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Body scanners, More likely not to fly to cruise?


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I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. If the TSA was truly concerned about keeping people safe, wouldn't they have the security screening right as people come inside the airport instead of letting anyone walk around as long as they don't try to go to the gate areas?


Maybe it's just me, but does anyone ever imagine a terrorist going to the airport and getting in the security line during a very busy time, like maybe Thanksgiving/Christmas and detonating a bomb inside the airport? Why would they try to get on a plane anymore?


What about all those thousands of people who go to the malls and shops across the country this time of year? What about the thousands of movie theaters across the country that are packed? What about these places?


Why would any terrorist try to use a plane again with all the hassle and the TSA there? What makes the airport and planes so special, someone could potentially kill thousands of people with no problems at all at literally hundreds of thousands of places in this country.


Will those of you who think this security isn't a problem be willing to be screened before entering any public building like I mentioned above? Should we just get used to the fact that we are going to get groped just to go to the store or watch a movie? If not, what's the point of just doing it at the airport, you can be killed by a terrorist going to the grocery store.

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Remember that most of the screeners working for the TSA worked for the same companies that allowed 19 men with box cutters to board airplanes in 2001. Yep I have a lot of confidence.


Considering I flew today and my pocket knife was never detected in my carry-on luggage, I have ZERO confidence.


Considering that I was told I had to toss my soda bought in the sterile area before boarding the airplane, I have ZERO confidence.


Considering the Gestapo tactics of a few TSOs, then yes I hold them as responsible to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and stop using the excuse, "well I don't make the rules..."


When someone can point me to one incident that was stopped by the actions of the TSA, I might change my beliefs. Someone mentioned drugs being found, well frankly the TSA is not tasked with finding drugs.


No one in this thread has said that they are for NO security, many have said that the current security theater is just that theater.


How much skin the game does the TSA or their TSOs have if a plane becomes an alluminum shower due to a terrorist incident now? NONE. As of current legislation, they are exempt from a lawsuit. Are the officers so confident in their job that they will accept responsibility financially?


Again I believe that the current TSA is reactionary and not proactively protecting us. When a well co-ordinated attack in the non-sterile areas of an airport could destroy more lives than everyone on 9/11, I will consider the TSA nothing more than security and very sad that there are so many sheeple who truly believe they are safer now because of anything the TSA has done or because of these new agressive pat downs and scanners.


BTW, you can find a video online where a German reporter passed through the "new scanner" with enough parts to make a small bomb.


Our problem again is that we are looking for weapons and not looking for people and seriously if these scanners were so wonderful, you would see them in TEL Aviv yesterday!

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I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. If the TSA was truly concerned about keeping people safe, wouldn't they have the security screening right as people come inside the airport instead of letting anyone walk around as long as they don't try to go to the gate areas?


Maybe it's just me, but does anyone ever imagine a terrorist going to the airport and getting in the security line during a very busy time, like maybe Thanksgiving/Christmas and detonating a bomb inside the airport? Why would they try to get on a plane anymore?


What about all those thousands of people who go to the malls and shops across the country this time of year? What about the thousands of movie theaters across the country that are packed? What about these places?


Why would any terrorist try to use a plane again with all the hassle and the TSA there? What makes the airport and planes so special, someone could potentially kill thousands of people with no problems at all at literally hundreds of thousands of places in this country.


Will those of you who think this security isn't a problem be willing to be screened before entering any public building like I mentioned above? Should we just get used to the fact that we are going to get groped just to go to the store or watch a movie? If not, what's the point of just doing it at the airport, you can be killed by a terrorist going to the grocery store.


You raise some valid points.

The problem is that the terrorists always seem to be one step ahead of us and we are always left grasping at straws trying to prevent the next SIMILAR attack while the terrorists are already figuring out their next method of delivery. That is why we can never succeed. Our modus operandi is to look for the gadget and what we need to do is look for the person who may be carrying that gadget. This is where intelligence information, profiling and a trained professional come in. We use profiling in law enforcement all the time because it WORKS. Why can't we use it in these situations?

