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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Hi, ladies,


Wow, it must have been something in the air yesterday.


First of all, Donna you look so great. And happy. That's a wonderful achievement.


I had a strange weekend, last weekend. Something that we never do. We went out to a cocktail snack with friends. Well, we do that... but they mentioned that they had a rental movie and it was one that I really did want to see... The King's Speech (aside: if you haven't seen it, it is a very good movie. Anita, it's not a GS movie and that's only because I think the subject would be boring for him and there is a bit of swearing that is very germane to the plot)... so the snack was at a Mexican restaurant... then we went back to their house for the movie... more wine... and they decided to offer some dinner... this is the part that we never do... so we had even more to eat... and it was another restaurant meal (Chinese)... so when I woke up on Sunday and popped on the scale.. I was up 2.6 lbs!!


I knew it was sodium, restaurant preparation meals and wine related. But, it just made me mad. It took me 3 days to get rid of that weight "gain," and so I decided yesterday that I was going to "shock" my body.


I don't know if I could have done 2 hours in a row, Kasi! But, I did go to Zumba in the morning at 9:15am, and again early evening at 5:30pm. My HRM said that I burned 1700 calories, in these two sessions.


My ribcage is so sore. That's what I'm feeling this morning! And last night I had a terrible issue with foot cramps. I called Anita after the last class because my feet started cramping during our cool down song. Anyone else have issues like this? And, then last night... OMG... I was almost too tired to sleep well.. had the hardest time getting to sleep... and then woke with foot cramps early this morning.


Anita did some research for me (well, you ladies knew that would happen :D ) and it appears that I need to do a few things: hydration (very, very important because of the excessive sweating during Zumba sessions and we are very hot with low humidity here), massage my foot when I change out of the dance shoes into street shoes (because the cool down songs are good for stretching the larger muscles of the body, but not terrific about stretching our foot muscles which are tinier and get quite a workout themselves during Zumba), and shoes (need medial support, which is support on the inner part of the arch of the foot). So, all that being said, I need to: drink water, massage for a bit before I just head out of the gym, look into some different shoes. I've been wearing Capezio dance shoes and I can feel my foot "rolling" in them when we do side-to-side movements.


OK. I did have a minus 1.4 lbs on the scale this morning. That's a significant drop, which means that I have to pay particular attention to my diet today because my body is definitely... well.. adjusting.


I'm not completely daft. I'm going to Las Vegas in a little over a week and I know that I'll indulge there. So, I'm just getting prepared for that!....:D

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It's so late...I shouldn't be awake...but I am.


Kasi...I just have to say...I'm reading about instructors losing the tassels on the Wonder bottoms. I guess they can come off? So BEWARE. I guess they are getting caught in random places, getting in and out of cars, grocery stores, etc.


Mom...so if you aren't COMPLETELY daft? Going to Zumba twice in one day just qualifies for being just a LITTLE doolally?

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Just in case anyone is wondering WHERE in the WORLD did I pick up a word like DOOLALLY? It was in my most recent historical romance novel. :D I admit to my addiction!! And somehow, this is the word that was used to refer to someone playing without a full deck back in the day. The setting was Ireland/Wales/London. Donna, you ever heard this term before?

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Well, it was a really late night for me as well, so I can imagine how you felt.

As I said before, I met with the girls for sushi last night. Did I mention that we did sushi ourselfes? Let´s say it´s a whole lot of work but it was quite funny, too. Well, we ended up with so much sushi that each of us had to take a whole plate of nigiri and maki rolls home with us. That´s how DH came to a plate of sushi as a midnight snack ;)


Today is again a day of rain and it´s quite cool. However the forecast promises us sunshine and 25 degrees and more starting tomorrow. Really looking forward to that as I feel like I´m growing fins.


We are heading to the netherlands in the afternoon for some shopping and afterwards a birthday party at our friends.

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I made this last night and it was seriously good! Then, with lunch, I had a small bowl just to see if it held up as a leftover.. didn't warm it up... and still thought it was seriously good, even cold. So, here you go...


Note: Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.


Radish Top Pasta


I didn't even think about actually eating the radish leaves until I saw this recipe.


Serves 6. I didn't do the nutritional breakdown, but I could if you need for me to.


