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Live from the Brilliance - at 3:45 am all H*** broke loose!


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Just got off the phone with our RCI rep here in Germany and they told me as of right now the Dec 17th cruise is a go......but I'm not sure if I believe them or not.


Frankfurt can only provide information they get from Miami.


Someone did mention here that they were heading back to Rhodes which was previously scheduled for Dec. 11.


I checked on marinetraffic and it showed the MSC Magnifica South of Rhodes near Lindos more or less all day long. Last time I´ve checked they were heading straight South to Egypt.



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Even if the Dec 17th cruise is to go as planned I guess I'm still a little worried about having so many dollars invested in the cruise and possibly not having a ship that is in tip top shape and may not have all activities and rooms available. And if it does get cancelled I assume I am out airfare.

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Even if the Dec 17th cruise is to go as planned I guess I'm still a little worried about having so many dollars invested in the cruise and possibly not having a ship that is in tip top shape and may not have all activities and rooms available. And if it does get cancelled I assume I am out airfare.

Did you buy travel insurance? If the cruise is cancelled, you could file an insurance claim. Unfortunately, it is just a waiting game until a final decision is made. Only one person is talking a cancellation and a drydock and no one else has reported hearing that information.

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I wouldn't call it a mistake (and by your quote marks, neither, apparently would you). These ship captains have to skate a knife's edge (or it that sail a storm's edge?) trying to meet their conflicting goals.


People who have no knowledge of the seas and sailing (and thank you, USN officer, for your knowledgeable insight) get all huffy and distressed because the captain makes decisions on the basis of years and years of experience and training AND the desires and intentions of the cruise line to meet its schedule and itinerary; trying to balance the safety of the ship, and the desire of the passengers to go (and the cruise line to take them) to various places around the world.


Some folks are angry because they missed a port they were counting on; some are angry because the captain tried to MAKE that port in very bad weather. Some are angry because he didn't turn tail and run out to sea where it (might have been) calmer. (Any of y'all have any idea how far he would have had to sail out to sea to get clear of the storm, and how long that would have taken, and if it even could have be done? Thought not.) Some are angry because the captain had to do the seamanship-required thing and slow down in traffic (would y'all would be happier if he went screaming into port and slammed into -- or, more likely, GOT slammed into by -- some other ship?! That would put a crimp in your cruise, eh?) (Can the captain possibly win here?!)


Look, the sea is dangerous! There's no way around it. Cruise ships are built at massive cost and with amazing engineering to go into harm's way for the pleasure of their passengers -- who mostly know little or nothing about the dangers of the sea and the requirements of operating a huge ship on a seething, flailing, rogue-wave-bearing 'animal' whose dangers are unknown or ignored or dismissed by folks who know very little about it.


That cruise ships manage to so INfrequently get into trouble is an amazing testament to the skill and determination of their captains and crews. That passengers (or worse, onlookers!) who know so little get so bitchy about "insufficient compensation" for being scared -- or knocked around and bruised -- or missing a port (and I don't just mean this cruise, which was certainly terrifying, but it seems to happen on any cruise whenever the sea or the weather interferes with the cruise), is alas unsurprising, but unwarranted.


Cruising is NOT a Disneyland ride (even if, yes, the cruiselines often make it sound like it is). The sea will always be dangerous -- and to blame the captain or the cruiseline for skirting the shoals between missing ports and sailing in heavy weather... well, it just doesn't seem reasonable, you know?



I must down go to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

(from Sea Fever by John Masefield)


Excellent post. :)

If I were on board I might have a different view, but I hope I would have kept in mind that:

1. Captains are very experienced and knowlegeable people,

2. Everybody on board wanted to go to Alexandria,

3. Nobody wanted any damage to the ship or anything or person on it.

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We're certainly checking in with RCI to see where the next cruise stands and for a comment on the stabilizers. We'll post a full report when they respond. Question: the cabin TV estimation, is that something a steward mentioned?


You don't happen to have any photos of the ship? Cruise Critic is working on a follow-up story, and we'd like to include some visuals. You can e-mail dan@cruisecritic.com.






Thank you for working hard to stay on top of this, Dan. I'm sure we all would appreciate any new information you come by.


RCI does many things very well. Communications in uncertain times doesn't seem to be one of them.

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Video posted on you tube via NBC news channel


That is the news report that was posted yesterday on this thread. I was hoping you found video from on the ship. On Good Morning America this morning, they had a phone interview with a young honeymoon couple on board the ship. I wonder if that is the son and DIL of the poster who posted earlier in this thread about a honeymoon couple.

