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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Hi ladies


I started out taking Zumba just to help me stay in shape while having fun (basketball season was all over, but I wanted to remain in shape while finding something else that I loved to do) I ended up going to Zumba 4 or 5 times a week and talked about it to friends and family non-stop. I introduced my mother, sister and girl friends to it.


I decided that I loved it so much that I went to my college and suggested that they offer Zumba classes in addition to their yoga, aerobics, etc classes. They thought it was a great idea and nominated me on the spot as the instructor!


I did a lot of work and took a few classes and am now a certified Zumba instructor! I teach at my college as well as a Boys and Girls club in my hometown and occasionally fill in at our local Curves.


If you ladies love Zumba so much, I would suggest you try and become an instructor. It is very rewarding, think about how you felt when you first started Zumba... now think about you making others feel the exact same way. :)

Good luck!

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Hi ladies, hope you're all doing well?


I'm now back from my cruise which was absolutely wonderful! I enjoyed all of it, the ship, the ports, the food and wine :o. Anyway, apologies for not posting earlier but things were pretty hectic on the build up to the cruise and then with the holiday itself.


To update you, I hit my target the day before I left for holiday - 48lb and a UK Size 18 (with some things actually a 16). Decided to just eat and drink what I wanted on board and pay the consequences when I got back!


I arrived back in UK on Sunday and went for my first weigh in last night - get this, only 3lb on in 2 weeks, I was delighted! Of course, you walk loads on most cruises but I made the effort to go to the gym (once!) and guess what else??? 7 ZUMBA classes!!:D The instructor, Paul, was absolutely fantastic and the classes were always packed with people doing Zumba in the aisles and at the back of the theatre. Always loads of people came to watch too!


Anyway, back on track now and aiming for another 28lb for Christmas so any encouragement welcome :) How is everyone getting on and who goes on holiday next??


Nice to be back in some ways but could do with a nice Raspberry Fizz about now ;)

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Wow Donna,

your weight loss is absolutely inspiring.

I need to loose some weight. Why?

First of all, I want to feel better in my own body. So far, all atempts to loose were futile. I have an appointment at my doctors next week, so hopefully I´ll get rid of the medicine for high blood pressure, which I believe contribute to my high weight.

Ok, what other reasons do I have?

We are thinking about starting a family, and therefore reduced weight would be benefical, too.

And of course I want to like my image in the mirrow again...


I have to go and pack my sports gear so that I can head to the gym during lunch break.


I´m missing Zumba classes right now. I know it´s just two weeks, but you can get used to it and the music just makes you feel good. You cannot recreate this atmosphere at home, however hard you try.


Our personal cruise countdown is at 39 days, today. We are heading to the eastern med september 20th. I hope that there will be some sport classes onbaord that appeal to me. Otherwise I´m the woman growing fins in the adult pool ;) Maybe I´ll manage to actually visit the gym onboard this time round. I´ll definetly pack my workout clothes. I always wanted to try the climbing wall, that, too might be on the agenda.

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Hi, Kasi & Donna!


Donna, I didn't realize that you were on a 2-weeks (!!) cruise. What was your itinerary? I can't imagine doing Zumba in a theatre... what was that like? I believe that the reason that you only gained a modest amount of weight... and 3 lbs is NOTHING for a cruise with all the increased food and drinks comsumption and all those sweet temptations... anyway, I believe that it just points to the change in lifestyle that means that you are on a healthy, healthy path... not a weight loss or diet intense state of being... but just a paying attention to diet and exercise and your body will settle into its natural state of being with more lean muscle mass and less body (visceral and subcutaneous) fat. Such a great feeling.


Kasi, I think that high pressure medication is one of those that makes your body retain water. I did just a small amount of reading on the subject and it seems that the majority of those medicines might do that... you have to have some very specific ones that don't... if it turns out that the doctor is hesitant to remove you completely from the medication, then do share the fact that you're exercising as much as you are and your body isn't responding quite the way you want... there might be an alternative formula that would be better for you. Just a thought.


I know what you mean about going to class versus trying to Zumba at home. It really isn't the same; and I didn't think that I was much of a class person, actually. But, I look forward to so many things that are part of the Zumba class experience... love my instructor... love the music and love doing the moves.. love saying "hi" to various people in class and miss them when they don't show up... love flashing a smile to "friends" in the class during a particularly fun song... love saying "bye" to people and making promises to see them next class time! Love all of that. You can get a portion of the good feelings by just having the music and moving your body... but not as much of the "happy" feeling as being with people who are also having fun doing what they're doing...


Donna, I'm looking forward to a Caribbean cruise coming up this October. We're going to sail from Boston, Massachusetts through the Caribbean islands to Tampa, Florida. We'll see ports: Aruba, Barbados, Curacao, St Thomas, St Kitts, St Lucia, Cozumel, Costa Maya. I'm really excited to be going! I've got several shore excursions planned that involve catamaran sailing, beach days, island touring, etc. Just a lot of fun, I know.


Kasi, did you see on the other thread about Zumba on Royal Caribbean ships that a person got a response from the corporate office that they are trying to put together a Zumba offering on board? I sure hope that they put Zumba into more of the "fitness" category and less of the "dance" category. I think that they have trouble with some of the Zumba license requirements, etc. and so they try to get around that by offering salsa, merengue, etc. classes from the dance instructors. So take a look at the Daily Planner for those... but I don't think they'll be the same intensity as a true Zumba fitness class... because I don't think that they'll get the people to sweat during a dance class like they would during a true fitness class. But, maybe something is better than nothing?


Donna, so good to have you back!

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@Donna...WOW!! WTG on the weight loss!! That is such an achievement. I am so happy for you! *big hugs*


It sounds like the latest thing you have been doing has really been working for you...I am SURE that if you keep after it, you can make your Christmas goal...especially since your gain on your vacation was so minimal...and likely a lot of that could be sodium and water retention...because eating restaurant prepared food for a sustained period of time will just do that...and also because I think that water consumption is reduced on vacation because it is more effort to get water...


Regardless...eating and drinking what you want while on vacation with such a small weight gain really shows that your indulgences weren't too bad! You still had some sort of control going on in your eating portions or the weight gain would be much higher, I'm thinking...


Well, summer is as summer does...I'm off to meet my DH for some coffee...it is 11:00 Am and I have been downstairs and out of bed for 15 minutes!!! LOL!!