And yes, the terrorists can and do strike anywhere (buses, trains, subways, markets, restaurants, busy city squares (remember the Times Square incident?). You ask why the planes are so special? The answer is: because we make them special by our reaction to any incident involving a plane. It strikes fear in our hearts, perhaps because we feel so helpless when we are flying and this adds to the phobic element. Let's also not forget the media frenzy which magnifies every incident.

The goal of terrorists is not just to kill but to spread terror and it seems they have certainly done a very good job. So good, that we end up having to make choices such as taking a trip (or cruise) or staying home. Not to mention giving up our personal privacy and allowing strangers to grope and handle our private parts, something most Americans would never had dreamed of doing not so long ago.

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The wonderful TSA:



Due to his medical condition, Sawyer asked to be screened in private. “One officer looked at another, rolled his eyes and said that they really didn’t have any place to take me,” said Sawyer. “After I said again that I’d like privacy, they took me to an office.”


This says it all:

“I am a good American and I want safety for all passengers as much as the next person," Sawyer said. "But if this country is going to sacrifice treating people like human beings in the name of safety, then we have already lost the war.”
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Are you kidding? The new body scanners don't bother me in the least, and I am actually glad they are tightening up security. It will not affect my cruise plans nearly as much as the airlines charging for baggage.:mad:


I thought I was gonna get all fired up over this thread but I'm so happy to see that everyone pretty much agrees that the pat downs are ok and that we'd rather have them and be safe than sorry. I heard about the Wednesday protest but I really hope that's not going to happen either. If you don't like the patdowns, don't fly. Simple as that. I'd rather have a little intrusion and know I'm safe getting on an airplane.:D

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Thanks for your perspective. I think the main problem is that TSA has some people that have no business dealing with the general public. I've never had any issues at all at our local airport (DFW), agents there are pleasant for the most part.


You might find this interesting; reaction from TSA agents about the new policies:


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I don't want to get into a huge political discussion since I'm not even American, but I'm surprised at how the majority of people seem to be OK with the new screenings. My husband doesn't have a choice about flying since his work requires him to roughly every 2 weeks, but I will be choosing to avoid the US in my travels as much as possible. Unfortunately it seems that we are getting the new procedures here in Canada as well.


I will not go through a machine that has a potential health risk that has yet to be determined. You can say that they're safe but we won't really know for years if they are or not. I am absolutely not allowing my child to go through it.


As for the patdowns... can you imagine how awful they must be for a rape survivor? And don't say that she could just go through the scanner- not only is that humiliating and degrading as well, but doesn't she have the same choice to avoid radiation?


I really don't believe this is making us any safer, and I don't believe that this is appropriate. It is not worth it to me to fly if I'm going to be molested or have a potential health risk. I love to travel but this would make me choose to stay home or find alternate ways to get around.


I'm a human being and I deserve some dignity and privacy- not letting some random person look at pictures of me naked or having my genitals and breasts groped.


If they determine the terrorists may hide explosives in their anuses, would you all be amenable to a body cavity search every time you fly? How far can it go before you finally say no?

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SusieV - I'm with you. For myself, I really do not care. 20 years in the Navy makes one pretty callus about privacy issues. OTH, would not want my wife to deal with that nonsense.


That said, I fully recognize that it is an easy issue for us as we are retired. It is easier, and more fun to make the 1200 mile drive to FLL than to put up with flying.

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I don't want to get into a huge political discussion since I'm not even American, but I'm surprised at how the majority of people seem to be OK with the new screenings. My husband doesn't have a choice about flying since his work requires him to roughly every 2 weeks, but I will be choosing to avoid the US in my travels as much as possible. Unfortunately it seems that we are getting the new procedures here in Canada as well.


I will not go through a machine that has a potential health risk that has yet to be determined. You can say that they're safe but we won't really know for years if they are or not. I am absolutely not allowing my child to go through it.


As for the patdowns... can you imagine how awful they must be for a rape survivor? And don't say that she could just go through the scanner- not only is that humiliating and degrading as well, but doesn't she have the same choice to avoid radiation?


I really don't believe this is making us any safer, and I don't believe that this is appropriate. It is not worth it to me to fly if I'm going to be molested or have a potential health risk. I love to travel but this would make me choose to stay home or find alternate ways to get around.