About 25 radishes, with leaves

12 ounces of small pasta, such as penne

1/2 cup pine nuts (I did omit this ingredient, because DH doesn't like nuts)

3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil (probably didn't use this much)

1 onion, chopped

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves (used cilantro because I like it)


Wash and dry the radishes and the green tops. Cut the leaves from the radishes and set them aside. Cut off the top and bottom of each radish, then slice them paper-thin (Note: this was the most tedious part of the recipe). Next, chop the radish leaves.


Fill a large saucepan with salted water and bring it to a boil Add the pasta and cook it according to the package instructions.


While the pasta is cooking, toast the pine nuts in a dry skillet over medium-high heat until lightly browned, about 4 minutes. Set the nuts aside.


Heat the olive oil in the same skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onions and cook until they become translucent, 4 to 6 minutes. Add the sliced radishes and cook for 2 minutes longer. Add the garlic, toasted pine nuts, and radish leaves, and cook until the leaves wilt and soften. Remove the pan from the heat, season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste, and keep warm.


Drain the pasta, leaving a couple of tablespoons of water in the pan. Add the Parmesan, and mix. Add the radish mixture. Serve topped with the chopped parsley. Pass more Parmesan at the table, to taste.



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I don't know what my deal is but I'm having a hard time going to bed! I recall this happening most summers...I don't know why. It's not like I sleep all day...so you'd think that I would be tired...


The thought of eating radish greens was new to me too. BUT, when I was doing research on alternative sources of calcium, I think radish greens had the highest concentration of calcium of all the different green leaves normally eaten. I have only ever found one recipe that used them, so I'm very interested to try this pasta recipe.


The one recipe I found is to make a condiment called a mash...using the radish greens, fresh herbs, green olives, etc. I have used this as a spread for sandwiches and anything served on a bun. I'll have to look up the recipe to share. It's from a cookbook called The Balanced Plate.

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That recipe sounds lovely. On the Slimming World Plan all those ingredients are 'free' apart from the sprinkling of parmesan which would be counted as one of my healthy extras. I'm always looking for new pasta recipes so thank you! :D


Today I'm cooking a lamb Sunday roast but tomorrow I think I'll go and get some radishes and give it a try. I think it might be nice with spaghetti too?


Anita, up here it is so light in the summer I often struggle to sleep through the night too. A nice bath with some lavendar drops can sometimes help, or a spritz of lavendar on your pillow about 30 mins before you go to bed can sometimes help. :)

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The pasta recipe did keep quite well for the 2nd day, but I'm getting tired of it now! LOL. And, of course, because it's pasta there is a bit of "weep" in the dish, and I'm thinking it shouldn't be held too much longer.


So, next time I make this dish, I will definitely cut it DOWN, way down. Probably to a little under 1/2 of what it makes. PLUS, I know that 2oz of pasta is considered a serving, but I find that we're eating less than that as a serving... so 6 servings for the 2 of us... way too much....


Donna, spaghetti would work fine, especially if you break it up rather than leave it in long strands. Let me know if you make it and find it tasty as well.


Believe it or not, I'm actually missing Zumba today. Maybe I do have a Zumba addiction? Is there such a thing?!? I don't have a class scheduled until Tuesday evening! That's another 2 days before I can wiggle my booty....

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Hi Pam,


I´m sure we qualify as Zumba-addicts, I´ve been to class today, and hope to make it to class tomorrow, but as I have an appointment at the dentist, I´m not sure if I´ll feel up to it tomorrow.


We had grilled fish wish mushrooms and garlic potatoe slices for lunch and a green salad with raspberry vinaigrette for dinner.


Summer seems to finally return to us, we had mid-twentiy degrees today and forecast is we´ll have temperature in the 30s that equals about 90 degrees fahrenheit for tomorrow.That´s pretty warm for Germany. Today it was quite hard to be outside, as we had high humidity due to all the rain we had the last few days.


I took the chance to head outside in the evening and took a look at the tomatoe and pepper plants. If all goes according to plan we´ll have quite a lot of homegrown veggies. Our berry-bushes are still small, so that dh can just get a taste of what may come in the next few years...


We are still scuplturing our garden. We hope to get the neccessary stones this week, so that we can built a new plant bed beside our patio.

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Kasi, no 30 degrees here, still struggling to get above 13!:( The rest of Uk seem to have good weather though!


Anita, just had to come back to you on the doolally thing - I'm amazed someone in US would know that term - we use it here all the time and it's a real Scottish word! Means a bit crazy/forgetful :D We tend to say 'must be going a little doolally' when someone says something a bit strange or if you forget something that was said to you. It's a great word!!