I have more to say, of course, but I'll post this now and chat more later.:D

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Ladies you are all so kind, thank you for your encouragement :D


I was on the Mediterranean Adventure, Grand Princess - itinerary was Gibraltar, Monaco, Barcelona, Rome, Naples, Ajaccio and Malaga with 7 sea days which were great for relaxing. Having been on Celebrity last year I really wasn't sure what to expect but I loved it and would definitely do Princess again!


Kasi, not long until you go now?? Be really interested to hear all your views on Royal Caribbean v Princess as obviously don't have any experience as yet? We'd like to book again for next year - a group of 6 women so any advice welcome?


Kasi, hope you get your medication sorted, sounds like it causes problems for you in your weight loss journey.


Hope you're all still zumba-ing away, I'm back on Monday but planning the gym tomorrow. So nice to be back and hear from you all. Thanks once again :D

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wow! That sounds like an incredible cruise. I can't wait to do some like that when my kids are a little older. I am leaving on a cruise this Thursday the 18th. I have been keeping up with my Zumba classes. I can't believe they had zumba on board the ship. I would love it if the carnival miracle had that. I know last year they didn't. That would definitely motivate me to get moving on board. I have lost 12 pounds recently and my goal was 20 so I was really disappointed about that. :(

Have a great weekend, ladies. Zumba, Zumba!!!:D



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Let´s say I seem to have twisted or sprained my knee...My knee has improved pretty much during the day, however I will be cautious for the next couple of days not to do it any more harm.


Kasi...how is your knee? I hope that it has gotten better.


We met 12 years ago tomorrow and got married two years ago on august 7th.


Happy belated anniversary! How did you celebrate?


I need to loose some weight. Why?

First of all, I want to feel better in my own body.


Just some words of encouragement...I totally get wanting to feel better in your own body. I am right there. The great thing about doing any form of sports is generally your body starts to feel good with all the movement...it sends you happy vibes when you move as if to say "Thank you for moving! I feel so much better now!"...EVEN if there is soreness...it can be a good kind of feeling (if not overdone)...that kind of feeling that says...I moved...it may have been a while since I've moved, and so I'm not used to it...but still...


But a second way to think about feeling better in your body is in how your body takes up space in the world...1. how it feels in clothing...whether clothing ends up feeling too restrictive or binding or uncomfortable...and you want to find a shape that clothes feel better with (I totally relate to this one)...2. how it feels in the world...something as simple as sitting in a form fitting car seat...walking through tight spaces...whatever...


And than also the mental image that we carry of ourselves...the way we imagine we look as we go about our day...and whether or not we are happy with that picture.


All of these are great motivational thoughts for everyone.


So far, all atempts to loose were futile. I have an appointment at my doctors next week, so hopefully I´ll get rid of the medicine for high blood pressure, which I believe contribute to my high weight.


Mom had good thoughts to share about her research on high blood pressure medicine. There is nothing more frustrating than having something like this which is supposed to be a help for health be something that doesn't help your other efforts for good health...please let us know what the doctor says...really talk to the doctor about all the sports you have been doing and how frustrated you are to see what other things might be hindering your weight loss.


Ok, what other reasons do I have?

We are thinking about starting a family, and therefore reduced weight would be benefical, too.


From experience here...losing weight would be very beneficial for starting a family...more importantly though than the actual weight will be your physical conditioning...you need to have your heart muscle in good shape because the extra weight of pregnancy really takes a toll...and strength is always good...remember that your body will want to pack on some pounds for pregnancy...IF you are an overweight pregnant lady...you can work with your doctor for a strict diet to minimize weight gain...because you will already have the extra food storage that your body wants during pregnancy.


I speak from experience here because I was 172 pounds when I became pregnant with DS...Funny how you think you will never forget some things, but I THINK that I maxed out at about 35 pounds...afterward, since I breastfed DS, the weight came off fairly well...I ended up maintaining at about 185 pounds without effort...so I GAINED somewhere around 15 pounds from being pregnant.


I did work out throughout my pregnancy though...I swam a LOT (which is HEAVENLY when you are PG)...I walked on the treadmill (when my Mom was there to keep me company) and I did yoga almost daily.


And of course I want to like my image in the mirrow again...


If you can do something to improve your thoughts about how you look without losing any weight...it can be a big help...a big motivator...this is actually how I started my own weight loss journey.


There is a man on the Fashion & Beauty board named Curt Jerome Wild...he is a color EXPERT...if you have ever heard of having your colors analyzed to figure out what colors look best on you...most often in terms of seasons...being a Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...well, CJW has his own method and has named the different color groups by elements...Fire, Air, Earth, and Ice. There are several threads over on that board that talk about colors and specifically about the way that Curt has helped so many of us figure out what looks best on us.


It is so SURPRISING!! It REALLY makes a difference what colors you wear on how you look...Mom has posted some pictures recently on the FIRE thread...and you would be shocked with how different she looks...She is a Fire and NEEDS to wear bright, clear, warm colors...they make her look younger, healthier and FABULOUS...we were working on experiments and she posted a picture of her in an Earth colored shirt (my coloring) and she looked not good...like BAD...(I love you MOM! but we have talked and that's why that shirt now hangs in MY closet! LOL)...anyway...to see what I am talking about for how color can make such a difference, check out this one post:




I have to recommend consulting with Curt to discover YOUR coloring. Immediately you can start to feel how you can look SO MUCH BETTER even before you lose weight. It can really help with the motivation to change your SHAPE but still think you look good in the one you are in. Mom and I agree that talking with Curt really has made a HUGE difference in our lives.


I´m missing Zumba classes right now. I know it´s just two weeks, but you can get used to it and the music just makes you feel good. You cannot recreate this atmosphere at home, however hard you try.


I understand missing Zumba classes. There is nothing like the class itself. The music DOES make you feel good and the way that you move your body during Zumba feels good...I LOVE dance inspired fitness...Are there any other classes around that you can try?


We are heading to the eastern med september 20th. I hope that there will be some sport classes onbaord that appeal to me. Otherwise I´m the woman growing fins in the adult pool ;) Maybe I´ll manage to actually visit the gym onboard this time round. I´ll definetly pack my workout clothes. I always wanted to try the climbing wall, that, too might be on the agenda.


I think you win the prize for going on the next cruise! How exciting! It sounds like Zumba is getting on to the cruise ships slowly but surely. Maybe you'll have some classes?