I'm a human being and I deserve some dignity and privacy- not letting some random person look at pictures of me naked or having my genitals and breasts groped.


If they determine the terrorists may hide explosives in their anuses, would you all be amenable to a body cavity search every time you fly? How far can it go before you finally say no?


I agree completely.

IF only this was actually making us safe then MAYBE I would feel that the ends justified the means. But I fear that most people are wearing a false sense of security for there can be so many other ways in which terrorists can accomplish what they want.

Indeed, I ask myself the same question as you posed: What would happen if the next time they put the explosives in some other body orifice which I will not name? I too wonder how far we will allow this to go.

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I think this is the most clever and amusing solution to airport security that I have yet read:


All we need to do is develop a booth that you can step into that will not

X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth.

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Used to fly 30k miles a year. Elite with United Airlines.


Overall, just got sick of it. Not just going to airport, parking, shuttle to desk, staff that IMO were at times more rude than they were helpful.


Just too much hassle. Went from being customers to cattle.


But then (and I won't respond to questions on this as to preserve this as a travel discussion venue) I totally lost faith in our stances and attitudes on security. I think we are naive compared to many in the world, and I think we're going to pay a dear price for it. It starts with the longer lines and inconveniences, fine. Then it gets more invasive, like the groping that is taking place now and in the end, people will still suffer due to people doing harm to us up there. Not to mention certain people in the country kept lecturing against travel to certain places (vegas,, etc.) So, I took the hint. If our country takes lessons from El Al airlines, and ditches naive attitudes that'll be great. Less of us will die needlessly.


Haven't flown once in 2 years.


In the future, certainly we'll fly. Internationally there's no choice. As DD grows up it's inevitable we'll fly once in awhile.


But until then, if it's a 14 hour drive or under, it's a lovely 2 day road trip.


Nice open road seeing America and meeting Americans.


Great music, and time to reflect and talk.


And of course, the best fast food money can buy.


Nobody to grope me. Nobody to tell me this or that. No lost bags, no waiting. No nickel and diming.


Life is good on the road. (Saving good money also!)

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Perhaps we should emulate Israel-profiling and the use of dogs. But, whoa, that would put too many government workers out of work; and, it might also reduce the cost of flying to the consumer. So I guess that is not such a good idea.


Yes sir.

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I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. If the TSA was truly concerned about keeping people safe, wouldn't they have the security screening right as people come inside the airport instead of letting anyone walk around as long as they don't try to go to the gate areas?


Maybe it's just me, but does anyone ever imagine a terrorist going to the airport and getting in the security line during a very busy time, like maybe Thanksgiving/Christmas and detonating a bomb inside the airport? Why would they try to get on a plane anymore?


What about all those thousands of people who go to the malls and shops across the country this time of year? What about the thousands of movie theaters across the country that are packed? What about these places?


Why would any terrorist try to use a plane again with all the hassle and the TSA there? What makes the airport and planes so special, someone could potentially kill thousands of people with no problems at all at literally hundreds of thousands of places in this country.


Will those of you who think this security isn't a problem be willing to be screened before entering any public building like I mentioned above? Should we just get used to the fact that we are going to get groped just to go to the store or watch a movie? If not, what's the point of just doing it at the airport, you can be killed by a terrorist going to the grocery store.


Because detonating a bomb on a plane would have a huge effect on the airline industry and travel industry. Terrorists are not concerned with killing a few hundred people. They are trying to destroy us economically.

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I usually don't post on controversial subjects. I don't really care about people wearing jeans on a formal night or about chair hogs or about smuggling alcohol. But this is such an important issue that I really cannot remain silent.


Listen... the terrorists have already won the war.


And if one needs to have one's genital touched before one can get on a plane, the terrorists have already won the war. They don't need to bomb another plane. They will just look at us and laugh at how we, as a nation, grope each other and humiliate each other while the TSA acts like a chicken with its head cutoff.


The body scanner and the pat down do NOT work, as many other poster have already explained, so I won't repeat what's been posted many times. The entire system is flawed. And don't forget, one can easily enter the "sterile" area from the exit lane if one of those "officers" leave their posts or are just not paying attention. It has happened, hasn't it? Luckily it was just some dude who wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend.


