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10 1/2 half month old - excursions


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March 13-20, 2011 we will be going on our first cruise on Norwegian; as well as our first with a baby. I know this will be a different trip than we have experienced before. I have done searches but haven't found the answer I need. Has anyone done a Catamaran excursion with their baby in tow? We are thinking of doing this in Belize. It is an all inclusive type trip with drinking, snorkeling, beach break, etc. My husband is worried about doing this kind of excursion and I just wanted to know first hand if someone has done it.


We are also going to Roatan, Costa Maya and Cozumel; would be happy to get suggestions for those places as well.


Thanks in advance for any responses!! :)

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We wouldn't bring an infant on this kind of adult excursion. IMO, it's not appropriate and wouldn't be a good experience for you or your little one. Safety would be a big concern. You would be on a catamaran with adults who are drinking, snorkeling, etc. You would have to safely get on and off the boat with an infant. This can be especially tricky with a beach break where you have to get off the boat and wade to shore. You would have to watch your baby every minute, leaving you little time for anything else. One of you would have to forego drinking to be a "DSP" (designated sober parent). Many cats do not have shade, which would be absolutely critical for your baby. And you do not at this point know what kind of traveler he/she(?) will be. Once on the boat, you will be "stuck" there regardless of how you or your baby feel. A screaming 10 month old who is teething and too hot and uncomfortable would not be a good situation for you or anyone else on the excursion.


I know it's disappointing not to be able to do everything you might want to do, but it's a normal part of parenting. Believe me, there will be plenty of fun things to do instead and plenty of time in the future to take that type of excursion. An adult-focused boat excursion is something that I do not believe would be a good idea with such a young baby. A plain beach day would be a great idea, especially because you will be able to return to the ship if/when you need to.



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I have to agree about this one. I wouldn't bring our babies either. Are they even allowed? I don't see how this would really be fun for you guys and even really possible with a baby. Maybe you could find a beach that has snorkeling there? That might be a better option.


Have fun!!:)

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I have to agree with what has been said regarding the baby. If it were the kind of excursion where you could turn around and go back if the baby didn't take to it well, it might be different, but the fact is that you and everyone else on board is there for the duration. Also, the 10 year old would likely be the only child on board, and that could also make for a miserable day.


All that being said, I have been on day sails with children, including an under two year old. Both times, I booked 'private' sails so there were no 'real' strangers on board, and everyone knew in advance there were going to be children along. The first one was a yacht charter in Acapulco that I booked with others on my roll call (best day of the cruise!), and the second was a birthday trimaran sail in Cozumel for my birthday that I booked with our group of 11 friends and family.


In Cozumel the child was my daughter and she was 10 and had a blast. We didn't get to snorkel because the water was too rough, but we did take a dinghy to a beach for a while as they prepared our (delicious!!) lunch. We also got to ride their spinnaker, which was a blast and way more fun than parasailing. The name of the trimaran was the Tucan, and while it was fairly small, there was definitely shade, and there was plenty of room on deck for relaxing, though it might be tricky to navigate with a baby - if it were in a sling or carrier and the water wasn't as bad as it was for us, I'm sure it could be done, though. A hat and maybe an umbrella would be all you'd need (other than the usual diaper bag and peripherals!).


In Acapulco, the toddler spent all of her time on board up under the awning behind the captain. Neither she nor her sister, who was about 4 I think, had any issues at all, and when we stopped to snorkel they joined their parents on a floatie and loved it.


We love water activities because we live in a landlocked area. We get off of a cruise ship and generally head straight for another boat to sail, snorkel, scuba dive, whale watch... you name it! ha ha ha As such, I've done tons of research in every port, and there have been some that I've found that are very kid-friendly. One or two I've found have even advertised having Disney movies available below decks.


If a sail like this really appeals to you, I recommend doing some research and finding one that is more family-friendly, and if possible, try to organize a group through your roll call to make it a bit more 'private'. Of course, this is also dependant on your baby's ability to tolerate the motion, but really I think that's probably the least of the potential issues. There's also the option of simply foregoing it this trip and waiting until the baby is older. :)

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When I ask myself weather or not to take my DS on a particular excursion the question is "Would I take him on a similar trip at home?". If the answer is yes, then go for it. If no, then choose another excursion.


We started our son boating at two months, but we did start out with small private trips and worked him up to a full day on the boat. If you haven't taken your baby boating yet, then I would not start off with an all day catamaran. If the baby didn't like it and acted cranky I wouldn't want him to be an inconvenience to the other passengers. Also realize that 3 months from now, your baby will be in a totally different phase and could even be walking/learning to walk. When my DS was learning how to walk, I never would have taken him on an all day cat, even a private one, because I would not have had any fun chasing him around all day.