Meanwhile...hang in there...keep sharing what is going on with us...I think about you and send good thoughts your way, Kasi.


Oh...Mom and I think of your name differently...she thinks the "a" is pronounced like the American word "cat", in a short sound...but I think of it as being a long sound...like the American word "came"...and I DO say American because I KNOW that the English language can have MANY accents...typical AMERICAN rarely pronounces an "a" like "ah"...but others do...perhaps you do? Can you explain so I can have my thoughts be correct?


Zumba love!

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Hi Anita,


thanks for your thoughts.

Right now I´m the woman in black. It´s a non-color, but I´m pretty comfy wearing black shirts. I had a long time wearing red or intensive blue colored clothes, which I loved, but somehow I ended up with a rack full of black...

So this might be worth some investigation.


I hope that summer at yours actually feels like the warm, dry, going-outside season it ought to be. In Germany we are experiencing weather as in early spring or late autumn. It´s cool, rains a lot, and the sun is a distant memory. We are joking that the weather will improve ones all kids are back in school, which will be in early september. I really hope that we will get some more sunny days. Right now it´s so cold, that our heating is running again.


As to how my screen-name is pronounced. It´s a german shortform, actually it was a comic figure in a children tv series when I was little, that I loved very much, and somehow the name sticks.

It´s kasi, more from the sound of it like car. :)


And yeah, it feels good to see the next cruise on the horizon. I´m still creating photobooks of my last two journeys which I want to complete before we are heading off to the Med. It´s just 37 days to go... I´m planning what to do in the different ports, even though the Med seems to be our bathtub, there are still many places to discover, some with so much history that it´s hard to decide what to look at first.

I hope the situation in the countries we are visiting remains calm. It would be just bad luck to habe another cruise changing it´s itinery due to unrests.


Anita, do you have any tipps regarding zumba music? Or latin american music that feels like it?


I´ve got to finish my laundry and head off to bed.

See ya all and thanks for your encouragement.

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Hi Anita,


thanks for your thoughts.

Right now I´m the woman in black. It´s a non-color, but I´m pretty comfy wearing black shirts. I had a long time wearing red or intensive blue colored clothes, which I loved, but somehow I ended up with a rack full of black...

So this might be worth some investigation.


If you happen to be an ICE, then wearing black is no problem! There are certain blacks that I can get away with...but it is more like that...I can get away with them...especially if I have good accessories...BUT I will ALWAYS look better in rich, deep chocolate brown than black.


I hope that summer at yours actually feels like the warm, dry, going-outside season it ought to be.


OK. We are in the THIRD hottest summer on record here...and we are on track to break the record for the number of back to back days over 100 degrees F. Yesterday, we were at 26 days...the record is 32...and there is no sign of breaking in this weather pattern. :eek: And with the humidity in my area? OMG...:eek: :eek: and :eek:


Right now it´s so cold, that our heating is running again.


I literally can't even imagine this right now...did I mention the number of 100 degree days? I read on a different thread about someone wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt a yesterday or the day before...and I can't imagine that either.


Anita, do you have any tipps regarding zumba music? Or latin american music that feels like it?


Do you mean like what are the names of the songs?


If you happen to have an iTunes account...and you have done Ping through iTunes (free thing that lets iTunes users share playlists)...then you can do a couple of searches there to find Zumba music.


1. Search "zumba" and you will find many instructors that post their favorite songs. They probably do this for their classes?


2. Search for ZIN 1 through ZIN 34...these are the Zumba licensed music playlists...they do NOT contain the original Zumba songs, but include the original song that Zumba "Zumba-fied"...so the version of the songs may be different than what you hear in class...or may not, because some instructors always prefer the original to the Zumba one...OR, they started using the song before Zumba released their version of the song.


3. Search for MM 1 through 24...or MegaMix...these are also Zumba-fied songs...again...not the Zumba version, but a list of the originals that Zumba used to make their CDs for Zumba instructors.


These ZIN and MM resources were created for new instructors to be able to go back to previous released Zumba songs and purchase a version of them. As a newer instructor, there isn't another way for me to purchase songs that Zumba released to the instructors before I became an instructors. Some really helpful instructors spent hours and hours creating the lists that you can find. But they are public lists...and very helpful for Zumba lovers to get Zumba songs.


I'm posting my latest playlist because it is AWESOME!! I've done it twice now...on my last class of the session last Thursday morning and last night subbing for Kelly...and as insane as it may be...I'm doing it again for my first class of the new session this morning! I call it "Legs & Abs"...Mom has been wanting me to share with her the list...I'll have to figure out a way to share the choreo:


Give Me Everything by Pitbull feat guests (warm up)

Boom Boom Mama (from MM24) Reggaeton

Drop It Low (clean) Toning/Hip Hop

Jai Ho (from Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack) Bollywood

This Is the Song (from Party Nation by Zumba) Hip Hop

Chiquilla (Kumbia Kings) Cumbia

Que Buena Tu Ta (from ZIN 30) Merengue

Rabiosa (Shakira feat Pitbull) Latin Pop

Bon, Bon (Pitbull) Reggaeton

Stand By Me (Prince Royce) Bachata

Cha Cha (Chelo) Swing/Charleston

Danza Kuduro (Don Omar & Lucenzo) Kuduro/Latin Pop

Sway (Pussycat Dolls) Cha Cha - Cool Down

Feelin' Good (Michael Buble) Stretch Cool Down


Well...I just got a call from the rec center and there is only ONE person registered for my class. :( BUT a lot of people don't register until they try the class...and school doesn't start until next week...SO...there is still the possibility that there will be more people...BUT...still...what a bummer! I am going this morning and hoping that there will be more people showing up...we'll see what happens.


So I took my measurements...my DH made a comment about how I seem to be shrinking from the top and bottom toward the middle...there is no change in hips/abs this go around...but I've lost almost 2 more inches around my waist...and another almost inch around my thighs...Like Mom said, I'm looking like a weeble-wooble toy. LOL.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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This is the week of your doctor's appointment... what day is it? Please let us know your results... what was said... did you get off of your high blood pressure medicine?


How are your Zumba clothes working out?


