giant greedy companies. ********I need to get over it, obviously.:eek:

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On our upcoming cruise, we may have to sub Key West for Grand Cayman. I understand Cayman has a lottery and we won't know until 6 days before the cruise if we are going to make it there or not. Obviously, I would prefer Grand Cayman but if I miss it this time, it's not going to lessen my enjoyment of the cruise.


I agree that it would be the right PR thing for Carnival to offer 50% of the next cruise for those on the cruise who missed two ports. They gave it to us and we only paid a net $150/pp for our cruise (see earlier post), and used the 50% discount for the Conquest, which was a savings of over $1000. All I'm saying is ... it's a cruise and you can still have a great time. Additionally, we did not find out about the 50% off until the very end of our cruise. There's still time.

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Last summer and fall, Carnival was quite generous in their compensation to passengers for altered itineraries due to the hurricanes. They have been, however, quite stingy in their compensation to passengers for missed ports due to the mechanical failure of their ships. $100.00 per person credit sounds remotely similar to what the passengers of the Holiday were offered on their New Year's cruise that never made it to Mexico. It seems that if one of Carnival's ships is not in danger, then Carnival is not concerned about public relations and compensating their passengers adequately. :rolleyes: And yes, I understand the cruise contract. I simply believe that Carnival could do better.

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Cruising is all about the cruise and not the ports? Hogwash! Watch the commercials: http://www.carnival.com/CMS/Static_Templates/promos/tv/default.aspx. Sure they show great shots of fun on the ship, but they also include people having fun in ports. They know it's also about the ports, they include both aspects in their marketing. The postcard I received after booking my cruise is a shot of a couple on a beautiful beach with the ship in the distance. All about the cruise and not the ports-even Carnival doesn't buy that. If all I wanted was to just take a cruise, I would book one of those "cruises to nowhere". I think people can be very greedy and want all sorts of stuff for nothin', but the big guys can be just as greedy.

My 2 cents.

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I am looking at this situation as a business owner ...



I think that Carnival DOES in most cases look at these situations from a business perspective. As a business person I think you would certainly understand that a specific response to any given business situation is dependent upon many variables. All businesses have a (financial) point where it is more profitable to lose you as a customer than to accede to the customers demands. In an environment where there is relatively few true cruise bargains to be had, even less during desirable travel dates, the laws of supply and demand are working quite well for them at the moment. They in fact have the luxury to be a little less generous. As I mentioned previously, I always try to be flexible and go into it expecting no more than the minimum.

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Cruising is all about the cruise and not the ports? Hogwash! Watch the commercials: ... I think people can be very greedy and want all sorts of stuff for nothin', but the big guys can be just as greedy. My 2 cents.


Well fair enough, but keep in mind that everyone has their favorite part of the cruising experience. Certainly visiting different places is one of them. Though I am sure that if we were to take yet another poll, I would bet that far and away the main reason people go is for the cruise experience and not to have a religious experience seeing turtles in Cayman, buying cheap straw hats in Nassau, oogling naked people in St. Maarten or getting liquor'd up in some port gin mill to name just a few quality cruise shore events.


I'm not saying they do not market port calls, sure they do. The point I think I and many others on this thread have tried to make is that all ports on a cruise are planned NOT guaranteed. That fact is known up front to all of us before we buy! So, if we buy under those rules, where does the expectation derive from if an eventuality specifically described in the rules occurs, that would make us feel the cruise line now owes us something? I don't care how big and "rich" the cruise lines are, they really don't OWE us anything much more than x number of days sailing the ocean blue and 3 squares a day. My 2 cents :)

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I take it none of you are scheduled to be on this boat next week! Regardless of where the boat goes - this is my one and only vacation for the whole year. Please try to put yourself in our shoes - you build all this hype around the cruise - spend hours researching all the ports - then to find out something is wrong and you may not be going there. I know this is not Carnival's fault - but sometimes disappointment is hard to take.


And if you do as so many other people do, and get your camper plugged in behind your car and head down the road, who pays for it when you shred a tire and can't make it to your stop at an attraction you and the family were depending upon? YOU DO!


Why is it so different with a cruise? The contract stipulations haven't changed all that much over the years. Things may change because of circumstances beyond everyone's control. We are not entitled to a refund, but many times one is offered. Why look a gift horse in the mouth?