I took a NCL cruise several years ago with a POC in Belize. I did a ship excursion that included a short ferry ride to a private island with a nice calm beach. The ferry picked us up right from the ship. IMHO, this would be a great excursion to do with a little one. Just make sure you bring a life jacket for your baby. Many excursion companies will not have child ones. Also, make sure you bring absolutely everything you need for the baby including food, drink, diapers, clothes, ect.


As for your other ports, I'd do beach days for the most part. When my son was that age we did mostly beaches and walking around the ports with him in a stroller. At that age he was a totally content baby and very easy to travel with. He paid me back for all that good behavior when he went through the terrible twos though. (ARG!) In Cozumel, either Chankanaab or Nachi Cocum would be good choices. Sorry, I don't know about your other ports.


Have fun planning and have a great cruise.

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When I ask myself weather or not to take my DS on a particular excursion the question is "Would I take him on a similar trip at home?". If the answer is yes, then go for it. If no, then choose another excursion.


We started our son boating at two months, but we did start out with small private trips and worked him up to a full day on the boat. If you haven't taken your baby boating yet, then I would not start off with an all day catamaran. If the baby didn't like it and acted cranky I wouldn't want him to be an inconvenience to the other passengers. Also realize that 3 months from now, your baby will be in a totally different phase and could even be walking/learning to walk. When my DS was learning how to walk, I never would have taken him on an all day cat, even a private one, because I would not have had any fun chasing him around all day.


I took a NCL cruise several years ago with a POC in Belize. I did a ship excursion that included a short ferry ride to a private island with a nice calm beach. The ferry picked us up right from the ship. IMHO, this would be a great excursion to do with a little one. Just make sure you bring a life jacket for your baby. Many excursion companies will not have child ones. Also, make sure you bring absolutely everything you need for the baby including food, drink, diapers, clothes, ect.


As for your other ports, I'd do beach days for the most part. When my son was that age we did mostly beaches and walking around the ports with him in a stroller. At that age he was a totally content baby and very easy to travel with. He paid me back for all that good behavior when he went through the terrible twos though. (ARG!) In Cozumel, either Chankanaab or Nachi Cocum would be good choices. Sorry, I don't know about your other ports.


Have fun planning and have a great cruise.

This is very sensible advice. The key to traveling with a little one is flexibility. If you're going to do any excursions, they have to have the flexibility for you to be able to adjust your plans for the baby's needs. If the baby gets overheated or can't sleep or is cutting a tooth, you, the baby, the other passengers and the excursion crew are all going to be miserable.

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I would not do this type of excursion with a baby. You do not know what the catamaran is like, there is likely to be little shade and if your baby doesn't handle travel well.......well then, all on the catamaran are going to be subjected to an unhappy camper.


Also, I really don't think this is the type of atmosphere that is really welcoming to a baby........drinks included??? Excuse me, but that is just asking for trouble if a baby is around.


When one is a parent, one has to make sacrifices so their child is safe and secure.......I really think this is one excursion you should skip with your baby. jmho


Others have given great advice on this thread,

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I would also not do a cat cruise. I am bringing my 2.5 year old twins on a cruise in Jan. and I thought about doing a similar excursion as you and feel they are still too young. I think the best excursion with little ones is the beach. I might take them on an excursion where we take a ferry.

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Thanks to all for your replies :) We will definitely take everything said into account when we finally figure out what we are going to do. Having the baby around people drinking doesn't concern me as we will be surrounded by people on the ship that have had too much to drink. I do think it might be difficult being stuck on the Catamaran if he isn't having a good day and certainly don't want to upset anyone if he is cranky.


On the other hand, if anyone has other suggestions please feel free to comment. Not sure if everyone is going to be content with a "beach day" for all 4 port stops.

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Cozumel - http://www.xcaret.com/attractions

We took DD to Seaworld at that age and she enjoyed it. Turtles/macaws/flamingos/manatees sound fun.


we are going to attempt the ruins at costa maya.

its a 9-1.15 excursions and it shouldnt be too hot this time of year.


will let you know how it is after we take 3 year old in 3 weeks!


I believe there is a monkey/iguana farm in Roatan

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Get a guidebook on these ports....then you'll be able to find out what is avail. in each place. They list ALL the points of interest...zoos (or something like it!) aquariums, butterfly farms, etc.....all stuff a small child may find interesting. You simply have to do a bit of research on your ports, then, deciding on excursions or going it on your own will be much easier!

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Thanks for the suggestions, always open to more if anyone has them!!