OMG... Anita brought me such a cute pair of Zumba pants... and I really love them... fun colors, etc.... EXCEPT... and she knows this... they have the most "unfortunate" sweat pattern! I can't figure out exactly why? Maybe it has to do with sitting down and having that area of my body in such a way that air doesn't circulate so the wicking nature of the fabric doesn't have the same affect? BUT... it absolutely looks like you've had a problem with "bathroom" business with these pants. I can't go anywhere but home on the days that I wear them to class. I even had an instructor laugh and tell me that she couldn't wear them anymore because of the embarassment factor.


Anyway, now I really want the camouflage Zumba pants because those don't have the same "issue." LOL.


I took a look at Anita's playlist. I know about 6 of those songs, but only because of going to Kelly's classes. We don't do many of those songs in my area. I'll look them up on youtube. Does anyone want me to post youtube links for them? I'll have to find that site that translates youtube videos into MP3 files, again. I could use some new music.


How is everyone? I tell you... I'm a "little" tired of our summer actually. I will be super glad when the A/C stops running! I can't imagine having the heater kick in... that's amazing. Which reminds me... could you tell me what the temperature is likely to be in the Mediterrannean for the last of November, early December? I'm thinking of taking a Transatlantic from Rome at that time. Is it a good time of the year to tour the Amalfi Coast? With your heat kicking in already, I just realized that it might be really cold by then! Living here in the Southwest Desert, I get very startled by the weather in other locations.

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my Zumba pants are great, however they seem a bit loose, as they don´t have belt loops. Annie gave me the tipp, just open the hem, add an elastic band and close the hem again. I´m going to do that in order to stop my pants from running pretty low.


Pam, the Med in late November is hard to predict weatherwise. We´ve had lovely weather with temps in the 70s some years back, in another year we had cool weather in the low 60s to mid 50s. It´s mostly not warm, however you are granted a Med with little visitors, nearlly no lines . So, depending on what you are up to, it can still be an amazing time. And as soon as you sail by Malaga, that´s the turning point temp-weise. From there towards the Canary Islands, you´ll have it nice and no longer cool.

Which ship are you considering?


I´m off to get my blood works done in a couple of minutes. Not eating is not the problem, but being not allowed to drink is quite horrible for me. So I try to be one of the firsts in line, for getting out there soon and being able to drink, and I still have to go into work afterward...

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my Zumba pants are great, however they seem a bit loose, as they don´t have belt loops. Annie gave me the tipp, just open the hem, add an elastic band and close the hem again. I´m going to do that in order to stop my pants from running pretty low.


I´m off to get my blood works done in a couple of minutes. Not eating is not the problem, but being not allowed to drink is quite horrible for me. So I try to be one of the firsts in line, for getting out there soon and being able to drink, and I still have to go into work afterward...


Another thing that I've seen done on the new pants? My trainer for Zumbatomic had literally cut slits into the waistband to make belt loops. Do not think about skinny belt loops...they were easily 2" wide...but she made strategic belt loops all around the waist. I think I counted 4 or 5...like two more in front on either side of the buckle area...two more to the sides...and at least one in the middle back...


Then she took a belt and wove it in and out of the fabric slits...and it was the placement of the slits in the fabric that made them look like wide belt loops...if that makes sense?...she only cut through the top layer of the waistband fabric, so the belt never would touch her skin.


Here it would be a while for the results of blood work to come in. Do let us know what you learn when you learn it.


I'm off to teach my 9:30 am class this morning. I did not end up going to either Pilates or Zumba last night with Kelly. DH got stuck in an emergency meeting. Truth is that I was feeling tired though so I didn't mind. I already had planned to miss Pilates. I think I am going to take a break from Kelly's classes during this 8 week session. I may only go a couple times. School is about to start and missing 2 hours a night twice a week doesn't seem right at this time. I feel like I need to be home more as we get the school year started. Especially since I teach two other nights a week.


I'll still be doing Zumba for three 1-hour classes, one 45-minute class, and one 30-minute class. Got the family room arranged so that we could do Pilates at home. DH does his physical therapy every week night, so I am sure that I could keep up with Pilates if I just put my mind to it...working out at home isn't usually my strong point though...

Edited by Anita Latte
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Happy Sunday Ladies!


I ordered another round of fun Zumbawear. I got the new Party in Pink top and bottoms. I hear that the bottoms are running small, so if you like them, order them a size up. I ordered a Large because my XL cargos are so big...they are annoying now...and the Large fits me. It's a bit tighter in the rearend than I would prefer, but not too bad. The tank is AWESOME!! Something about the placement of the words and the logo...it's very flattering.


If you don't know what I am talking about...Zumba has teamed up with Susan B Komen...there are Party in Pink events that are Zumbathons to benefit Susan B Komen in the fight against breast cancer. The Houston event is in the Toyota Center which is the HUGE facility where our professional Basketball team plays. I'm going to try to gather a group of ladies to go together.


I had my first Saturday class yesterday. I had one register. She is from Curves. She is a very enthusiastic student, very overweight. And she was nervous about attending her first hour long class.


There are two ways for a Zumba instructor to structure their classes...


1. Interval training...alternating high and low intensity songs...you get to the end of the high intensity song and might feel a little breathless...and might think to yourself, OMG, I don't know if I can make it through this class...and then a lower intensity "catch your breath" song comes on...and so on and so on.


2. Bell Curve...this class will build in intensity to the mid-point where it is at its highest and then will taper off to the end.


So if you try out a class and notice one or the other of these, you can ask the instructor if that is what they normally do...and you can know if that instructor has a class that is what you are looking for.


I do the interval training type of class. I seem to be the queen of the Zumba newbie...I can say that, except for that one young 73-year old student (who went to Kelly's class)...all the ladies that have come to MY rec center classes have NEVER been to a class before. So I try very hard to make a class that isn't easy, but is do-able...has a bit of challenge in some way...so that we can feel like we had an achievement to get through the class...


So Saturday was a great class. It was just right and my Curves student get awesome. We had a good time.


I am taking a break from Kelly's evening classes. It just seems like the thing to do. I am going to take these day times to work on learning new routines...either Zumba given choreo or work on some of my own. This usually gives me a good workout to do this...and then to have evening class would just be too much.


Hope everyone is doing well!

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into being an instructor. I'd like to do that one day but I am so self conscious now.


Way back you wrote about being a perfectionist in the kitchen. I have to fight that myself. You ladies seem so nice, I hope I can find a home here.