Every board has its cheerleaders. There are Carnival cheerleader, Princess cheerleaders and also Celebrity cheerleaders. But I am saddened, (yes, very saddened) to see so many TSA cheerleaders here who don't even know how flawed the system is.


Yes, you just got groped and so did your 16-year old daughter. You feel safe on a plane. But do you know that a few feet below you on the cargo bin could be numerous air freight packages that have not been screened at all?


Please, don't be a cheerleader of the government, but instead, be critical of the government, especially when you can see that much of your liberty and privacy have been taken away by a flawed system.

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Because detonating a bomb on a plane would have a huge effect on the airline industry and travel industry. Terrorists are not concerned with killing a few hundred people. They are trying to destroy us economically.


And a couple thousand people getting blown up at your local Wal Mart on Black Friday wouldn't put a kibosh on the holiday season and hurt this country economically? Please, give me a break.

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I usually don't post on controversial subjects. I don't really care about people wearing jeans on a formal night or about chair hogs or about smuggling alcohol. But this is such an important issue that I really cannot remain silent.


Listen... the terrorists have already won the war.


And if one needs to have one's genital touched before one can get on a plane, the terrorists have already won the war. They don't need to bomb another plane. They will just look at us and laugh at how we, as a nation, grope each other and humiliate each other while the TSA acts like a chicken with its head cutoff.


The body scanner and the pat down do NOT work, as many other poster have already explained, so I won't repeat what's been posted many times. The entire system is flawed. And don't forget, one can easily enter the "sterile" area from the exit lane if one of those "officers" leave their posts or are just not paying attention. It has happened, hasn't it? Luckily it was just some dude who wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend.


Every board has its cheerleaders. There are Carnival cheerleader, Princess cheerleaders and also Celebrity cheerleaders. But I am saddened, (yes, very saddened) to see so many TSA cheerleaders here who don't even know how flawed the system is.


Yes, you just got groped and so did your 16-year old daughter. You feel safe on a plane. But do you know that a few feet below you on the cargo bin could be numerous air freight packages that have not been screened at all?


Please, don't be a cheerleader of the government, but instead, be critical of the government, especially when you can see that much of your liberty and privacy have been taken away by a flawed system.


Thank you. I honestly think people defending these policies and the TSA must have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

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I usually don't post on controversial subjects. I don't really care about people wearing jeans on a formal night or about chair hogs or about smuggling alcohol. But this is such an important issue that I really cannot remain silent.


Listen... the terrorists have already won the war.


And if one needs to have one's genital touched before one can get on a plane, the terrorists have already won the war. They don't need to bomb another plane. They will just look at us and laugh at how we, as a nation, grope each other and humiliate each other while the TSA acts like a chicken with its head cutoff.


The body scanner and the pat down do NOT work, as many other poster have already explained, so I won't repeat what's been posted many times. The entire system is flawed. And don't forget, one can easily enter the "sterile" area from the exit lane if one of those "officers" leave their posts or are just not paying attention. It has happened, hasn't it? Luckily it was just some dude who wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend.


Every board has its cheerleaders. There are Carnival cheerleader, Princess cheerleaders and also Celebrity cheerleaders. But I am saddened, (yes, very saddened) to see so many TSA cheerleaders here who don't even know how flawed the system is.


Yes, you just got groped and so did your 16-year old daughter. You feel safe on a plane. But do you know that a few feet below you on the cargo bin could be numerous air freight packages that have not been screened at all?


Please, don't be a cheerleader of the government, but instead, be critical of the government, especially when you can see that much of your liberty and privacy have been taken away by a flawed system.


You make a number of assumptions that may not necessarily be true. Who says the system doesn't work, a few people on this board who are expressing their opinions as you are doing. Since 911 we haven't had any attacks emininating from US airports. I would very much like to have a true idea of what is actually being done out there now and not those put on the news to get ratings.


You give one example of a man who entered the sterile area and he got caught, sort of makes the point the system worked.