I emailed Island Marketing for their experience with Infants and excursions that would be appropriate. My main concern is obviously the carseat situation as we are not lugging that around. I have a private excursion set up for Maya Chan Beach in Costa Maya and they will provide a carseat for transport -very nice. So obviously our options might be limited.


Definitely will look into Xcaret - my only concern there is isn't pretty far away from the cruise terminal?

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March 13-20, 2011 we will be going on our first cruise on Norwegian; as well as our first with a baby. I know this will be a different trip than we have experienced before. I have done searches but haven't found the answer I need. Has anyone done a Catamaran excursion with their baby in tow? We are thinking of doing this in Belize. It is an all inclusive type trip with drinking, snorkeling, beach break, etc. My husband is worried about doing this kind of excursion and I just wanted to know first hand if someone has done it.


We are also going to Roatan, Costa Maya and Cozumel; would be happy to get suggestions for those places as well.


Thanks in advance for any responses!! :)



I would be worried too. For one, there may not be enough shade for the little one and he/she could become dehydrated, suffer 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and/or over heated. Not to mention the fact that he could roll of the catamaran.





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Well, I have been on these excursions before - twice in Cozumel, once in Jamaica and there was always a bottom covered part and it didn't haven't the netting you have pictured. It isn't like we were going to let him roam free - there are 11 of us going, so that is plenty of hands to watch the little guy. The more I think about it though the deciding factor was being "trapped". I would hate for him to be miserable and not be able to do something about it and we certainly don't want to ruin the excursion for anyone else either. There was an awful family aboard our Pirate ship excursion in GC March 2008 and we were stuck with these people for several hours; it really sucked.


I would be worried too. For one, there may not be enough shade for the little one and he/she could become dehydrated, suffer 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and/or over heated. Not to mention the fact that he could roll of the catamaran.





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Having 11 people in your group would certainly help the cause. With that many I would think that it wouldn't be that hard to book a private charter which might give you more flexibility.


Ixcaret would be an easy place to take an infant, but it's a long haul from the cruise ship port. IMHO, not worth doing for the day. The underground river is a fun thing to do, but the water might be too cold for the little one.


On another note, does your husband dress in a tux for formal night? We always dress our DS up in a tux. The pictures we have of him on his first cruise at 11 months are priceless.

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Yeah, there will be a lot of helping hands :) I have a few more months to research and I will hope that more folks that have traveled with a baby this age will chime in with what they did. Here are the ports we are going to in case someone wants to add something: Roatan, Costa Maya, Belize and Cozumel.....


No, he isn't a tux kind of guy but we do have a fake tux for the baby that he wore to our wedding. Maybe we will have to take it with us so he can "dress up" :)


Having 11 people in your group would certainly help the cause. With that many I would think that it wouldn't be that hard to book a private charter which might give you more flexibility.


Ixcaret would be an easy place to take an infant, but it's a long haul from the cruise ship port. IMHO, not worth doing for the day. The underground river is a fun thing to do, but the water might be too cold for the little one.


On another note, does your husband dress in a tux for formal night? We always dress our DS up in a tux. The pictures we have of him on his first cruise at 11 months are priceless.

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Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Some parents are more adventuresome than others. My son is a motor head. He loves anything with an engine that makes noise. We are taking him on a powerboat adventure in Nassau at 20 months. I have done this excursion before (prebaby) and I think he would love it. This trip is all inclusive too with your food and alcohol. The only difference now is that my husband and I will definately only have one or two drinks for the day so that we can keep our senses about us to keep up with little man. I realize this is in a different port from what you need but you can still check out the activities.



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Thank you :) I hope you have fun on your trip!


Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Some parents are more adventuresome than others. My son is a motor head. He loves anything with an engine that makes noise. We are taking him on a powerboat adventure in Nassau at 20 months. I have done this excursion before (prebaby) and I think he would love it. This trip is all inclusive too with your food and alcohol. The only difference now is that my husband and I will definately only have one or two drinks for the day so that we can keep our senses about us to keep up with little man. I realize this is in a different port from what you need but you can still check out the activities.



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Yeah, there will be a lot of helping hands :) I have a few more months to research and I will hope that more folks that have traveled with a baby this age will chime in with what they did. Here are the ports we are going to in case someone wants to add something: Roatan, Costa Maya, Belize and Cozumel.....


No, he isn't a tux kind of guy but we do have a fake tux for the baby that he wore to our wedding. Maybe we will have to take it with us so he can "dress up" :)


If it still fits, bring it and take pictures. They will be so cute.