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We were sailing in a storm all day yesterday on our way to Alexandria - dining room was almost empty. At 3:45 am, the ship listed 10-15% each way, over and over again. I was flying back and forth. My roomie managed to brace herself. The beds were sliding back and forth!! Broken glass everywhere as everything on it went flying. Tables and chairs upended.


We are okay - not sure if there are any injuries. I am just bruised.


It happened as we had to slow down while entering the port area of Alexandria to avoid ship traffic. The stabilizers then didn't work.


We have sailed out to sea into the storm. It is calmer, but we're still rocking. Windjammer is closed. Only dining venue is the Dining room for a continental breakfast. We may or may not make it to Alexandria - we were due for an overnight.


The crew was called out in the night. Cabin attendants checked all the rooms to see if anyone needed help. Now the massive cleanup begins!


We are on the same cruise as dirt girl, very scary night, but things seem better now....



Bed surfing, what an experience...




Just got a call from my son and DIL who are on their honeymoon. They said very scary as well. Hope to have video soon they are trying to send from their phone. Will send some updates when I have them. They said all computers had smashed in internet cafe and Grand piano smashed into wall. Much broken glass all over ship, Windjammer closed.


To all of you on this cruise we just want you to know that we are keeping all of you in our prayers and are also trying to keep abreast of the developments on our national news back here in the states.


GOD SPEED for a safe trip home.

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Perhaps it is just me, but what is it with all these "thoughts and prayers?"


As unpleasant, uncomfortable and worrying as these type of things can be, they are one of the rare and occaissional hazards of travelling. Fortunetaly nobody was seriously injured and the damage will be repaired. Captains around the world make "mistakes" every day of every year, because they are required to make decisions. With the benefit of hindsight it is easy to classify a decision as a "mistake" if despite being done with the best of intentions and resource available at that time, it doesn't prove effective in the circumstances.


It sounds as if the decision to award everybody an onboard credit was a quick decision to provide some redress for the inconvenience suffered generally. No doubt individual claims for quantifiable damage will be considered in due course and on an individual basis where applicable.


Everybody is safe and well, so perhaps the "thoughts and prayers" are better directed from some vacationers who endured an uncomfortable and frightening night, to those whose circumstances put them in real jeopardy everyday, protecting our otherwise cossetted way of life.


$200 is not enough? Maybe not, but perhaps taking that sum in $1 bills and flicking through the message "In God we trust" two hundred times would be an adequate reminder. However for some the message on the back will be unimportant compared to the number on the front!


If it bothers you, don't read this thread. Those that have had some type of experience such as theirs truly understand what they went thru and to top it off missing Egypt their highlight of the cruise. BTW are you done with those old countdowns dating back to 2008?

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Did you buy travel insurance? If the cruise is cancelled, you could file an insurance claim. Unfortunately, it is just a waiting game until a final decision is made. Only one person is talking a cancellation and a drydock and no one else has reported hearing that information.


And that person was a bartender, so not a full time employee.:p

We were on one cruise where the dining room steward said the cruise before had been a little rough and half the dishes had been broken so our dinner would not be served until some more plates had been washed. Hope those booked on the 17th have no problems greater than that.:)

Re: Compensation. I think anyone who cut his/her feet on broken glass should be given plenty of alchohol (drinkable) to lower the pain. :D

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Too many people are under the impression that just because a cruise ship is big, it makes it safe, from all natural events. I do think the cruise lines have painted this picture, which is true 99% mosts of the time, but, there are things out in the high seas that no one can predict even with modern technology. This is coming from an experience boater/fisherman who has spent many many did I say, many hours in the Gulf Stream.


PS, I do not think RC owes anyone compensation. But, when the grand piano is not securely anchored down, what a mistake.


On our cruise when the grand piano rolled off the stage and smashed due to rough seas, it also was not bolted down. They move these things all the time so I can understand why they aren't bolted down. Just think of all the venues you are in and one show has the piano on stage and then its rolled off for an empty stage.

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Maybe Thoughts and Prayers are considered politically incorrect now a days. :) Now that I think about it everything is politically incorrect now a days.


My thoughts and prayers are with everyone this time of year. Happy Holidays.

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Full refund!


The captain just announced a full refund for all guests as a result of the "unfortunate incident" of 2 days ago.