I may not agree with everything that is being done but I don't see many of you coming up with an alternate system other than using the Israeli system with their 2 airports. Perhaps instead of knocking what we are doing, you come up with something better. I would be the first to complain about a system if there was a viable alternative but I don't see anyone doing this.


I also believe that ultimately when we are up in the air if a problem arises, the passengers will probably handle it on their own if capable of doing so.

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Thank you. I honestly think people defending these policies and the TSA must have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever.


No critical thinking skills, real nice, how about an alternative, use your critical thinking and give me one. Please don't throw up the Israeli system with their two airports and 40 flights a day. Perhaps you can explain how that will work here and the cost. Imagine the lines driving into the airport as they stop every car as they do in Israel. Please, use your critical thinking skills.

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And a couple thousand people getting blown up at your local Wal Mart on Black Friday wouldn't put a kibosh on the holiday season and hurt this country economically? Please, give me a break.


Actually, a terrorist organization just today stated the way to take down this country is to do so economically by small cuts. I am more fearful for our country with small and numerous attacks which would be fairly easy to do than the large attack.

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Think I´ll buy this for my kids for Christmas!


Airport Security Play Set


It would take a child with vast imagination to find any fun whatsoever in the process that adults look forward to like they do a sigmoidoscopy: the airport security checkpoint. This is even more true now that the hand-pats include even the most indelicate parts of the body.


Encouraging a child to play as a professional groper seems like a very bad idea.




http://srph.it/cY0VeFAirport Security Play Set




By the way , I will do what is needed to travel , as will my children and I do not agree with a lot of the reactionary dialogue which has been going on on this thread....that said , thought a little humor was in order.

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First of all, I have had to pat down infants before. Before you go off on me, even in my little home town, drug runners have loaded their babies diapers with drugs to escape detection. If they will do that with drugs, what's to stop a terrorist from doing the same with some c-4? Remember those liquid explosive terrorists? Some of them had their wives and children with them. They were perfectly willing to sacrafice their families for their goal! As for patting down old people, you don't get the briefings I do. You don't know what you are talking about or you would never leave your house! There have been several instances of elderly people being taken advantage of by their travel companions and being caught trying to bring MAJOR dangerous things through checkpoints! I cannot and will not go into detail but, you have a computer. Use it. Look up the Russian widows, middle age and graying who blew up 2 Russian airliners a few years back. They hardly look like middle eastern young men but look how many people they killed!!! You armchair generals sit back and complain about what we do and don't give any concrete realistic solutions. You would be the first to point a finger if a plane fell out of the sky! BTW, I hold you in as much contempt as you seem to hold me. You only know what you see and make snap judgements on something you really know very little of. Thanks for your support!


I don't like the new body scanners and have had body pat downs - for some reason I seem to off the alarms even though I have removed belt, earrings, watch, and am only wearing my street clothes, an underwire bra and panties. Don't like the pat downs at all but will endure it for my safety and the safety of others flying with me. Playing devil's advocate though because I happen to know people with bladder cancer, many of them wear urostomy bags. One of them just went through a pat down this week. He asked for a privacy room and tried three times to explain to the TSA agents that he had a urostomy bag and please be gentle when patting down that area or the seal used to connect the bag could come loose. They wouldn't listen, and he ended up urinating over himself. There was no place for him to clean up (am assuming he was now running late for his plane) so he had to wait until he got on the plane and could go in the bathroom to clean up and change clothes. That incident was followed by the breast cancer survivor who had her prothesis examined. I think there should be some room to allow for dignity during these searches. I do commend you for what you do and understand that a lot of TSA staff do not like this part of their job.

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I usually don't post on controversial subjects. I don't really care about people wearing jeans on a formal night or about chair hogs or about smuggling alcohol. But this is such an important issue that I really cannot remain silent.


Listen... the terrorists have already won the war.


And if one needs to have one's genital touched before one can get on a plane, the terrorists have already won the war. They don't need to bomb another plane. They will just look at us and laugh at how we, as a nation, grope each other and humiliate each other while the TSA acts like a chicken with its head cutoff.


The body scanner and the pat down do NOT work, as many other poster have already explained, so I won't repeat what's been posted many times. The entire system is flawed. And don't forget, one can easily enter the "sterile" area from the exit lane if one of those "officers" leave their posts or are just not paying attention. It has happened, hasn't it? Luckily it was just some dude who wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend.