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It IS a great word!


So Monday night's class...I missed classes last week. Took a little break. Got my choreo figured out for my own classes...it was the first week of the new session though, so there were bound to be new people that enrolled in the class.


And I LOST my spot! :eek::mad::(


I was sitting on my Pilates mat putting my shoes on...another lady put her stuff right next to mine and stood right in front of me!...while I was sitting there! I didn't know what to do! I didn't think it would be right to cut in front of her and be territorial about my spot in class...especially since it's right in front...like I HAD to be in front...it wasn't about that though...it was my SPOT!! LOL.


So I stood behind her...and the thing was that the lady didn't stay in that spot. That spot is right beside Kelly. Liz is on the other side. She and I are like bookends to Kelly. But this brand new lady...that didn't know what she was doing...wouldn't stand next to Kelly...she kept moving back...and encroaching on my row...where I was standing in line with the ladies...but I couldn't move back because Alma was right behind me! So I had to deal with this woman. UGH!!


And the whole time, I'm thinking to myself...this is so stupid...I shouldn't be so bummed out about where I stand in class...I should be glad that this woman wants to be able to see Kelly (it can be hard to see her from the back) and isn't embarrassed to be in front while she's learning...(because you know how it is when you are first starting and a bit clueless...sometimes you have to do some sort of weird busy movement while you are trying to figure out what in the world the real move that you are supposed to be doing IS)...BUH-UUUUT...I wasn't glad for her...I was irritated! LOL. :o


So I had this internal dialogue all during class...trying to soothe my annoyance.


It'll be so interesting to see what happens tonight.

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OMG. Territory!


I have to tell you. Last night several people were standing in front of the studio doors (because they actually LOCK the doors when they don't have a class in the studio... which I really don't get because why wouldn't they just let people go in there and do whatever... maybe because of having to actually move stupid people out of the way for a class?... whatever...). Anyway, a woman was... literally... standing in front of the doors in such a way that nobody else could stand beside her. WELL, a man came up... and started talking with everyone, and inching forward, and inching forward. Before she could figure out what happened, he was standing beside her because she had shifted just that little itty bit to the side.


So, now there are the two people standing there, blocking the doors. So, the gym attendant comes to unlock the doors, double doors. And the man managed to get on the side of the door that was going to be the one that opened. So, he got to go into the room FIRST. So, the lady started running to her SPOT and he started running to the exact same SPOT and they were elbowing each other like little kids on a playground.


So, so funny.


It was all in good fun. I think that they somewhat knew each other. And there's a HUGE rivalry in this particular class over certain spots. OMG. You canNOT miss one of these classes because you will definitely compromise your rights to your particular spot.


Hey, it's important.


I'm just saying.....



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There was serious thought going on as to how I was going to reclaim my spot in class. The one lady that had been absent that had also been told that she had lost HER spot was back...she was standing in her spot WELL before class started, instead of chatting on the side like she normally does...and she motions to me and says "Get up there!"...and in the end, attendance is like HALF of Monday's class...and the one who had taken my spot didn't show up to class.:p


I was briefly concerned that my actions had somehow driven the woman away...but I was concentrating so hard on being visually casual about the whole spot situation...and I remembered that people had wondered if that one woman and I had come to class together...so I couldn't have appeared antagonistic toward her if people thought we were friends.


Such a weird thing...this territory issues...from what I understand from Mom and Kelly and reading the forums...people are serious about their SPOT...I totally understand though. When you think about it...it's kind of ridiculous...except that it can make such a difference in your class experience.


My own morning class was small too...I think our Independence Day holiday may have something to do with class attendance this week. My Curves class, however, was PACKED last night. I had 3 new people come in for that one. Those ladies are in LOVE with Zumba and are spreading the word to get all their friends back into Curves and going to Zumba. There were ladies that showed up JUST to go to Zumba...they didn't do the circuit at all.


And in both classes, I pushed the intensity up a bit...appropriately...but I did do it. And this morning, I am SO GLAD that I don't have class.