I also see that you have cruised Carnival a bunch. We also live in Texas so it's convenient for us too. We absolutely love the care our DS received in Camp Carnival. We started cruising with him when he was 11 months and he'll board his 13th cruise next week. The great thing about Camp Carnival is they babysit kids under 2 during certain hours and they let 2 year olds into Camp Carnival and change diapers. So next time you may want to look into Carnival so you and your DH can enjoy some total adult time. Until my son turned 3, we only cruised Carnival. Just thought I'd mention it in case you didn't know. It worked for us.

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Yeah, we opted for NCL for the freestyle aspect and the ports. We will have two sets of grandparents on board that will help out with the little guy. Neither set of parents are late nighters so we should have the evenings to venture about. If they weren't coming than we would defintely find a ship with babysitting, although I think at that age I will feel better that family has him. I know it will be a different kind of vacation this time, definitely have to go with my patience! ha.


If it still fits, bring it and take pictures. They will be so cute.


I also see that you have cruised Carnival a bunch. We also live in Texas so it's convenient for us too. We absolutely love the care our DS received in Camp Carnival. We started cruising with him when he was 11 months and he'll board his 13th cruise next week. The great thing about Camp Carnival is they babysit kids under 2 during certain hours and they let 2 year olds into Camp Carnival and change diapers. So next time you may want to look into Carnival so you and your DH can enjoy some total adult time. Until my son turned 3, we only cruised Carnival. Just thought I'd mention it in case you didn't know. It worked for us.

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We went on a 5 day Carnival cruise last March with my DS about 2 weeks before his first birthday. MY parents were with us, I booked all of our excursions with outside vendors after doing a lot of research on this site. We had 2 stops, cozumel and grand cayman.


In cozumel we booked nochi cocum, I couldn't have been more pleased. We got off the ship, walked to the taxi line, prices were set to all major locations so no hassle to negotiate. Took a cab, were greeted at the entrance asked how many in our party. They took us to our own umbrella, and brought the number of chairs we needed. I brought a sun tent that zipped up and DS napped and played in there, it was a nice break from the sun. We brought him a baby spring float with a shade and it was perfect, we were able to swim in the ocean and the pool. It was a perfect day IMO.


In grand cayman I booked a private company that included a catamaran ride to swim with sting rays and 2 snorkel stops. DS was free, we took our stroller and his life jacket with us with plans to take turns holding him on the boat and possibly getting in with him where it was more shallow. He ended up falling asleep right away and stayed asleep for most of the 2.5 hour trip. I put him in the cabin area below in his stroller and he never stirred. We had planned to sit in the shade with him, it was a great excursion and I believe it would have been equally as good if he was awake.


So I believe it can be done. Just do a lot of research on the logistics of the excursions that you choose.

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I went on an excursion with our baby to Los Arcos and beach/shopping it said we'd be on a catamaran and that worried me I was worried about his safety but the boat we got was safer than the "magic" boat tkportersat posted. Our excursion was not really a "drinking booze" trip I didn't see anyone downing beers I think a few beers were consumed but it wasn't anything concerning. I would be worried having my son near a lot of drunk people.




^^^ best picture I have of the boat we were on. It just looked like an oversized tender boat to me.


Keep in mind this was in Cabo and not the exact excursion you're looking at. I felt I needed to reply because I was so worried about taking my son on that excursion and it went perfectly.

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Thanks so much, great advice :) I wrote a lot down to look into based on your post. The only other question I have is did you also bring his carseat for the taxi ride? We really don't want to bring that with us.


We went on a 5 day Carnival cruise last March with my DS about 2 weeks before his first birthday. MY parents were with us, I booked all of our excursions with outside vendors after doing a lot of research on this site. We had 2 stops, cozumel and grand cayman.


In cozumel we booked nochi cocum, I couldn't have been more pleased. We got off the ship, walked to the taxi line, prices were set to all major locations so no hassle to negotiate. Took a cab, were greeted at the entrance asked how many in our party. They took us to our own umbrella, and brought the number of chairs we needed. I brought a sun tent that zipped up and DS napped and played in there, it was a nice break from the sun. We brought him a baby spring float with a shade and it was perfect, we were able to swim in the ocean and the pool. It was a perfect day IMO.


In grand cayman I booked a private company that included a catamaran ride to swim with sting rays and 2 snorkel stops. DS was free, we took our stroller and his life jacket with us with plans to take turns holding him on the boat and possibly getting in with him where it was more shallow. He ended up falling asleep right away and stayed asleep for most of the 2.5 hour trip. I put him in the cabin area below in his stroller and he never stirred. We had planned to sit in the shade with him, it was a great excursion and I believe it would have been equally as good if he was awake.


So I believe it can be done. Just do a lot of research on the logistics of the excursions that you choose.

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