Why not take the $100 and be thankful? If you were on the side of the road in Georgia in the middle of summer waiting for a replacement tire, who would you have to fuss to? Your spouse? Yeah, right, like that will go far.


I agree with an earlier poster....a bad day cruising is far better than the best day pulling my trailer somewhere. And I like to camp.


Mark T.

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It seems to me that in the case of weather related itinerary changes the company should do their best to make a comparable substitution, realizing of course that it may not be possible to change one port for another in all cases. In the case of mechanical difficulties, however, proper maintenance of the ships is the company's responsibility and if they encounter breakdowns they should bear the "cost" of that which would include either a comparable port substitution or, if not possible, substantial compensation for a reduced cruise experience. I don't think many of the passengers on board would sign up for a 7 day experience with few or no ports. I know I wouldn't and if it happened to me without compensation that would be the last time I'd be a passenger with them. It's not a matter of greed, it's a matter of getting what you paid for.

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Seems to me it would be just the opposite...they would compensate higher for mechanical failure (since they are in control of the maintenance) than weather (act of God). I wonder what their logic is.


I was thinking the exact same thing. I would be a lot more understanding about a weather-related port change or cancellation. Not something that anyone could control. The mechanical status of this ship is a different story. I don't get their logic either.

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I was thinking the exact same thing. I would be a lot more understanding about a weather-related port change or cancellation. Not something that anyone could control. The mechanical status of this ship is a different story. I don't get their logic either.


I am totally with those who have this opinion.


And as far as the posters that seem to think that Carnival is just offering transportation, I totally disagree! Carnival does heavy advertising tempting us to book to go to these exotic ports, they ADVERTISE them as part of the Carnival Cruise experience ... if they can't deliver for reasons other than "acts of God" I think they should compensate for it. Airlines have their planes checked out before flights, I am not sure that cruiselines do the same or just wait until something happens since they don't have far to fall LOL!

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It always amazes me how quick people are to say others are greedy when it's not their vacation that is affected. Be honest,it may be politically correct to say compensation is unecessary, but would you really feel like that if your cruise was severely altered due to a problem that could have been avoided with preventative matainence? I for one could still have a good time if I was on this Glory sailing but would expect more compensation than $100 shipboard credit.

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Here's Carnival's Policy -- whether you agree or not - it's in black and white on their website http://www.carnival.com/CMS/Static_Templates/ticket_contract.aspx:


9. (a) The Vessel shall be entitled to leave and enter ports with or without pilots or tugs, to tow and assist other vessels in any circumstances, to return to or enter any port at the Master’s discretion and for any purpose and to deviate in any direction or for any purpose from the direct or usual course, and to omit or change any or all port calls, arrival or departure times, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to safety, security, adverse weather, strikes, tides, hostilities, emergency debarkations of Guests or crew, or late air, sea, car or motor coach departures or arrivals, all such deviations being considered as forming part of and included in the proposed voyage. Carnival shall have no liability for any compensation or other damages in such circumstances.


I understand that we book for the port, but you also have to book with the notion that something could happen and things can change -- you have to be prepared for that. And before anyone starts yelling at me, we've had a port change and we dealt with it. We also didn't know if we'd end up in Grand Cayman this past year until the last minute, but we knew it was a possibility -- we read the fine print.


Sorry your cruise didn't go as expected, but stuff happens. Life's waaaaay too short to be angry all the time.


(p.s. before I get flamed for not knowing what I'm talking about because this is my first post, it's actually not, it's the first one since the new boards . . .)

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No cruise line WANTS to miss scheduled ports and no one thinks a cruise is made up SOLEY of being underway. But weather and mechanical breakdowns do occur, this is explained in the contract we all buy and seldom read. This contract clearly permits them to substitute or eliminate ports if necessary WITHOUT compensation. There is a lot more to think about than a single passenger, group or even ship load of passengers. At a minimum issues such as how long to the next port, can they accomodate another ship, if its a mechanical how long it will take to fix and even the time until next cruise become real issues. Unfortunately its not always about us.


Yet, reading this link you would think that if a single port were missed, that a refund that in fact amounts to 50-75, if not 100% of the entire passage paid is in order, thats absolute nonsense. Yes as you say the cruise line can offer $100 and we can FEEL its insufficient, debate how much the NET credits mean to CCL etc. but that does not change much. It's that wish in one hand....in the other thing. And as far as the airlines go, bad example. Passengers get compensated for a lot less money and A LOT less often than you might THINK they do, I know I worked for them. Don't believe me just asked someone who got stuck at an airport due to weather, zippo! We are buying a cruise folks, not GUARANTEED happiness.