This week, I decided to get serious about my eating habits. I was saying to Mom last night that I had fallen back into the thought process of "I could eat more" rather than "I could stop eating and be okay". She said that she had done the same thing the night before with out of town friends during dinner at a restaurant...well...I'VE been doing this since MARCH! :eek:


So this week, we've been doing a modified Fat Flush eating plan. I've been going NO GRAIN this week. And limited dairy. Limited to my coffee drink. I stepped up the veggie eating. I've eaten a HUGE entree salad for lunch the past two days and for dinner three times. I had to take a break from that last night...and made ground meat (extra lean, grass fed) tacos using lettuce for the wrap...I caramelized onions and sauteed peppers...sliced avocados...fresh pico de gallo...been drinking lemon tea in the morning...eating an egg based breakfast instead of oatmeal...and drinking more cranberry juice enhanced water...and trying to not feel STUFFED.


The result is that I feel slightly hungry a LOT...but not in a horrible way...and when it is meal time...I am HUNGRY...like I can't believe I have to cook or prepare my meal first...feed me...feed me RIGHT NOW hungry. This is only a two-week deal...just a little something to gain the upper hand on my body's cravings and habits...just exerting a short period of serious discipline in order to get back on track...because I know that what I have been doing lately has not been AT ALL in pursuit of my fitness goals.


It feels good.


Today, DH has to go into work for a meeting, but then he is planning on coming home. We're thinking about going to the beach today. Monday is Independence Day and Tuesday is our anniversary...14 years BABY!!!...so we will have a fun celebratory weekend. It's going to be interesting to see how food figures into the deal. My plan is to get back into the great mindset I had going during all the winter holidays...some celebration without over indulgence.


Happy Friday everyone! :)

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Monday is Independence Day and Tuesday is our anniversary...14 years BABY!!!...so we will have a fun celebratory weekend.


Happy anniversary, Anita :)


There was serious thought going on as to how I was going to reclaim my spot in class. The one lady that had been absent that had also been told that she had lost HER spot was back...she was standing in her spot WELL before class started, instead of chatting on the side like she normally does...and she motions to me and says "Get up there!"


Are "spot hogs" like "chair hogs" ? :D I've enjoyed reading about "spot marking", it's funny how some of us need to claim our territory, isn't it? We do that at Mass. Every regular attendee knows where other attendees sit every weekend. So we're "pew hogs", right?????:D

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I have a special spot in class, too. I´m usually in the first row on Annie´s left side. As noone seems to be interested in the first row, that´s usually no problem.

I had to take one class with a spot way back in the room, let´s say, it´s no fun, it´s crowded, and the "new" people are back there, so it´s a lot about avoiding collision...


I went to Zumba today, first time this week. On Monday and Tuesday, it was simply to hot. We had an increas in temperature of nearly 15 degrees overnight and I just wasn´´t up to it.

On Wednesday I went to class, only to have to note, that class wasv canceled.

On Thursday, I should have done Yoga, however I wasn´t feeling to good and headed home early. And I drove my parents to the airport friday early morning, as their flight took of shortly after 6 am, so by that afternoon I was bone tired.

That´s why today was my first sports day this week. We learnt some more steps for Stand by me and started with a new song.


This afternoon, my SIL, BIL and his girlfriend came to have bbq with us. So we spent a lot of time in the kitchen today for preperation. My highlights were:

potatoe slices with garlic olive oil


mushrooms filled with italian herbs and tomatoes.

We had minced meat with different spices, some pork... All in all a lot to eat, but not too much...


So, how did you spent your weekend?

Anita, Pam, did you prepare anything for July 4th? Are you celebrating?

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Hi Ladies, I also have a spot, second row, two in so I can see Enrica and get to my water easily lol! I also have set machines in the gym I like to use and I hate it if someone else is on them when it's my turn :mad: Silly I know, but feels like it puts my whole workout wrong if I don't get MY machine!!


I have been away since last Wednesday, mixture of work and visiting my folks. Went shopping for some cruise clothes which was a great experience as I got to go into all those shops I couldn't previously. To top it all, I had a bonus at my weigh in on Wednesday morning, lost 3lb!! That leaves me just 4lb to go (in 3 weeks) for my 3 stone award!! I am so happy.


Hope everyone's doing OK? Happy Anniversary to you for tomorrow Anita and Happy Independence Day to all our US friends :D Have a great day!!

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I've had such a fun week! And the fun continues tomorrow...


DH turned the holiday weekend into a long vacation weekend, taking time off work. Mostly hanging out around the house and just enjoying life a bit...we went to the beach on July 4th. We went to the state park at the beach...hadn't been before...it was lovely...well, as lovely as the Galveston beaches can get LOL...