I went on Spark People and it says I can lose down to my goal weight by our December cruise. It's not my final weight but it would be a good start. I haven't eaten out in two days and for us that's great. The extended family is eating out tonight so I can't decide what to do.



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Hi, Kim,


Absolutely, please come into the conversation and join our supportive group. Anita is my daughter; Donna lives in Scotland and is an inspiration; Kasi lives in Germany and is great fun and supportive. We have people who stop by, impulsively, and say a few words but don't seem to join into the spiritied discussion. So please don't be one of those! Drop in and talk and get to know us and let us get to know you!


Your signature doesn't say where you are going on your December cruise. Tell us a little about your upcoming vacation and what you're trying to achieve.


Eating out... it seems like that is something that we all struggle with! And drinking water... LOL... those seem to be the two main issues that we all wish we could do better.


I've done something that I'm hoping is going to work for me. I decided to research the various farms in my area and figure out what I could do to get more local and varied vegetables into my diet. As it turns out, there is a company called Nature's Garden Delivered and they do exactly that: they deliver fresh produce to your door on a weekly basis. They seem to have a great operation and I'm really looking forward to getting my first box! I'll let everyone know; my delivery date is on Friday. They let you know beforehand what you will receive (so you can subsitute or exchange items if you wish) so I know that I'll be getting: bananas, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots, rainbow chard, grean leaf lettuce, mango, tomato, onions, plums, pluots, Yukon Gold potatoes, and cilantro! Doesn't it all sound yummy?!?


I've also been researching grass-fed beef, etc. I'm just on some kind of "kick," because I've also been reading a lot of cookbooks, chef's stories, restaurant stories, etc. Just funny what our minds turn to... I think that I'm tired of being hot, want to have cooler weather, turn on my oven, and eat some comfort food. In the meantime, it's still very hot here, so I'm taking a cooking class on grilling... go figure. I just need something to spark more creativity in the kitchen!


Anyway, restaurant ordering is quite an art! Of course, it depends on what type of restaurant that you're in... the main things that are so terrible to try to overcome are the chips/salsa sitting on the table with endless refills if you're in a Mexican restaurant or the bread basket(s) in other restaurant(s). So difficult. Because the restaurants are all about flavor, at the expense of high calorie additions like butter and water-retaining flavor enhancers like salt. So, the best thing to do is to prepare beforehand as much as you can... by going online to check out the menu and do some nutritional research (if you can). How did you do?

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into being an instructor. I'd like to do that one day but I am so self conscious now.


Way back you wrote about being a perfectionist in the kitchen. I have to fight that myself. You ladies seem so nice, I hope I can find a home here.


I went on Spark People and it says I can lose down to my goal weight by our December cruise. It's not my final weight but it would be a good start. I haven't eaten out in two days and for us that's great. The extended family is eating out tonight so I can't decide what to do.




Welcome Kim! I think we are a nice bunch! :D


You have to tell us all about your plans! And your goals for your cruise...


I think that I have finally...FINALLY...figured out something of a schedule for the kitchen. The school year started today...with that comes STRUCTURE...everyday DS needs something for lunch...he always brings lunch and so everyday I have to have something for him to take. I sat down with him a couple weeks ago and we worked out a menu for him...we are trying something new this year...


In years past, he would bring the same thing for lunch...day after day...and he was happy enough doing that...it was easy for me...but then...ALWAYS...the day comes, when he is SO SICK of whatever it was...we have to change it up...THIS YEAR...we have a menu with different things everyday...similar...but different...


From this, I could also plan lunches for DH and myself...and from that, I could plan dinners...so that if I needed to have a particular left over to use in lunches, I could plan that dinner...and so I have a rough week long menu now! YAY! It has been so helpful...


We are not completely on track with it, because I also have a freezer full of food that I need to clear out...and not everything in there will make it into the normal rotation...but still...having a clue has been BEYOND helpful...not having to make a decision everyday about what to eat has been such a help.


If you are curious, here's DS's menu:


Monday: Tuna Pasta Salad, carrots, grapes, chocolate kisses.

Tuesday: Chicken Pasta (hot), carrots, grapes, chocolate kisses.

Wednesday: Tuna Pasta Salad, carrots, grapes, chocolate kisses.

Thursday: Chicken Tacos, carrots, grapes, chocolate kisses.

Friday, Meat Tacos, carrots, grapes, chocolate kisses.


Of course, we didn't have grapes for today...so he got celery and pickle spears. LOL. DH and I will eat similarly...so dinner looks like this:


Monday: Chicken (cook a LOT), pasta side, veggie

Tuesday: Salmon night

Wednesday: Chicken Fajitas

Thursday: Meat Tacos and Bean Tacos

Friday: ????

Saturday: Salmon night

Sunday: ????


Right now, Friday and Sunday get to be the clear out the freezer nights. I've made ground turkey meatballs, hamburgers, etc. Something easy...I'm all about easy right now!


So anyway...this is helping to know what to do in the kitchen the night before to help get lunches packed for the following day...like grill TONS of chicken...and cook the whole box of pasta...and when cutting the veggie for dinner, cut the veggies for lunch...that kind of thing is really helping to cut down on our restaurant eating.


Because, Kim, I hear you on being proud about not eating restaurant food for two days in a row! It is a hard thing...I find that having some planned I don't feel like cooking food around is always a good idea...


Like yesterday...we ate a meal at like 3:00pm...so it made for a weird hunger at night...I keep pasta and jarred tomato sauce that passes inspection in the pantry...it's easy enough to boil water, cook pasta and throw sauce on it...and generally, that'll do for a weird meal like this...I also keep tomato soup, sliced cheese and bread around if I can...grilled cheese and tomato soup works in a pinch...and tuna packets are a saving grace around here...my DS will eat the herb and garlic flavored ones right out of the pouch when he is feeling "meaty" and we don't have any other leftovers.


I subbed for Kelly again this morning at Curves. We had a good workout there. I hope my DS is having a good first day of school...hope all you ladies are having a great day too!

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HI Annie,


your meal plan sounds good.

How are you doing the Tuna Pasta Salad. Care to share?


I´ve been to Zumba tonight, the first time after the vacation of Annie. I´m bone tired right now and looking forward to just stretch out and relax.

Work is crazy right now, 10 hours or more are becoming the regular shift and not the once in a while thing...

I did not catch my doctor today, have to try again tomorrow, to get my blood results.


Take care everyone.