Every board has its cheerleaders. There are Carnival cheerleader, Princess cheerleaders and also Celebrity cheerleaders. But I am saddened, (yes, very saddened) to see so many TSA cheerleaders here who don't even know how flawed the system is.


Yes, you just got groped and so did your 16-year old daughter. You feel safe on a plane. But do you know that a few feet below you on the cargo bin could be numerous air freight packages that have not been screened at all?


Please, don't be a cheerleader of the government, but instead, be critical of the government, especially when you can see that much of your liberty and privacy have been taken away by a flawed system.


Thank you for your well thought out, and intelligent post on this issue!

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Then again, we all best get used to it.


I think that We the People more and more, are less understanding and appreciative of who we are as a people, the rights we have, and how those rights were given to us. And that being the case, we're more likely to give those rights up, drop by drop and we'll justify it to ourselves.


So the groping is fine I guess. Heck, makes us safer right?


Besides it's good practice. You heard it here 1st folks......but the day is coming where it'll be law that we ALL must go to a government agent, and have our Body Mass Index (BMI) checked. It'll start with our kids (who will be total rabbits, programmed to genuflect for government when they grow up), and then trickle up to adults.


Yes sir officer, come on in. I hope we've used the right size toilet bowl in our home, the correct light bulbs to read with (the new ones are led filled, but that'll be the law), and thank you so much for making sure our my kids are reading the correct books and learning the correct values as you seem fit. And don't worry, my Wife and I won't go over the child bearing limit either. Speaking of child bearing, thanks for the book that teaches my 11 year old daughter not just safe sex, but the joys and pleasures of various forms of sex.


Oh by the way, I think the pizza place down the road uses trans fats in their food. Maybe you can go shut him down later on today.


(This is not me pontificating. That stuff either iS law, is going to be law, or is at the policy-geek stage where people are discussing it)


Live from the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave.




O Say, can you see?

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Then again, we all best get used to it.


I think that We the People more and more, are less understanding and appreciative of who we are as a people, the rights we have, and how those rights were given to us. And that being the case, we're more likely to give those rights up, drop by drop and we'll justify it to ourselves.


So the groping is fine I guess. Heck, makes us safer right?


Besides it's good practice. You heard it here 1st folks......but the day is coming where it'll be law that we ALL must go to a government agent, and have our Body Mass Index (BMI) checked. It'll start with our kids (who will be total rabbits, programmed to genuflect for government when they grow up), and then trickle up to adults.


Yes sir officer, come on in. I hope we've used the right size toilet bowl in our home, the correct light bulbs to read with (the new ones are led filled, but that'll be the law), and thank you so much for making sure our my kids are reading the correct books and learning the correct values as you seem fit. And don't worry, my Wife and I won't go over the child bearing limit either. Speaking of child bearing, thanks for the book that teaches my 11 year old daughter not just safe sex, but the joys and pleasures of various forms of sex.


Oh by the way, I think the pizza place down the road uses trans fats in their food. Maybe you can go shut him down later on today.


(This is not me pontificating. That stuff either iS law, is going to be law, or is at the policy-geek stage where people are discussing it)


Live from the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave.




O Say, can you see?


Pontificate away, you are right on many of these things. I am from the Northeast and the worst violator in this area is NY City Mayor Bloomburg. If I want to have a burger with Salt on it, then so be it, it is my right. Flying is not a right and certain things have to be done. I am just asking that someone sit back and see what the heck is going on out there. I am keeping an open mind until I see some good reporting which I have not seen. Have you seen one person on TV go through security and say it was no big deal. Yet, we have numerous people on this thread say the same thing. Everything is glamorized, it reminds me of the old news adage, "if it bleeds, it leads". That is all I ask. If you check, most on this thread have said they would just go through the security. I have seen on the news this morning, the lead, if you don't go through the scanner and refuse the pat down, you cannot leave the area and are subject to an $11,000 fine. What are the details beyond the headline, this is all I ask and I implore those to ask questions and try and find some news that actually answers them.

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