I'm a California girl...born and raised...so I was absolutely SHOCKED the first time that I was taken to a Texas beach and saw the people were actually allowed to DRIVE on the beach!...there's a road of compacted sand along the high beach line and people back into the parking section and thus have easy access to all their STUFF...being the big time sporting people that Texas people are...they bring their shelters...lawn chairs...etc etc....it's like setting up mini day camp sites...


At the state park, you don't drive onto the beach...which was nice...we hauled our portable grill down to the beach and had regular umbrellas to help with the intense sun...had a blast in the water, which still had a cooler feeling current in the undertow...I made the best sand castle EVER...some sort of weird cross between Helm's Deep (Lord of the Rings) and Cinderella's Castle at Disney World...LOL.


We stayed up late, DH and I, and watched Kate and Leopold, which I hadn't ever seen, but really enjoyed. Anniversary was rather uneventful...I taught my morning and evening classes...they went well.


OH! I went SHOPPING over the weekend...I'm so sick of pulling up my shorts all the time...I found a couple sundresses that should last through several more pounds lost and end up just looking better and better...and an elastic waist band skirt made of cotton gauze...perfect for summer. I was thrilled to be able to fit into MEDIUMS!!


This weekend will be fun...DH and DS were gifted with tickets to the Davis Cup tennis event on Friday...we are going to turn that into a weekend getaway to Austin where the event is...we will be camping for two nights...Friday and Saturday nights...I'm all excited to remember to bring somethings that I wanted to remember from our Spring Break camping...and also from all the research that I have been doing...I think that we are going to camp at the onsite camp ground at Disney World in Florida...Fort Wilderness...for a WEEK!! I've been seeing some AMAZING camping set ups...like the tents look like a luxurious Arabian Nights kind of tent...


The weather is pretty warm...so we'll see how we deal...I'm trying to figure out what we can do with what we have right now.


Meanwhile...teaching Zumba is going very well...I'm enjoying my classes. I've got a foot issue...I can't tell if I bruised it deeply or have stressed it somehow...but it hurts when I am barefoot especially...very weird.


Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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It sounds like a good time to me, Anita! We like to camp too and the last time we went was the first time I had to cook all low fat for DH. I collected quite a few recipes. It was challenging especially since I find it hard to cook while camping in a tent.


Glad to hear about your shopping and sizing--way to go :D

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I'm turning 40 in March 2012. My mom found an outrageous deal on a Spring Break cruise in March 2012, so we booked a big family vacation for my parents, my husband, my son and myself which will be in honor of my big milestone.


It's also the goal for life change including major weightloss.


I started taking Zumba classes the week of Sept 12. I'm up to 3 Zumba classes a week and 2 Pilates classes.


I LOVE Zumba. I know it has a lot to do with my instructor, who I also love. I've had great success so far losing 4 inches around both my hips and bust and 1 inch each around each thigh. I'm totally pumped and more motivated than ever to continue getting healthy.


Anyone else out there a Zumba fan? Or doing Pilates? I thought we could exchange stories, songs, encouragement...


WARNING...I love to talk...A LOT...and I will also be using this thread as a kind of record of some other changes I have going on around the house...including, but certainly not limited to, cooking healthy homemade meals and breaking the restaurant/eating out cycle.


I hope anyone interested in these topics will join me!

I Love Love Love Zumba and my instructor as well. I have come down 40 pounds since Feb 22nd with the help of Zumba 2x's a week. I also changed my eating habits drastically and work out 5-6 times per week.

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I Love Love Love Zumba and my instructor as well. I have come down 40 pounds since Feb 22nd with the help of Zumba 2x's a week. I also changed my eating habits drastically and work out 5-6 times per week.


Hello! Welcome to our Zumba party.


It may take a little while for Anita to come to this thread because she's currently on a mini-camping trip with family. It's just a long weekend type adventure so she'll be here soon, but I just wanted to say hello to everyone this morning.


Did you start with Zumba? And then love it so much that it inspired you to change your eating habits and then start doing other exercise? That seems to be typical of people who enter Zumba classes. Zumba gives you the inspiration to really make a true, lasting change to your lifestyle so that you enter into a whole new world of healthy living.


40 lbs lost in 4-1/2 months is fantastic! Over 2 lbs a week! How close are you to your goal weight?


Tell us a little more about yourself. What are the other exercises that you enjoy? Some of us like to do sports, swimming, weight lifting, Pilates, etc. You're in the midst of an energetic group!