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Sorry Anita,


I must have been more asleep than anything for not even getting the names right. ;)

I´ve been to Zumba again tonight, yesterday, the room was packed, nearly 25 persons in attendance. Today, we were just 6 people plus Annie, and it was a much slower tempo today than yesterday.



yesterday´s training was more like a mountain, starting slow, a step increase, keeping a high tempo for most of the class and a decrease again towards the end.

Today it was more an interval training, with slow songs more or less alternating with high intensity songs...


Just 4 more weeks to go. I´m absolutely in need of a lengthy vacation. Yeah, I know, it´s kind of a luxury problem, however I´m always tired, working for 10 hours or more, always under pressure, it´s time to escape this for more than a weekend...

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It sounds like you are doing what we call "burning the candle at both ends." Exhausting! For sure!


Makes the vacation just that much sweeter, as long as you don't sleep the first few days away.


Remember to take a few minutes in each day.... at least 15 minutes or so... to just BE... breathe.... relax your shoulders... give yourself some head rolls... close your eyes and visualize being onboard a ship!... whatever it takes to relieve the stress at some point during the day.


Did you get word from your doctor about your blood test results? I'm so hoping that you hear good news. :D:D:D

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Hi Pam,


thanks for your encouraging words.

i´ve been to my doctor´s this morning. All in all my blood results are ok, a few factors are rather high but not alarmingly so. We will start to reduce my blood pressure medicine as a first step and see where we will go from there :)


Right now my job is just a way of providing income, it´s nothing I´m looking forward to. This is caused by the work load more than by the topics. When I started working for my current company, our team had 14 members, now there are only 7 left, of which two are not working on the same topics as everyone else but they brought more work with them. During vacation time or high priority projects you sometimes feel overwhelmed...


Anyways, just 3 more weeks and 6 days til our cruise :)

I took the time to envision our schedule today.

I hope you don´t feel bored reading it. If it´s of no interest to you, just skip the rest of the message :)


Monday 19th September:

Pack your stuff, clean the house and just enjoy the positive feelings of a vacation about to start.

Tuesday 20h September:

On our way, the plane starts in the early morning via Munich to Rome, a short busride and we´ll be onboard by early afternoon.

Wednesday 21st September

Just relax, we are at sea

Thursday 22nd September:

Greece, Creete, land of the famous minotraurus, something new to discover

Friday 23rd September

Another step in the antic world, we are at Rhodes, some sightseeing and letting the world go by.

Saturday 24th September:

Two days of sightseeing in the past, today is all about relaxing and gaining strength for the next few days

Sunday 25th September:

Israel, birthplace of christianity, we are on our way to Jerusalem, and later on the legendary Dead Sea. A lond, fascinating day.

Monday 26th September:

Haifa, another stop in Israel, where history was written. There´s so much to see that it´s hard to decide where we are heading...

Tuesday 27th September

Sleep in, relax, spend some time reflecting the past two days and look forward, there is more to come.

Wednesday 28th September:

Kusadasi, Turkey, a taxi takes us to the ruins of Ephesus, once a port city, now a good few kilometers from the sea you can discover an ancient town with its famous bibliotheque.

Tursday 29th September

Piraeus, Greece, we are visiting the God´s city of athens, another step in the antique world.

Friday 30th September

Lay back and relax. we´ve seen a lot of history these last few days.

Now is our chance to discover more of the hightlights of our vessel.

Saturday 1st october

Palermo, Sicily, we discover this largest city in the south by bus.

Sunday 2nd october:

We are in Napoli, if there is no strike going on, we´ll be able to sightsee in Naples and maybe even the isle of capri, a fantastic cruise is coming to an end.

Monday 3rd october

Even the most fascinating cruise is going to an end. It´s time to say goodbye and return home with refreshed energy. We can start to plan our next tour.

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If you ladies love Zumba so much, I would suggest you try and become an instructor. It is very rewarding, think about how you felt when you first started Zumba... now think about you making others feel the exact same way.

I have always wanted to do something like this but never followed through. I am going to Curves next week to find out about going to class. I think a morning class would be good. I have chronic daily headache and transformed migraine. So exercise is an issue.


Anita and Member thanks for the warm welcome. The thing I struggle with is yo-yo dieting. I have lost the same @#$@# ten pounds over and over.


Our December cruise is our first ever over Christmas. We leave the 24th. It's me, DH and DD who is 23. DH's dad is going also. He's 79 and did his first cruise in 2009 and loved it. He also met a lady friend which freaked the grandkids out. :).


Also Anita thanks for the cooking tips. I do need some really easy things to go to. Part of the problem is DH really doesn't mind eating take out although he is trying to lose weight also.


Kim in IL

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Hi ladies and welcome Kim, you'll get loads of support from Anita and the gang here, helped me out so much on the build up to my cruise. Now we are planning 2012 so hopefully, will keep the motivation going!


Kasi, great news about your blood pressure meds, hope that goes well. Wow only a few weeks left until your cruise, it is pouring rain here just now so if anything similar in Germany I bet you can't wait! Your itinerary looks amazing, I am visualising it never mind you :D


So, went to my weigh in tonight and stayed the same. Am happy with that as I have done very little exercise. I have been sick on and off since coming back from the cruise and this last week has been awful. I have a throat infection which feels like swallowing glass so food has really been what I fancy rather than what's good for me :o. I have also eaten out ALOT in the last few weeks - that has to stop!


Pam, we have a similar box of veggies here - it costs £10 and you get a selection each week but you can't swap what you don't like. Quite exciting when it's delivered though. You have inspired me to give it a ago again as it might make me get back on the cooking!


Anyway, just a quick post as am still not 100% and in need of lots of sleep. Going to doctors tomorrow just to check the glandular fever is not back as that would be my worst nightmare. Hopefully an antibiotic should clear it quickly.


Hope you're all doing well?



I feel like I need some new recipe ideas so any would be welcome ladies.

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So sorry that you've been feeling poorly. Sore throat... that's no fun at all. Get better soon. I think a veggie box is a great inspirational tool; we'll see. Do share what they deliver as it will be fun to see how our veggies differ. We are still in very high temperatures every day, but we're actually entering into an extremely wonderful winter garden season; in fact, we might be able to have a second season of tomatoes... if you can believe that!