He did not repeat his word -- "mistake" -- that punctuated his first message after the ship "rolled" (listed) 4 times at 3 a.m. early Saturday morning -- but everyone was cheering too loudly to notice.


I'm toasting the captain and RCI with Dirtgirl in the Schooner Bar and just gave the first bartender I saw a $25 tip. All the staff deserve that and more. Eva, one waitress, lost her TV and DVD player in the incident so we'll make sure she gets new ones.


Personally, I think RCI went overboard (no pun intended) by offering a full refund, obviously reacting to press reports about the incident, but who am I to complain.


Another drink, barkeep!


Dirtgirl says hi and she hopes hubby is taking care of the kids.

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Good luck to you all onboard...and try...try...try to enjoy what is left of your memorable journey! Lucky for you all, you will have one of the most interesting travel tales to tell in the many years ahead! Imagine the honeymoon story of this couple...the seas moved for them!! Wow! Again, hope the rest of your journey is less memorable!:):)

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Hi Carol:


I am glad that you and your roommate are OK. I remember how helpful you were to us prior and during our last Mariner cruise (and at Los Veranos) I wonder if you wish that you were on that cruise now.


Keep up that positive attitude and that great smile that I remember. Sorry about the gym as I know you like to work out.

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We did some major rockin' and rollin' our first night out of Barcelona last October. Everyone had luggage and furniture up against the drawers, etc, to keep them from banging in and out. Most non-bolted down items in the cabins were doing major sways back and forth. During his talk the next day, the Captain jokingly put the "blame" on all the honeymooners. Sure must have been a lot of them on board the Brilliance!


Seriously, hope all is well today and my prayers too are with the passengers and the crew.

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Maybe Thoughts and Prayers are considered politically incorrect now a days. :) Now that I think about it everything is politically incorrect now a days.


My thoughts and prayers are with everyone this time of year. Happy Holidays.


Personally, I don't think it's really an issue of political incorrectness (lol, is that even a real word:o). I think it's just become such a common and overused expression that it can sound trite and canned. I believe that most of the time, people say it in the spirit of true good will, but when you hear it all the time for sometimes even the slightest of problems, it can lose a little of its punch, imo. I think lots of people say it without really thinking (or actually praying); it can come naturally to our lips (or keyboards) when we feel empathy for another. Which, at the end of the day, is not a bad thing at all.:)

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We sailed through a hurricane (both ways) and a nor'easter. We did not see half the ship until the third day and the duty free liquor store lost more than half the supply they had to sell. Some of our friends slept the other way across the bed and one almost fell out. One person we did not know broke their hip when they fell out of bed and another broke their nose.


Not fun, hopefully nobody was hurt.

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Maybe Thoughts and Prayers are considered politically incorrect now a days. :) Now that I think about it everything is politically incorrect now a days.


My thoughts and prayers are with everyone this time of year. Happy Holidays.


My are you right on about that!!! It really gets me when people think they have to politically correct about everything that they say,,,I say phooey to that:mad:''


Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:D:D

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We had sailed on Serenade of the Seas in 2005 in a very calm Carribean. This ship listed and everything went wild. Everybody and everything that was not bolted down was thrown about. On the outside promenade deck large overhanging eqipment and a clock crashed onto the deck. Water overflowed from the swimming pools above down into the elevators and this shorted the electric supply and created a fire. Some people had serious injuries as a result of this listing. I was in the main theatre and ironically watching a plate balancing act during this(needless to say what happened to the plates) but behind us at the bar we could hear liquor bottles crashing onto the floor and then people scrambling to get out of theatre...what a horror show! I really thought that this was "my time" because of my location in the theater and thus not being able to get out if the ship had not come back from the list.


Being that the ship was in a calm sea did not make sense to why we had listed so much. The official explanation was that the stabalizers had malfunctioned. As I can remember I am sure the Captain had responded professinally to the situation and all the appropriate measures were applied during the emergency..whatever that entailed I could not imagine. But the only "I'm sorry for your horror show" credit was a free

glass of wine at dinner. I wrote the company a letter about the forementioned experience but never got a reply. So I never have been

back on RCL. I really enjoyed the beautiful styling and opulant finishes of these ships...its just too bad that this is the treatment that happens on a "Mass Market" cruise line... We have been cruising the smaller ships on HAL and Crystal and though nothing like this extreme has yet happened... god forbid..we still feel that it would be handled with much more concern and care. Our thoughts and prayers go out for all of those badly effected during this recent listing incident.

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