I did set my alarm to get up this morning for a very early Zumba class. I just couldn't make it. There is a gym location with an 8:30am Zumba class, but it is a 35-minute drive for me. It's just fairly early to get up, get something to eat, and make the class on time. I so wish that it were just a half hour later. I just need that additional half hour to get myself going in the morning. I HAVE to eat something before Zumba because I expend so much energy that I get too light-headed and dizzy if I don't have a little something in my stomach.


Sweating... OMG... my instructor was pouring buckets yesterday! And I was a close second. Although there are some people in Zumba who don't seem to sweat?!? How can that be?!? So I did do a little bit of research and found out the following: hydration. You can't effectively sweat if you aren't hydrated... so... another good reason to drink that lovely water! And I've been looking into the whole concept of electrolytes. I don't really want to buy bottled water since I have a reverse osmosis system installed and I get great water right out of my faucet. So, I've been researching the health benefit of mineral bathing... soaking in mineral water... epsom salts or the really wonderful spa mineral baths. I'll post more on that when I finish reading up on it.


AND, I have a book coming to me from the library... well, actually two books coming... one is on weight lifting... it's about lifting heavy weights, similar to a male weight lifting routine... the title is something like "lift like a man to have the body of a goddess"... and the OTHER book is something that I'm really interested in... it's about the connection between your brain and belly fat!... it's written by a neurologist... so, when I get that one and boil down the essential information... I'll post that one as well.


I know that Anita is currently reading her "get away" summer romances. You know the kind of books... innocent love stories... usually with a historical setting.. at least those are the ones that Anita likes. Interesting though... she read one of those books that had a historical setting in Venice... very funny to relate actual historical settings to her "fluffy" romance reading.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer weekend. I'm enrolling in a summer cooking class based on Bobby Flay's grilling techniques. Are you ladies familiar with our Bobby Flay? I have the BEST grilled corn salad recipe from one of his cookbooks. Is anyone interested?...

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Welcome to all our new members here in our Zumba thread.


I skipped a few classes as I was just bone tired. However I decided, that no matter how I feel, it´s time to get back on track and attend classes regularly.

So I started with going to class yesterday.


Schedule for myself looks like this:

Mon : Zumba

Tues: Zumba (?)

Wed: Swimming + Caribic Bodystyle (if enough members in attendence)

Thu: Yoga

Fri: Zumba

Sat: ./.

Sun Zumba


So ok, my workout it pretty much Zumba and that´s it.

I´m still working on changing my eating habbits. I had a total setback in that topic for the last 6 weeks. I managed not to gain any more, however I did not loose a single gram either.

I believe I have to change my routine.

I started with our bbq time, and managed to get DH to grill some veggies for me. Zucchini stuffed with tomatoe, garlic, herbs and some greek cheese are really delicious. As are mushrooms, which also get a filling of tomatoe and herbs.

Any one some nice, easy to do recipes that are low fat for our BBQ season?


Today I´m working at home, so that besides doing my usual work, I can also set all machines to work so that the workout clothes get washed, the dishes done...

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Welcome Shay!


It's been forever since I've posted...I know. Summer is crazy! We went on an impromptu camping trip over this past weekend.


Funny little story...my DS plays tennis...big time...he is IN TO TENNIS...and he has gone to camp several times now during the summer. At the end of camp, on the last day, everyone gathers around and the coaches give each student an award...the first award that was handed out at the most recent camp DS went to was the Dedication Award...they recognized those players that stayed after camp to continue to play...these were the more hot shot older players...the kind that can drive themselves to and from camp...BUT they also recognized DS...for coming and playing more most evenings...it was quite an honor for him to be recognized with these older more experienced players...he was the odd ball of the group in terms of experience and age by far.


Fast forward to the beginning of the next week...the head of the club sends out a broadcast text message saying that he has two ticket to the DAVIS CUP in Austin...first to respond to the text gets them! Well, I was at Zumba class...and DH and DS were at our neighborhood tennis courts playing...DH texted back 30 minutes after the initial text going out...with little hope of course that the tickets would still be available...and of course they weren't...and there was a text exchange to the tune of "being done in by dedication" because DH missed the text since he was on the court with DS.


So later in the week...DH gets a text that there are two more tickets available now, if he still wants them!


We decide to turn this into a camping trip...there was an availability at a state camp ground 10 miles away from the event...I dropped off DH and DS at the tennis center and went and set up camp for us for a two night stay. Yes. It was HOT. LOL.