You simply can't diet. If you "diet," then you will always yo-yo. If you think about it, when you diet you're adjusting your food intake in such a way that you're reducing your calories so that your body canNOT maintain its current weight which means it's current ratio of fat and lean muscle mass. Fat is deposited on your body in one of two ways: either subcutaneous fat which is the fat that is between your skin and your muscles or visceral fat which is the fat that is all over your body, which includes encasing your organs, etc. What you SEE more of is the subcutaneous fat... maybe what you would call cellulite... and the fat that you can jiggle or grasp when you see a muffin top. The fat that you don't see... the visceral fat... is the fat that is most harmful to your body, ending up placing plaque in your blood vesssels in the form of cholestorol, etc. The goal is... to get rid of all this excess fat... to improve or at least maintain your lean muscle mass... which translates into a drop in weight on your scale.


So, you go on a rigorous eating routine... a "diet," and your body adjusts to the lowered calorie intake, and it removes the fat. And you're happy. Then, you go back to eating "normal" because you no longer need to "diet," and your body doesn't need those extra calories... and being the efficient machine that it is... it simply deposits fat onto your frame and you add weight... your scale goes up... and you're not happy.


Which is why "dieting" never works. The only thing that works is... lifestyle change(s).


The best thing to do is to evaluate your current habits. Find the things that trigger you to lose control. For example, for me, it's potato chips (actually, any form of chips). I lose control; I eat the entire bag; I eat the entire chips basket at a Mexican restaurant; I simply don't have the willpower to allow chips into my eating lifestyle. So, since I'm at a loss for willpower... I remove chips from my pantry. Chips are a trigger for me. Find those items, and don't allow them into your mouth until you're either (a) able to control yourself and/or (b) at your maintenance weight and can "afford" an off day.


Second thing to do is to find the food items within your current eating habit that could be improved, whether in the form of less fat or less sugar. Find your current calorie intake and figure out how you can shave some of that away... by analyzing your portion control (for example) and/or by eliminating something that is higher sugar for lower sugar (for example). Just shave calories, but shave them in such a way that you can FOREVER change the way that you eat that particular item.


And, of course, find exercise that you love to do. That won't raise your cortisol (stress) levels by the very thought of having to do it, but that you actually get excited about doing.


Anita will be back here soon and talk with you about Zumba and Zumba/Curves combination classes. She's having a schedule adjustment right now because school started this week and there are some changes to her schedule that she has to smooth over. So when she has a free moment, I know that she'll be back here to talk with everyone!


Kasi! Your itinerary sounds amazing! You must tell me about your ports because I've heard such fascinating things about them, and I'm seriously considering going... but I'm also a little intimidated by being an American in the Middle East. I won't lie. I've heard stories about needing armed escorts when doing shore excursions so I'd like to know if those stories are, in fact, true. Or maybe that's only for Alexandria, Egypt and not for Israel? Please let me know.


I'm heading to the Caribbean. I think I have an amazing itinerary, as well. But, I don't get to go until the 27th of October. Here's my schedule:


27th, 28th of October... fly to Boston, Massachusetts and do typical tourist sightseeing... eating clam chowder and Bostom creme pie.. and maybe lobster

29th of October... board the Jewel of the Seas

sea days until

2nd of November... St. Thomas (don't know yet what we're doing here)

3rd of November... St. Kitts; we'll be taking an island tour with 10 other peope.. so 12 of us will tour St. Kitts with a young man named Royston. We'll have a Creole beach lunch, some beach time, see all the island sights and hear the history.

4th of November... St. Lucia; we'll be on a boat tour of the island and will be able to snorkel (not me, I don't swim!)

5th of November... Barbados; we'll do a catamaran sailing.

sea day

7th of November... Curacao; another island tour and we'll be able to go to the Curacao factory and see how the liquor is made

8th of November... Aruba; another island tour by a native tour guide.

3 sea days

12th of November. Tampa, Florida (don't know yet what we'll do)

sea day

14th of November... Cozumel, Mexico; beach resort day planned.. just lazy, buffet eating, tequila drinks... sandy beaches and blue water

15th of November... Costa Maya; tour of Mayan ruins! So excited about this!

sea day

17th of November... disembarkation. Fly to Houston to visit Anita! Yeah!


I found several Zumba instructors in the Caribbean, but I couldn't get anyone from my Roll Call interested! They were going to give us a special Zumba class and everything.... :mad: ... so disappointed.


So here's hoping Donna gets healthier super fast. That Kasi's workload lightens up a bit! (Kasi.. what kind of work do you do?) That Kim remains inspired to make changes that are positive (Kim... what kind of recipes do you need help with?). Let's all pray for the people who are dealing with Hurricane Irene; she's a massive storm and so far the people of Puerto Rico are struggling and the Bahamas are getting braced. My goodness... it is all sound and fury. Everyone here... stay safe.

Edited by Member123
Too many, many typos
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Good evening Ladies! Or it could be good morning by the time some read this, I suppose...:p


School started for DS on Monday...bad...Bad...BAD...UGH...The extremely short version is that DS switched classes and went into a different one today and now all is better in a world which forces children to attend the hated SCHOOL...LOL!...


SOOO much to talk about...


First...Tuna Salad...


In the states we can buy canned tuna or tuna in a vacuum sealed pouch that has much less water in it...and also comes marinated in different flavors. My DS really likes the "Herb and Garlic" tuna pouch. So for him, I usually cook a mini-penne noodle and mix the tuna in with that. And he will eat that as is. Easy peasy.


For DH and myself, I generally do one of two things:


1. Childhood Style Tuna...Same noodles, tuna, and add chopped carrots, celery, apple, red onion or green onion, and dressing. For this, I usually do a more mayo based dressing with a bit of mustard, an acid of some sort (like a tablespoon or so of red wine vinegar or lemon juice)...and not too much other flavoring. Just something to make it all less dry.


2. Thai Style Tuna...Same noodles, tuna and add chopped snow peas, shredded cabbage (you can use some prepacked cole slaw mix if you have that kind of thing in your lettuce area), green onion or red onion, cilantro, grated carrot (if not already the cole slaw mix), and sometimes minced jalapeno pepper. I'll make a Chinese style vinaigrette dressing using more olive oil and just a touch of dark sesame oil, and rice wine vinegar, maybe lime.


Generally, the Thai style salad keeps better if you dress it closer to the time of eating it. Otherwise the coleslaw/cabbage gets a bit soggy and the red cabbage (if you use some, will stain the other ingredients, which just looks bad, not necessary affects the flavor).