But for those who make things like this a mission in life, I am sure the cruise lines have lots of people on staff like David Spade in those Capital One "no" commercials. RTFP!

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The contract you sign when buying a ticket is one sided and you cannot make modifications to it. Legally is it similar to a unilateral disclaimer? I do not know.

Nevertheless, if Carinval or any other line is trying to maintain customer loyalty and good will they should offer a reasonable amount of compensation to satisify the customers so that they are willing to go on the line again.

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As I said before, you can expect them to do something in most cases. But after a certain point, your customer loyalty and patronage becomes disposable. Especially in a strong market. You go away or don't come back and someone else takes your place, no big deal. I think a case can be made that mass market cruise lines are becoming so much alike in equipment (ships) used, food, amenities, destinations etc. that much as has become in the airline industry, the only thing people really have devotion to in the end is PRICE. How many people here would spend 3-5 hundred, heck 50-75 dollars to fly to a specific destination on their favorite airline when they can get to the same place cheaper? Not many.


Yeah I know theres folks out their who "drink the kool-aid" (are true believers) of particular cruise lines, but I am sure that for most, if say CCL totally got you P-O'd on the previous cruise yet, had a fare 3-4 hundred less than the competition when booking your next cruise, most of us I'm sure would find a way to overlook past transgressions. Even the so called loyalty that some of us hold presently for a particular line is occassionally put aside when the right price avails itself. It seems to show itself on these boards under headings like "I decided to experience other options"... Loyalty is worth only so much in BOTH directions, don't overestimate its value!

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Although I wouldn't necessarily leave Carnival if I had this type of experience/problem, I don't completely agree that the passenger can be considered "disposable" simply due to supply and demand. Yes, the demand is up. But that can change very quickly. To loose a couple disgruntled passengers-yeah, they don't care, but tick off the masses, especially those who speak openly of their ill-feelings or worse post online to the masses, and I can see where the "demand" may choose another "supply".


Again, I relate it to my own business, to see if the business model would hold up. Sure, I can afford to loose a couple unhappy patients (not that I want to!), but if too many of them were to feel unhappy with my services and speak to others about those feelings, I would feel the pinch of decreased business. Every business expects the few pain in the rear contant complainers, but if it becomes a pattern, uh oh.

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Just wanted to let everybody know what's going on onboard. Lots or irate people. Lots of content people. Talks of lawsuits. . NOT Everybody is mad but a lot are. We'd rather be safe than sorry.



That's my point. Everyone handles things differently...

I am not a Carnival defender...I'm a defender of 'getting over it already'.


You have every right to complain, piss, moan, sue and/or be angry and miserable...I always chose not to.

If you assume I've never had a glitch in a cruise...you are dead wrong..you just didn't hear me on this board complaining because I had a good time, like the "LOTS" of content people mentioned above.

How you deal with things is a CHOICE you make. You do have rights...it is absolutely your right to be misreable if that's what you want to choose. It does not mean I am not compassionate. If you are freaking out because of a missed port, you certainly have my pity...but it's pity over time wasted being miserable. Life is too short to go bananas over something like that.

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I understand what your saying OCmom re: customer(s). BUT, I do not think in the travel industry and cruise sector to be specific its a zero sum game. Because if there is hundreds of people satisfied with an adjustment thats made for every one person who is dissatisfied, your likely to be waiting a long long time for a cruise line to change their policies. Those satisfied people are just as likely to be saying just how WELL they have been treated and better yet, booking their next cruise. IT would be different if EVERYONE were pissed because they ONLY got $XXX. Although I've had my moments in disputes over things, I can categorically say though that I've gotten much better resolution of my problems when I was polite, persistent AND realistic of what the outcome should be. A cruise line is not going to pay for your NEXT vacation simply because we had a misty moment or had our feelings hurt. Go happy, plan on having fun and laugh as much as possible, even when the bad or odd happens.

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" Don't believe me just asked someone who got stuck at an airport due to weather, zippo! We are buying a cruise folks, not GUARANTEED happiness. "\\\





How about mech failure. My son was given 3 flight coupons worth $500 each because his plane had mech failure and he arrived at his destination 10 hrs later then he should have. Mech failure and weather are two complete differant issues.

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