I think I've mentioned that I'm planning a camping trip to Disney for Aug 2012. You know that I have been researching like crazy on things to do to make camp feel less like roughing it and more like something out of Arabian Nights. Because seriously...I like camping...I love the outdoors...but I like to comfortable too...ye ken?


We got that Texas State Park Pass over Spring Break...so the experimenting begins for camping comfort.


The big take away from this past weekend? Carpet. Crazy? I've never used anything on the tent floor before...but after seeing pictures...I recovered our "learning carpet" that is like a big city with roads that DS used to play with with his Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars from the future garage sale pile...and used that in our tent. WOW...having carpet makes a HUGE difference. Makes the floor someplace decent to sit and play games...change clothes...etc.


The other take away...queen bed sized air mattresses are HORRIBLE for two people:eek:...nuff said.:rolleyes:


Meanwhile...I subbed for Kelly Monday night. And I'm set to sub for her for many different days in August. I was nervous again, but only 4 people came to class! There were several injuries that had told Kelly they weren't coming...and a big work related thing kept many away also. No big.


The strangest things happened during my Curves class on Tuesday...the owner had a MAJOR reaction to the song "Que Te Pica"...MAJOR...she HATED it...so strange...it's like a favorite in most other classes:confused: Whatever.


Meanwhile...I have been busy trying to get ready to leave my men while I go visit Mom and Dad in AZ! I leave Friday morning and will return late Wednesday. Going to Zumbatomic training on Sunday. And several classes with Mom. TOTALLY looking forward to seeing my parents. I haven't seen them since Christmastime!


Kasi...I totally hear you on the eating habits. It's been a struggle here too. Grilling is something that we do regularly. I do a lot of dry rubs...especially on chicken breasts. Think chicken tacos or fajitas. You can grill veggies to make whatever themed "wrap" or taco you want! Marinades. I think I posted a link to a marinade for lamb? Super simple...lemon, garlic, oregano, thyme, salt, pepper...It works well on chicken. Another simple idea? ANY Italian salad dressing. Do you buy premade salad dressing? It makes a good marinade for chicken. I think I used to add a dash of hot sauce to it for a little kick. The easiest way to marinade chicken is to throw it into a disposable plastic storage bag (Ziploc in the US) with the marinade. Earlier I also posted a link to a Rick Bayless recipe for a Mexican style chicken...Roadside Chicken?...if you want to search the thread.


Having a plan helps with food...I've been testing out the theory behind something called a defrost mat...ever heard of these?...they are supposed to defrost things quickly...well the science behind it is sound...basically...when something frozen is placed on the mat...the properties of thermo dynamics take over...the mat is room temperature...I can't remember right now (too late in the evening) which way heat travels...toward the cold or the hot...but regardless...the contact of things of two different temperatures causes there to be a rather rapid heat exchange...and the frozen protein thaws quickly.


I have tested this several times now in a regular stainless steel pot. A couple of key things here...thinner cuts thaw much faster...so if you buy chicken breasts frozen in the big economy bags...find one that has thinner breasts for this purpose...and if you are thawing ground beef...then remove the thawed portion from the frozen when you flip it...and definitely FLIP whatever you are trying to thaw. This method works much better than any microwave or water method I've tried. Also...definitely use a pot...the chicken especially "weeped" and left a watery puddle that was best suited to being in a pot.


Hope everyone is getting set for a great weekend!

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As you can tell by my name, I am totally in love with zumba. I have been doing it for over a year and have stepped it up lately to 4 to 5 times a week to lose a few inches for the cruise. I just chuckled when I read the recent posts about territory in the class. My Monday and Sat instructor has a hugh following and her class is usually packed. I tend to stay in the back 1/3 of the room on the right side no matter who the instructor is. We have a group of fairly aggressive die-hard zumba addicts that do not treat a rookie wih kindness if they dare wander into their territory in the front and to the left. I feel great pity for the poor soul who just wants to get up close to see the instructor!

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Hey everyone...



I'm Cheryl from Roslyn.


I just started Zumba......


I have a lot of weight to lose.....I really let myself go over the past few years.......


I am hoping to lose some weight for my cruise in September which is two months....even 10 or 15 pounds will make me feel much better.......


I've been trying to go to the gym everday....and I have been eating really well........ it is a lot of work......even the eating well is a lot of work....maybe that is how skinny people do it....they work so hard to eat well that they are too tired to eat?????

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