When making, I just add veggies in a big bowl to tuna and noodles until I like the way it looks and has the portions that I like. It's a loose recipe.


Kasi...it's great to have a vacation planned and coming quickly! Especially with work being so crazy. I was so excited to read your itinerary...I can imagine what fun you are going to have! I would LOVE to go to where you are going! It is fun to hear about your trip and definitely NOT boring! AND that's SUCH good news about reducing your blood pressure medicine!


Kim...Mom wrote what I would write! I relate to the idea...sort of...I apologize if this is repeating what I've written earlier...I write so much, it's hard to keep track! LOL...but I have been on serious DIETS exactly 3 times in my life. And each time I have achieved a measure of success...able to get myself down into 150s...the starting point for the 3 diets varied, so the weight loss varied, and the time frame we are talking about here is since 1995.


Each time I could control my food to a certain extent...I could force myself to exercise for a period of time...and always...old habits would creep back...the dreaded and hated exercise would fade away...and the weight would slowly and surely creep up and up.


This past time around...I am less than 3 weeks away from my ONE YEAR anniversary of doing Zumba!...I became serious about changing my lifestyle, so that I could stop having to go "on a diet" and instead LEARN how to MAINTAIN any weight loss I could achieve...I know that I needed better eating habits and to find some form of exercise or physical activity that I could enjoy doing.


My DH's family is all into tennis...and after we moved last summer, and it became clear that DS was interested in continuing tennis...and DH could pick his game back up...I knew that I was the one that needed to find "my tennis"...the thing that would get me active and having fun while being active. Of all the things that I've ever enjoyed doing in my life...dance has always been high on the list...taking classes helped me get it on my schedule...I had tried doing Zumba before we moved...but it just couldn't work at the time...so I looked for a class in our new area...fell in love with the one class...and I've been really consistent in going now for almost a year! Which is just amazing for me.


And there is no sign of stopping this...and I think that's what it takes. You have to find that thing that you are willing to do...if not for the rest of your life...at least long term...because the health benefits of exercise are too numerous to ignore.


If you like Zumba, then finding a class that you enjoy is really key. If you have read through this thread...then you know that instructors vary greatly and make all the difference in the world in the class...as does the typical person that attends the class. Sometimes, you can find a class with regulars, like my classes at a rec ctr, where the participants sign up for an 8-week session. OR at a gym, if you can find a rhythm where the same people are loyal to a certain time/day class or a certain instructor's class...


I have to caution you about the Curves classes and what to expect, because my Curves class is an unusual class...it is NOT Zumba in the Circuit, which is what Zumba at Curves is SUPPOSED to be. A typical Zumba class at Curves will be at intervals of one minute or two, where you keep going back and forth between the Zumba in the middle of the circuit (in the big empty space inbetween all the machines) and the next resistance machine. Half the class is on a machine, half the class is doing Zumba fitness...then there is a signal and everyone switches.


It is supposed to be a great format. It is interval training, which is great.


When I talk about my class...we push the whole circuit out of the way and just do Zumba for either 30 or 45 minutes depending on which day it is. The owner of the Curves gifts the ladies with this a couple days a week to be able to change up what they normally do. Few Curves locations do this, to my knowledge.


You can find out what the Zumba situation is at the Curves location. If you are more interested in Zumba than in the circuit, then I would have to recommend that you find a different location. Zumba at Curves is really frustrating because of the carpet flooring. It makes it very difficult to do so many different moves, that we just flat out don't do certain ones...


Use the Zumba website to find an independent class if you don't want a gym membership (Curves requires a membership, so maybe you don't care?)...some locations and instructors will let you have a free trial class...they are being taught at rec centers, community centers, apartment complexes, schools, churches, etc etc....If you are thinking about a gym...and Zumba is the main attraction...get one of those free week long passes and see if there is an instructor that thrills you to help you decide if the gym membership would be worth it.


The only thing that I will say regarding gym v. other locations is that you may find a more relaxed class outside of a gym setting...partly because the gym studios are scheduled and many times, the classes have to get in and out as there are other classes before and after...


You can tell that I am enthusiastic about this right? I hope that this is encouraging to you to go out a try some classes...


Donna...being able to maintain while eating out is VERY good! I think you are probably still trying to get back to "normal" after your vacation...and that is always hard...after all the wonderful variety you were able to experience, now it is back to the same ole and that can seem pretty unappetizing, especially when you are the one that has to cook it! LOL.


I'm in the mode of simplification...partly because I am also feeding my inlaws dinner twice a week...which is another long story, but it seems like they come and stay with us on Tuesday and Thursday nights now...which is something of a pain, because those are my teaching nights...but also NOT...because I am trying to be simple on these night anyway...


My biggest recommendation is this...IF you cook...cook a LOT...LOL...like don't just buy a small package of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and maybe think that you would cook one a night, and each a different way...especially if you are cooking for just yourself...buy the FAMILY pack and cook it ALL...or at least several meals worth...I cook chicken 3 and 4 pounds at a time on the grill...just because it is so HANDY to have cooked chicken around.


Like last night...I made chicken melts...which is basically a grilled cheese sandwich with sliced chicken breast meat in it. Had a big veggie tray and chips and salsa. DONE. Dinner. And it was yummy. And not that bad, because I use good whole wheat bread...sliced grilled chicken breast...thinly sliced cheese...and very little oil in the pan...and NO BUTTER or FAT on the bread. It's FILLING.


Chicken and green salad. Tons of possibilities.

Chicken tacos. Chicken fajitas. Chicken enchiladas.

Cold chicken sandwiches. Cold chicken salad sandwiches.

Throw cooked chicken in with ANY kind of noodle. Add veggies. ANY. Toss with great olive oil or any pre-made sauce.

Throw cooked chicken on rice with veggies. Best if you have a sauce of some sort...like a yummy Teriyaki sauce.

Take left over rice and make fried rice with chicken. The possibilities here are ENDLESS, but I have a really good one that I will share on a different day.

Chicken chili. Chicken soup. ESPECIALLY tortilla style soup! YUM!!


There is just TOO much to do with cooked chicken around! And if you are feeling really lazy...you just eat it cold. And keep eating other weird things you have around until you are full. LOL.


Donna...I hope you feel better soon.


Well...I have talked everyone's EAR off! Time to rest the fingers!

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